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Repopulating Poland with Ukrainians? [67]
Delphdope obviously never read enough wiki or he would see that a few sentences below it says...
"According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, "In the United States liberalism is associated with the welfare-state policies of the New Deal program of the Democratic administration of Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt"
I thought we were talking about Poland.
whereas in Europe it is more commonly associated with a commitment to limited government and laissez-faire economic policies."
There you go.
free and fair elections (really? representative democracy is hardly free and fair.
Everybody can vote and each vote counts the same. Whats not free and fair about that?
civil rights (I could write an essay why this is a joke)
Please do.
freedom of the press (ya sure try to criticize Jews or gays or Israel on the big MSM, you wouldnt get far; the press is essentially fascist because it wont allow REAL freedom of speech)
Articles like that are being written everyday and fortunately it is not mainstream.
freedom of religion (ya give freedom to other religions at the expense of Catholicism which is more native to Poland.
What other religions? Poland is still one of the few strongholds of Catholicism in Europe.
right to life (ahah liberals usually favor pro-choice" and thus are prodeath)
Liberals have the liberty to choose what they believe. And pro-choice is not pro-death but pro-reason. ;)
All in all you are twisting the statements to suit your believes and not very good at that.
Edit: And im sure there is something like the fascistopedia, where you can find your views of gasing Jews and rounding up gays.