The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by PennBoy  

Joined: 7 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Dec 2013
Threads: Total: 76 / Live: 12 / Archived: 64
Posts: Total: 2429 / Live: 622 / Archived: 1807
From: USA
Speaks Polish?: Tak

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19 Feb 2009
Genealogy / Are all Poles blue eyed and blonde? [450]

i'm Polish and i have dark blond hair and bluish green eyes, my bro has light brown hair and blue eyes, sister got dark blond hair light green eyes same as my mom, pops got black hair and baby blue eyes. All of us including my father, as kids had light blond hair, most peoples hair darkens with age. Polish people are mostly of the Nordic stock with a bit of admixture of other groups, that is why most of us got blond to medium dark brown hair with blue, green or gray eyes.
19 Feb 2009
Genealogy / Mongolian the Golden Horde - do Poles have Mongolian ancestry? [256]

most Polish people (more than half) belong to the Sub-Nordic type, which is basically a mixture of Nordic with Ladogan with the Nordic gene being dominant (the Ladogans were an ancient ppl in North Eastern Europe of mixed white and Mongolian ancestry) and the rest or more 1/3 are either Nordic or Alpine. So yes we do have a little Mongolian admixture. Based on the newest genetic studies it is the Ukrainians who are the closest to us my blood, them already being Slavic like us, makes that not surprising. But also Hungarians are related to us as well, i'm not sure how but its been proven. Hungary has always been Polands friends, a king of Poland was also a king of Hungary at the same time, in the Russo-Polish War when Poland fought and beat Russia in 1920 Hungary wanted to send 30,000 soldiers to fight alongside Poland, in 1956 Hungarians supported Polish anti-communist uprising in Poznan, later on the same year Polish supported them in their uprising against Russian domination.
25 Feb 2009
Genealogy / Mongolian the Golden Horde - do Poles have Mongolian ancestry? [256]

Sasha, I know a Polish and Belorussian couple and they do understand each other very well. It's true that many Ukrainians are dark haired and eyed, but central and eastern Ukraine has been influenced by Tartars and other non Slavs, western Ukrainians look more like Polish people, and their language seems close to Polish as well. Also, look at the Poles that live by the Ukrainian border, or the ones that were resettled into Poland after the war, many look Ukrainian. i personally have at least 10 friends that are part Ukrainian, excluding myself. Russians also have alot of blond blue eyed people, some look straight up Scandinavian and i'm not talking about Rurik and his dynasty, Poles, Russians, Ukrainians all used to be originally Nordic, mixing over the centures changed that to a degree. I myself have nothing against Russians i've got Russian friends, from all over St.Petersburg, Podolsk, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Krasnodar i've dated Russian girls they've dated Polish girls, it's all good.
27 Feb 2009
Love / They seem nice, but could Polish girls be "gold diggers"? [196]

Believe me i love our hot Polish girls, but u are gold diggers like hell, the ones in Poland are different, i'm talkin' about the ones living abroad, it's probably due to the fact that they come from relative poverty and have a chance to live better, even though it's HIS money :)
27 Feb 2009
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

For example many of the Polish women I know have a heart shaped face, very high and prominent cheek bones, and slightly almond shaped eyes.

my cousins wife looks just like you
16 Mar 2009
Love / How to show a polish Guy I like him [56]

i wonder of it is me or if he in not interested then I want to move on

Love yourself first girl then someone else, don't make him your life, you'll end you getting hurt, like him even alot but dont look like you can't live without him, that'll make him like you less, calm down just go with the flow, believe me you'll see it when he's serious about you. good luck
9 Apr 2009
Life / The Pole is happy when someone else cries... [75]

So...according to what RoadKing wrote, all Eastern Europeans - Poles, Ukrainians, Czechs, Slovaks, Lithuanians...(beside Russians) - are losers who are happy when someone else cry

Actually i feel sorry for someone if they're crying, but if i know that person would be happy to see me in pain than f**k him, i laugh just to make him realize next time to think before they do the same to someone else
10 Apr 2009
Life / The Pole is happy when someone else cries... [75]

All of the above is down to a deep complex, you know deep down inside that just about everyone else in Europe and North America have been more successful than you have been, and that is why you enjoy seeing people when they are not at their best....

Son you are an American idiot, one of the white trash that don't know **** about the world only about what someone else tells him and believes it, Poland is relatively poor but its getting better, its not poor like you think, wooden cottages people hungry, the large cities look like western European cities beautifull modern buildings that some American cities can only dream about, cop cars are Volkswagen, ambulences Mercedes benz, trucks Scania or Volvo, trams all brand new not piece of S**t Ford. We dont make 10 or 20 times less than Americans but 2 or 3 times less no more, some jobs in economics or other fields pay even better than in the states, i know its all very difficult for you to believe, because deep down you think you're the smartest wealthiest and the best nation on this planet, BUT, all that i've said is entirely true, just go and see for yourself. Oh and by the way Poland ranks 20th in education America is 25th so ur the stupid ones.
19 Apr 2009
Language / Polish was chosen the HARDEST LANGUAGE in the world to learn... :D [1558]

I did have the opportunity to learn one of the hardest, and supposedly the most grammatically-complex Slavic language, Polish. It is certainly harder than Croatian, which I already knew when I started to learn Polish.

Well if you're Croatian it shouldn't be that had, people say English is harder to learn than Polish, English words are spelled one way and pernounced a different way, it was easy for me cause i went to an American school, if you go to school and ur just a kid you'll learn quickly, it's harder trying to learn it by yourself and when you're older. I'm starting to learn Russian, i like how it sounds, in many ways its similar to Polish many words are the same also, im starting by learning the words themselves and looking and tranliterations, not yet focusing on the cyrilic alphabet.
29 Apr 2009
Genealogy / I'm polish and have a darker complexion - WHY? [78]

hi.. i'm polish and im' kinda dark skinned and black hair..just a question.. why are polish people much darker than for example russians? and why ain't there any blonde people in poland?

Where did you get this S**t! there are alot of blond Poles, as many as Germans, i dunno what part of Poland you were in maybe you saw Gypsies in Rzeszow area or Vietnamese in a Warsaw flea market. There was actually a study done not to long ago and it turned of that 1/3 of us are blond, and 80% got light eyes (blue, green, or gray) plus many peoples hair color gets darker with age, there isn't too many Polish children with hair other than blond or dark blond and most are pale.
29 Apr 2009
Genealogy / I'm polish and have a darker complexion - WHY? [78]

Pennboy it's not the end of the world. It will be okay, I promise. It's not a big deal to have a tiny bit of tan and hair that is maybe medium brown instead of light. The world will not end because someone has a brown eye and not a light green one.

Did i say something? all i said was that the guy was wrong in his comment.
30 Apr 2009
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

And here are the actual links from above posted. I most commonly hear I look French, British, or Polish.

To be truthfull you have a Polish face with italian eyes, nice :)
30 Apr 2009
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

Some people here look very different from one another like i wouldn't know they were Polish if they hadn't told me
2 May 2009
History / Kashubians are nation in Poland? [124]

I don't understand Kasubians or Silesians, all those Slavic tribes that settled in what is present day Poland, Pomeranians, Vistulans, Polans, Masovians and others, mixed together and formed the Polish nation, if they've lived among us for at least a thousand years they must have mixed with us also, so why don't they just let go and become of a larger nation all those other tribes did, and Silesians are completely weird, they'd rather be part of Germany.
2 May 2009
Genealogy / Last Name: DOWGIALLO from Poland [44]

I am trying to find out more information about the last name of my great-grandfather

That's straight up Lithuanian, maybe even of noble origin
19 Jun 2009
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

I agree with Frank,polish guys are really ugly,just like russian and eastern european guys in general :) I'm prpud not to be european and to a south american !

You wish you were European, you met or saw on tv one or two Polish guys and you're talkin' sh*t, there are many good looking Polish guys and other Eastern Europeans, Latin woman are sluts, and they're hairy, either thick dark eyebrows or a mustache growing.ewww
2 Aug 2009
Travel / Castles and Palaces in Poland (with pictures) [155]

That's why calling something german with a polish name still doesn't make it polish....

Yes you're right, it isn't a Polish castle, its just located in Poland nowadays, it was a castle of the German Teutonic Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary, i believe that was they're full name.
2 Sep 2009
Polonia / POLES vs BULGARIANS [160]

Hehe Bulgarians, i remember how me and my friend beat 3 of them up one time, they were so shocked we hit them, i guess they didn't think much of Polish men. And Serbs they're ok, i know a couple of them, they don't have anything against us.
2 Sep 2009
Polonia / POLES vs BULGARIANS [160]

Tell your roommate, that he's not even a Slav, he's a Bulgar that came to Europe from central Asia, they mixed a bit with south Slavs and they're culture and language is based on theirs, they're wannabe Slavs. He's got an inferiority complex so he tries to look down on other to make himself feel better.
19 Mar 2010
Love / Polish girls vs Ukrainian girls: Who do you think is hotter? [152]

IOXANA the girl with the curly hair who our friend posted is a POlish prnstar not Ukrainian. In gereral Polish girls are prettier just walking down a street in Poland you can see so many hot girls, and at a club its hard to find an ugly one. There are many hot Ukrainian girls i'm not disputing that, but there are more hot Polish girls than Ukrainian.
20 Mar 2010
Love / Polish girls vs Ukrainian girls: Who do you think is hotter? [152]

bubblegum chewing half-as* chumps

what the hell are you talking about? 90% of men like those kind of girls? who do you like feminists?? More HOT Polish girls

  • poleczka.jpg

  • mandaryna.jpg

  • polki77.jpg

  • polka88.jpg
20 Mar 2010
Love / Polish girls vs Ukrainian girls: Who do you think is hotter? [152]

almost always have sth about them that spoils things

Maybe you're right Seanus, but whatever that something may be deosn't bother me? i mean what is it exactly that you're talking about you think they look like dolls? almost every pretty girl dolls herself up gets a tan, puts on makeup and thinks highly of herself, here in America too.

Im lookin at the pictures and dont really understand what is so hot in them 0o

Um, every single one of them is pretty, no offense, but those Ukrainian girls you've posted are butt, except for 3 out of like 12 or so.
20 Mar 2010
Life / Racism in Poland - the future [558]

eurola are you stupid Warsaw uprising partisans jewsih whom fought the germans is Poland telling you different

No it is you who is stupid the Warsaw Uprising 1944 was fought 95% by ethnic Poles there were maybe 200 or 300 Jews who helped AFTER the Poles freed them from the ghetto(what remained of it) and most of them died within a week. Out of like 30,000 fighters only 200 or 300 were Jews, almost everyone who fought was Polish, and did most of the heavy fighting, 63 day of it. You must be talking about the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of 1943 which was a completely different thing, that one was fought entirely by Jews it lasted a month Germans sent everyone to Treblinka if they weren't shot first.