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Poland's PiS = suspicion & fear? [70]
Yes, after they are in the cell not in their own place!
Every second since they arrested someone.Place doesn't matter.If they've followed safety rules none of it would have happen.But these are the consequences of creating and using such forces "na kolanie"(on a knee-fast and not to neatly.) and for political reasons.
So ? Do you care? Poland has the right to the Independent policy!PiS wasn't doing anything bad, all has been used to Poland sucking up to them - so they didn't like when she stopped!
This is the excuse of every person that doesn't have friends-It's not that I'm mean and stupid
just ppl doesn't understand me and are jelaus of me.PiS made a mess from international relationships.
Are you kidding me? They sow *****, they were following media and were incited by others means as well! Anyway it wasn't that common!
It's a wonder then that they never did it in the past.It was the only time teenagers protested Minister of Education.
He just put some measures to prevent teachers being intimidated and humiliated by their pupils! That was step in the right direction!
It depends on the teacher.How come there are teachers that never have a problem with discipline.And even if he was doing good job with that(and I don't think so) it was overshadowed by his other ideas that screwed things up.
If you see PiS not being in power as the main reason for your vote
I already told you that I vote everytime.PiS has nothing to do with it.If you're refering to these words:
Because I remember their style,the mess,the accusation and all the other things I tried to avoid by voting.
then yes.When I vote I try to choose ppl that are wise and responsible and by that keep lunatics away from the power.
unless you have some arguments other than - their are bad they made a mess and all that generalizations imprinted by the media!
I already gave you many arguments.But there is one good enough for me-I lived here when PiS was in charge,I had to follow their rules and I felt bad in my own country (besides many times Mr Kaczyński excluded me from being a real Pole in his speeches).And I wasn't the only one.The elections after their "5 minutes of fame" showed that many Poles thought the same.