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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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19 Mar 2018
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]

In fairness, Crow is right when he talks about the Serbian victims of genocide in WW2.

Yes, delph, but in this Civil War that happened in Yugoslavia and in NATO/EU aggression on Yugoslavia and later on Serbia also happened genocide on Serbs.

How you think that about in a single (!) military operation in few days, more then 250.000 local native Serbs was ethnically cleansed from Krajina- what is now Croatia? Without victims? That people just were expelled? No my friend. Thousands were killed in the process. And EU and NATO provided stage for that. And I again reminding, Serbs didn`t start Civil War and I reminding that Croatia acted by the genocidal program that previously existed and was already applied in WWII and during this last conflict they just continued.

Not to speak of forcible conversions and planed and organized executions of Serbian civilians in many occasions during 5 years of Civil War.

Or take Srebrenica. There Muslim acted according to their genocidal program on Serbs and butchered more then 3.000 Serbs in villages around Srebrenica. NATO and EU also provided stage for that, too. When general Ratko Mladic responded to liberate Srebrenica Serbs, yes, some Muslims were later murdered but it was not murdering by some genocidal plan. Orthodox Serbs don`t have genocidal ideology. We consider even those Muslims to be our brothers, Islamized Serbs. This is all tragedy to us.

Not to speak that you in Srebrenica particularly speaking acted all kind of secret services and various paramilitary formations. Who knows who ordered number of executions of Muslims and for winch aims. For what I know, maybe Mi-6 or CIA made all performance. In reality we know that Mladic secured safety of Muslim woman and children and wanted man to be investigated (to separate fighters from civilians). Some Muslims later were killed while tried to escape and some were executed but who ordered those executions, if we were to speak frankly, only God knows.

the victims of Serbian agressions to the Nazis is just as outrageous. If I was Polish I would be furious about such comparisons.

You are evil and plus brainwashed. It is absolutely so as I said. Serbs were attacked by those who had genocidal ideology against them and genocide was committed on Serbs. NATO and EU main powers supported that to happen, sponsored that, planed that and took part in it.

And don`t blame me for you don`t know nothing.
19 Mar 2018
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]

Why would you say anything else. You don`t give a sh** what really happened. For sure, you won`t dare to experiment with ideas that are well set and implemented in your head. No, you won`t tackle that lobotomy. Let it be. Why would you bother yourself with that. After all, deep in your mind, you know that all that what happened to Serbs, if happened, if this idiot is right (speaking of me), there is reason to it. For sure, for some higher reason obstacle had to be removed and if somebody allowed that all to happen to Serbs, if NATO and EU powers wanted that, paid for that, arranged that, they knew what they doing. They had to. It was, it must had been, for the good of people that live in NATO and EU countries. Let Serbs die and suffer if it means benefits for those societies. For you and your child. But after all, that`s not your problem.
18 Mar 2018
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]

The result was the crushing of the genocidal ambitions of the Serbs and the restoration of order and peace in the Balkans.

But genocide was committed on Serbs. War was started by others (Croat ustashe, Bosnian Muslims and Albanian Muslims... all sponsored by Germany, Britain and certain circles in US) whom had/have developed genocidal ideology against Serbs. War was started in order to conquer and take Serbian lands, to assimilate Serbian Catholics into Croats, to convert Serbian Orthodox into Catholicism and again assimilate them into Croats, to force Serbs into Bosnian and Albanian Muslims, to exterminate much of the Orthodox Serbs, to expel Serbs from their native lands.

Now, to accuse Serbs that they committed some crimes in general attempt to defend and save themselves, would be same as to accuse Poles that they committed some crimes against Germans in WWII. Absolutely same. 100% absolute valid comparison.


Don`t blame me because you don`t know that EU and NATO major powers supported all this against Serbs. They they allowed, in 21 century, forcible conversion of Orthodox Serbs into Catholicism, by the principle convert or die (ustashe used to surround village and sent message to Orthodox Serbs about choice... with present NATO troops in the area). Don`t blame me for informing you that NATO used UN transport planes to upload worse Arab mujaheedines into Bosnia who then theire committed genocide on local Serbs.

Please, don`t blame me for your media didn`t tell you that. Don`t blame me if don`t know for use of depleted uranium against Serbs. Don`t blame me for you don`t know that genocide was in fact committed on Serbs. Planed, deliberate and brutal genocide.... that was only continuation of genocide that on my people already happened in WWII and WWI and even before that.
18 Mar 2018
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]

Well? How well, when result was formation of Greater Nazi Croatia? Then, by support of NATO and EU, Muslim Caliphate in Bosnia-Herzegovina was formed, where are Catholics forced to live with Muslims together on the principles of sharia law. Do you ever think of things before you write them down, man? Only thanks to Serbian struggle Serbians formed their own entity within Bosnia, while Catholics there were deluded/forced to side with mujaheediness and today suffer and exist literally thanks to support of Bosnian Serbs who helping them as much as they can. Man, Catholics in Bosnia don`t have where to buy decent pig for Christmas if Serbs don`t sell them. Also, Kosovo is separated from Serbia and represent narco-mafia Wahhabi false state in the middle of Europe. Plus, NATO/EU tries to complete process of formation of Greater Albania. Plus, plus, war here never ended.

This is example of successful NATO intervention to you?

Pray that Serbians really take their boots and in one blitz charge reshape region on the more natural and normal principles, so that all who live here move forward and once and for all give up from their delusions in idiotic and immoral German, British or Turkish projects or ideas of mad persons such is Hillary Clinton and her freaking husband Bill.
17 Mar 2018
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]

God forbid. I would, dobri brate, suggests banner of Serbia. Let us be frank here. We are all Sarmatians and we Serbians (Lusatian Serbs, included) are last that still using our universal original Sarmatian name. It should be rewarded, even financially, not only morally. Don`t you think? So, we would mediate, coordinate things and, all would be satisfied. You Poles and Russians all failed. I don`t sense respect to Svetovid in your spiritual ways. We Serbians will re-Westernize all of you.
17 Mar 2018
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]

Honestly brate Lyzko, you worry me sometimes. I thought I can talk seriously with you but, you talk like a drunkard now. How could Poland be Westernized when Poland gave birth to the West, same as us- Serbians. We Sarmatians (ie Slavs) gave West to the world. Its utter absurd to say that those who ruined Poland can Westernize Poland. They to Westernize us? They, mute people? They, offspring of Czarnybog, literally already? Its absurd from any angle. No, its blasphemy.
17 Mar 2018
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]

Only Serbia was a NATO action - taken after many warnings were ignored.

Warnings invented by NATO leading powers for invented reasons, in situation when state of Serbia reacted to defend from terrorists and rebellion on its territory, as would do any state in the world.

Proof? Just go google on UCK (Albanian military organization). Before NATO intervention it was in official NATO documents classified as terrorist organization. After NATO intervention, UCK in same those documents becoming liberation army.

See? When NATO founds interest, terrorists suddenly becoming useful tool.

Or, think how Britain gave itself right to intervene on Malvinas (violating all possible human rights of natives there and violating positive UN charters and sovereignty of Argentine), while that same Britain preventing Serbia to defend its own territory and sovereignty. Or think of USA, France and all their rights given to themselves to intervene all over the world killing all those people and violating UN charters.

To put it in context of this thread. Russia now coming in aid to Serbia and Poland have opportunity to join to Russia in one positive project that is- `Helping to Serbs to liberate their country`. That will for sure secure that Poland and Russia aren`t enemies. Plus, Poland would prove that isn`t enemy to Serbs, to Slavic cause, to positive UN charters that guaranties sovereignty of states.

BDW, Serbian sovereignty have support from Vatican, China, India, Brazil, many EU and even NATO states and most of the globe. So, reason more for Poland to join to Russia in that fantastic project `Helping to Serbs to liberate their country`.
15 Mar 2018
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]

Just tolerate them when needed. Same what I expect from them when come to Poles.

Right now we have better things to do then to tire ourselves on things from past.

And why vodka? Why not awash our insanity with rakija?

born and bred in London

Take the best and leave the rest to them. Then, go back to Poland. Or, come to Serbia.

Stick to the topic everyone please
15 Mar 2018
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]

where Poland trusting got us in 1939????? we were sold like a cow by our allies.

Yes and if you remember the other cow next to Poland, it was Yugoslavia and when cow got hair cut, it turned out that to be Serbia.

UK will be a member of the EU for another year (and few weeks)

That`s no good. But then, after EU remains NATO. Poland can`t escape to Brits easily. No, no easy way here.

Again, we Serbians have to rebel first, to crash their momentum. Like back then in 1914.
15 Mar 2018
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]

i wouldn't waste your time with this village idiot.

no. I understand. You also must understand. We all had our failures. But now is the time to correct our mistakes. Nobody asks Poles to trust to Russians. Time is needed for that and we all don`t have that time. So, Poles have to trust to Serbians. They have all historical reasons for that.
15 Mar 2018
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]

That is why balance must be restored to Sarmatia (ie Slavia). So that all can get their justice. That is why enemies wants to prevent Serbia to restore its full potentials.

And among those justices, one great justice is that vast resources of Siberia belong to us Slavs (ie Sarmatians) and Russians will learn to share it with rest of us. That belong to all our children. Every peace of our lands belong to all our children.
15 Mar 2018
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]


There is duty to your civilization, to yourself, to your child. If you feel Slavic (ie Sarmatian) for yourself, you at a certain times, times like this, disregard your disgust and you work with Russians and together with them come in aid to Serbians, to support old core of Sarmatia. You simple do your duty. Core must live. There at core is grave of Zawisha Czarny. He gave most precious He had to give. Nobleman.
15 Mar 2018
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]

Who gives a sh** for Putin, for any politician. Look what happening around us. We Slavs live or we die. Its that simple. Time is for Slavic cooperation.

I see The Kremlin are still paying your salary then........ ;-)

your comments are comments against Polish children. Always that paranoia. You are or stupid or non-Polish or, if Polish, for some twisted reason you hate your own people.
15 Mar 2018
News / Mister President Andrzej Duda - Best Poland could get. [70]

Maybe, its just maybe moment for Poles to take in consideration that their own president sold Poland out.

Again, I don`t know what to think about Duda and now already I begins to worry. From one side EU increasing pressure on Poland and from other side, president of Poland increasing Poland`s loyalty to NATO. Like that very president of Poland have role to hold Poland while western European powers finishing their job. You Poles don`t think that USA more love Poland then love Britain, France or Germany? Tell me that you don`t believe that.

I sow today article about Duda`s frantically callings against Russia, at a time when Serbians expect Russian and generally Slavic support, considering protection of our sovereignty and grave danger for Slavic South.

Why Duda? Why stabbing us in the back?! Let Polish patriots knows what Duda doing to Racowie, to Serbians. Not to Russians but to the Serbs!
15 Mar 2018
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]

Russia has always been Poland's enemy and any friend of Russia is an enemy of Poland too.

that`s insane? Poles against Racowie? you know what you talking about? This last conflict between Anglo-Franco-Germanics and Russia started after vermin destroyed Yugoslavia and Serbians sent call to all Slavs and progressive humanity to help. Russia responded. Not only Russia.

So, this is about continual attack on Serbians and you suggests that we don`t need to accept Russian support? That we have to do it alone? or to give up? You suggests that destruction of Slavic South might be something positive for Poland? Man, Anglo-Franco-Germanics, don`t even wait to finish with us and here they come for Poland. Their greed is legendary. They want all to control or destroy if can`t control.

Then, are you aware that, among many others, Vatican also refusing to recognize partition of Serbia and separation of Kosovo? Are you aware of that? Don`t you see that all sane people who are capable to resist doing exactly that, resist to dictate of Anglo-Franco-Germanics madness that using even mujaheedines against other Whites.

You know when would Poles declare war on Racowie (Serbians)? One word- never. It is impossible to happen. It would be war Poland against Poland. Final defeat and final shame. Man, don`t you see that exactly among right wing Catholics in Poland you have biggest supporters to Serbians. That confidence in Serbians is result of history of our relations. Polish patriots knows what are we Serbians and what we represent. And if Russia decide to support us, Russia is welcome and Poles should join side by side with them and come in our aid. For us, you march with Russia! For if we fall, you falling next! Our foe is your foe.

Prof.dr hab. Jerzy Robert Nowak, Radio Maryja (2008-04-26) - Rola Niemiec w rozbiciu Jugosławii

Polish-Serbian Friendship
15 Mar 2018
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]

Oh, we are on the same side. And will be.

You better think what would happen to Poland if Russia collapse, if they got Russia. The next day, those with whom is Poland now in alliance, would grill Poland. Not that Russia is perfect but, simple, Russia hold the balance of existence of entire Slavic world now. Russia should be supported by Poles, same as we Serbians doing now. Helping to open enemies of all Slavs for sure isn`t my option.

We will all change for the batter. Its must. Progress. But first, we must secure survival.


ah, its hysterical.
15 Mar 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

Bracia Serbowie. Ile to wam krzywdy zrobili

Povredili, povredili.

But, this what happened in this Civil War in former Yugoslavia and in NATO/EU attack, initiated by Germany and Britain is nothing in comparison to the hell they gave us in WWII. Brits with their betrayal and schemes and, Germany with its Nazism and satellites in the region and, Vatican with its desire to constantly spread. At least now, in our time, Vatican seams to even tries to support us.
12 Mar 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Enemies mistaken for moving so brutally against Serbia. Powerful, unstoppable forces coming in our aid now and, same as in WWI, all Slavs should profit on incoming chaos around Serbia and use opportunity to secure its independence from western Europe. Then, we should talk reasonable and avoid new mistakes.
12 Mar 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Poles let us cut this sh**. Let us decent Sarmatians unite and offer our two hard brotherly penises to our foes. Two must be enough to them. See, I am sure.
12 Mar 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Serbia can offer much more to Poland and Visegrad group then opposite. Actually, if Poland fails to escape EU and NATO dictate and fails to end its isolation from Serbia, one after one members of Visegrad group would abandon Poland and seek to join with Serbia. No, they won`t abandon Poland due to some betrayal but, simple because they won`t follow official Poland in madness that is eternal servitude to western Europe.

Example1: Vucic: Serbia-China friendship made of steel

Example2: Chinese president accepts invitation to visit Serbia
12 Mar 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

THEY would do anything to prevent Poland from doing right thing. THEY know if they let Poland form Intermarium with Serbia (via Hungary, rest of Visegrad, etc), THEY losing control over Poland, THEY losing ways to manipulate Russia-Poland antagonism, THEY losing ways to use Poland in attack on Russia, THEY losing Poland as their shield against Russia, THEY losing chance to sell parts of Poland to Russia to split Poland.

So, stooping Poland now for them is must. Later, if Intermarium is formed, attacking Intermarium would be challenging Russia, China, Japan, Brazil, India. Would be challenging new world order.

God help Poland for right now Poland is in alliance with its mortal enemies and Poland is in phase to make some historic choices.

But it's not the kind of Intermarium Crow has been dreaming of?

Exactly. But not only me. Think why Pilsudski didn`t talk about ``V4. Italy + Austria and we're sea to sea``. Its not just about from sea to sea. Its about having your particular interests protected among those to whom you can trust and on whom you have influence, who understand you even on emotional level. Poland can influence Serbia to the magnificent levels, while Poland can only expect to be used by Italy and Austria.

Essentially, only joint state with Serbia guaranties real power to Poland. With Serbia, Poland facing Austria, Germany and other western powers as partners. As equal partner. Minimum. No, not exactly due to power of Serbia but due to intersection of powerful influences and forces that goes thru and via Serbia.
12 Mar 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

patronizing towards Poland with symbols of dragons

I know for crucial symbols of Poland, yes. That above image of dragon on Polish shield that I gave is from WWII Polish Air Force badge. It was released in a very limited quantity in 1940 just before the fall off France.

Anyway, who told you that dragon represent symbol of lust, greed and malevolence? I hope that you don`t buy Roman anti Sarmatian propaganda. You must be aware, it was war and Romans were famous by their war propaganda. When they destroy you, they do so completely, materially and spiritually. Even today we Slavs (ie Sarmatians) didn`t quite consolidate, we are still servants, all of us.

Why on earth are they so dramatic about Poland?

Whatever their motivators are, they see Poland isolated from her real friends and brothers and they may decided to issue pressure driven by who know which real reason.

Poland is right about this particular issue but, its not only about being right.
11 Mar 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

Brate listen. You may have NATO official in some NATO base in Poland. Somebody who isn`t ethnic Polish. It would be enough that such a person fire just a single nuclear missile (or any missile) on the trajectory to Russia. Now, when you fire missile from Poland its not same as you fire missile from let`s say Britain. Missile fired from Poland reaches Moscow in 5-6 minutes. Tell me, what you think how much time Russia have to check her options, to investigate is it mistake or real war, is it conventional or nuclear missile. No, Russia won`t have time to check it and Russia will retaliate- at first only on point from where missile was fired. If missile is followed with just one single additional missile, Russia will must to aim at every NATO installation and base on the soil of Poland. It will be nuclear bombardment. Its the end for Poland, no matter what later happen to Russia. Effectively, its the end of Slavic civilization and then followed by the end of human civilization as we know it.

Or, NATO may just provoke Russia firing missile from Poland and then just look how Russia retaliate, changing its mind in a last minute and avoid complete nuclear war. In that case, only Poland disappears, thanks to NATO, while Russia gets few wounds- possible serious wounds. Again, it may lead to fast end of Slavic civilization.