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Parliament in Poland clears way for nuclear plant

PennBoy  76 | 2429
14 May 2011   #1
MPs have voted overwhelmingly in favour of new laws allowing for the construction of nuclear plants on Polish soil. U.S. concern Westinghouse has been reported as being amongst those keen to secure the commission.
NomadatNet  1 | 457
14 May 2011   #2
We have seen petrolium wars since last century.
Next is nuclear wars..
There is no need to have nuclear bombs. Nuclear plants are kind of potential nuclear bombs.
So, with many countries already having nuclear plants, there will be no major powers in the world anymore. Those 5 permanent UN members who have veto powers are meaningless powers already.

With this decision of Poland parliament, Poland too decided to be among those "Do not make me angry, I too can be destructive."

Welcome to the community of powers, Poland.
You do not need to listen to orders of so-called powers of the world anymore.

This is only about energy? Petrolium too was only about energy.
scottie1113  6 | 896
14 May 2011   #3
Say what? Your post is full of gibberish.
NomadatNet  1 | 457
15 May 2011   #4
Did you think much to say this. ?
pawian  222 | 26378
15 May 2011   #5
MPs have voted overwhelmingly in favour of new laws allowing for the construction of nuclear plants on Polish soil.

At last.
NomadatNet  1 | 457
15 May 2011   #6
Is there any organizations such as Greenpeace, etc protesting this over there in Poland? There have been many protests over here about such a project plan. People formed 160 km hand-chain around the town where nuclear energy plant is planned to be built. (final decision is not given here yet.)
OP PennBoy  76 | 2429
15 May 2011   #7
At last.

Yea Poland isn't gonna build some out of date nuclear power plant and neglect safety like the Soviets did, and it isn't Japan where tsunamis or earthquakes threaten it. France and Germany have them with no major accidents, it's safe clean energy.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11801
15 May 2011   #8 least it isn't anywhere near the german border...just in case...
OP PennBoy  76 | 2429
15 May 2011   #9
Żarnowiec right in Tusk's back yard lol
z_darius  14 | 3960
15 May 2011   #11 least it isn't anywhere near the german border...just in case...

With the prevailing W ad NW winds in Poland, it would be silly to build them close to the Polish border. In case of a accident any airborne pollution would cover most of Poland. Those plants should be built in Easter Poland.
NomadatNet  1 | 457
15 May 2011   #12 least it isn't anywhere near the german border...just in case...

I put my nose into this nuclear project of Poland even from this 2500 km distance and warned them by an email about its risks. Are there no anti-nuclear-plant campaings over there in Poland like there are, here? What about West Europe? Greenpeace-like organizations are too lazy there?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11801
15 May 2011   #13
There is no anti-nuclear movement in Poland it seems...

(Germany is a special case anyhow!)
NomadatNet  1 | 457
15 May 2011   #14
I know the last anti-nuclear protests in Germany about a month ago.
But, I am not hearing any activity of Greenpeace like organizations in other bigs of Europe, such as UK, France, etc. These Greenpeace organizations show themselves only in smaller countries or only in countries where there is no nuclear plant? There is a very old nuclear plant in Armenia and it is threatening everywhere, from Russia to Turkey to Europe. But, there is no activity of Greenpeace there either.. Among all these countries, UK's position is nonunderstandable. They already keep control of petrol lands in Middle East. So, they don't need nuclear energy actually as France or Poland need.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11801
15 May 2011   #15
I don't think Greenpeace is foremost about nuclear energy...they have other priorities....
NomadatNet  1 | 457
15 May 2011   #16
I have seen civil organization activities much here including Greanpeace's - about nuclear...
It is not wrong to see them here (I too am anti-nuclear, am anti-petrolium-monopol-wilds as well), but, when I don't see them in Europe - it is suspectful organization, a biased organization..

Do you try to stop a nuclear plant project or do you try to close existing nuclear plants? Greenpeace-like organizations are trying to stop projects while they doing nothing about plants which already exist. They lost credit in my eyes. Anyway, their this bias didn't stop people here who are protesting a project plan.. When I read this news about Poland, I understood that Poland is forced to do the same mistake by countries who already done mistake by building nuclear plants..
rock  - | 428
15 May 2011   #17
Turkey is planning to construct 3 nuclear plants in 12 years. If you are an economically fast growing country and do not have natural energy sources in your country, you need more and cheap energy sources that is only nuclear. Importing energy is not secure everytime and it is expensive too such as natural gas and petroluem. Hydroelectric or termic plants, sun,wind energy will not be enough for sustainable industrial growth.

Despite its risks nuclear plants are inevitable for countries.

I hope Turkey will construct them asap and im my opinion Poland is on the right way too.
BBman  - | 343
15 May 2011   #18
Great news. Finally Poland will be able to replace those dirty coal plants with a cleaner source of electricity.
NomadatNet  1 | 457
15 May 2011   #19
I know. Tender resulted and one of these projects was given to Japan Toshiba, one to Russia and one to ? (I dont know this third - two are known / fixed.) Japan Toshiba (one of biggest in this nuclear plant in this field, who also bought shares of Westinghouse some years ago if I am not wrong) gone into silence after Japan nuclear plants things. Russia already passed their law about constructing a plant in Turkey and they plan to build the nuclear.

And, people, I heard 160 km of people forming a chain against nuclear in Mersin city. What these people are doing is correct. I can think of political games of bigs of world, but, they are trying to sell their stupidity to everywhere. If you buy it, you will have to close sooner or later.. Bigs too will have to close their nuclear plants sooner or later.. Or, since this is political game rather than energy need, I can guarantee you there is a nuclear world war in the horizon soon.. Such a world war can not be done twice. If they are interested in world war, they don't need to wait.. They can press on the buttons and they can crash nuclear plants so that radiation can be released..

I can prove renewable energies are better, much cheaper and its source is infinite comparing to such energy sources like petrol, nuclear, etc - but, they won't understand.. What they can understand is the power only. Hence, the destiny is nuclear world war.. We don't need another nuclear weapon nor nuclear plant for that. There are many already in the world..
rock  - | 428
16 May 2011   #20
Tender resulted and one of these projects was given to Japan Toshiba, one to Russia and one to ? (I dont know this third - two are known / fixed.)

None of them was resulted yet. One will be in Mersin, second in Sinop and third in Kırklareli (iğneada).

I can prove renewable energies are better, much cheaper and its source is infinite comparing to such energy sources like petrol, nuclear, etc

I think this is a nice tale, unfortunately they are not.
NomadatNet  1 | 457
16 May 2011   #21
I knew two of them; Mersin tender was won by Russia company and Sinop was won by Japan Toshiba. I don't see any news about Toshiba lately. I heard Russians (Duma) approved realization of Russia company's nuclear plant in Mersin. Since this second seems to be sooner, there have been big protests here by locals and by country people in Mersin. (Were they organized by some anti-nuclear-ists? who are maybe actually against Russian's win of the tender there? or by anti-Turkeys who are against nuclears in Turkey? Just because anti-Turkey centers who already have nuclears in their own countries said nuclears are bad, there is no need to oppose them,, they already know they did bad.. and I already knew it was bad before.) Their behaviours are like that; we fell in marsh, you too, fall in marsh - Stupids.. If I too fall in marsh, how will you save yourself? Like that.. Buying nuclear is somethings like that in today world. They should close their nuclears which already exist..

While you are in marsh, in a nuclear marsh, a very risky technology, your questioning about from where to get energy is meaningless.. I'll say this.. Even petrolium is not an energy source actually. Just because people use it so, by burning in engines, etc., it doesn't mean petrol is energy source really. For me, for ex., it is plastic source.. When you start to think in such different directions, you can see that petrolium is considered as power tool for some stupids who are politicians in general and especially monarchies in particular rather than energy source need.. If it were considered as energy source, they wouldn't have killed millions of people.. They are in marsh of nuclear now and they are pulling our legs into nuclear tech. If you buy it, you too find yourself in nuclear marsh. Then, we alltogether can start to pray once we too find ourselves in this marsh..
18 May 2011   #22
This is great news. Another step toward Poland becoming respected superpower again.
Stu  12 | 515
18 May 2011   #23
And here was I thinking that the days of lobotomies in psychiatric clinics were over ... :(. How wrong I was ... :S
NomadatNet  1 | 457
18 May 2011   #24
This is great news. Another step toward Poland becoming respected superpower again.

How? Even poor Armenia has nuclear plant.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
18 May 2011   #25
This is great news. Another step toward Poland becoming respected superpower again.


I can't even be bothered to comment, just...hahaahaha.
Crow  154 | 9482
30 Jan 2014   #26
Merged: Poland adopts nuclear power program

Poland progress. Nice

Poland adopts nuclear power program

Warsaw Business Journal


The Polish government has adopted the country's nuclear program, the Economy Ministry announced in a statement.

"The Program ... sets forth, among others, the schedule of building two nuclear power plants and preparing a regulatory and organization framework for those investments," the statement read.

The program stipulates that by the end of 2016, the location will be chosen, the construction of the first unit will start in 2019 and will be completed by the end of 2024. The second of the currently planned power plants should be ready by 2035.

Monitor  13 | 1810
31 Jan 2014   #27
people in Berlin will be demonstrating :)
TheStranger  - | 28
31 Jan 2014   #28
Poland progress. Nice

Poland adopts nuclear power program ...

Oh, yes. A big step for the country, indeed a very big one, extremly big.... hmm, too big?

So, our panslavic mega-super-commonwealth-power is preparing for energetic "independence"!

But hold on for a second. That will cost a lot of money. Not a lot of money, but A LOOOT OF MONEY! Money, that polish tax payer doesn't have?

Ah,I think they will finance it trough the eu-funds? Will Germany agree to this? Oh, sure - because than they can shut all their nuclear powerplants down. And surely the Germans will take care of all work, that need to be done!

But will they make it for free? Will they agree to these big funds (France?)?
Oh sure they will do it - if Poland take the german and french shi..., oh, sorry...the nuclear waste - they will sure agree - and the rest will be paid the polish taxpayer!!

Now with the bright gamma-rays and fracking-future - the country has nothing to fear.
Be aware Russia.
Crow  154 | 9482
31 Jan 2014   #29
But hold on for a second. That will cost a lot of money. Not a lot of money, but A LOOOT OF MONEY! Money, that polish tax payer doesn't have?

Poland have money
Monitor  13 | 1810
31 Jan 2014   #30
Not really. Or rather not enough, or rather spends too much. Otherwise public dept would not grow so fast. And the price of this power plant is around 800eur per working person. It's more than average monthly net salary. In did quite a lot. But this is what Poland must do, because EU is forcing it to stop burning so much coal.

Home / News / Parliament in Poland clears way for nuclear plant
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