The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by berni23  

Joined: 26 Mar 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 8 May 2013
Threads: Total: 7 / Live: 1 / Archived: 6
Posts: Total: 377 / Live: 124 / Archived: 253
From: Germany, Berlin
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Party, Travel, Football, Computers

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14 Dec 2012
Food / 'Wigilia', the traditional Christmas Eve supper in Poland [77]

Another question: różne sałatki warzywne/rybne - before or after soup?
Main course - fried fish, potatoes, buraki?

In my family the salatki serve as side dishes to the baked carp.
There are also many other side dishes like wegorz(delicious), shrimps, prawns(i guess not very traditional) etc..
13 Dec 2012
Classifieds / Poland to China shipping [7]


Although i doubt it will be much cheaper, after all its the same service.

If you want to ship large quantities you should look into cargo container shipping, which is much cheaper.
13 Dec 2012
UK, Ireland / Any Polish Muslims in London? [30]

Well, older Poles are fanatically Catholic and there are not many Muslims in Poland, and i mean like really few.
Anyway, good luck.
10 Dec 2012
Life / Moving to Poland Part-Time (probably Katowice) [56]

foreign exotic car in Poland, will be vandalized sooner or later

Mitsubishi ASX

You gotta get those preconceptions outta your head before you come to Poland.
And that car is nothing special in Poland nowadays.
29 Nov 2012
News / Grzegorz Braun's firing squad? [39]

nah, just for some backward racists
but you gotta love the ingenuity of you guys, calling yourself anti political correct, not controlled by mass media etc.
you are plain nationalistic racists, you know it, everybody else knows it, why not call a spade a spade?
are you not proud of what you are?
28 Nov 2012
News / Repopulating Poland with Ukrainians? [67]

Why don't they have access to education, the internet, and other amenities we take for granted? I mean, Africa has oil, diamonds, gold, iron, cobalt, uranium, copper, bauxite, silver, and petroleum. It is the only continent that has such a vast array of natural resources. Why can't they use these resources to modernize themselves? To build schools and cities?

Because big cooperations stole it from them? And they are quite content to keep the population uneducated and the administration corrupt.

Of course they will care about their children's education.

The children can learn and grow up to be who ever they want.

Not if they are encouraged to "popping out kids like there's no tomorrow". ;)

I can walk down my high street and grab a kebab, Indian takeaway, Chinese buffet, Thai food or some Italian food.

WTF stole hicks access? :D
28 Nov 2012
Law / Polish Visa Refused, Going To Make Appeal, What should I do ? [81]

You are an Iranian, studying in Armenia ( muslim I assume )

"Up to 97% of Armenians follow Christianity, which has existed in Armenia for over 1,700 years."
"Armenia was the first nation to adopt Christianity as a state religion, an event traditionally dated to AD 301"

you know where i'm going with this right? are you studying chemistry perchance?

Are you a drunk plumber by any chance?

Seriously, the casualness of discrimination of other ethnicities, religions and cultures is astonishing.
28 Nov 2012
News / Repopulating Poland with Ukrainians? [67]


Ever thought that the literacy rate in a country might correlate with its wealth?
Some people simply dont have access to education, the internet and other amenities we take for granted.

So now, Berni23, who will be illiterate? Newborn Polish people, or immigrant Africans?

It might be news to you, but illiteracy is not inheritable. ;)
Anyway the people taking advantage of the system are most likely not to care about their childrens education.
So yes, id take an university professor from Kinshasa over some wiesniakis milking the system anytime.
28 Nov 2012
News / Repopulating Poland with Ukrainians? [67]

Funny how he did not answer this question. Most people pushing for immigration and (racial) diversity have never been anywhere relatively close to Africa or Asia.

Thats because he edited this in. And you are of course right, ive never been "close", just lived for 4 years in Joburg/Cape and over a year in Bangkok/Phangan.

Ultimately i want to live in SEA again, where the weather is better, the people friendlier and close to no racists, other than a few close minded Westerners.

And why shouldnt i like immigration? I am an immigrant myself, live in Little Istanbul and have been treated very decently by the state and other people.

I think if a system like this was implemented for even 10 years, the population will become stable and settle.

Of course it would, but illiteracy and unemployment would skyrocket in the next 20. ;)

If they would do, there would be practically no immigrants from outside
of EU.

And you are wondering, why your country is not allowed into the civilized world.
27 Nov 2012
News / Repopulating Poland with Ukrainians? [67]

I wonder, how Poles could tolerate something like this?.. If you are not Pole, what is your
concern to come here and teach Poles how they suppose to regulate their own demographic
situation and threat to them with some conquest and sterilization???

Who says im not a Pole? I sure as hell have more say than you do.
Anyway you can forget about Poland being repopulated with Ukrainians, to Polish nationalists you are nothing more than roaches.
26 Nov 2012
News / Repopulating Poland with Ukrainians? [67]

I think it would be a good idea but only if the child is genetically European. So non Europeans won't come here breed like roaches and expect money for it.

Deal, but only if the sterilize all the backward and racist wiesniakis.

That is why you'd have a one time payment after birth. That way there won't be government dependence.

They should have tests though: like if the persons in question finished their high school or if their IQ is higher than a chairs.
26 Nov 2012
News / Repopulating Poland with Ukrainians? [67]

Delphdope obviously never read enough wiki or he would see that a few sentences below it says...
"According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, "In the United States liberalism is associated with the welfare-state policies of the New Deal program of the Democratic administration of Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt"

I thought we were talking about Poland.

whereas in Europe it is more commonly associated with a commitment to limited government and laissez-faire economic policies."

There you go.

free and fair elections (really? representative democracy is hardly free and fair.

Everybody can vote and each vote counts the same. Whats not free and fair about that?

civil rights (I could write an essay why this is a joke)

Please do.

freedom of the press (ya sure try to criticize Jews or gays or Israel on the big MSM, you wouldnt get far; the press is essentially fascist because it wont allow REAL freedom of speech)

Articles like that are being written everyday and fortunately it is not mainstream.

freedom of religion (ya give freedom to other religions at the expense of Catholicism which is more native to Poland.

What other religions? Poland is still one of the few strongholds of Catholicism in Europe.

right to life (ahah liberals usually favor pro-choice" and thus are prodeath)

Liberals have the liberty to choose what they believe. And pro-choice is not pro-death but pro-reason. ;)

All in all you are twisting the statements to suit your believes and not very good at that.

Edit: And im sure there is something like the fascistopedia, where you can find your views of gasing Jews and rounding up gays.
26 Nov 2012
News / Repopulating Poland with Ukrainians? [67]

Pro big governmet - which goes against all the things the definition lists
Cuddling of minorities
Discrimination against whites
Pro welfare state

Oh my, where do i start?
There are lots of liberals who oppose too much government and are even white. ;)
Not KKK white, but still Caucasian.
Other than that too much FOX propaganda.
26 Nov 2012
News / Repopulating Poland with Ukrainians? [67]

Remember that diversity isn't just about skin color. Language, hair color, facial features, hair texture, and many other components form diversity.

Language is the only not redundant thing you mentioned.
And you are forgetting about all the good things diversity brings with it: food, arts, sports etc..