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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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18 Dec 2017
UK, Ireland / Polish Nazi's humiliated in London - anti-Jewish demonstration [60]

Catholic and Orthodox are more like reformed church now days, just talk and bs

I am Serbian. Essentially and practically, we Serbs never abandoned Svetovid. Plus, we gave chance to Christ. Tell me, what Jewish historical experience you can compare to this?

My people is more tolerant then you Jews. Even no matter that we were, same as you Jews, in grave danger to extinct, because of our choices. We are Sarmatian finest. Last scream of endangered heritage of our venerable civilization.
18 Dec 2017
UK, Ireland / Polish Nazi's humiliated in London - anti-Jewish demonstration [60]

That's true, you will need a lot time until God heals you...

I have my God and that is Svetovid. In me, he goes hand in hand with Jesus that is also my God. In me, they coexist.

I won`t say this makes me a better man then you are but, for sure, this means that I have more tolerance in me then you have. You have only your God in yourself.
18 Dec 2017
UK, Ireland / Polish Nazi's humiliated in London - anti-Jewish demonstration [60]

My father has my back, I'm a Jew who lived in Poland and I was called so many names on regular basis including son of a dog(*****), a dog, and also black female slave and so on..

when you mentioned. See, Jews took part in era of slavery and stolen many Slavs or their children and then sold them on slave markets to Arabs or on slave markets on the west of Europe. While I am all for reconciliation among Slavs (ie Sarmats) and Jews, please forgive to us Slavs and Poles in particular if we sometimes lose our nerves. Nobody is innocent, you see and we all need a lot of time to heal our wounds.
13 Dec 2017
UK, Ireland / Polish Nazi's humiliated in London - anti-Jewish demonstration [60]

Shame that Nazi movements, EU and NATO have followers in Poland and, not only in Poland. Shame how our Slavic youth becoming victim of degenerate and heretical ideas. For now, Poles only resist, fortunately sure, to the Nazi-Islam but EU and possible even NATO leads to it so one have to be vigilant.

When would I hear about movements in Slavic countries such are for example: ``Guardians of Sarmatia``, ``Svetovid`s hand`` or something similar???

Why hands of Slavs always search for the light in western European ass? Wash your fingers my sisters and brothers!
12 Dec 2017
Life / Why do so many Polish strive to be accepted by the West? [78]

Question of this thread, fortunately, slowly but surely, becoming question of past times. It was not only question for Poland but for entire Eastern Europe. But, we Sarmatians now coming to ourselves and returning to our original family and generally life values, as best for us. Its because we are sane and God loves us.
7 Dec 2017
News / Should Poland traitors face the death penalty? [105]

If we all ended up killing whomever we disliked or disagreed with, there'd be no one left, lads!

great truth had been said here. I myself telling on this forum from long time ago how are we Slavs, all of us, traitor after traitor. Some more, some less but all in any case.

Nobody can face Svetovid and ancestors with dignity.

But, let us not end up like those mouses. Let us don`t commit massive suicide. As long as there is life, there is hope. Maybe we shall come back to ourselves.
28 Nov 2017
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

Poland still have chance that elegantly escape (literally) on winning side. Even still have chance not to humiliate itself in front of Russia in the process. What Poland need is to stop to follow those politicians that isolate Poland from Hungary and Serbia. So, Poland should just stand with us, with Hungary and Serbians. In it, no humiliation. We are old partners. We were and are always there for each others. With us, Poland is right in the middle of the game. And lead, together with us, as a winner.

And all that with blessings from Pope, Putin and Trump. And China, of course.

No fear.

If Slavic Unity ever become reality, in some distant future, if one day come to merging of Eurasian Union and Intermarium, it would be primarily by doings of the Serbs. Only Serbians have capacity to show the way, to bring to unity of diverse Slavic (ie Sarmatian) interests.
28 Nov 2017
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]


Photo from today`s meeting between Hungarian PM Orban and Serbian PM Brnanic, in Budapest, during China-Central and Eastern Europe summit

What is ignored by media spin doctors of western Europe is one major fact, one crucial and qualitative change that happened in international relations. That is, world isn`t Uni-Polar but became Multi-Polar. In Europe, that means that main antagonism that western Europeans used against Slavs (ie Sarmats) was internal Christian divisions. See, in Multi-Polar world Vatican won`t desire to belong solely to Catholics. No, Vatican would itself like to become global religion, accepted by all global powers. So, not one in Multi-Polar club but rather glue that bind relations among players of Multi-Polar world, a mediator. There is the money, glory and power. Only there.

See, Hungary and Serbia recognized that fact. In the region, we are asked. What Hungarians and Serbians mutually agree, becoming standard for all. True powers walked behind us. And we lead. And Belgrade as Belgrade is already there where Brussels never will be. It is only matter of time when would western Europeans admit their defeat and, how to deal with it. I am only curious what would Serbians take as reward.
28 Nov 2017
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

Polish-Serbian historical relationship is ultimate proof that Slavic (ie Sarmatian) civilization exist, that despite all odds never stooped to exist, no matter every effort in that direction, no matter all forcible borders across our realm, no matter every false divisions imposed by strangers, no matter internal Slavic (ie Sarmatian) divisions. Many things happened to Poles and to Serbians. We got more or less similar and also different foreign influences on us but, we remained us, ourselves, and we remained loyal to each others. Others, to whomever we trusted, believed in and obeyed to those different foreign influences, at the end, those foreigners always betrayed us, used us and we, Poles and Serbs, remained to each others.

And we shall make it, my sisters and brothers. We shall make our civilization prosperous and united once more. We shall prevail.
14 Nov 2017
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [249]

Polish nationalism is on the rise since Poles became aware what happened to Serbians. Later when general Krstic was transferred to Poland, after being attacked by Muslims in British prison, nationalism there got wings. Now when general Ratko Mladic arrive, things would even accelerate. Poles are wise.
12 Nov 2017
News / Duda invited to march in Poland's Independence Day parade [182]

Warsaw on Polish Independence Day 2017

March of Independence Day Poland 2017 | Marsz Niepodległości Polska 2017 | Warszawa 11.11.2017

My venerable Polish sisters and brothers, this is still just a petting. Your path is now correct but deviates due to foreign influences. You must decide to defend Sarmatia firstly with Sarmatism. You have that in yourself. Then, with it, everything becoming possible. It would be what can not be. It would be freedom.
29 Oct 2017
UK, Ireland / My bad experiences with Polish neighbours in UK (not meant to offend) [173]

You would hardly convince me, man. Nothing against you personally, but your government sided with Islamic league, mujaheedines and Nazis against Serbs and by that against Slavs in general. Britain caused not only suffering but great disturbance among Slavs, great dis-balance. For that, penetration is inevitable. Virginity belt won`t help you here. BDW, I think it already happening and you even don`t know what happening to you.
29 Oct 2017
UK, Ireland / My bad experiences with Polish neighbours in UK (not meant to offend) [173]


Man, you are a great sinner when speak like that about Poles here among Serbs. English are problem man. Very evil and malevolent people, full of dirty schemes and intrigues, malformed in their twisted ways to grab more and more, to control.
29 Oct 2017
News / Britain - problem for Poland and Poles? [117]

One of greatest statements of Chinese president Xi was when he few years ago said how Britain turn to be insignificant country. It was mentioned here on this very informative forum. It was great statement. You know people what this mean. You want me to give you picture what it mean when China said something like that for Britain, for England. Well, its like when eagle`s sh** fall on pigeon and pigeon dies in agony from fear. Something like that.

In our time, Poland have historical chance to save itself from the grip of Britain, France and Germany. From their malevolence, manipulations, intrigues, greed, humiliations and open hate.
26 Oct 2017
News / Britain - problem for Poland and Poles? [117]

I see Britain still have some evil influence.

8 EU states want "more work to counter Russian propaganda"

The letter was sent ten days ago and signed by foreign ministries of Croatia, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.

Just spot in how sad environment functioning Poland`s foreign policy. Only normal country on that list is Czech Republic. Czechs have soul. Probably there by sheer mercy on Poland, not to let Poland in sh** completely alone. Alone among utter idiot countries, in utterly idiotic mission on behalf of Britain that would disappears from the horizon immediately when become really ugly.

And no, I don`t defend Russia here. I just point out that right now for Poland exist much more obvious threat. That is Britain and Poland`s own politicians, corrupt to the bones.

But, Poles are lucky. God loves them very much when He gave them Serbians on their side.
22 Oct 2017
News / Poland supporting potential new EU members - Georgia and Turkey [32]

Poland for instance is much more Western than Georgia! A point to consider.

Pane Lyzko, difference between you and me is that you generally speak truth, while I incline to tell the truth to the extreme. Poland isn`t more Western. Poland is the core of the West. And why not tell it? You have some consideration for Poland`s western European partners? Is that it? Because of them you hesitate? Well, forget them. They don`t give a sh** for Poland. They never did. So kick them and kick every consideration of them. They aren`t West. They once were part of West. Part. But, they never were more Western then Poland. Now, with every new day they are more backward then Georgia.
16 Oct 2017
News / Austria's swing to the far right on Poland? [229]

I like that Kurtz. But, interestingly, for information of auditorium here, when you say/write in Serbian: `Predsednik Vucic je razgovarao sa Kurcom` (President Vucic talked with Kurtz), it sound crazy and have crazy meaning. See, `sa Kurcom` literally means `with penis`. `Kurac` is penis in Serbian. `Sa Kurcom` = `With penis`. Crazy, isn`t it?

Does it mean something symbolically, I wonder. Maybe that mean that Poland needs to be careful when talk to Kurtz, I mean to `penis`.