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PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland?

pawian  223 | 27184
10 Jul 2019   #1
It is funny how anti- European PiS party in Poland are crying they are not getting important positions in EU Parliament after recent elections. They are shocked because they won in Poland but are losing everything in Europe.

Last week professor Krasnodębski wasn`t elected a vice- President of EP.

- Members voting: 441/ Blank or void: 61/ Votes cast: 350/
Fabio Massimo Castaldo: 248 versus Zdzisław Krasnodębski: 85

Fabio Massimo Castaldo was elected Vice-President.

Today ex Prime Minister Szydło wasn`t elected a president of Parliament's Committee on Employment and Social Affairs.

Furious PiS guys are talking about a revenge of trecherous socialists and liberals. Of course, morons, did you expect anything else? :):) hahaha

PS. That is why I will never vote PiS. Voting for halfwits who abuse people and ideas and then expect a special treatment is against my principles. :):)
mafketis  38 | 11150
10 Jul 2019   #2
PiS party in Poland are crying they are not getting important positions in EU Parliament

Ingrate hypocrites! I think the EU parliament is a stupid idea and have yet to hear of anything important that they've accomplished*, but the PiS attitude is beyond the pale, they spit in the EU's face for years and now they're surprised they're not popular?

Boo effin' hoo!

*and seems largely to be a graveyard for crooks and politicians who've failed in their own countries
OP pawian  223 | 27184
10 Jul 2019   #3
I don`t know about other countries but it doesn`t work for Poland where PiS won the elections also thanks to popular politicians on their candidate lists.

That is why they are so enraged now - an unexpected cold shower isn`t such a nice thing after all. . :):)
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
10 Jul 2019   #4
And please notice what mess in education the former Education Minister Anna Zalwska has left behind herself in Poland before running off to Brussels!
OP pawian  223 | 27184
10 Jul 2019   #5
I hope she won`t run for the Presidency of Education Committee. :):) Another loss might be too much for PiS.

A joke from communist times: Why do bees have a queen instead of a party secretary? Because they want to make honey, not shyt.
mafketis  38 | 11150
10 Jul 2019   #6
PiS won the elections also thanks to popular politicians

they won because of their 'kasa za głosy" election platform, the name recognition candidates were mostly not very good or just plain awful (Zaleska).

But also notice the German lady who used her status as second least popular politician in Germany to vault int Tusk's job or the failed Belgian prime minister or Lagarde convicted for negligence?

The great Danish political series Borgen had an episode about Brussels as a political graveyard (In Brussels no one can hear you scream)
OP pawian  223 | 27184
10 Jul 2019   #7
Not only cash for votes. Those PiS guys are really popular in the countryside and small towns, especially in Eastern Poland, where people have access only to state TV controlled by PiS. If PiS decided to make a tree stump into a celebrity through an intensive campaign on their evening news each day, I can assure you that after a year or two some confirmed PiS supporters would worship that tree stump as a new deity. :):)
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
10 Jul 2019   #8
German lady who used her status as second least popular politician in Germany to vault int Tusk's job

Excellent candidate and a shoe in. You don't like her because she will follow unswervingly in Junckers' footsteps and prevent American domination of Europe. And she will hold the Union together, and it looks ever more likely that will include the UK.

Admittedly she is softer than Junker because the Poles back her. Interesting.

That will stop the Yanks dirty little plan to divide and dominate.
mafketis  38 | 11150
10 Jul 2019   #9
Excellent candidate

If she does everything for the EU that she did for the German military.... the EU is doooooooooomed.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11900
11 Jul 2019   #10
She just lost the votes of the german's doubtful now that she will get enough votes overall...
OP pawian  223 | 27184
12 Jul 2019   #11
Not all hope is lost for PiS. Some of their candidates did get enough votes from socialists and gained those desired positions. However, Szydło was the most controvercial of them all because she once had the EU flag removed from her office. Now she has learnt a lesson that certain symbolic gestures provoke other symbolic gestures which we might not like.

She just lost the votes of the german's doubtful now that she will get enough votes overall...

Yes, and it is PiS`s chance to get their revenge as their votes might play a role in her election.
Ironside  50 | 12929
12 Jul 2019   #12
anti- European PiS party i

What is wrong with you? Why do you lie about PiS being anti-euroapen? You're either a fool or a shameless liar.

not getting important positions in EU Parliament after recent elections.

they are not important position in the EU Parliament as it is only a place without power or anything to say in the EU. Hence those 'important' positions are just hollow sinecures - that all. Also election means nothing as who take what is being decided behind the curtain talks.

Ingrate hypocrites! I

Boo hoo welcome into politicks dude. are u that naïve or that dumb? Ah, could you give us an example how exactly PiS spit in the EU's face, one or two would do,.

eally popular in the countryside and small towns, especially in Eastern Poland,

Still dividing voters onto better and worse groups. If they share your voting preference then they qualify into so called 'better' category ? Pretty primitive approach that. Fitting Soviets like you do the core.

Excellent candidate

Ditto, the EU needs more people like her in prominent positions.
OP pawian  223 | 27184
12 Jul 2019   #13
What is wrong with you? Why do you lie about PiS being anti-euroapen?

As an emmigrant living out of Poland, you don`t know many facts which take place here as you are too lazy or don`t have time to follow all events day by day. It is natural you have no clue.
mafketis  38 | 11150
12 Jul 2019   #14
Ah, could you give us an example how exactly PiS spit in the EU's face, one or two would do,.

Szydło removing the EU flag?

The whole Tusk re-election fiasco?

They're just nasty venal people, bullies who can dish it out but can't take it.
Ironside  50 | 12929
12 Jul 2019   #15
no clue.

A fool then!

Szydło removing the EU flag?

A Gesture to electorate meaning that in Poland Polish interest take precedence over Brussel's.

The whole Tusk re-election fiasco?

Making show of a fact that Poland don't support that prick and he is a German candidate. How any of those make PiS anti-European?

They're just nasty venal people, bullies who can dish it out but can't take it.

hmm have you ever hah a disagreement with a KOD member or a PO member about politics? I would say they are even more like that, PiS is an improvement, not a big one but still.
OP pawian  223 | 27184
12 Jul 2019   #16
they are not important position in the EU Parliament as it is only a place without power or anything to say in the EU

Sorry, you didn`t understand certain logic. I know you are busy in your new country but, next time, can you devote more time to grasping what sb has written?

I said: not getting important positions in EU Parliament after recent elections and I did mean the EP only. The positions of a President or Vice President are important in the EP and nobody can deny it. Would you prefer to be employed as a President of the EP or a window cleaner there?

While you were thinking about the overall importance of the EP and its influence on running European affairs which is another matter not discussed here yet. So, do you see that your negligence by mixing two things together created mental chaos in your head in result?

A Gesture to electorate meaning that in Poland Polish interest take precedence over Brussel's.

That gesture became popular not only in Poland but also reached European capitals. In result, Szydło was removed from her wanna be position like the flag. :)

A fool then!

If you use my own words to you and then direct them at me as your answer, it means your debating powers are zero. When you lived in Poland, did you listen to Lady Pank`s Less than Zero? :):)
Ironside  50 | 12929
12 Jul 2019   #17
not getting important positions in EU Parliament after recent elections and I did mean the EP only.

So what if you did? It doesn't matter and is not as if PO was sooo successful in that regard even thought they enjoyed a full support of Germany and were faithful lap dogs of the EU masters. You are just an as.hole who is trying to create a new reality just to get at the party you don't support. Poland and Polish and all the eastern Europe is treated in the EU as a second class members and that will not change even if some or other scumbag will act like a butler to them. That makes it even worse. Hey but you as a Soviet don't care about such detail eh?

Better go with a petty pointless nastiness.
OP pawian  223 | 27184
12 Jul 2019   #18
How any of those make PiS anti-European?

Don`t be silly. When sb spits in your face in the street and then abuses you verbally, do you treat it as an unimportant gesture? No, deeply offended, you call the police and demand compensation in court. Now, Szydło is paying such a compensation.
Ironside  50 | 12929
12 Jul 2019   #19
Poland but also reached European capitals. In result, Szydło was removed from her wanna be position like the flag. :)

If that is the truth that it means that either or both of those are true:
a. Poland is treated as subjected not full member/
b. PiS is not anti-European/

If you use my own words to you

I didn't use YOUR words. I asked you If you were a fool or a liar. You choose to answer in aw ay that make it obvious. In a way you choose that option. What to debate about? You choice?
OP pawian  223 | 27184
12 Jul 2019   #20
Poland and Polish and all the eastern Europe is treated in the EU as a second class members

The problem is that PiS silly anti-European games make Poland the third class member.

Besides, if you expect Poland to be first class member, it needs to have stronger economy first. And who is going to make it happen? Why did you run away from Poland? Of course you desired more money and comfy life abroad in a developed country. You fekking hypocrite! You dare to complain and abuse Poles who are living in Poland and working hard to make this country a better place. Shut up and feck off, emmigrant loser.
Ironside  50 | 12929
12 Jul 2019   #21
spits in your face in the street and then abuses you verbally

Overdramatic much? We are talking about politics not some K-drama. Do you think saying yes to everything and bowing low is a the way to go? You shouldn't mix your experiences as a good soviet serf with the way politics is played.
OP pawian  223 | 27184
12 Jul 2019   #22
Which is better - Soviet surf living and working in Poland or a lamenting Polish emmigrant loser who contributes only to his new country`s wealth? :)
Ironside  50 | 12929
12 Jul 2019   #23
The problem is that PiS silly anti-European games make Poland the third class membe

No, that not even cut it close.

if you expect Poland

No, I expect Poland to have a proper Polish politic aimed at protecting Poland's interest. All I hear is PiS that PO this and some useless petty squabbles over nothing.

I would expect you to tell me what is that the current government is not doing and what is vital to the Polish national interest? Maybe something like - what is in Poland's national interest at the moment, what relations and what politics should be prioritized? What are the dangers and what advantages of such and such policy. How is PiS being charge doing in regard to those?

Not some BS about some obscure party member not getting a pointless sinecure in some powerless EU institution.

Why did you

Nither some personal attacks without any order, point or merit. Yet you're upset if I call you a Soviet. Well that what you are - mentally at least.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11900
12 Jul 2019   #24
Poland and Polish and all the eastern Europe is treated in the EU as a second class members

That is a very subjective opinion...and that has IMHO alot to do with the imbalanced finances.

East Germany feels the same, as long as we are prepped up with the inner-german "Soli" (an additional "solidarity tax" to rebuild the eastern regions) some Wessis like to hold it against us when we disagree.

The Soli is at it's end and will be phased out soon. But Poland will probably only then start to feel equal to the EU core countries once it starts paying back into the common EU pot, when it's wealthy enough to become a net payer.

That has alot to do with pride and psychology! More than with real facts or being really mistreated and humiliated or treated as second class. Poland has already the same vote, the same rights as everybody else after all...
OP pawian  223 | 27184
12 Jul 2019   #25
what is in Poland's national interest at the moment,

We discussed it for hours on end in Election Marathon thread. And you wanted to put me on the gallows there. Don`t you remember? :):) Short memory. Drink Buerlecithin, German syrup, it improves memory and a few other things.

While this thread...

Not some BS about some obscure party member not getting a pointless sinecure in some powerless EU institution

is about what we are talking about now. I think you missed it because fury blinded you. Can you look at the title of the thread again? :):)

Well that what you are - mentally at least.

You didn`t answer my question - do you consider yourself better as a Polish emmigrant loser? :):)
Ironside  50 | 12929
12 Jul 2019   #26
That has alot to do with pride and psychology!

I'm talking about economy working hand in hand with politicians to secure more of the power. As it happens such a power is concentrated in Germany and to the lesser extend in France. If they exercise influence their power grands them in the EU they more oft than not do it on the expense of others. Highly sensitive to such exploitation are countries of the Eastern Europe for the obvious historical reasons. Which you as an Ossie do understand.

The EU's institutions and workings are geared that way to utilize influence of Germany over others EU nations. That is what I have problem with. Those institutions should be changed in such a way as to helping top crate a level playing field for all the members. To install few checks and balances to ensure that a one or two powers will not dominate it completely.

I doubt it will happened any time soon. Hence I'm all for Poland to leave from the EU. We have a strategic alternative that can be and should be used to build economical ties as well.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11900
12 Jul 2019   #27
If they exercise influence their power grands them in the EU....

Nun will find many Germans who are convinced of the contrary. For that much money Germany pumps year after year into the EU (to Poland too in consequence) Germany has not nearly enough influence.

For example that as one of the biggest net payer (Germany) has exactly the same vote as the biggest net beneficiary (Poland). That a tiny country with only a few thousand citizens like...say...Malta has the same vote as big Germany with about 80 Million, making a maltese voter alot more influential than a german voter.

There is no power "granted", since all have the same vote you need to build alliances and secure friends when you want to get a project or personality going into your direction. For that you need to make compromises, be diplomatic...Poland is internationally just not very good at it (right now).

PS: A good actual example will be Christine Lagarde, who is slated to become the next president of the ECB (the European Central Bank), a decision which makes most Germans unhappy but many not so rich southern EU countries rather happy.

As it is that most of the ECB builds on german money Germans would wish for more german influence!
Crow  154 | 9509
12 Jul 2019   #28
Losing? Everything Polish losing position in EU. Never even had position in EU. What Poles can expect from its natural enemies? To pump more Poles out of Poland. My brothers, don`t you see, EU is kind of gigantic pimp.

But no, not that I here defending PIS. PiS is treacherous anyway.

You Poles rapidly new political player of the scene. Somebody pro Central Europe, Hungary and Serbia.
OP pawian  223 | 27184
12 Jul 2019   #29
If they exercise influence their power grands them in the EU they more oft than not do it on the expense of others

If you live long enough and see Poland as strong as Germany or France one day, will you also be so critical when Poland behaves like today`s Germany? Of course not, you will praise the Polish government for defending Polish interests at the cost of weaker members. Don`t be such a stinking hypocrite now.

We have a strategic alternative that can be and should be used to build economical ties as well.

You mean Russia and Belarus Union. No, thank you very much. Poles and me prefer Western direction, not Eastern.

Hence I'm all for Poland to leave from the EU

Stop trolling for the Kremlin again. Don`t you realise that everybody has seen through it already?
Ironside  50 | 12929
12 Jul 2019   #30
you will find many Germans who are convinced of the contrary.

Well.... some are never happy. Saying that I'm sure that there is an issue of wealth distribution in Germany that creates dissatisfaction.

I'm talking about German capital and German firms that made and are making a great gains and profits on the back of the Polish people (as well).

As for the money that Germany puts into EU. That mostly go into becuracracy and to bribe politicians (its called I believe salary). Those money entering Poland are rendered harmful by the conditions attached to it. I already talked about it.

Germans would wish for more german influence!

I can understand that. At the same time if we consider the way the EU's institutions are geared and its working it makes the EU project doomed.

Home / News / PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland?
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