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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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28 May 2020
Polonia / Polonia in Germany [59]

you must have an idea........ what would be your most realistic scenario?

European Union have no energy resources to sustain itself while Balkan and rest of Eastern Europe became forbiden to it to exploit. So Germany ruin EU soon and turn to us. In turn, France, Britain and USA tear Germany apart with consent of Russia. As result, only parts of Germany fled to Central-European conglomerate. There, those who save themslevs, correct their error. Those who remain in western Europe merge with Northern Africa.

I hope you are in a more lucky part of Germany.
28 May 2020
Polonia / Polonia in Germany [59]

@Bratwurst Boy

I also have very developed imagination but its not a realistic scenario. On the other side, I am all for parts of Germany within the Central-European Union. See, Turko-Arabic parts of Germany would like to stay in western Europe.

??????????? Bizarre.....

From Serbian movie > Mi nismo andjeli - We are not angels >
/``Bakice, ja nisam lopov, ja sam jebac`` > translation > Granny, I am no thief, I am f****r/
28 May 2020
Polonia / Polonia in Germany [59]


Why prevent germanization?

Well, its like breathing the air. It's like being alive and not being dead. It's like being in plus and avoid minus.

Poles on German lands date from after founding of modern Germany?

Generally speaking, Poles and Germans are both on their own. But, the difference is that Poles preserved direct continuity with their ancestral culture, language, and genetics, while modern-day Germans inherit only genes of their ancestors. Germans abandoned their ancestral culture and language and in interesting historical processes replaces it with something else, which is result of non-Western cultural and linguistic influence.

In other words, Germans are legitimately on their own land, as much as they are Slavic (read Sarmarian), and only if they don't deny their Slavic (read Sarmarian) roots that gave birth to that what we comprehend as Western civilization.

And yes, Poles were inhabitants of what is now Germany even in time when God didn't even had plans to extract Germans as a unique nation from within the Poles and other Slavs there.
26 May 2020
History / Lusatia allied with Poland? [19]

An article

"We want to have a self-determined, democratically legitimated Sorbian Parliament"

push for the establishment of the Serbski Sejmik, or Sorbian Parliament, within the legal framework of federal Germany.

24 May 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [318]

Enter into this debate and you are supporting Putin.

Don`t enter in this debate and you supporting reduction of Poland.

Maiden wasn`t started by Russia and Poland but by Germany and Co. Back then Ukraine proved to be artificial state. Now take your step and expand in accord with rest of Slavic world, when your expansion suits Slavia and bringing balance.

You know, 300 years ago, western Europeans were aware of only three Slavic languages. Russian, Polish and Serbian.
21 May 2020
Off-Topic / DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ? [123]

Yes, absolutely. I think that Russians themselves pushing for that kind of deal. They now, thanks to Serbian mediation and deals with Hungary, see Hungary as a Slavic friendly country. In general, Slavic friendly and after all, we all know how is Hungary founded from within the heart of Slavic Great Moravia. From position of Vatican, Hungary is important Catholic regional country so Hungary has great strategic value.

Many don't see it now but I think the time of Hungary yet to come. Same as Serbia is underestimated but Serbia and Hungary are at this moment, believe it or not, crucial for the future of Europe. Combined, Serbia and Hungary have the capacity for continental-wide changes, to unite Central Europe, to unite even all Slavs, depending on what wants great powers. But yes, Serbia and Hungary combined may be the best tool for any such a project. See, be sure, Serbia itself has such capacity but, with Hungary in the deal, it goes quite smoothly.

I think the last word on Adriatic comes from Pope and the Russian president. The USA will bless any deal of those two. Germany can only cry.

Croatia fears Greater Hungary

on May 17, 2020, By Vladislav Gulevic

Dalmatia, became economically and culturally oriented at neighboring states rather than Zagreb.

21 May 2020
Off-Topic / DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ? [123]

How things develop, Croatia won`t survive as a state. Its anti-Serbian project, genocidal creation. Many interests against it even from within the Catholic world. Slovenia will survive probably and could be smaller or bigger then it is now. If Italy enter in the game who knows what may happen with Slovenia. I think, it will survive. Serbia isnt satisfied how behaved Slovenia during the dissolution of Yugoslavia but, we Serbs created it, we saved it from doom and assimilation into Austrians and Italians, we bled for it, we did it for Slavia and so Serbia won't lightly allow Slovenia to perish, no matter all and with time we shall regulate relations with Slovenia when it become stronger and more independent.

Now, the Vatican obviously seeks a clear and sharp border between Catholicism and Orthodoxy, before talking to Russians about Christian reunion. So comes the Hungary instead of Croatia. That will also be supported strongly by Serbia, while Italy would be opposed. Still, Serbia won`t interfere in the inter-Catholic deal between Italy-Hungary on their Adriatic share.

Serbia won`t be that big as on the map, at least not that western. Continental parts of what is now Croatia go to Serbia and Hungary, while Adriatic goes most definitely to Serbia, Italy, and Hungary. In some scenarios, maybe even Slovenia expands onto what is now Croatia. I would like Slovenia to gets Istra, instead of that Italy gets it. In a perfect world, Istrians would be good Serbs (Serbia is loved there among Catholics and genocide on Orthodox Serbs never happened there same as isn't in Dubrovnik) but we don`t live in an ideal world. So better that Istra belongs to Slovenia then to be lost assimilated into non-Slavs.

I think Serbia gets Adriatic as far as Split or Hvar/Brac islands. I doubt we can salvage more in all those deals.

But Albania is in the game. Talk is on the table Serbia to expand on northern Albania to the Adriatic (to the Drac) and Albania to be compensated with parts of Kosovo. And we also won't save entire Macedonia (around 50-60%). We share it with Albanians, too. Definitely. But the medieval statehood religious Christian-Orthodox part of today`s Kosovo province, a region of Metohija and part of Kosovo region (Kosovo is in fact, in the Serbian constitution- Kosovo and Metohija) for sure stay in Serbia. See, northern Albania was also part of medieval Serbia (before Turks) where for some time Skadar was Capital.
21 May 2020
Off-Topic / DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ? [123]

It exists, it's independent, they voted not to be in a union with Serbia.

The protests are about electoral fraud, corruption and ownership of religious buildings.

You said it yourself. Protests are ``about electoral fraud, corruption and ownership of religious buildings``.

Among else, yes, because of every voting fraud.

Where in the world you have half of the state populace on street protests against the regime, as there are in Crna Gora now? You never heard of it, admit.

if it is indeed the will of Montenegrin people. .............. south Slavonic unity

People want United Serbian States, Serbian federation, not some Slavic union. We now correct our historical mistake that was Yugoslavia. We should listen to Polish prince Czartorisky that after WWI specifically suggested the formation of the great Serbian state, of Serbs of all three faith, Orthodox, Catholic, and Muslims. We liberated complete Slavic Adriatic and regions of all Yugoslavia and foreign factor with its local lap dogs, later in peace and during WWII ruined us. In the process, in WWI Serbia lost 1/3 of its populace. Imagine the level of shock and tragedy when betrayal occurred- but its the power of Vatican (playing on Nazism, Nazi-Islam, and clerical Catholicism), to move a finger and you are down if not on your guard.

We were mistaken and Vatican and Germanics continued with their project of Croat, Montenegro, Bosniak and Macedonian nations from within Serbian ethnic corpus. Yugoslavia was a progressive idea but not suitable for us. We should first consolidate Serbian ethos and then seek for conglomerates with Bulgaria and Slovenia, to form some South Slavic union or with Visegrad countries to form Central-European union.

But we ALL Slavs learned a lot from the example of Yugoslavia. Maybe the mission of Yugoslavia was to teach us all not to unite until we arent independent from foreign factors. That is why I openly say that Poles must have a strong national Catholic Church if ever wants to expand and progress on sustainable principles and unites with other Slavs.
21 May 2020
Off-Topic / DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ? [123]

Regime wants to cteate new Montenegro nation out from Serb people, regime deny Serbian Orthodox Church, regime deny Serbian nature of Crna Gora. That is why people protest led by pro-Serbian pollitical parties and blessed by Serbian Orthodox Church.

Eat pop-corn people and forget Deutsche Bank if you have little sanity.

When Serbs of all Balkan and all Dalmatia are free, liberation movement spread on Germany, on Serbs there. Time to retire Germany, send it in oblivion, in damnation.

As one well informed Russian said. What is enough is enough.

Good night. Good. Hahahahaha
20 May 2020
Off-Topic / DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ? [123]

How different?

Regime of Crna Gora mistaken and moved against Serbian Orthodox Church. Local Serbs moved to protect Church, and now all turning in movement against anti-Serbian regime. Movement is led by pro-Serbian pollitical parties of Crna Gora that all sugests unity of Serbs and union of Crna Gora and Serbia. All is blessed by Serbian Orthodox Church.
20 May 2020
Off-Topic / DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ? [123]

DALMATIA - SLAVIC ADRIATIC COAST seeks to return to its rightful owner >>> Massive pro-Serbian demonstrations in Crna Gora for 7 months already, with literally half of state populace on the streets (with a short pause during Corona) against the ruling regime, and with an ultimate request to re-join with Serbia >>>




Didn't I told here on the forum, Serbia will expand and that era of partition coming to an end.

Muslims and Catholics already begins to join Orthodox Serbs on protests. Its all-Serbian movement.
18 May 2020
Off-Topic / DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ? [123]

After newest Vatican`s Nazi penetration onto the region, one can definitely say how Vatican made serious mistake. Intention was to homogenize Catholics and Muslims against Orthodox Serbs, by reminding how is powerful Vatican behind Greater Croatia project. But, result is splintered unity of Catholics, their very sharp split on Nazis and non-Nazis. Also, Vatican completely lost the grip on local Muslims. Nazi-Islam loosing foothold. At the same time, these days is shown strong solidarity of Muslims and Catholics and also Jews with Orthodox Serbs.

Essentially, region is closer to re-union with Serbia, what is also strongly (always is) in connection to Serbia`s economic results, while everything around Serbia crumbles. Good thing here is that Serbia bringing victory to progressive and better humanity. One knows this when one realize who are historical enemies to Serbs but also when see where Serbia goes or to say lead.

Mass for Nazi-allied 'victims' sparks protest in Sarajevo


We won`t forget victims of Independent state of Croatia in Jasenovac
16 May 2020
Off-Topic / DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ? [123]

The new wave of Corona hits Croatia

Unexpected blow for Croatia .......

Western Slavonia has become a new hotspot of COVID 19 infection in Croatia

Interview with Croatian ustasha, who seriously complaints and suffer because no have understanding for Hitler >

Three years ago in Blaiburg Austria, where ustashe from Croatia, supported by Vatican, coming to venerate fallen ustashe >>> BDW, they also come to do this in Croatia and from this year also in Bosnia-Herzegovina >

video >>>

Man is Croat emigre with his family to Canada after WWII. Look the video from 2:10 > ``.... when one today speak of Hitler he speaks only black. But why? He had one ideology that rebuilt Germany. I talked to people who were in SS division.... and he said we are all blind, that what Hitler wanted happening us all now, we uniting and non complaints. Hey, we needed 75 years to realize how Hitler was one wise man. He wanted order. He wanted fewer people, he wanted nicely to purify environment, .... but green parties coming in Germany and that`s good. ... I`m no satisfied, not at all....``

At the end, the man was arrested by the Austrian police who founded something on him in police records.
15 May 2020
Off-Topic / DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ? [123]

Madness continues

Outrage over plan for Croatian-backed Bleiburg (Nazi) mass in Sarajevo

Croatia, which presides over the Council of the EU, is sponsoring an event in Bosnia honouring Nazi-allied soldiers.

BiH: Catholic Church continues preparations to hold mass for Bleiburg victims


Vatican's message is clear - `Serve Rome and you may be Nazi but you won't be forgotten, you will be pardoned and you will be glorified.`

No doubts. Rome is still very powerful and able to sc**w the entire region just by the move of its fat finger. And some would later use the term `Balkanization`, while in fact terms such are `Vaticanization`, `Romanization`, `Germanization`, `Ottomanization`, `Greakcization`, `Britanization`, `Francization`, etc should be used in such a pejorative context. For they play their games here and there, wherever they want until they are stooped.
12 May 2020
History / Origins of Polish Slavs [138]

You know. I like the eagle of Poland. First, white is white. One head is enough. I would only put OCILA on the red shield of the eagle. You know for ocila, don't you? It's our common ancient symbol. The very important thing. Then, we keep the flag of Poland, and only instead of red shield behind eagle we put blue shield (ocila are on the red shield on the chest of the eagle).

Should we put something in the legs of the eagle?
12 May 2020
Off-Topic / DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ? [123]


Croatian police accused of spray-painting heads (with cruciforma) of asylum seekers

The Guardian, today

UN officials have documented systematic abuse and violence perpetrated by police, with migrants often beaten, shot, robbed and even stripped of their clothes

12 May 2020
History / Origins of Polish Slavs [138]

Dobri brate Torq, how I see things, if all depend on you and me, we would make a great deal. We would sit on the table and talk, like our ancients. It would be totally tribal thing. The young woman would serve us rakija and food, young warriors would perform battle simulations and show their strength, the old woman would hide from us, the old man would play on gusly, etc.

Warsawa and Beograd via Budapest. Let wealth flow like in good old days.
12 May 2020
History / Origins of Polish Slavs [138]

Here's the map, gentlemen...

Brate map is fake. Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Crna Gora, Croatia. It's genetically one and same people. Scientific fact. Its main proof map is fake.

Then, Croatia (with Bosnia-Herzegovina) is there presented exactly in borders of WWII Nazi Independant state of Croatia. Some sh** is promoted on that map. Are you sure the one created map isn't ustasha? You know ustashe are kind of banderists.

So, fake it is. Sorry if I ruined your idea of that map.
12 May 2020
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

I only hope Poland rather look in Belgrade than in Moscow. I also hope Russia tolerates our unique interests. I think they would or may lose everything. We all may lose if Russians are greed.

So comes China to support Hungarian-Serbian deals. The USA and Russia seams content with it. The Vatican also accepted it. Probably expect unity of Christianity and then to profit on it, you can imagine.
12 May 2020
History / Origins of Polish Slavs [138]

Where did you get it from? And do you mean the Kievian Polani or the Polani of Gniezno?

On TV and later that program was also on YouTube. Now I already search for that again before somebody here ask for link.

It was in general. `Polani are Serbs of Dragovic tribe`. Nothing specific. Just general info then man that gave info wanted to pursue topic but TV man cut him off and repeated Polani, Polani, they are Polani.

See, I do believe that we Serbs receive more info then all Slavs and Europeans together but, official Poland is here like holly cow. Media always hesitate not to insult Poland. Why would be that insult I don`t know but, well. What I can tell you its not out from fear from Poland but, for some deeper connection. Like that we Serbs wait for something. That Poland awake for some, let`s say 1000 years. Like we would be alive when that happen.... On the other side, once, Poland arrived in time
12 May 2020
History / Origins of Polish Slavs [138]

*rolls eyes*

While you roll eyes think of this fact. Those Serbs in Poland you deny, Kashubs, Lusatians, etc... are genetically older populace in the region then Polani tribe. In fact, those Serbs are direct ancestors to Polani tribe. Some Polani directly originate from Balkan Serbs, as genetics confirms.

Not to speak that I recently learned that Polani tribe was originally named Dragovic. Dragovic Sarmatian tribe that lived on plains and fields and with time was by others known as Polani. So Polani used that name for itself, for sure, once when Romans destroyed old Sarmatian (ie Serbian) order in Europe and ancient meta-ethnicity remained in past and moved to legends, while Serb name remained sporadically alive throughout entire Europe and especially on Balkan-Baltic line, original first line of life in Europe after Ice age.
12 May 2020
History / Origins of Polish Slavs [138]

Crow, you must surely realise that Sarmatia (and sarmatism) is an internal Polish heritage.

In Serbia we have region Srem on Fruska Gora mountain where local people even today speak legends of wife of Sarmatian warlord who cut off the head from Roman Princess. Supposedly Sarmats ambushed Roman river convoy on Danube and slaughtered escort. Then wife of Sarmatian warlord didn`t like how Roman Princess looked at hear husband and cut of her head immediately.

Not to say that is from many sources and science confirmed how Serbian name represent remain of original form of Sarmatian name. You have it even in Catholic Encyclopedia where is stated that all Slavs originate from Serbs. You have Polish legends which stated that Poles originate from Sarmats. Then you have sources that clearly say how are Thracians same as Sarmatians. Sarmatian and Thracian center in Europe was what is now Serbia and, even today Serbs have two ethnic names- Serbs and Rashani (Serbowie and Racowie).

And what region was Ice Age refugium for all of Europeans during Ice age? Primarily Western Balkan and particularly mostly Serbia, sites like Vinca, Lepenski Vir, etc. In last 70.000 years Serbia wasn`t covered with glacial ice. Civilization here have continuity that you even can`t imagine how deep in past. In other parts of Europe civilization had to be restarted several times and restarted exactly by people who repopulated Europe from what is now Serbia and, most probably was Serbia even 10.000 years ago and more.
12 May 2020
History / Origins of Polish Slavs [138]

Bulgarians are a largely Turkic people genetically who happen to speak a Slavic language ....

When you say like this you didn`t say nothing.

Bulgarians originate from native Sarmatians (ie Slavs) who were exposed to Persian rule, while Persians themselves originate from native Sarmatians who were exposed to mixing with Black people. I say Black and don`t say with Semites because as far as we know all Semites maybe represent mix of Sarmatians and Black peoples. Today`s Semitic regions possible represent regions where was border between White Sarmats (ie Slavs ie Proto Slavs ie Proto Europeans) and Black Africans/Indians. What goes for Semites goes for Turkic peoples.