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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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1 Feb 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

Neither Jews were perfect to Slavs, neither Slavs were perfect to Jews. Still, its glad to me that we Slavs have absolutely nothing with such a sick ideology that is Nazism and ideas about `final solution` (no matter that some Slavs more or less exploited sickens of Nazism but, still, bottom line is that Slavs didn`t develop it). So, I don`t see any reason why Slavs and Jews wouldn`t solve their problems from past and turn to prosperity in the future.
1 Feb 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

Kremlin refused to criticize Poland in regard of this bill.

Good move by Russians. I salute that.

Maybe that is because Russia knows that Poland has not forgotten about the Gulag prisons

Your comment has the ground but, its another question. Its the question that should be solved between Poles and Russians, in some Russian compensation to Poland for Polish loses. Its obvious.

But, Poles and Russians won`t make any progress if they aren`t able to admit good things to each others but only bad things. In this case, its good that Russians support Poles on this matter of `death camps`.
1 Feb 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

This and many other things are problems due to violated international order. Financially stronger can molest those who are weaker for all sorts of reasons. Poles didn`t developed genocidal ideology for extermination of Jews and rightfully they don`t wish to see term `Polish death camps`. In that respect Poles can tell to both, to Germans and to Jews, `go f*** yourself but not over Polish heads`. Especially if we have in mind that during era of slavery Germanics and Jews were united in hunting the Slavs and particularly ancestors of modern day Poles.
31 Jan 2018
Polonia / How do Poles feel about Romanians and Bulgarians? [27]

Bulgarians. They kind of see them as Russia's little buddy.

See brate, how you don`t understand region.

Bulgarians are Russo-German k***a. British, too. They themselves don`t know to whom to give themselves. Others f*** them, while Bulgarians dream of Serbs. Classical case of sad lost k***a.
31 Jan 2018
Language / Etymology of the word "brat" - in Poland and other Slavic countries [21]

While listening this beautiful music, I could imagine naked sastra Beata run across the green field.

You can hear the distinctly Slavic influence in this ancient song:

Nice. Thank you. I still enjoy. Yes, its that common culture that we share. That is why I`m always specific and say Slavic (ie Sarmatian) but, you can also say Proto Slavic (in scientific sense).

Proto-Indo-European language.

No, why lie to each others and pretend. `Proto-Slavic`, `Slavic`, `Sarmatian` or `Thracian language` sound better to say because culture and name of our common ancestors arn`t unknown but known. We live in internet era. Sure we don`t need inquisitors to confirm obvious things to us. Only truth can liberate us.

PS. My respect to St Brigid
31 Jan 2018
Language / Etymology of the word "brat" - in Poland and other Slavic countries [21]

Beata? brat? Well, you tell me.

word 'rascal' meaning a cloak of rough cloth

`rascal` in itself associate to Ratzi (German), Raci (Hungaria), Racowie (Polish). I eleborated here on this forum long time ago that Sarmatian designations on `Srb/Serb` goes hand in hand with `Ras/Rac` designations. So, you have `Sarmatians` (some foreign given form of local version of original Serbian name) and `Thracians` (Th-racians, also foreign given form of original Ras) which are two designations of same people. So, you had situation that medieval Serbia was known as `Serbia` and `Raska` or `Ras`.

In my opinion, if `rascal` means cloak in Irish must be that word was formed under the influence of specific people that used `cloak of rough cloth`.

Look, even Irish ethnic name have root `ras` in itself I-rish. See? After all, we know with certainty that Scots were Picts- Sarmatians and also Celts at the same time.

Also, Persia > Pe-rsia or Prusia > P-rusia.

Etruscans called themselves `Rasna`.

We are all Sarmatians/Thracians. I mean, in origin at least.
28 Jan 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Let me tell truth to my Polish sisters and brothers, let me add to the reasons why Poles have to turn their back to EU. EU is monstrosity. Truly. One can hardly found words to describe it properly. But I will give it a try.

EU support Nazis, as well as Islamism. During Civil war in former Yugoslavia, there were examples were thanks to the EU and by sponsorship of EU, Catholics were put in situation to side with worse Arab mujaheedines. Then, when those mujaheedines turned against Catholics, EU didn`t move a finger to protect them. On the contrary, EU supported mujaheedines.

One other example from the Civil War in former Yugoslavia, from some 25 years ago. In cases when Nazi-clero-Catholic ustashe extremists surrounded the villages of Christian Orthodox Serbs and threatened them to convert to Catholicism or die, EU never criticized ustashe, never stooped them, never told truth to the world. Neither EU, neither NATO. On the contrary, EU rewarded such a behavior of ustashe. Yes, such is the EU. EU of 21st century. Think about it. Is that EU what Poles wanted?

So, see my Polish sisters and brothers, EU is pure evil. Everything is down-under in EU, all positive human values. Only greed of western European magnates count. Rest of us are infidels. Truly, right were those who compared EU to Stalin. I`m telling you its all the same.

Save yourself from EU, Poles. Run, run from that evil.
26 Jan 2018
News / Americans incite hatred towards Russia in Polish media [75]

With Trump, things slowly but surely change. Hate speech will be replaced with normal tones and calls for cooperation. Normality, that is what we ll need. Normality. See, how simple word and how true word.
26 Jan 2018

russia is back and hopeuflly we polaks real polak polaks can become part of the emoire again like we were before ww1.

Please, don`t say that. See, we Serbs have our own plans and that includes Poland. We want partnership with Russia, care for global Slavic interests and all that but Russia already have Eurasian Union. So, if we Poles and Serbs join efforts we can create Intermarium. Let we too have something where we rule. See?
24 Jan 2018

To us Serbians, Polish neutral stance on Russia is enough. Its maybe even better then love and irrationality that follow love. Yes, with neutrality, we can do business. For we need peace between Poles and Russians in order to prevent meddling of hostile foreigners in our own projects.

Then, we will discuss technical details, my Polish and Russian brothers, one day. One problem at a time. For you are both sinners in the eyes of the Serbians. No, not for your Christian ways. Because you turned back to Svetovid while, see, Christianity and Svetovid goes hand in hand, quite nicely.
24 Jan 2018
News / Americans incite hatred towards Russia in Polish media [75]

Look what our brat in Christ Pope Francis said >

People who spread 'fake news' are like the devil, says Pope


said Pope Francis in his text, "The truth will set you free: Fake News and the Journalism of Peace".

22 Jan 2018
History / What is Poles opinion on Intermarium (Międzymorze)? [188]

Interesting article by Sputnik - Russia`s Geo-strategists predicts Poland`s success

Here's Why Poland's Intermarium Plans Might Actually Succeed This Time Around

All in all, Poland's prospects for the successful recreation of the cherished Intermarium of Pilsudski's dreams are higher than at any time in history,

if it's to stand a realistic chance at achieving its goals, but if it can pull it all off, then the country will once again earn its place in history as one of Europe's Great Powers.

Hungary and Serbia are best example how should function incoming Intermarium. In every aspect. From relationship among two countries, among two peoples, on the level of national minorities in both countries. This also includes better and better economic and military cooperation.

Just that we all have Polish language as main official language and picture of Intermarium here would be complete.
21 Jan 2018
News / Do Poles in Poland really feel betrayed because there won't be any US Shield? [288]

Poles, be wise.

You are from the Russia more protected with the balance within the Slavic world. No US or whichever shield can offer this. Actually US shield can only destroy chances of Poland in case of global conflict. Serbia strengthen and Serbia`s gravity pool attracting more and more Slavic countries and Slavs as individuals, no matter their particular Slavic ethnicity may be. So, every business between Poles and Serbs makes Poland more immune to any Russian pressure and Russian pressures on Poland actually becoming absolutely illogical. It because, how things develop, every eventual Russian move against Poland, would at the same time be move against Serbia and may result in total isolation of Russia from rest of Slavic world, with clear prospect to result in internal turmoil within Russia against Russian government.

So, Poles, brothers, be wise.
21 Jan 2018
News / Food producers from Poland should stop suffering from obliged sanctions against Russia [75]

Fresh news in case with spreading Polish market of apples >

Till now Poland doing re-export of Polish apples to Russia via Serbia and Belarus. Meaning, in particular case, Serbia import apples from Poland and then re-export them to Russia as Serbian apples (while Russians knows that they eat Polish apples). Now, considering truly enormous and absolutely illogical quantities of Polish apples re-exporting via Serbia (quantities that are much bigger then Serbia even have land planted with apples), things started to complicate. Putin founded himself under pressure of Russian trade ministry and you probably heard for that anecdote when minister informed Putin that Serbia violates trade agreement with Russian and selling them Polish apples to what Putin responded to minister: ``Go f*** yourself! What you want?! That I finish in madhouse?! Serbs f*** me, Poles f*** me and now you want to f*** me, too! F*** you!!``

Anyway, Serbia informed Russian ministry that part of apples exported to Russia coming from Serb Republic, not just from Serbia (while in reality, Serb Republic within Bosnia-Herzegovina started also to import apples from Poland and export to Serbia- thanks to privileged agreements between Serbia and Serb Republic and then altogether apples goes to Russia). That is how Serbia officially explained increased export of apples from Serbia to Russia. Russians pretend that don`t know for cooperation between Serb Republic and Polish apple producers.

But now, as expected, rest of Bosnia-Herzegovina (outside of Serb Republic) is excluded from the deal. They can`t export/re-export directly to Russia, neither they have privileged agreements with Serbia to do it via Serbia.

In case with Raspberry market

How I learned these days in news, prices of Polish raspberries, for internal and external market, highly depend on stance of Serbian traders that are considered to be leading regulative mechanism of the branch. It is so because EU sanctions on Russia strongly affect complete Poland`s agricultural sector, not just apple producers. In the same time, Serbian traders have privileged access to Russian, former SU and Chinese markets. So, Polish producers founded compromise solution and redirect their business with those markets via Serbia and Belarus. In raspberry market, Serbians are now leaders not only because of Serbian production that is significant but also thanks to EU sanctions on Russia and good connections with Eastern European countries that are EU members.


Serbian President Vucic is in visit to Russia and talk to brat Putin. And you know what? Brat Putin said he is satisfied with things coming from Serbia and frankly we all know that 80% of apples coming from Serbia to Russia coming as re-export of Polish apples. You know what it means? It means that Russians eat and will eat even more. Its wonderful news for Polish apple producers. Please, share the news with sisters and brothers in Poland.

Its little handshake for Presidents Putin and Vucic but great handshake for Polish apples
20 Jan 2018
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

On January 14. was the anniversary of death of one true Sarmatian.


General Pavle from Zgorzelec (1848-1922), Hero of all Serbs- of all last bearers of venerable Sarmatian name

Pavle Evgenije Jurišić "Šturm" (born Paulus Eugen Sturm), Lusatanian Serb, veteran in Serbian-Turkish wars, military educated and also promoted field commander for exemplary military virtue, during WWI commandeered to the 3rd Serbian army during famous Battle of Cer- first allied victory in WWI. By his brilliant commanding, Serbian 3rd army timely prevented penetration of Austrio-Hungarian army behind flanks of Serbian 1rst army what allowed to general Stepa Stepanovic to inflict decisive strike into the enemy and victory was won.

To give you picture of high level of Serbian victory over much more numerous opponent, I will give you some numbers. Austro-Hungaria lost in battle more then 25.000 soldiers and Serbia below 4.800 soldiers. Complete route and panic fleeing of Austro-Hungarin army occurred.

It was this battle when Austro-Hungaria effectively died and that even yet wasn`t aware of that, no matter that snake still managed to inflict great suffering onto the Serbian people in years to come. After this battle, in every next conflict of Serbian-AH army, moral among mobilized Slavs, subjects of the AH Empire was so low and pro-Serbian that history recorded how complete regiments and battalions consisting of Czechs, Slovaks and Poles were turning to Serbian side against their former AH masters. Only when Germany sent huge reinforcements and after Bulgaria betrayed alliance with Serbs and hit us from the back, Serbia started to losing battles.

Till the end of WWI, Serbia lost 1/3 of its population, liberating in the process itself, complete Slavic South and Slavic Adriatic coast, pursuing AH army all the way to Vienna until the final dissolution of AH Empire.

Is there any monument or street name in Poland dedicated to General Pavle, Lusatian Serb from Zgorzelec ?? Any ?? I hope that exist. How so much he contributed to independence and freedom of Poland. I hope that Poles didn`t forget him. It would be sin.

Decorations and medals of General Pavle, Lusatian Serb from Zgorzelec


Serbian military decorations

Serbian Service Medals

Long live Lusatia eterna!
