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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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21 Apr 2018
History / Future of Kaliningrad Oblast - is it possible to annex by Poland or will it become an independent country? [137]

Annexation of Kaliningrad by Poland isn`t possible. But, in future, if Polish-Russian relations are better, maybe Russia give Kaliningrad to Poland, if we presume how are people there ready to accept it.

But, how things develop, I wouldn`t disregard possibility of creation of one entirely new Slavic state on remnants of what is now Germany or to say what was Eastern Germany. It could be one of outcomes of eventual aggressive NATO war on Russia. States within NATO then losing sovereignty and winner takes whatever winner want.

In the meanwhile, spot this >

Trump Trolls Baltic Leaders - Implies They Are All Stupid, Does It in the Third Person to Boot

No, Trump won`t sacrifice USA in possible nuclear war for the interests of Germany and deluded assimilated Slavs that were germanized in past and now, as side psychological effect, hate everything Slavic and pledge its loyalty to Nazism.
21 Apr 2018
Off-Topic / Which western European country would assimilate more Poles and other Slavs in next 50 years? [12]


EU`s policy is anti-Slavic ?

Do we now have enough elements to conclude how EU force anti-Slavic policy?

We know this:

* EU pressuring and blackmailing Poland and all Visegrad countries, for all sorts of invented reasons
* EU sponsored and took part in bloody Civil War and dissolution of Yugoslavia
* EU taking part in partition of Serbia
* EU sponsored bloody Civil War in Ukraine
* EU push for formation of Greater Albania on the ground of several Slavic countries
* EU force anti-Belarus policy
* EU force anti-Russian policy

So, when you look at the policy of official EU, from every aspect how you look at it, its generally anti-Slavic politics.
11 Apr 2018
News / Polish President Lech Kaczynski and gov officials die in a plane crash in Russia [686]

When Anglo-Franco-Germanics want you to die, they do it efficiently. Lech Kaczynski was brave enough to oppose them and so he had to die. Plus, when he decided to oppose, he did it in tandem with Russian President. How he could dare to think that Poles can be more then just then mere servants to their western European masters. How he could dare to think that Polish-Russian antagonism needs to end and that Poles and Russians may have some common interests.

RiP Lech, brate Sarmate. Racowie will remember you. You was killed but your soul is immortal.

Long live free Poland!
11 Apr 2018
News / Polish President Lech Kaczynski and gov officials die in a plane crash in Russia [686]

Air traffic controllers in Smolensk gave the Polish plane crew erroneous information

But what any and even erroneous information by controllers in Smolensk (any controllers) have with explosion of wing and especially with explosion in the hull of plane?

This rapport that you mentioned only confirms me even more that Lach Kaczynski was assassinated by circles within EU and NATO. See, NATO in its statute have clause that state that (to paraphrase)- `alliance have right to kill every person in any state that is member of alliance, if actions of person may weaken the alliance and confront with policy of alliance`.

Why did Lech Kaczynski traveled to Russia? As he said and as was expected in Russia, in act of friendship, in order to improve relations with Russia, to hystorically improve relations between Poles and Russians.

Who in only leader of NATO pact that so violently criticized NATO and EU powers on session of UNGA? It was Lech Kaczynski. He did it defending Serbians and Poland and Russia may have different historical problems but, on Balkan, on the lands of Serbians, Polish and Russian interests always went hand in hand (actually even Pope John Paul II had conflict with NATO when NATO attacked Serbians- or should I remind you on reaction of Jan Lopuzanski of Polish right wing Catholics within Polish parliament who said that if NATO (citation) ``when today NATO attack Serbia, tomorrow will Poland``). Plus, we knows that back in those days Serbian diplomats activated `Sarmatian connection` with Poles and by some, even mediated between Poland and Russia, for Serbians now needs support of both and Polish-Russian conflict don`t suits us and never suited us.


Polish President Lech Kaczynski and Serbian President Boris Tadic, pictured on same day when during session of UNGA, Polish President criticized NATO (joining that day to stance of Russia). Scandal was even bigger considering that Lech Kaczynski criticized president of his own government (what was never seen in history of UN), Tusk, who pushed for recognition of Kosova and supported partition of Serbia, while Lech Kaczynski opposed to it. On the same image, in the background, you can see Vuk Jeremic that later himself became President of UNGA, young Serbian diplomat that had special talks with Lech Kaczynski and asked for Poland`s support and got it, at least from President of Poland- who represent voice of Polish people that in great majority was and is on Serbian side.


Vuk Jeremić, former Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs and former president of the UN General Assembly - mediated between Polish and Russian Presidnets to secure their joint support to Serbian and Slavic cause cause in the region

moneta of the Polish King Mieszko I, over 1000 year old currency - Sarmatian symbolism

Never underestimate symbolism.

EU and NATO killed Lech Kaczynski. That`s what one must conclude if follow intersection of interests.
8 Apr 2018
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]

I fear that you choosed right time to pray.

Since morning news I increasing amount of prayers. Its not easy you know. I starting with Holly Maria, Jesus, His Father, then comes the Svetovid and finally my Christian Saint protector of family and our direct connection to ancestors- in case of my clan that is St. Arhangel Micahel. All gets three prayers, at least.
7 Apr 2018
Genealogy / Was name `Szczerbin` first and original Polish ethnic name, local version of Sarmatian name ? [11]

Balkan/CE Serbians designate itself as (to be precise I say Balkan/CE Serbs to underline that Balkan Serbs aren`t just Balkan but also equally Central European population and by that their language was not reduced only to Balkan but to Central Europe as well. Just, with time Serbians are reduced to Balkan, to say retreated to Balkan mountains and even so, parts of today`s Serbia are still geographically situated in Central Europe. Good to know that medieval Slavic Great Moravia was spread from river Morava in today`s Slovakia to the Morava river in today`s Serbia- so comes the name `Great Moravia` - `Velika Moravska`):

When male...

I am (Ja sam) `Srb`.
I am (Ja sam) `Srbin`
I am (Ja sam) `Srbijanac`

What form would be used depend on situation or from local regional variation.

Now, in case of Poles, if we were to accept form that is presented in name of sword `Szczerbiec`, using above logic,.... having in mind that name of Sarmatians gradually, (how climate improved after Ice age/glaciation), was spread upward from South to North along the Danube, local Polish versions could be:

I am `Szczerb`
I am `Szczerbin`
I am `Szczerbiec`

It would help if somebody here who is native speaking Polish tries to help a little, from the angle of particular logic of Polish language.

In Lusatia we have this situation:

Upper Lusatia...

I am `Serb`
I am `Serbjan`

Lower Lusatian...

I am `Serb`
I am `Serbyan`

So, take western Balkan as starting point and then think of upward movement of our ancestral population. Those that would later become Polani tribe moved up to North and little bit right (when you look at the map). Those that would later become tribe of Lusatians moved up to North and little bit left.

All the time we speak of Sarmatians, just tries to figure out their local names. Local versions. Name of Slavs (Slavjani) appeared much later in history. Name of Thracians that was equally in use for/by same population, parallel, with name of Sarmatians is another phenomenon so we now won`t go in it.
5 Apr 2018
Genealogy / Was name `Szczerbin` first and original Polish ethnic name, local version of Sarmatian name ? [11]

What I know (!), I would be first in the world that ever went public with this idea. My contribution to Polish history. From Srbin to Szczerbin. Mistake is possible in my interpretation of name `Szczerbiec` but, I sense something in this. Its just so logical to me, having in mind logic of Balkan and Lusatian Serbs in ethnic naming.

So, was name of Szczerbin first and original Polish ethnic name, local version of Sarmatian name, back in past universal name of all Slavs?

Polish Szczerbiec sword must be in connection to Polish Sarmatian origin. After all, Polish legends do confirms Polish Sarmatian origin. So, only open question is the local `Polish speaking area` original version of Sarmatian name.



Szczerbiec on display in the Wawel Castle treasure vault

Why name of Szczerbiec to the sword? It was the coronation sword that was used in crowning ceremonies of most Polish monarchs from 1320 to 1764. Obviously, originally, Warlords of Sarmatian tribe of Polani that dominated the region, when sought to unite land turned to ancestral symbolism- to the local version of once universal name of all Slavs- to Sarmatian name. They turned to meta-ethnicity of its people, to its ultimate Sarmatian identity.

I don`t know did you Poles noticed that but, name of sword Szczerbiec must be best link that Poles needs to use in search for their own version of Sarmatian name. See, we Serbians on Balkan/CE preserved that name in form SRBI, SRBIJANCI I SRPSKO. Lusatian CE Serbs would say SERBJA, SERBY and SRBSKO. Also, have in mind that linguistic and history connects Czechs to name BOII (Boika, Serboi > Ser-boii), so comes the Bohemia. As you know `Sarmatian` is foreign given form in accordance with linguistics of foreigners and modern science suggests that Sarmatian name was universal name of all Slavs in past.

Poles, your most probable original ethnic name was Szczerbi. You are SZCZERBI. There comes the Szczerbiec sword.

SZCZERBI. Those are you Poles. Polani were just segment of wider picture. They were part of vast and venerable Sarmatian realm.

God bless you all, Sarmats (ie Slavs), my sisters and brothers!

And awake, just awake!
5 Apr 2018
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]

Yes, anthem of Yugoslavia and Poland were/are almost identical. No wonder, we are all Sarmats, after all.

Mazurek DÄ…browskiego & Hej Slaveni

What crossed my mind is fact that genetic science confirmed that what is now Polish population represent paternal population to Russian population. Simple speaking, Russians originate from Poles. Male gene was crucial in research here.

Must be that separation happened in deep past, when Sarmats of what is now Poland were hunters-gatherers or in best case, nomads. So, by scenario given by genetic research one number of males organized and separated for some reason, moved on some warrior hike, hunt to far land or just moved far due to some internal tribal dispute. All that moved on that trip were males or among them was only few females. We know that because genetics says that on Polish male genome was added some other local female genome (those males acquired themselves brides). That`s how Russians came to existence by genetics. Then, being familiar with nomad way of life they continued that way for very long and became branch or Sarmats known as Scythians (in Serbian > SKITATI > SKITI means `wandering`- having nomadic way of life). In the meanwhile those who left in Poland, evolved into sedentary Sarmatians much before Russians (Scythians).
5 Apr 2018
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]

Losing possible friends first, then start to lose something material.

Poles won`t lose Serbians. Its impossible.

But, approach will change. We learning, I see this among our intellectual circles, how are we Serbians more free then our Polish and Russian brethren and all other Slavs altogether. It even surprising how deeply you all are enslaved. Only Czechs shows some of freedom but even they seek for guidance.

Its clear to me how Russians failed to influence you Poles (or Poles to influence Russians). Sure, aside reason that Poles were sedentary Sarmats much longer then Russians (Scythian Sarmats). Simple, you both were entrenched in defense of your way of Christianity, while due to historical circumstances absolutely failed to preserve most important thing- your own ancestral spirituality. So, I quite understand how Russians (their elite) who thought of itself of Third Rome, failed to ``explain`` things to Poles. Wrong. You both are so wrong. You both defend something, killing each others in the name of something what have only one desire- to assimilate you completely, to make you vanish, if you want. No, don`t get me wrong. Problem isn`t in Christianity. No. Problems are false priests on all sides who wants to profit on it. See, for that, to protect yourself from that, one must have deeper roots. That, what we Serbians kept alive and have it in itself, what you Poles and Russian lost. Its harder to manipulate you when you have roots..... And when you are hungry enough, when you recognize your reality, you shell get it from us. You just have to ask and copy paste it, on your own Christian way, just little bit to upgrade it to yourself.

That, or you shall stop to be Poles and Russian. Then, without you, we shell finally die, no matter all.
4 Apr 2018
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]

* Winged cavalry, for one. Entire cavalry doctrine that saved Poland. Imagine Polish history without it.
* Consult Polish encyclopedias how Jagilonian and other Polish Kings imported Serbian culture and military.
* Grunwald, Orsha battle, Vienna, etc. Serbians.
* Read what Adam Mickiewicz said about Serbs.
* Which Slavs supported Poles during yoke of Soviet Union? Serbs.
* In WWII Serbs entered because of Poles.
* If not for Serbian rebellion against A-H there won`t be independence of Poland. Who wanted and supported independence of Poles after WWI? Western Europeans, Americans, Russians? Only Serbs.

Now, you may say, but others also were there at those times with Poles. Yes, sure. They were or they even didn`t. But even when they were, they later stubbed you in the back. But Serbs never. Hungarians also f*****d you Poles. Hey, who didn`t? Frankly? Who didn`t? Serbs never. Only for Serbs, Poland was on golden pedestal that deserve mortal loyalty.

That for now.

And I don`t say that Poles are morons but that Poland`s leadership together with western Europe ride Poland like a mad horse. If Poles continue to tolerate that, they would be morons. Even then, they would be, by my side, considered to be victims of another anti-Polish joke. And yes, those jokes. Who invented them? You don`t need me to tell you that. We know that Serbs didn`t.
4 Apr 2018
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]

O, I see, you want Serbian to tell you the truth. Fine. Its fine with me. Really.

I f*** you all. I myself do respect Czehs and Slovaks but, there won`t be Polish history and Poland without Serbian contribution in cultural, spiritual, moral and military sense. Nobody in this Europe and world ever did for Poland what Serbians did. Nobody that much gave to Poland and contributed. While other Catholics hunted you Poles like animals, we Serbians and our contribution was there for you. While other Orthodox hunted you like animals, we Serbs were there for you Poles. While you Poles, hunted other Orthodox like animals, we Serbians were there with you, on your side. Against Islam we fought together, against Germanics, even against Russians. When you served Russians, we were with you Poles, to arise you.

We broke every f*****g rule of this world in order to support Poles. Now, at this very moment, when entire western Europe f*** you and while your own leadership helping them in it, we Serbs are again with you Poles.

Not that Poles didn help us in turn. I don`t deny that. I am thankful, as all Serbs. We would`nt be alive if not for Polish timely support. God knows that. But official Poland now urinate on all decent Poles of past. I f*** Duda. You Poles are morons if you vote for that idiot again. How did Poland founded itself in creating Islamic caliphate on Serbian lands, in Bosnia, Kosovo, in the heart of Europe? ISIS in Europe? How is this possible people? Are you all insane? President of Poland is utter imbecile.

And West was born in Serbia. Not in England, France, Germany or Italy. If you chooses to serve THEM, at least know this fact. They only have more money. Right now, but that will change. We shall reclaim what is ours!
4 Apr 2018
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]


Don`t panic like an old woman. We Serbians calling all our brethren to support us. We don`t suggest unity. We suggest coordination against lunacy of western Europe and Islamists. We Serbians are directly threatened by this common foe today. Tomorrow, Poland. You know that.

The only thing regrettable about bombing Belgrade was that it was down far too late to really make a difference with the genocide occurring.

Its a lie. Genocide happened on Serbs. And we defended ourselves against overwhelming forces of darkness.
4 Apr 2018
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]

What I can`t understand, neither in Poles, neither in Russians, is that non of them was able to protect Svetovid and SLAVA family custom within their form of Christianity. Aren`t they aware that Romans and Greeks were barbarians, while Sarmatians (ie Slavs) were givers of West. Are my brethren that deluded and brainwashed?

Only hope to all Slavs is to return to Svetovid and incorporate SLAVA custom within Christianity, same as we Serbians did. We Serbs survived in history only thanks to believing in both- in Christ and in Svetovid. When Christ failed us, what was often, we turned to Svetovid, that never failed us.

I think that all Polish and Russian problems coming from fact that they both wants to be bigger Romans then Romans themselves. Its sad and, it even leads in mental problems. Ultimately it leads in their Arabization. How they aren`t able to see that is behind me.

Looks like some Poles still canot understand that at present times there is much more important differences, rather than Catholic Christian vs non-Catholic Christian.

Awakening would be painful when Muslim Arabs and Africans converted to Catholicism start to flood Poland over Catholic solidarity, asking shelter in land that is ruled by Christ. Then, Poles would ask for Svetovid. And we Serbians would come (our go out from prisons in Poland, that are full of us Serbs).

See, Ratko knew.

At least they don't behave like barbaric Russian parasites

Yes, Russians barbarized themselves when declared their Orthodoxy to be on the path of Third Rome. We Serbians works a lot of with Russians to correct their imperfections.