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GDP of Poland.. 338 billion pop-38.5mil Cali GDP 1.7 Trillion pop-37.7mil

RockyMason 19 | 250  
18 Feb 2008 /  #1
Does poland lack wealth b/c its just fresh out of communism? Is it because of a lack of natural resources? OR is it because of the work ethic of polish workers? Is it because of the social low standing of poland vs other more well liked places? Its quite humorous how my state produces 4x more goods and services than ur country! Not to mention poland has been around for much longer than cali.
Przemas 1 | 101  
18 Feb 2008 /  #2
OP RockyMason 19 | 250  
18 Feb 2008 /  #3
Hmmm I fail to see how comparing the prosperity of 2 cultures of almost equal size fails to qualify as intelligent. Hmmm when i think about it though it really makes sense. Poland values the church and gender roles as well as conservative political opinions regarding civil rights. In cali we celebrate diversity as well as competetion and differing opinions. In poland they celebrate the church and magical saints of gobblty gookk who represent things that may never have been. These saints and this church promote this conservative unchanging and undiverse culture. ( comprised of mostly white catholics)

Any system that throws a person in jail for a fraction of a gram of marijuana is obviously inefficient.
Filios1 8 | 1336  
18 Feb 2008 /  #4
O.k stoner boy. You seem to have down just pat. Go on believing that then, and don't bring up a pointless thread like this in the future.

Thanks, retard.
OP RockyMason 19 | 250  
18 Feb 2008 /  #5
Its not pointless, obviously it has a point! ENTERTAINMENT FOR AN OVERACTIVE MIND! =)
Kilkline 1 | 682  
19 Feb 2008 /  #6
Does poland lack wealth b/c its just fresh out of communism? Is it because of a lack of natural resources? OR is it because of the work ethic of polish workers? Is it because of the social low standing of poland vs other more well liked places? Its quite humorous how my state produces 4x more goods and services than ur country! Not to mention poland has been around for much longer than cali.

A British person could not get away with saying half of what you've said.

You're still talking bollox though.
LondonChick 31 | 1133  
19 Feb 2008 /  #7
I'm not even going to indulge this jumped up frat boy....
OP RockyMason 19 | 250  
19 Feb 2008 /  #8
HAHAHAHAHA Its called freedom of speech so obviously they can get away with it! Who cares? Say wat u would like to say! Its online its not like u need to impress any1 or sugar coat anything on here!
Zgubiony 15 | 1276  
19 Feb 2008 /  #9
Yeah, why listen to someone from Caleeforneeya? Plastic land :)
Filios1 8 | 1336  
19 Feb 2008 /  #10
Its online its not like u need to impress any1 or sugar coat anything on here!

True, no one needs to impress online, and you surely aren't sugercoating your ignorance and stupidity, are you? Well done.
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
19 Feb 2008 /  #11
cali cartel

population: the rodríguez orejuela brothers, gilberto and miguel

annual revenue: 7 billion USD

there is only ONE cali... and it aint in the US
polski_zyd 2 | 72  
19 Feb 2008 /  #12
Any system that throws a person in jail for a fraction of a gram of marijuana is obviously inefficient.

You've clearly never heard of Singapore, then, have you? Idiot.
polishcanuck 7 | 461  
19 Feb 2008 /  #13
Does poland lack wealth b/c its just fresh out of communism? Is it because of a lack of natural resources? OR is it because of the work ethic of polish workers? Is it because of the social low standing of poland vs other more well liked places? Its quite humorous how my state produces 4x more goods and services than ur country! Not to mention poland has been around for much longer than cali.

This california vs poland vs X comparison can be applied to many countries around the world. I was going to explain the situation a little but i don't really have time at the moment, and you don't sound very knowledgeable about the world so it could be frustrating. I fear that it would be like trying to teach a retard quantum physics.

Just go to a library and start reading.
Filios1 8 | 1336  
19 Feb 2008 /  #14
I fear that it would be like trying to teach a retard quantum physics.

hehe, good comparison.
TheKruk 3 | 308  
19 Feb 2008 /  #15
No one should go to jail for marijuana though.
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6138  
19 Feb 2008 /  #16
Its quite humorous how my state produces 4x more goods and services than ur country!

California is the biggest and richest state of the richest country in the world, so is richer than vast majority of countries in the world and I don't see anything humorous in that.

Not to mention poland has been around for much longer than cali.

Well, Einstein... Quite many countries has been around for much longer than USA...
19 Feb 2008 /  #17
I just don't understand why you are shagging a Polish girl/wanting to marry her and stuff and expressing such negative attitude towards Poland.

One option might be that you have made her up. Poor sod.
Another one is that any attention is better than none. That is even worse.
Lukasz 49 | 1746  
20 Feb 2008 /  #18
338 billion pop-38.5mil

631,82 bilion USD it is form the end of 2007

your data is form about 2003
OP RockyMason 19 | 250  
20 Feb 2008 /  #19
HAHAHAHAHAHA Do u mean purchasing power parity?
Here is the GDP! the real one


NO my data is not from about 2003! What did u smoke to come up with your #s? Whatever it is it must b damn good! Better than cali med clinic 215? I'd pay 40 buxx a gram for it if it can distort ur reality like it appears happened 2 u!
Filios1 8 | 1336  
20 Feb 2008 /  #20
Can you please just die? Or leave these forums forever at least?
OP RockyMason 19 | 250  
20 Feb 2008 /  #21
I'll leave when u quit being a drunk! Look at ur backround pic!!! Its vodka gee that leaves me to wonder... how much do u drink a day? LIVER DISEASE NE1?
Lukasz 49 | 1746  
21 Feb 2008 /  #22
Do u mean purchasing power parity?

find the data form the end of 2007 and start discussion.

Poland GDP purchasing-power parity is 631,82 bilion USD (2007) (I don't know why in ypur opinion it isnt real)

In english 2006
OP RockyMason 19 | 250  
21 Feb 2008 /  #23
If u didn't know there is a difference between purchasing power parity and GDP exchange rates lol.
SeanBM 34 | 5786  
29 Jan 2010 /  #24
GUS: The economy in Poland grew in 2009 by 1.7 percent.
convex 20 | 3928  
29 Jan 2010 /  #25
As long as that growth translate into real gains to PPP. Right now, that doesn't seem to be the case. Of the 2004 ascension countries, Poland is right above last place in PPP. Poland is also carrying a fairly high public debt load. With the unemployment rate dropping (except for 2009, of course), are there really that many jobs being created? How does Poland calculate unemployment?
SeanBM 34 | 5786  
29 Jan 2010 /  #26
Of the 2004 ascension countries, Poland is right above last place in PPP

Have you got a link, please?

2009-10-01 How does Poland calculate unemployment?

I believe Poland do it through all the people who register for unemployment benefits.
The E.U. states and the Polish states are quite different.

Whereas (GUS) Poland say it is over 11% last year.

the official figure for the unemployment rate in Poland now exceeds 11 percent, according to the EU's Eurostat, the figure is only 8.1 percent.

newpolandexpress.pl/npe_news_story-1491-gus_figures_reveal_mixed_picture.php - New Polish Express
bullfrog 6 | 602  
29 Jan 2010 /  #27
Poland is also carrying a fairly high public debt load.

In 2008, it was lower than in most EU countries (incl Germany, UK or France):

In 2009, it is expected to increase to 51,7%, but will remain more than 20 points below the EU average (73%) and far lower than in the US (90%)..

How does Poland calculate unemployment?

In fact, Polish rules for calculating unemployment are harsher than EU rules and lead to higher figures.. For example, the latest available Eurostat figures (dec 2009) show 8,9% unemployment for Poland versus 11,9% published by GUS!!

convex 20 | 3928  
29 Jan 2010 /  #28
Have you got a link, please?

I was using the IMF data, which was a bit kinder to Poland

Eurostat has Poland dead last in PPS


In 2008, it was lower than in most EU countries (incl Germany, UK or France):

Keeping comparisons with the 2004 accession countries is probably a better gauge.

In fact, Polish rules for calculating unemployment are harsher than EU rules and lead to higher figures..

i was thinking what is the criteria for someone being "unemployed"?

jwojcie 2 | 762  
29 Jan 2010 /  #29
i was thinking what is the criteria for someone being "unemployed"?

Hm.. somehow I cann't find more credible source than wiki at the moment:

In short according to wiki, in Poland you are unemployed when you are registered as unemployed, doesn't matter for how long.

PS. main difference between Eurostat number and GUS number is, that Eurostat somehow assess those registered unemployed which in fact are employed in grey zone. GUS don't do that. Therefore, depending on Eurostat grey zone assessment method, their number can be closer to reality.

PS2. As far as I know in Poland it is rather favourable for unemployed to register, because of health care issues. So it is rather rare cases of unemployed unregistered people.
convex 20 | 3928  
29 Jan 2010 /  #30
In short according to wiki, in Poland you are unemployed when you are registered as unemployed, doesn't matter for how long.

Do you know of any changes in the criteria over the last couple of years that may have effected unemployment numbers? Has land ownership always been part of the criteria? Or underemployment?

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / GDP of Poland.. 338 billion pop-38.5mil Cali GDP 1.7 Trillion pop-37.7milArchived