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Posts by ShortHairThug  

Joined: 1 May 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 12 May 2017
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20 Mar 2013
Law / Bank accounts taxed by up to 10%. Can it happen in Poland? [150]

More like theft not Tax. Another bright idea by the incompetent fools, the bloody bankers and governments will end up like Marie Antoinette and her husband. Do they not realize that people can only take so much?
20 Mar 2013
News / Poland Unemployment: Nobody protests, because people are leaving [30]

What is needed is not revolution but evolution.

So, how do you evolve on the verge of total economic meltdown? When the society reaches the very bottom where the effects are felt not only by those that find themselves in the midst of it all but also by the outsiders who find themselves sharing in that burden then the revolution is a very attractive option to all and it serves as the spring board that rebuilds individual societies from the ground up. The previous model or status quo no longer applies as no one believes in the very principals it was based on. The current crisis is ongoing and worldwide, no end in sight. EU leadership no longer believes in shifting the resources from one region to another to keep it one cohesive unit indicating they no longer can afford to do so, expecting those that are on the very bottom to pay for it all. When the vast majority has no prospects for the future, no job opportunities in the short term there's simply no way out for them. Take away their savings, further cuts in the social net they expect to survive on then this scenario is very plausible. They will simply turn their frustration at those that are at the helm and rightly so.
20 Mar 2013
Love / My Polish wife's family hate me. Maybe it is because I'm black. Advice needed. [87]

Since then I have been out with some girls here and they have strictly told me that their parents does not like foreigners. lets say around 40% of them said that... But after my recent visit to Warsaw, i think there are still some improvement and people in Poland are actually getting 'westernised'.

Frankly your reputation precedes you, they tell you to bugger off seeing you can't honor your commitment, what happen to in sickness and in health? Who wants to be involved with a coward that runs at first indication of marital problems? One who takes an easy way out and gets a divorce. To me as well as to them I'm sure, you're not a man but a looser. What you perceive as westernization is actually that people don't know that well yet so they are still friendly towards you but when they find out who you are you'll blame it on the color of your skin, I'm sure. Why do people always blame everything and everyone around them but can't see their own faults?
20 Mar 2013
Life / Are there many crypto-Jews in Poland? [67]

probably some people have not noticed it, but there are A LOT of Jews in Poland nowadays. However they always hid their religious views for historical reasons

More and more of them are leaving the sinking ship that is America coming back here still hiding their true identity, for historical reasons, I'm sure. LOL
20 Mar 2013
Law / Here's an idea... I have multiple last names after marriage! [5]

Your passport is your identity; everyone is going to assume that what is there is your real surname. Perhaps you should have exercised a better judgment when obtaining it. Your English is good so you should have known better how the rest of the world operates. Get a new passport, problem solved.
21 Mar 2013
Life / (Kosi kosi łapci) - Polish folk song my grandmother sung to me [3]

ooooooh it sounds like a language of another planet :)

It's just Americanized form of (Kosi kosi łapci). You can find it here on this forum under kids' rhymes or nursery rhymes in one of the older threads. Everyone that ever asked for this always mangled the words beyond recognition but they all asked for the same song. If you can't find it here you can [] - here, with explanation.
22 Mar 2013
Language / "No tak"; The Oddest Phrase In Polish For This American [75]

Ona oddawno nie już pracuje. - No? = She hasn't been working for the longest time. - Oh, yeah?

Ona od dawna już nie pracuje. :) No tak, chyba już czas znaleźć jakąś pracę. Mam nadzieję, że pomożesz.
22 Mar 2013
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2874]

Well-regulated.... means regulations.

Key word Militia, however the individual citizen still has the right to own and bear arms, any regulation passed by individual state shall not infringe upon that fundamental right, meaning it can't out right take away that right.
22 Mar 2013
History / For what the Germans owe Poland one trillion U.S. dollars? [299]

If you've ever lived in Europe, you would know that most people in the west still equate Poland with Romania or Bulgaria

An outdated stereotype still lingering in uneducated mind of the western masses.

At the moment, the country is a provider of cheap and educated labor for the economic powerhouses of the world, and as such it has no economic or political punch whatsoever.

Even if that's the only view you have of Poland than can you imagine the impact that would have if the powerhouses ever restricted their labor market and force the migrants back in order to please the popular view of their individual citizens? In a short term, a knockout.

Meathead said Poland should show some leadership, but leading whom if no one really cares what you have to say or doesn't take you serious?

Whatever the outcome of Cyprus that absolute leadership of Europe you take so much pride in and brag of will seriously be undermine and that's just the beginning of their troubles, further erosion will most likely fallow.

Maybe in 20/30 years the country can take over a more prominent role in Europe, but not now.

Sooner than you expect but keep holding on to your outdated stereotypes if it makes you feel better of yourself.
3 Apr 2013
Study / Study about law in Polish? [4]

I'm confused, are you asking if you can study law in Poland as a foreign student or do polish law allows foreign students to study in Poland?

The answer to both is yes but both polish nationals as well as non-polish nationals who enroll in the law program are subject to the rules applicable to polish nationals and the instructions themselves are in Polish, so unless you plan on making Poland your home and practice law in Poland this would be a complete waste of time for you.
4 Apr 2013
Language / z Tadeusz Brominski. The first z has me confused. [5]

An article written by someone – artykuł, napisany był przez ...............
No z, z means with. In this context Polish works the same way as English where you say either with someone (z kimś) or by someone (przez kogoś), no difference.

Proy Roku – In this case rok takes on genitive form (kogo? czego?) hence u at the end. Perhaps if you think of it in terms of the different times of the year it might be easier for you to grasp this concept and pose the right question (different times of what? Of the year) where (pory) means different times and the question (of what) tells you what ending you should use for the year.
6 Apr 2013
News / Should countries be boycotted for offending Poles? [60]

We are like, "Eh?What the fcuk are you talking about?!!!"
You hav just been indoctrinated

So have you if you honestly think there was no betrayal. If you were honest you would say that by the time the war was over we were flat broke, we did whatever it took to salvage what was left of the empire even if it meant betraying our allies in the process.

PS. Funny how it all worked out, few years down the road the empire was lost and all you got was a royal screw, knowing Brits you probably enjoyed it anyway. Now you have to live with it but don't pretend as if nothing happened or come up with stupid excuses because it suits your point of view.
9 Jun 2013
History / How do Poles feel about what the French did during the first few stages of WWII? [30]

As it happens, the USA and Britain secured a promise that there would be free and fair elections in Poland after the war

They sure were working hard at Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam discussing the future of Poland, supposedly dealing on our behalf and with our best interest in mind but not bothering to invite Polish representatives from the Polish government in exile to take part in at least the part of the discussion dealing with our future. Those closed door discussions shaped the future of post WWII Europe.

However it seemed that Poles tend to show their fury to British rather than French, why?

Not honoring the treaty is one thing, we can only speculate what the future might have been like, besides inaction affected us all the same but the true betrayal lies at Yalta, it's precisely that agreement that sealed our future for the next 40 some odd years. French did not partake in that shameful act btw. I hope that partially answers your question. Whatever spin Harry might put on those events and brags how hard the Brits were working to secure our so called free elections it still does not change the fact that we had to live that glorious future handed to us on a silver platter by the Brits while you were shaking in your boots, being scared sh*tless in fear of the Eastern bloc and a big bad bear you were so generous to just a few years earlier thanks to our good friends and allies the Brits and the Yanks. If you expect us to lick your boots for such generosity or keeping it all under the rug so to speak as the truth might hurt your feelings then good luck with that.
2 Jul 2013

Here's a list of proper definitions by Grzegorz Jagodziński [] - Terminologia pokrewieństwa i powinowactwa. Looks to me the riddle has been solved the same day it has been posted. LOL
30 Jul 2013
Love / Adultery- Is it ok for Polish women [41]

Ok, but are the girls ok about adultery or not? Is it a big deal for polish girls?

It all depends on your point of view, do you consider divorce court a big deal? Usually that's how it ends.

And to answer your question, some Polish men consider any lie worth telling....

You're well on your way of becoming full-fledged Pole then.

Where you get any group of people who work away from their families for long periods of time it's a risk,people get lonely.

Temptation, temptation every way I look.

we got married in June and it's like I'm sex god or something WTF???

Ah, the fun of being tested, I miss those days.
30 Jul 2013
Love / Age difference in Dating a Polish - Is it ok for Man 27years to date Polish Lady 39years? [19]

I'm 37 and date teenage girls mostly

No matter how you slice it a 37 year old man with a teenage girl is disgusting, besides you being a sugar daddy or her having daddy issues is different in your sick mind? At least a 52 year old woman knows exactly what she wants and is fully aware of the relationship she's in, even if it's just about money, she's dating a 30 year old not rubbing a cradle for crying out loud and if she's fine with that I see no problem. I prefer dating younger woman myself but a teenage girl? This does not make you a Casanova quite the opposite, an over the hill dirty old man if you ask me, too bad you don't see it that way. You do realize you're an old boot yourself in her eyes.
9 Aug 2013
Life / The annual national pilgtrimage in Poland - all roads lead to Częstochowa [28]

One would assume that after so many years of living in Poland you could have easily find those links yourself. If seeing is believing, YouTube might be a good place to start, all that is required of you is a rudimentary knowledge of Polish, there's no need for insults or empty accusations.
15 Aug 2013
History / Foreigners who fought for Poland [14]

Speaking of Zouaves of Death representing the French part of the Foreign Legion that fought for the Polish cause there was also a small group of Italians lead by Colonel Francesco Nullo who died on 5th of May 1863 in the Battle of Krzykawka. In May of this year there was a wreath-laying ceremony marking the 150th anniversary of his death at his statue in Warsaw.
15 Aug 2013
Travel / Jastarnia Wczasy - no trains? [19]

Just checked, you're right the trains are running only till 2nd of September at which time they'll resume the work on the line, should be finished by January of 2014.
15 Aug 2013
History / Foreigners who fought for Poland [14]

Given that the trades and crafts were traditionally in the hands of Lowland Scots, is it safe to assume that the soldiers for the most part were Scottish Highlanders? :) Scots and Poles have a long history indeed.

Za naszą i waszą wolność.
15 Aug 2013
Travel / Jastarnia Wczasy - no trains? [19]

Isn't there a ferry to Hel?

You really do hate the bus. :)
8 Sep 2013
Language / The OPPOSITE of Polish diminutives [5]

but what about something big, fat and robust?

Many languages have augmentative form for nouns. Spanish is no exception in Polish this concept is known as "zgrubienie".