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Posts by Mr Grunwald  

Joined: 16 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 33 / Live: 19 / Archived: 14
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From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes (Tak)
Interests: history - politics - food - heraldry - pro publico bono

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Mr Grunwald   
2 Dec 2023
News / Poland Sports News [1095]

It is often that a host stadium sells too few seats for opposing fans to Enter to try and increase their chances of winning. I bet that's what happened here and why Legia fans did what they did. Never the less, I hope they get banned. Not only do I see Legia as rivals, but also a shame to Warsaw. Hope that Club finally disappears and "Palace of culture" with it
Mr Grunwald   
24 Nov 2023
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

That means absolutely nothing.

Ask the British government then, how useful it is to have a Monarchy that can lend it's hand in a financial crisis.

Australia is far more isolated from U.K, yet useful. I would say example of Australia underlines my argument. More then yours
Mr Grunwald   
24 Nov 2023
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

That's where you are wrong, certain parts of society needs to be like isolated islands as a backup reserve in case society goes wrong.

If all of society is fully connected and combined and take a wrong turn as a whole, there is little help after that except outside help.

Just think about where the U.K would be post 1918 and post 1945 without U.S.A as a backup.

Just look at post Soviet Union, I think it's very obvious that any reliable backup (preferably one's own and native+closely related is best)
Mr Grunwald   
24 Nov 2023
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

If taking care of oneself and those closest to you directly (being responsible) brands me selfish. Call me selfish as much as you want! Mr. BigSpender
Mr Grunwald   
24 Nov 2023
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Because rightists care so much about gays. Balance in nature - ever heard of it, Pimpek? hahaha

Certain parts of society focus on different things, a soldier/officer will focus on discipline and strength as a preferred measure (as they excel in it compared to other parts of society while rivalling sport athletes in this regard), then naturally those parts of society that don't want order, discipline and strength but, prefers sensitivity, chaos or openness and voulnrebality will be opposed to such people.

So when a group of people (gays) who does not wish or gain pleasure from heterosexual relationships (from natural reasons to them) then they will be opposed to normal and natural order that supports heterosexual relationships in society (family, self-control or wish to not fall to bodily temptations)

Rightists are useally family oriented, orderly and wish for self control not only for themselves but, society as a whole as the benefits outweighs the costs. Leftists disagree on this since being fluid, adaptable and oriented towards others is more important and how one feels while neglecting intellect
Mr Grunwald   
13 Nov 2023
History / November 11th, what does it mean to you? [24]

Is the date that was supposed to bring peace and stability to the continent, where a feeling and sensation of brotherhood&co operation of people was out to emerge against the tyranny and strict unmovable laws and regulations people saw as the reason for their own misfortune.

While it gave hope and a chance for people and nationalities to break up or reduce the size of the states that were oppressing them (Ottomons Empire, Austria-Hungary, German Empire and Tsarist Russia)

My Norwegian side have no big relation to this war other then it being a tragedy for humanity as a whole as Norway wasn't an active participant except being neutral but, lukewarm towards U.K at cost of relationship with Germany (regarding sale of Norwegian fish) and possible consequences of events in ww2.

My Polish side however sees it as a clash of giants, and among them the three that held down Poland were weakened and beaten at the same time within a small timeframe. It was an opportunity of unlikely size and magnitude.

People wanting a Poland that would not only be United by all social classes, ethnicities and religion but, also with hope of a brighter tomorrow out of the dark mist of oppression and horror of world war 1. While many nations sat back with a grim analyses of their countries action, Poland saw it as a chance to wash itself off all of the carnage and off those were responsible for it.

It created tensions and conflicts that even to this day can be seen as an unwarranted attack or betrayal, mainly by Citizens of the Russian Federation, it's admirers or those closely related to the ideology of Marxism. While there are some Germans commenting on those events as well, it's rather small in scale while Austrian commentary seems to be invisible. Czech or Slovak didn't have much to comment except for Cieszyn which they grabbed (despite it having a large Polish population) due to it being historically part of Bohemia and strategically important location for their railroad network and connecting Slovakia (as part of having Czechoslovakia).

Belarus had to quickly adjust by siding with Soviet Union or Poland or passively accept the controller in being at that time. Ukraine on the other hand had the vigour, initiative and soldiers but, lack of unity and aggressive stance towards Poland regarding Lwów.

Which sparked a reaction by local Polish civilians by taking arms wherever possible and soon joined by Polish soldiers. Most known was Hallers Army dressed in French gear, equipment and uniforms. Many being Polish Americans too who volunteered

In general it is a date that begin a rebirth of one of the most just and noble causes, a fight however gruesome and horrible to the western public that wanted all wars to end. Saw a resurgent Poland fighting for her own survival in a very rough neighbourhood as too aggressive and Imperialistic by her western admirers (especially by United States of America) which began a slow but, steady support and admiration of the Soviet Union over the cause of Poland's freedom until after 1945 when the Cold War began to emerge and need to "purge" pinkies in the U.S became a priority after the Soviet Union came to have nuclear weapons technology due to espionage.

To this day in U.S.A, that action of theft has most of it's population scarred with a hostile view of socialism. To the ignorance of the European public at large
Mr Grunwald   
29 Oct 2023
News / Polish Parliamentary Elections 2023 [933]

I cannot understand how somebody would even flirt with the idea of thinking that abortion is "normal" just like scalping somebody's head. Barbarian!
Mr Grunwald   
28 Oct 2023
News / Polish Parliamentary Elections 2023 [933]

The great thing however is that TVP restricted itself mostly to Television. As a person who avoids using TV other then for streaming movies/series.

I have had very little presence of TVP or PiS in my life. The few things I have watched from TVP is via it's YouTube channel or small clips (which is good enough dosage).

PiS and TVP are straight to the point of criticising the opposition or foreign affairs (but fairly toxic in it's only constant criticising environment, so having a large distance to it is necessary)

I cannot fathom people mostly/only watching TVP. It's mind boggling to me.

The opposition has multiple media channels to contact and hear from (rzeczpospolita, Gazeta wyborcza, express, TVN, republika, TV Trwam and media narodowe) no matter if it's left side or right side of politics, religious or secular opposition.

TVP is a public newsnetwork, so naturally it will have a strong connection to it's government and in having a monopoly in broadcasting governmental information but, also views and has a higher chance of hiring people of governmental background or those connected with governments main party (there can be coslition governments, but main party is the tendancy as far as I know).

Having a situation with all/most media being one sided without room for certain sides of the political spectrum radicalizes the political scene and creates polarization.

In the U.S.A, having very strong media on side of republicans or Democrats creates a very strong and visually obvious divide, but gives a obvious choice of Fox news or CNN regardless of governmental spending. Unless somebody is outside of the "Democrats" or Republican" information Boubble it's a very stable political envirement that can afford a lot of instabity that other countries are unable to afford, to other countries astonishment, beeilderment but also fear. Cause they know deeply from within that they have no chance of upholding anything like that long term. (Think of monopoly of media and to what Great lengths Russian Federation and Illegitimate peoples party in China goes to control and limit information).

Poland is actually one of few exceptions within Europe that allows and has great deals of trouble with shutting down spread of information, mainly due to politicians voicing openly their opinion about most things. That in other countries politicians mostly keep to themselves and do not voice out loud.

Stigmatisation with belonging to a certain political party is not as strong as it used to be, it was far more the opinion of being a "burak" by voting PiS in the past. That has changed however, city living people tend to be fairly against PiS in general vs people living in the countryside.

Many news channel in the west seem left-wing or leftist and even newspapers or political persona who declare themselves conservative or right wing sound leftist due to a broad shift towards leftist type of speech and mentality.
Mr Grunwald   
23 Oct 2023
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [669]

Which national states became 16,17,18,19,20 EU member? Please don't be too daft, or I'll lose more respect for you.

Fall and demise of rightists? xD

Leftists are like left side of the brain, more emotional. Rightists more logical like right side of the brain.

I have yet to see you advocating for removal of peoples brains.

Leftists and rightists cannot go extinct, it's biologically impossible.
Mr Grunwald   
23 Oct 2023
Love / Do Polish guys like girls who are shy, modest and sensitive [41]

I believe it has a lot to do with hormones and pesticide affecting youth and kids growing up.

Compare it with all the food you grew up with and what was done to combat insects etc.

A lot of youth also doesn't build up resistance by touching earth etc and experience allergies.

If there are any "conspiracy theories" that I would be backing, it would be to reduce testosterone among young men in the west, to reduce aggressiveness and temperament (to reduce chances of rioting) but, also to reduce child birth.

Isn't it striking when at the same time this all happends, women in the west are pushed by government and media to seek out a lifestyle that would also be their own downfall?

I am fairly confident that there are groups working behind the scene to reduce number of born people in the west while advocating for massive immigration from non-western countries.

The consequence of it, is rather obvious
Mr Grunwald   
22 Oct 2023
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [669]

Well you are going to have Euro province 16, appearently acording to you filled with liers, manipulators and a army that is excactly fine numbers. "Have fun"
Mr Grunwald   
22 Oct 2023
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [669]

I was being over dramatic, he might as well could have said it. He wants to doom Europrovince 16

So if you take everything I write only literally, you can assume of me being a liar. While I can rightly in a right wing fashion assume and claim for you to be a province 16 mudslinger
Mr Grunwald   
22 Oct 2023
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [669]


Here you go, please share with us how amassing he is
Mr Grunwald   
22 Oct 2023
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [669]

I have read Semoniak has already stated that any increase of military won't be needed. Just as I predicted, the opposition will make a stance that the west wants (especially Germany and business lackeys) wanting peace for any cost (for instance Ukraine).

Poland will have it's military reduced, just like in 1939 when France and U.K wanted Poland to slow down or stop mobilisation in it's most critical moment.

With Poland's military and state being lenient towards Russia, it will only be more sure about it's strategy to wear out the west and prepare for another offensive in Ukraine.

The naive morons gonna have a larger say regarding Russia and Russia will dance like mad from happiness
Mr Grunwald   
18 Oct 2023
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Then for anyone disliking it, should take a moment or two and contact school boards and universities that doesn't seem to teach it.
Mr Grunwald   
17 Oct 2023
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Problem with abortion is that even one is too many, whatever it takes, steps need to be done as to knock out crime to an minimum. To be able to preserve freedom and democracy, able living bodies and not a huge amount of minuscule carcasses is what it will take after all!

Our legal representatives only care for votes and the backing for power!

The US owes us the possibility of having a safe and secure society! With healthy born citizens!

Peaceful Muslims are but, a pipe dream having the Middle East in disarray! Especially in the form of undocumented migrants! Who are to control our borders from them if lives cannot even pass out of a womb?!

We are not able to or capable to trust the leftist intelligentsia to take care of the safety and future of our country!

Mainly because of... Evil Russia... The left has been fully infiltrated and brainwashed to think that abortian rights, women's rights and LGBT rights is far more important then other issues!

Not to mention the conflict between Poles and Jews that media so interestingly focus on also takes away the attention from the travesty that is abortion!

One has to be alert and careful of the world and brainwashing media!
Mr Grunwald   
16 Oct 2023
News / Referendum to decide about exotic immigrants in Poland [559]

You gave me a good smile and internal laughter. Next you will tell me that Norway is a beacon of human rights, open to foreigners and that Norwegian salmon is the best salmon at the grocery store

Dog has already been found for my sweet Kiri, owned by a an openly homosexual. So you can jaleous of me being more "tolerant" then you ever become!

Besides you might thinking too much of your own grandpa.

Both of mine grandparents would prefer Gulag over serving Stalin, but one of them was part in invasion in 1968. I guess you can blame him of being a Pepiszki boot discipliner
Mr Grunwald   
16 Oct 2023
News / Referendum to decide about exotic immigrants in Poland [559]


Yeah, I am a pathetic foreign azhole apparently. I don't understand intelligent Poles, decent or UNdecent one's. Probably also don't understand hooligans, Babcia's, szumowiny, patole or generally people of patologia backgrounds, I don't understand Polish farmers, soldiers or businessmen.

And I have been rejected by many women, not only Polish. Indian, Russian, Ukrainian, Jewish... With various backgrounds.

I'll build my dogbreeding farm and earn bunch of money and write books for a living! I can bark pathetically for you too! Woof woof!
Mr Grunwald   
16 Oct 2023
News / Referendum to decide about exotic immigrants in Poland [559]

Your hatred for your country and everything it has stood for will be the end of you one day.

I won't even have to lift a finger for it to happen, it will be all brewed by yourself. That is the future I read and foresee for you.

I wish I could do something, but I see no more hope for you. Nor the plains, fields, rivers, mountains and cities I have seen and cherished.

You and your ilk screaming with joy and writing with pleasure about Poland's downfall and hoping for tight ropes with EU. Only reminds me of the backers of Hohenzollerners

Jüncker bootlicker

Your ilk disgusts me
Mr Grunwald   
16 Oct 2023
News / Referendum to decide about exotic immigrants in Poland [559]

@Bratwurst Boy
I am 32 (soon 33), focusing on a higher education now would be pointless to become a military officer.

For next four years they will most likely lower amount of soldiers, not increase it and put flowers in rifles.

No use for me trying a army career as I will be too old. By 4 years I'll be 36 (to be 37). I will be too old to start my military career. It's over for me
Mr Grunwald   
16 Oct 2023
News / Referendum to decide about exotic immigrants in Poland [559]

@Bratwurst Boy
You see BB, in my opinion the left-winged opposition in Poland simply projected their type of rule as a form of criticism of PiS.

So Poland will now become more authoritarian, less democratic, more elitistic. Simply put, more like Brussels. Enjoy, I got out of there. My long lived dream is over and crushed. This voting last night sealed the deal.

Truly, a fair and good Poland is no more. Now there will only be fake smiles, robbery and fake shakes of hands.

I feel like a German post ww-1, like a Soviet post 1991.

It's horrible