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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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26 Oct 2018
UK, Ireland / Ireland and Poland - ways of struggling for independence [43]

I am just curious how Islam deal with female martyrs. Do they also receives 40 virgins after they died?

O'Connor has been mentally ill for a very long time. If this helps her, then so be it.

Yes, its maybe part of some twisted mental therapy.
26 Oct 2018
UK, Ireland / Ireland and Poland - ways of struggling for independence [43]

O k**va!

Sinéad O'Connor converts to Islam


known for her 1990 hit version of the song Nothing Compares 2 U, said she had changed her name to Shuhada'.

In a message on Twitter, she thanked fellow Muslims for their support.

18 Oct 2018
Life / Differences between Irish, British, Polish, American and other nations culture, tradition, music - loose talk [239]

You want to know how did look like Europeans when all of them were Sarmatians, in first period after Ice age was finished and when they in slow migrations again repopulated Europe from ice age refugiums on Balkan and Crimea, along river nets?

They had very pale skin, dark eyes from dark to light brown and reddish hair and body hair. In last 5000-7000 years happened sub-racial differentiation and appearance of blond, brown and black hair and, eyes from blue, gray to green.

Modern example preserved in Ireland >


Conor McGregor, Irish MMA fighter

Modern example preserved in Serbia >

Dragan Djilas, former major of Serbian Capital Belgrade

Have no doubt. This is how original Europeans were look like after Ice age was finished and still this kind of appearance was most usual at time when Greeks and Romans first time appeared in Europe and started to hunt Sarmats (ie Celts, ie Thracians, ie Scythians, ie etc).
10 Oct 2018
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

Crow, you completely ignore the "Slavic" factor in the disappearance of native Slavs

No, I don`t ignore Slavic factor. We just didn`t come to that. Factors for fall of old Slavs (ie Sarmatians) are numerous. Some internal and some external.

But, you yourself must be aware of real picture of old Europe, Eurasia and Near East, all regions which were entirely or partly part of old Slavic (ie Sarmatian) realm.

1 - Have in mind that our ancient civilization was wast and truly old. When one civilization is very old it become traditional and rarely abandoning old ways that were proven in previous eons. As such it had its own regulatory mechanisms. Some ancients lived as nomads, some as hunter-gatherers, some lived in villages and some in cities.

2 - Imagine now, when newly emerging ethoses emerged on fringes of world of ancients (in intersection of cultures), or maybe emerged even deeper in territory of ancients from within but in regions for long isolated for all kind of reasons. Imagine how ridiculous new ways looked to our deeply traditional ancients. Some were faster to change and some slower but in general they were reluctant to change. For millennia they lived, ruled their realm, spread and dominated and now some new people coming and endangering them. Imagine psychological impact of that situation.

3 - Then think of all new factors that befall our ancients... one of them era of slavery..... Greek and Roman slave oriented society. What you think what was reaction of our ancients? Two kind of responds. At firts they were deeply shocked that one human can take other human as property and later with time, they succumbed to the influence and some, entire tribes, oriented to live and prosper by hunting their own brethren and selling them to Greeks, Jews, Arabs and Romans. So, at first strangers used to hunt Slavs (ie Sarmats) and then some Slavs started to hunt their own and profit on it.

4 - New religions spread by Greeks and Romans were also plague for our ancients. Especially Romans harmed them with invention of Christianity and then purposely segmented Europe on Western and Eastern Roman of influence. It was first time in history of ancients that they faced religious turmoils. Until Romans they were tolerant and have numerous deities from one side of their realm to the other but, with Roman influence and Christianity they started to killing each others.

5 - Have in mind that Romans invested great effort to weaken cohesion of our ancients, even in time BC and later in Christianity. At first, hunt of ancients was openly justified with slavery and necessity to acquire populace, while later, same reasons were justified with Christianity. So entire crusades were initiated against against non-Christian ancients.

6 - Complete situation led to total confusion and collapse of values in societies of ancients. Numerous invasions moved those who survived on internal migration. Those were cataclysmic migrations. What you think how sedentary tribe was happy to move on territory that was traditional zone of living for some nomadic tribe? Or when nomads were forced to settle fast, losing territories to feed their flock of animal? Or when some tribe in fear from Christian armies accepted Christianity and started to pressure other still non-Christian tribes, that they too accept Christianity? Imagine wish of retribution in those who were stubborn to give up from old Gods? It was era when treason was reasonable in order to survive and when heroes of some clan/tribe were hated by their own kin.

And on all what was happening to world of ancients, foreigners profited.
10 Oct 2018
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

Bismarck was a Serb and in his time already all Serbs of Lusatia and complete eastern Germany were fascinated with fact that Serbs on Balkan/CE managed to survive and endure all what Romans and Germanics thrown at them. It was honor to all able Lusatians to come and serve in Serbian army. One of the famous Lusatians in Serbian army was Pavel Sturm who had with time became staff general and commandeered 3nd Serbian army in famous Cer and Kolubara battles where Austro-Hungaria was decisively crashed and its fate decided. It was Pavel Sturm who insisted Serbian army to start using Prussian ceremonial army marching step that is used even today to our time. By Sturm, Serbia as free Serbian state have duty to preserve tradition of all Serbs, no matter if enemy managed to Germanize some of defeated Serbs.
10 Oct 2018
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

My dear, we all know how Lusatians were robbed of their land. That Germany wanted even more, again, again and again. And now Germany won`t get another chance. Germany will get its place and Serbs their place. Its ongoing.

Did you ever believed that Sarmats won`t strike back. Did you?

Listen, listen better and you shall hear the scream of Lusatia. And aid to them is already on the way.
10 Oct 2018
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

Yes, they consolidate. And did you sow in my previous post. They call Germany- big brother (like reality show) and Poland- brother and Polish flag up, while German down :)
9 Oct 2018
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

From Lusatian Serbian web site

GERMANY - close friend (big borther):
She lives together with Ludwig in Germany ´cause most of the area belongs to this country. After the reunion of Germany she was still scared of him

POLAND - close friend (brother):
......... calls him just brother. ............. They get along very well and she often talks to him Sobian, becaus ...... Both of them belong to the slavs and speak a slavic language.

9 Oct 2018
History / What is Poles opinion on Intermarium (Międzymorze)? [188]

I take that Miroslaw as Polish. He is maybe provoker but he present himself as Polish. And I believe him.

But its abominable to me when he says that he don`t like Serbs, don`t like Racowie. And we all know what were Racowie for Poland and Poles. Not to tell that we Serbians take Poles as our own people. Connection is deep as time.

And what is defeating to me is when I sense that some Poles here (people that present themselves as Polish but one on the net never knows) react defensively when I give some critic to Vatican or members of Catholic clergy. As if its my fault if Vatican have blood of my people on its hands and committed crimes equally on Orthodox and Catholic Serbs. Just different kind of crime. But even now I would never say how is Orthodox Church better then Catholic or some similar idiotism. No I would never tell that. That isn`t reason why I giving critics to Vatican here. I don`t promote Orthodoxy (not to tell that we Serbians within Orthodoxy actually celebrate old pre-Christian Slavic faith). As I said, I simple must mention some evil done exactly in order to prevent evil in future. As for comparison of Orthodox and Catholic Church i don`t see real difference. One can`t hardly tell who have more moronic priests or who have worse higher clergy. In both Churches many priests and bishops are sinners, pedophiles, thiefs and liars. Recently, in Serbia, we got many Orthodox priests involved with narcotics what is real scandal these days.

But simple, it happened that during WWII and even now here in region some members of Catholic clergy crossed the red line to tell that way, serving to pure evil of Nazism and hate.
8 Oct 2018
News / New European Council's report: "Poland oasis of racism, xenophobia and homophobia" ... [343]

Nothing wrong. Just seams that world evolve in direction that all that you mentioned above one can eventually hope to keep in his own house. In normal society government won`t advertise and force you to mix with other races, to be gay, to donate your organs, etc. In deviated society every pressure on populace will be allowed for the sake of interest of some elite in shadow.
8 Oct 2018
News / New European Council's report: "Poland oasis of racism, xenophobia and homophobia" ... [343]

You know why you have that impression? Its because Serbians are last Slavs that still celebrate once universal Slavic (ie Sarmatian) family custom `Slava` and preserved deep connection with ancestors, Svetovid and pre-Christian Slavic faith in its Christianized form (even more then Irish and Scots preserved elements of old faith within Christianity). Not to say how are Serbs deeply connected with their meta-ethnicity, being last bearers of local version of Sarmatian name just one of reminders of that fact. So, we live our world.
8 Oct 2018
History / What is Poles opinion on Intermarium (Międzymorze)? [188]

video where are even Iran, Israel, Azerbaijan,.... set in Intermarium >>>>

New Intermarium - Future of Europa - Message to Patriots middle the Seas

Think about it.... its globalization..... humanity needs massive civilizations for massive production..... Only partially we would be asked. If even partially. Better to say, only something will be as we wish.
8 Oct 2018
Off-Topic / Russophiles can no longer defend their beloved Russians. [84]

To all

My plemenita i pametna brothers. Calm yourself. You shame entire Slavic (ie Sarmatian) world, in front of foreigners of this forum. Shame that English rejoice in moment of our weakness, in our mutual conflicts. Let us show to vermin how we are wise.
8 Oct 2018
Off-Topic / Russophiles can no longer defend their beloved Russians. [84]

Please. As if western Europeans trusted to Russians until now, same as Russians don`t trust them. Its mad race.

As we West Europeans

If you speak of Poles, they are not western Europeans geographically. Poles are West but not western Europeans. Actually, geographical west even isn`t West in cultural sense. We Slavs (ie Sarmats) are givers of West.
7 Oct 2018
Off-Topic / Russophiles can no longer defend their beloved Russians. [84]

World evolve into the world of civilizations with dominant culture where would wise people find way to preserve themselves within diversity. It would be destine of all civilizations.

If we manage to have civilization of Central Europe it won`t be without costs. You can be sure that would world powers attach Turkey and maybe even Israel and some more countries to the Central European civilization. That`s the idea of all this around us, my friend.
7 Oct 2018
Off-Topic / Russophiles can no longer defend their beloved Russians. [84]

Khabib Abdulmanapovich Nurmagomedov

He is Russia`s citizen, alright. But I didn`t look in his personal documents on his ethnicity. That for one. Then, if he says he is Russian would you suggest that we beat him? What would we with other non-Russians who wants to be Russians? What about Polish Tatars who wants to be Polish? What about Gypsies who wants to be Slovaks? What with Romanians who wants to be Serbs? Shall we beat all of them?
7 Oct 2018
Off-Topic / Russophiles can no longer defend their beloved Russians. [84]

Russians are not ethnically Slav......most of them are only culturally Slav....there is a big difference.

They are Slavs, alright. Russians are Slavs. It is the other questions that you in Russia have numerous ethnicities on wide territory and you have perception of Russia as of USA in ethnic sense, where whites dominates and also live many others. That is my perception of Russia.

But I understand you. Your perception is additionally colored with historical animosities between Poles and Russians and you see them additionally negative. I do understand that. WWII was missed chance for correction of relations, when Russians had chance to support Poles and not to take part in partition of Poland. But see, we Serbs also had problems with Russians in those times. Actually, not with Russians but with Soviets. Not to speak that Stalin wasn`t Russian and before him Lenin was in Germany prepared for diversion. So, in reality, Soviets were not Russians. It was twisted era.

Sure, Polish-Russian problems started even earlier. But also, what I know, Poles and Russians coordinated in respond to Swedes and that was good time.

Look, you must find scent. You must find way to heal your conflicts to the level of normal and tolerable communication. We Serbians need that from both of you. It should be more easily to Poles and Russians to be in normal relations now when are we all aware that religious antagonism isn`t key problem. Neither Orthodoxy, neither Catholicism proved to be ideal and both are equally foreign thing imposed on us Slavs.
6 Oct 2018
Off-Topic / Russophiles can no longer defend their beloved Russians. [84]

Of course, you are good and sincere soul. Poles are happy to have your love but Russians yet to qualify.

In my world, normality is measured by how equally we love our Slavic brethren. Its because for Serbians, love for other Slavs coming from deep love, loyalty and devotion for Slavic (ie Sarmatian) civilization itself. Also, reality of life learned us Serbs that only equal love for all our Slavic sisters and brothers can bring us reward, be that reward in simple return of love or in some practical terms. Only being equal, we actually serve to our civilization.
6 Oct 2018
Off-Topic / Russophiles can no longer defend their beloved Russians. [84]

Its not question that is Russia hated by many. It is. The question here, suitable question on Polish forum, would be - does most of those who hate Russians love Poles? The answer to the question is negative. Or in best case, they don`t like Poles and feel necessity to humiliates them.

So, one Brit or French, just for example, truly hates Russians and truly despise Poles. In its final extent, what is the difference?
5 Oct 2018
Off-Topic / Russophiles can no longer defend their beloved Russians. [84]

We don`t need BBC articles. Its news media house with absolutely ruined reputation. What we need is better and more efficient UN so that great powers aren`t excluded from international law. And we need international order, respect of sovereignty of states. Exactly as noble brat Jan Lopuszanski of Polish right wing Catholics said in Polish parliament, while defended Serbians when started NATO bombing back in 1999. Citation: ``If, today, NATO's putative right to be a judge of other nations and their governments and to enforce these decisions by way of violence is recognized, this right may tomorrow be directed against any nation in the world, Poland included.``