The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Nickidewbear  

Joined: 17 Sep 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 10 Sep 2023
Threads: Total: 23 / Live: 2 / Archived: 21
Posts: Total: 609 / Live: 282 / Archived: 327
From: United States, Baltimore
Speaks Polish?: I do not speak Polish; but I understand some basics about Polish pronounciation and transliteration.
Interests: Genealogy (My dad's paternal granddad was a Jewish-Polish Russian who immigrated to Pennsylvania.), history, and other interests

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10 Sep 2023
Genealogy / Can Polish people discover they have Jewish heritage themselves? [22]

@jon357, look it up yourself, since you're clearly not going to believe me or drag me into a disputation. Also, the text mentions "all families", as in God "'will bless those who bless you [i.e., Abraham], and him who dishonors you [God] will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.'"

By the way, I know a little of Podlaskie. I'd stop there only if I could do so on my way to make aliyah. I'd stop there only for as long as I needed to see in person where exactly my paternal grandfather's paternal family ended up, and whence his paternal grandparents and his father left (A few of his relatives, including in-law relatives, returned for visits when they could do so, and some inexplicably returned permanently. If they intended to make aliyah from there, they never could make aliyah either way-as at least one died in the Holocaust, and two died before they could really consider being refuseniks. One died a widow and too vulnerable to make aliyah alone.)

(Conversely, Great-Granddad and his parents never set foot in Poland once they left it.).
10 Sep 2023
Genealogy / Can Polish people discover they have Jewish heritage themselves? [22]

@JustCurious, I certainly had to find out that I am a Jewish Chernetski and not of Polish szlatccy for myself. The more that I found out, the more interesting that what occurred gets. One cousin even alleged that her birth certificate was mistaken when it read "Mary" and should have read "Stephanie"-her mother was a Crypto-Jewish Supronowicz (Joszefina "Weronika" Czerniecka z Supronowiczów) and apparently genuinely Catholic, and Stephanie seems to have despised "Mary". Another cousin changed her name to "Joan", and still another went into another direction and changed her name from "Nellie" (from Nekhama in Jewish-Ukrainian custom) to "Valeria Lillian".
10 Sep 2023
Genealogy / Can Polish people discover they have Jewish heritage themselves? [22]

@jon357, there has been at least one fossil of a four-legged snake found. As I said, you can believe whatever you want. The fact that Jews blessed Poland alone (See, e.g., Genesis 12:1-3) should be enough evidence. You can thank us for, e.g., L.L. Zamenhof and the Warner Brothers, by the way (sadly not a part of my family among Israel, as I know, although they all have connections to the Podlaskie-area shtetlach).
10 Sep 2023
News / Polish Parliamentary Elections 2023 [933]

If Beata Andreas is running, do not vote for her. I as her distant cousin say this (She's cited being an Andrulewicz in the past.). Especially Jews who still remain in Poland (including family who Beata willfully hates) do not need Poland to revive its ugly Antisemitism, which it allowed Antisemitic elements from what are now Russia, Hungary, and other proximate countries with histories of Antisemitism to bring into parts of the Polish consciousness. Poles and the Non Poles-especially Jews-among Poles do not need a self-hating Jew in the Sejm (I do not say that lightly. I have read some of her work using Google Translate, and I am actually learning Polish with Duolingo for genealogy research. Her work is that of a modern-day kapo, and she for some reason mentions a cousin named Joseph Andrulewicz in one work.).
10 Sep 2023
History / Not proud of my Polish heritage [110]

I'm talking in an ethnic sense. Also, Copernicus died just before the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was founded and would have loved to live to see it founded by all accounts.
10 Sep 2023
News / There is no Poland without the Church! [178]

"There is no Poland without the Church; Poland does not have moral teaching other than that which the Church proclaims."

Lest he veers Polish nationalism, he would do well to remember that there would be no Polish church of any kind without Jews. Even the Polish "Jeszua" comes directly from the Hebrew and Aramaic "Yeshua" (יֵשׁוּעַ).
10 Sep 2023
Genealogy / Seeking Czarniecki family members and ancestors from Lublin, also Margiewicz, Danilowicz and Andrulewicz [77]

@baranowp, my family failed to disclose that Lisko Orlisko is Lipsk nad Biebrzą, not Lipsko near Pulawy (My granduncle Tony did not know. I believe my grandfather did know and failed to tell). I have found out quite a bit since I wrote the original post. We are actually not, as far as I know, with any Czarniecki connections in Lublin. We are Ashkenazi Levites whom were originally Zernetzky/Chernetzky/Chernetski/Czerniecki when we were required to take surnames. According to FTDNA, my father's haplogroup group also connects us to a Horowitz line (which is sort of ironic, as his father's maternal grandmother was probably already of the Munk(a)-Horowitz family. She was born in Levoča, Slovakia-then Locse in Austrohungary-although she claimed ties to Łapsze Niżne. Her father was Samu or Samuel Munka, and his parents as Crypto Jews sort of crossed church-denominational ties. His father was Catholic Munka, and his mother was a Lutheran Stempl.).
10 Sep 2023
History / Not proud of my Polish heritage [110]

There are almost no Poles who contributed significantly to the world in terms of science or culture. No, Copernicus was NOT Polish...

Copernicus was Polish with perhaps a German mother-unless one of his parents was Jewish, in which case (despite if even one of his parents was gentile), I'd claim Copernicus, also, for all of its flaws, Poland did have its periods of Philosemitism; and many of my ancestors as Crypto Jews in either were in Poland or claimed ties to there (e.g., A Budapest-born one with roots in the shtetl of Odesa claimed roots in Kacwin, and a Levoča-born one claimed roots in Łapsze Niżne. A relative in Wilno used Polish orthography for Yiddish.).
10 Sep 2023
Genealogy / Can Polish people discover they have Jewish heritage themselves? [22]

@Novichok, they were neither. The first Jew by ethnicity was Isaac. Adam and Eve believed in a Messiah to save them after they fell, though there was no Ethnic Jew before Isaac. There was also nobody Catholic or Non Catholic in terms of how Jesus is viewed, as who the Messiah exactly was would not be revealed until Roman times.
8 Nov 2022
Life / Are Poles mentally more Eastern European or Western European? [171]

@johnny reb

My paternal grandfather's paternal grandparents actually used, I think, Litvish and Ukrainish dialects of Yiddish-and I was going to say more, although I'm saving it for a family-history book that I'm writing.
7 Nov 2022
Life / Are Poles mentally more Eastern European or Western European? [171]

It's actually more complicated than that. There were quite a few Jewish groups within Poland and Polish territory as well as the rest of formerly-Russian-occupied Europe:

1) Rabbinic Orthodox (including Charedi) and Reform Jews (most of whom were in urban centers such as Warszawa, Kraków, and Gdansk near Reform synagogues).
2) Jewish Christians (probably the most-quiet group for multiple reasons, especially with the Crypto Jews among the Jewish Christians).
3) Litvish (Litvak) and Crimean Karaites.
4) Secular Jews and Jewish atheists
5) Crypto Jews

As many of the areas were reoccupied by now-Soviet Russia, Jews as an ethnic group (not just among the various Jewish affiliations) became repressed.
29 Sep 2022
Genealogy / SURNAME:CZARNECKI [27]

They are variants of the same family name.
5 Sep 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

Why doesn't Poland start by giving reparations to Jews in part by making its archives more accessible, including through JewishGen and FamilySearch? Not enough Poles told the Germans (or the Romanovs, whom led up to Nazi-equivalent Stalin) to go away!

PS @mafketis, Novichok has more than made clear that he is a pro-Putin troll.
5 Sep 2022
History / Gorbachev and Poland [64]

Gorbachev supported Putin's invasion of Crimea, and Reagan and Bush 41 deserve more credit than Gorbachev ever will.
4 Sep 2022
Language / "Czarny" vs. "Czerny", vs. "Charni" vs. "Cherni", etc. [21]

@jon357, they weren't. Also, one of their sons used English forms of their Hebrew names on his Social Security application (per the Ancestry index)-and he knew their secular names (Ignacy and Feliksa). I never would have known their Hebrew names (Yosef and Chanah, which he gave as "Joe") without his courage to give them.
4 Sep 2022
Language / "Czarny" vs. "Czerny", vs. "Charni" vs. "Cherni", etc. [21]

@MTLCzerny, in Cedar Rapids? One Andrulewicz side tried to pass themselves off as Bohemians on one census. They were Litvishe Yidn from Orlinek (My Andrulewicz side was from Bosse, and my Czerniecki side were Suvalkishe Yidn-Jews from Suwałki Gubernia).
4 Sep 2022
News / Is Poland restoring its influence from Baltic to Balkan, with consent of Russia and USA ? [18]

Serbs, as Arabs (Ishmaelite Edomites) separated from Hebrews, separated from Slavs long ago. The Balkans and Eastern Europe are separate for a reason, and Ashkenazi Jews and Sefardi Jews understood this long ago-and only Trump cultists care what Corey Lewandowski is.

PS Poland has more of a claim to Kaliningrad than Russia does, just FYI. Podlaskie might get stuck with Woody Allen (presumably with roots in former Königsberg, given his surname), though we Jews already got stuck with him-and it couldn't get too much worse for the Jewish Diaspora with roots in the shtetlach of Northeastern Poland.
4 Dec 2020
Language / Short Polish<->English translations [1040]


Translation Request For Record Nine
Marriage Record of Agata Zuczkowska z domu Surożynska - sister of my Kruszynski matriarch
22 Dec 2019
Genealogy / Seeking Czarniecki family members and ancestors from Lublin, also Margiewicz, Danilowicz and Andrulewicz [77]

I owe nobody any apology. I know exactly what kaprys wants, and I don't fit his mold of what being Jewish means. He owes me an apology. If you insist on proof, however, since I (unlike you and others) can stand by what I say, here are some examples:

All JewishGen Databases
149 total matches found

Surname (phonetically like) : ANDRULEWICZ [Same for ANDRULEVICH]
Index of 1890 and 1891 NY Immigrants from Austria, Poland, and Galicia
Kiev Gubernia Duma Voters List
Save this as a favorite search

Surname (phonetically like) : ANDRELOWICH [Same for ANDRELOVICH]

Surname (phonetically like) : ANDRILOVICH
LitvakSIGTax and Voters Lists
The 1915 Vsia Vilna Database
Kiev Gubernia Duma Voters List
Additional 1 Matches from the All Galicia Database

Save this as a favorite search

I was, again, asking for a record, not to get Anti-Semitically berated, and saying that Jews have to be traditionally religiously Jewish to be ethnically Jewish is a form of Anti Semitism. Jewishness is ethnic first and religious second.
22 Dec 2019
Genealogy / Seeking Czarniecki family members and ancestors from Lublin, also Margiewicz, Danilowicz and Andrulewicz [77]

You would be wrong. I was asking for help finding a record, and I got Anti-Semitic drek (namely, bullstuff) from kaprys. Not all of us had the privilege of knowing that we are ethnically Jewish from the beginning, and kaprys wants me to fit the stereotype of the Jew whom returns to traditional Judaism once I found out that I'm a Jew. It doesn't work that way. I do not need to prove myself, especially since I already have done so multiple times.