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Posts by PennBoy  

Joined: 7 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Dec 2013
Threads: 76
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From: USA
Speaks Polish?: Tak

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20 Sep 2012
Love / Dating a Polish man - how to impress his mother? [51]

My boyfriend of 2 years moved to Canada when he was 14

How old is he now? if he's in his twenties or older he should be more like a Canadian guy.

how to impress my polish boyfriends mother

Be nice, polite, smile, clean..compliment her.
20 Sep 2012
Love / Dating a Polish man - how to impress his mother? [51]

she really is a nice woman, she isnt too hard on me she just refuses to speak english when i am there Mike says it is because she is shy with her english but i feel its personal

Don't worry about her, be good to her son and sooner or later she'll accept you. Mom's always want the best for their sons.
20 Sep 2012
Travel / Lublin ruined by arrival of Ryanair [33]

Since when does Lublin have an airport capable or handling larger aircraft? I thought it was more so Cessna like planes.
20 Sep 2012
Love / Dating a Polish man - how to impress his mother? [51]

His father adores me i just don't understand how she can think that i should have learned to speak polish by now

She sounds like a simple country woman. She probably wanted her son to be with a Polish girl, she needs to get over it. He loves you, you're in Canada she needs to learn English.

i am a nice half irish half french canadian girl :)

Nice, you've of European heritage. His dad like you maybe he'll knock some sense into her. btw some women are just plain and simple evil, because they're own life isn't going so well, because they're old etc.
20 Sep 2012
USA, Canada / Joanna Krupa NEW The Real Housewives of Miami [6]

Well I'm pretty sure most people already know. As for the maintenance if she's got a ton of money and has been told her entire life by people that she's beautiful it goes to her head. I was just interested in watching it because she's Polish. Here's a better link by the way all of those seem to be of poor quality or dead.
21 Sep 2012
USA, Canada / Joanna Krupa NEW The Real Housewives of Miami [6]

can you come up with a link that works from PL, please.

21 Sep 2012
UK, Ireland / Unemployed Poles in Ireland : a crash course in milking the system [323]

I agree with that. Except they do initially come here for work, then they find out that they're actually much better off working the absolute minimum and claiming benefits for everything possible.

I mean it doesnt make sense to have a Father and Mother working all crappy hours in crappy jobs, when only the father can work and they still get all kinds of lovely little extra benefits when theyre legally classed as a low income family.

Can you blame them? Who the hell wants to work10-12 hours a day physically when they can have more from government like a little extra money, health insurance, and more free time to spend with their families or just to enjoy life. Everyone does it in every country on this globe. Here in the States I can honestly tell you that Poles are on the bottom of the list to do so. I only personally know a few who take welfare.
21 Sep 2012
UK, Ireland / Unemployed Poles in Ireland : a crash course in milking the system [323]


Its the old story of blame the government.

I'm not blaming the government it's good that it gives what it does. The rich (corporations) make several times more that in the past (pay much much lower taxes) it wont hurt them to put a little more crumbs on the plate.
22 Sep 2012
Travel / Dreamliner for Lot Polish [27]

The A380 is a much larger two floor jumbo jet with twice the seating capacity of a Boeing 787, with the A380 also being more expensive. The fuel efficiency is almost identical (based on the aircraft's weight and number of passengers) The Boeing has 4 times as many deliveries. jon357 Poland doesn't need huge planes with 500 seats, LOT is a small airline, it's even canceling it's flights to Newark this year.

24 Sep 2012
News / PESA wins €1.2 billion contract with Deutsche Bahn [9]

German state rail operator Deutsche Bahn said on Wednesday it had awarded its first-ever contract to Poland's PESA for up to 470 new locomotives for a total 1.2 billion euros ($1.6 billion).

"Deutsche Bahn has signed two framework agreements with Polish manufacturer PESA (Pojazdy Szynowe PESA Bydgoszcz Spolka Akcyjna) regarding the possible delivery of up to 470 diesel locomotives," the German company said in a statement.

"The possible investment volume is up to 1.2 billion euros," with the locomotives to be delivered up until the end of 2018, it said.

"It is Deutsche Bahn's first-ever major contract with PESA on the supply of rail vehicles," said the head of the German group's infrastructure and technical division, Volker Kefer.
24 Sep 2012
News / PESA wins €1.2 billion contract with Deutsche Bahn [9]

PESA built excellent trains for Warsaw. It were the PKP idiots who got the measurements wrong.

Yep. PESA got the contract because Deutsche Bahn's previous suppliers Siemens and Bombardier were selling them trains will flaws, damaging it's reputation. PESA was chosen namely for it's safety, the trains can take a head on collision with another train, or hit a truck passing tracks.
25 Sep 2012
Law / Citizenship of Poland can be obtained through the blood line but my ancestor could lose it in the past [45]

ale może jeśli moja matka będzie otrzymała polskie obywaltelstwo będzie mi latwiej?

gdyby moja matka otrzymala polskie obywatelstwo bylo by mi latwiej. But good I see you're learning :-). Question though since you're a Canadian why would you wanna become a Polish citizen? It surely can't be because you're looking for employment? I guess it's because you also feel strongly Polish. My friend who is South African born holds three citizenships, I didn't even know that was possible. South African by birth, Polish because of Polish ancestry (parents) and American after residing here for twenty years.
25 Sep 2012
Law / Investment advice - my options in Poland? [50]

Merged: PAIiIZ seeks to attract investors to eastern Poland

The Polish Agency of Information and Foreign Investment (PAIZ) will spend 86 million zlotys up until 2015 to encourage investment in eastern Poland - said President Slawomir Majman of the Agency. The campaign's phrase, "Why don't you invested in eastern Poland."

The head of PAIiIZ announced at a conference of international media a campaign for encouraging business to start in eastern Poland. The new campaign is directed primarily to management. It is to increase the inflow of foreign direct investment to the region, as well as domestic companies interested in investing in Poland and Eastern Europe. Originators share count on stimulating exports of products and services and the development of business tourism.

The advertising campaign will be conducted in Poland and in the European Union, as well as in the United States, Russia, China, Korea, India and the Gulf countries. The eastern Polish strategic sectors were: food, wood and furniture, yacht, aviation, chemical, machinery, renewable energy and tourism business. Ads will appear on tv channels such the CNN network.

Promotion of the eastern regions is carried out by PAIiIZ two years as part of a program to encourage investment in Poland. At that time, it held 81 shares publicity, mainly through participation in trade fairs and missions away.

"As a result, since 2009 were brought 21 new investors to the eastern part of Poland creating 3,500 new jobs" - said Majman. Citing UN figures, the head of PAIiIZ recalled that in 2011, Poland has achieved a growth of foreign investment by 67 percent., While the European average of 17 percent.

Director of the department of regional development PAIiIZ Agnieszka Wojnarowska said that was observed as a result of a slight increase in the number of people who see the eastern Poland as an attractive place to do business.

Developers starting an advertising campaign asking potential investor through his child, father in law and psychoanalyst one question: "Why don't you invested in eastern Poland." "The question posed in this way leaves a good tone, it's not too late, you can still do it," - said the author of the strategy, Jacek Sadowski from Agency Demo Effective Launching, who won the competition.

  • gross domestic product in Zloty
25 Sep 2012
Law / Citizenship of Poland can be obtained through the blood line but my ancestor could lose it in the past [45]


If your parents or one of your parents were Polish born it would be one thing, but great grandparents is something much more complicated. I think they'll look at you as just another foreigner who wants to become a Polish citizen. I'm sure they'll take into consideration the fact that you have Polish roots, and being from a developed country (Canada) also helps. Good luck.
25 Sep 2012
Law / Citizenship of Poland can be obtained through the blood line but my ancestor could lose it in the past [45]

Well I want my mother to get it as this is her grandfather who is from Poland, and then I'd apply after...

I'm Polish born to Polish parents so in a sense I was born with it, even though I now live in the US.
The law says: A child acquires Polish citizenship by birth when:
1. Both parents are Polish citizens, or
2. One of the parents is a Polish citizen and the other is unknown or his/her citizenship is undefined or if he/she holds no citizenship.

So I guess children born in Poland to foreign parents are not Polish citizens by birth!?
26 Sep 2012
Food / Irish or English breakfast tea in Poland? [11]

Irish Breakfast Tea is usually spelt W*H*I*S*K*E*Y......

Woah! I guess I'm skipping breakfast.
Earl Grey is a good tea, stronger in taste than a Lipton. And yea milk in tea is nasty.
27 Sep 2012
News / Poland versus Greece in economy [175]

subtract the billions of cash that Poles send home from abroad

In 2011 Poles sent back roughly 17 billion zloty ($5.2 billion) that's over 3 billion zloty less ($900 million) then in the record year 2007. Most Poles didn't move back to Poland but stayed or changed countries. This change confirms that more and more Poles are deciding to stay abroad permanently. Some are bringing their families over therefore have no need to send money back home. The people deciding to stay abroad are putting their money in their childrens education, are buying cars and homes. This is also confirmed by the demographics of Poland, according to prof. Czapiński there are currently 37.2 million people living in Poland, of which a million have been abroad for more than a year.,polacy-nie-wracaja-przestali- wysylac-miliardy-do-kraju
27 Sep 2012
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1464]

I'd say the biggest giveaway is a straight nose that tips downward ever so slightly at the end.

tips downward? umm, I think pointy or tipping slightly upwards are more common. The button nose is more or less a Asian feature, Europeans have straight kinda long noses. I agree with the rest Poles either have a Slavic look or look western European. do I stack up?

You're of half Polish half German ancestry?
27 Sep 2012
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1464]

I didn't know there is such a thing like generic western european look.

Not Spanish that's considered Southern. I meant like the Germanic peoples. You remember Adrian Pracoń the Pole residing in Norway who Breivik didn't kill because he looked Nordic and ''right wing'' to him?? Some Poles could easily pass for some other type of European.

  • Adrian Pracoñ
27 Sep 2012
News / Poland versus Greece in economy [175]

Contrary to what has been said on PF on various occasions then?

I personally have friends who were living in Ireland. Only one or two still live there (I think Cork) two moved to Norway, one to England, and only one went back to Poland for good.
27 Sep 2012
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1464]

guess which two

Ireland and France?
27 Sep 2012
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1464]

you've read this in a former post of mine or you actually knew? yes half french half irish

No I didn't I just looked at your features and guessed.
27 Sep 2012
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1464]

what are my features that give me away? lol

skin tone, eyes, relatively thin hair Irish. Face shape, nose French.
27 Sep 2012
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1464]

french and irish leads to something that appears to others as german russian or polish which i get most often..

Well the French are "descended from peoples of Celtic, Latin and Germanic origin, and are today a mixture of several ethnic groups.'' so it makes sense.

if i could have gotten the french skin tone i'd be a much happier person on the whole... :( damn inability to tan ever.

I have pinkish pale skin myself. I do get burned pretty quick but don't get freckles.

and you penn boy look eerily similar to my boyfriend just a different mouth otherwise you could be twins

Ha, well thank you. Do you know which part of Poland he's from?