The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by milky  

Joined: 26 Oct 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 2 Aug 2016
Threads: Total: 13 / Live: 1 / Archived: 12
Posts: Total: 1656 / Live: 210 / Archived: 1446
From: ireland
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: reading

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11 Jan 2013
News / Predictions about Poland for 2013 [85]

A post already showed that 40000 Poles moved to the UK in 2012. The Polish population is still growing in the UK.
The actual figure of Poles in the UK is obviously much higher than official stats show.
4 Dec 2012
News / Poland's PiS = suspicion & fear? [70]

Harry, I don't like Jarek at all, but I dislike gossips and innuendos more.

I think Harry is correct in what he is insinuating; the problem with an atmosphere of fear is that those who question the oppressor are either killed or sued/ostracized. Duck-face and Putin are definitely spun from the same history and have similar power fulfillment tactics.
18 Nov 2012
UK, Ireland / English/British rudeness - what do Polish people think about it? [117]

We are friendly social people known for being overly apologetic and polite.

It's funny how people tell you that hospitality is a strong custom in their country, as if to insinuate that it may not be in your country. I've yet to visit a country were they say in-hospitality is a very strong trait in their country.
11 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / Advantages of living in Poland as opposed to the UK. [126]

In regards, to spending Poles have a higher percentage of disposable income to earnings than Brits or most other western european countries,

Link?? This is not true

welshguy that is such rubbish, nobody on benefits could afford 'at least one foreign holiday a year',

Well. in Ireland people on the dole definitely could afford at least 2 foreign holidays a year, no problem.
30 Sep 2012
Love / How do guys from Poland flirt? [47]

More romantically than other men. They prefer to play noble knights, but first they have to make sure they do it with the right princess. It takes some time, so be patient.

LOL, noble hahahahahahahahah Staring,,, is pretty much a gorilla hanging in a tree technique.
29 Sep 2012
Law / Poland economy is slowing down - how does it affect you? [117]

so why can't the Polish government do the same here.

I often ask myself that question. But socialist paradise.?. a nation full of indebted workers is a neo-liberal paradise.

I get the feeling you haven't thought this through,

well ,, i said it wouldn't happen. I would be very pessimistic about the economic world situation, not just Poland.

“We're in a giant car heading towards a brick wall and everyones arguing over where they're going to sit”
29 Sep 2012
Law / Poland economy is slowing down - how does it affect you? [117]

. I think youth and graduate unemployment is actually showing really damaging trends.

I think employers are looking for the cheapest person,not the best. People are willing to work for pennies, as the dole is only 35 Euro a week. Even minimum wage is nearly 3 time higher. Poland needs to raise standards or it will implode. Double the dole and increase minimum wage by 20-50%. Off course this will not happen.
28 Sep 2012
Law / Poland economy is slowing down - how does it affect you? [117]

f stop:
Why the US unemployment, at 8 %, is all doom and gloom, while Poland, at 12% unemployment rate is a toast of Europe?

and! if the Poles abroad returned as surveys show that they want to , well then,, we might see the actual unemployment of Poles sky rocket. Also anybody on 1300 zloty or less is as good as unemployed economically.
27 Sep 2012
Law / Poland economy is slowing down - how does it affect you? [117]

Well, Donald did say he wanted an economy like Ireland's, and,it looks like he didn't renege on this one. Easy policy, of do nothing to upset the markets and the tiny minority than run them.
30 Jun 2012
Travel / What is the ugliest city or town in Poland? [89]

Most Polish cities outside of the town squares are pretty nasty.

i agree,,a lot of towns in the east are real shith0les,not sure about the rest.
26 May 2012
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

Not everybody is an all-year-round-sun lover.

As an Irish person I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate rain all the time.
22 May 2012
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

they're nationalist nutcases, and not representative of every single Irish person etc etc

?? NĂ­ thuigim

what are you on about?
The amount of people in Ireland who say this when they see something stupid..."that's a bit Irish isn't it?'
The amount of people in Ireland who have swallowed in complete, the revisionist version of Irish history. A very simplistic version of history written by the cowboys.
30 Apr 2012
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

usually more serious and Soviet.

hahhashaha,,from an Irish perspective,and Poles don't ??
29 Apr 2012
Genealogy / I love Asiatic influences in Polish peoples' faces [59]

I think that's the main factor which makes polish people so beautiful. Do you agree?

Yes, this is something I have always thought. Its what makes the Polish women that little bit more beautiful than the northern and western Europeans.
26 Apr 2012
Life / Scars of Communism on Polish culture. [55]

His point on their inability to "brainstorm" may be relevant, Polish insane drivers could be curtailed with a little community action,especially in relation to those focking bus drivers, driving in the imaginary lane and 20 passengers sitting in the back like passive zombies. Passengers of the world unite.

However, I think a lot of what goes on in Poland is not only the authoritarian personality that spawned from Stalinism but also the persistence of the grey.

From the beginning in 1989 Poland was thrown into the free-market by its fanatical advocates, who in turn raped the country of its infrastructure (at the time the fastest privatization in world history) and then left the country to implode, and it did. God's Playground forever. Soviet gun to the head and then Neo-Liberal gun to the head,not exactly an ideal situation for Polish creative thinking;the Poles are not to blame for the damages sprayed on the them from imperialism and its many guises. Poland basically got re-castrated by the Chicago boys and the damage done will be hard to undo(maybe impossible,its hard to impregnate without the family jewels)

Off course the Taliban church in Poland has helped maintain the soviet style surveillance, but hopefully the light of day will eventually shine them away.

Its not just the scars of communism but also the scars of Thatcher/Reagan.
1 Apr 2012
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

some of the most beautiful women come from England,plus British women have the best skin.
And like the old saying says beauty is in the eye of the beholder .
