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Posts by PWEI  

Joined: 28 Jul 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 4 Jan 2012
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28 Oct 2011
USA, Canada / Polish-American criminals [70]

He is Polish in the same way that makes James Clarence Mangan the most famous British in the XIX century.

You mean a Polish mother, a Polish father, Polish citizenship and self identifies as a Pole? That was Sawoniuk.
27 Oct 2011
USA, Canada / Polish-American criminals [70]

Where are you guys in this thread???

Why point out what has already been pointed out?

Personally I think that the topic of this thread should be "Polonia criminals", that way we could include both proper Poles like holocaust participant Anthony Sawoniuk and anybody who thinks that constantly repeated comment removed
25 Oct 2011
USA, Canada / Polish-American criminals [70]

We can add to this list SS guard at Treblinka Bronislaw Hajda (although his US citizenship was revoked when the truth came out).
25 Oct 2011
History / Poland: Her heroes and her traitors [214]

Which accusations? Stating that the NSZ were rabidly anti-semitic scum who considered murdering Jews to be as important as fighting the Nazis and that their Holy Cross Brigade collaborated with the Nazis is purely making statements of historical fact. As is stating that the NSZ kidnapped and turned over to the Nazis Jews who were in the High Command of the AK.
21 Oct 2011
Genealogy / ORP Błyskawica Crew Records? [46]

Thanks for dropping by Stefan, that information should be hugely useful to quite a few people.

The book Stefan mentions is currently available new on Amazon for £10: Poles-Apart-Polish-Naval-Memories.

If that one has sold by the time you click the link:
Title: Poles Apart: Polish Naval Memories of World War Two
Author: Martin Hazell
Publisher: South West Maritime History Society (2007)
May be available at £11 + £2 p&p from David Clement, The Holt, Exton, Exeter, Devon, EX3 0PN.

Also worth trying the AbeBooks search engine, they list five sellers with copies right now.
6 Oct 2011
Genealogy / ORP Błyskawica Crew Records? [46]


Your story is very similar to one I read recently in a Polish paper:
Gdansk In Your Pocket had the pleasure this week of meeting a man called Stefan Paliwoda, a British man of Polish descent, who had travelled to the Tri-city to visit amongst other things, the Polish WWII destroyer Błyskawica.

6 Oct 2011
Travel / Why does everyone seem to hate LOT Polish Airlines? [380]

Few years ago I flew from WAW to BWI and during check in I was asked wheter I am US permanent resident or citizen.Now,I didn't know they have to ask that when they can't find US visa in Polish passport and I was in a bad mood that day so I told this women that it's none of her bussines.

Actually, they have to pay a fine for every illegal immigrant like you which they bring to the USA, so it is their job to check your paperwork.
6 Oct 2011
Travel / Why does everyone seem to hate LOT Polish Airlines? [380]

I checked in and I was late about two minutes for my plane

So LOT did exactly the right thing. That's superb to hear: I'll make sure to use LOT for my next trip, now I know they deny Polacks boarding if they can't be bothered to get to the gate on time. Marvellous news.
5 Oct 2011
Work / Proofreading - What is the going rate in Warsaw? [40]

If you charge by the character, you can find yourself struggling with some godawful rubbish for ages and then getting paid very little.

On the other hand, you can find yourself flying through a press release in five minutes and getting paid for half an hour's work. Swings and roundabouts.
3 Oct 2011
Work / Proofreading - What is the going rate in Warsaw? [40]

That is by no means undercutting everybody: I know one guy who charges as little as 7zl per 1,800 characters.

The thing is, companies are starting to realise that, as with language lessons, with proofreading you get what you pay for. With that in mind they are willing to pay four times more than they can pay.
3 Oct 2011
Work / Proofreading - What is the going rate in Warsaw? [40]

Well, if it is a 100 page translation of a biochemistry report which was done by a half-arsed translator who had no understanding at all of the concepts, it is going to take far longer and so you want more money for it. If the client expects you to do 16-hour days in order to hit their deadline, that will also require more money.

As for billing, it is always always always per 1,600 character page (including spaces) or stretch that to 1,800.

You probably want at least 20zl per page (standard rate would be about four pages per hour).
29 Sep 2011
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

We have two properties and neither has a mortgage

Apart from the loan on one which you told us about on the previous page.

So is your memory shot or are your writing skills as good as your reading skills?
29 Sep 2011
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

LOL, classic idiot.

Exactly: I could have stayed in a slightly smaller flat 500 metres from where I now live and carried on paying about a couple of grand a month in rent or I could have got a mortgage and bought a place paying the same amount per month. Obviously I would have been far better off doing what you suggested, i.e. stay put and save. If I'd done that I would have whatever I had saved. Instead all I have is a flat in central Warsaw and the memory of a mortgage. Do remind me to come to you next time I want financial advice.
29 Sep 2011
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

Same thing really.Where and when doesn't matter to 99% of the population, they can stay put and save.

Yes, because renting is such a good investment. I wish that I had continued to rent for the last decade and a bit: that way I could have carried on paying rent instead of paying pretty much exactly the same amount in mortgage repayments and having a flat with no mortgage at all on it anymore.
29 Sep 2011
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

So you have a time machine or a crystal ball?

Neither are needed to see what has been happening recently and what is happening now.

But I'm sure we will need a time machine in order to go far enough forwards in time to see you finally produce the list of things that need to be done when building a house and the costs thereof.

for sure prices will continue to fall to a level where they are affordable for average earners.

No they won't. They will settle at the level where demand meets supply.
28 Sep 2011
History / What do Poles owe to Germans? [448]

statistics say that the german shepard dog is the one with the most attacks on people.

Journalist mate of mine was recently doing a story about Auschwitz and while in the area was attacked by a dog which locals claimed was a direct descendant of the dogs the SS used at the camp.