The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Joined: 24 Jun 2022 / Male ♂
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28 Mar 2023
History / What do Poles owe to Czechs? [83]

Indeed, it showed that Christianity can be spread among slavs without the need for bloodshed. As compared to Germanic peoples, which halted the legality of military expansion in to slavic lands for religious reasons. If anybody think it's not important then look at the fate of Balts and Finni-Ugric peoples at the hands of Germans, Danes and Swedes.

Not only a right move to embrace God and join the Christian community as a group, but also important to reduce the options of the most expansionist hardliners in Germanic nations.

It only changed to large degree after protestantism was introduced and the unity of the church was tried to be destroyed by the protestants which lead to the opening up of Russian expansion based on Orthodox church schism.

In modern times now, politicians look mostly cynically towards religion and it's influence on diplomatical relations, interests of financial supporters and votes of the people are more important to them, strangely enough banks are having troubles left and right now, people are more and more apathetic towards the worst parts of governments running things as they are.

So in short, Poland owes the Czechs a Great deal
28 Mar 2023
History / 70th anniversary of 1943 Wołyń/Volhynia and Eastern Galicia Massacre - controvercies [440]


" Old Pawian would understand that Poles protecting Ukraine would make a Russian invasion of Poland MORE likely, rather than less likely."

That line of thinking would only work and convince any human with zero historical knowledge and ignorance of the history of Russian behaviour regarding it's foreign policies.

Polish intelligentsia, brains, intelligence services, military, beauricrats, priests, joirnalists have NO OTHER OPTION then to expect a Russian invasion as inevetable due to historical past and experiences, it was tried to perform apeasement politics, in vain hope for the foreign beasts to stop. Guess what? It did NOT WORK, not only that the entire country vanished from the map.

So Yeah, very few countries are able to consolidate very quickly those groups of people as they useally are very much at odds with one another. They all know the mortal danger of a Russian invasion on their lives... No matter what they do or what their stance are. So might as well be against Russia and do everything possible to slow it down to buy time.

Russia gives Poland and Poles No credible options, cause all her credibility has been spent, not only that but is also in the negatives and in debt.

Until Russians realise that, there is very little room for any "understanding"

There have been several time that Polish delegations or groups sided with Russia or wanted a peaceful/diplomatic approach.

Guess what, they all suddenly, strangely went missing and dissappeared and were never heard from again. If it happends once, with one person. One can conclude it as strange, but not upon thousands of people
27 Mar 2023
Life / Relation in Poland to Orthodox Christians? [117]

That's the point, it's not up to humans but, up to God.

Seems like most Anti-Catholic bias stems from people thinking that it was solely a human decision
27 Mar 2023
Life / Relation in Poland to Orthodox Christians? [117]

Living in the truth compared to not living in the truth, and deciding for oneself instead of listening to God is quite an important difference I would say.

Again, I don't understand your point regarding which culture, which cardinal had the most to say in the Vatican to do with anything.

I personally wouldn't want to jeopardise my path to heaven, by what language or what country the current or future pope comes from or uses or is closest to
27 Mar 2023
Life / Relation in Poland to Orthodox Christians? [117]

I just saw a video about reasons for Orthodox church and Catholic church to split. Basically it was done and caused by the sin of a Emperor wanting power

Then you have a monk who abandoned his oath to God and took fate in to his own hands, then we got Anglican church with a head of state taking matters in to his own hands and nurishing his ego instead of following Christ.
26 Mar 2023
Study / Various education and school issues in Poland. Opinions, stories, controversies. [932]

The costumes and colour looks elegant and classy sort of, but honestly. It lacked passion and love, especially the lack of connection with the melody being played was noticeable. The dancers were too stressed and clearly "drilled/controlled to do it"

Shortly speaking, too much fear, stress and lack of knowledge. A bit more love would fixed it
26 Mar 2023
History / Cursed soldiers controvercy - not all Poles respect them [282]

@marion kanawha
When you learn that many of those co called Stalinists also originated not only from the Soviet Union with very loose connection to Poland and strongly affiliated with the NKVD, you will grasp the Polish-Russian state level relationship a bit better but, also why so many Poles have a very negative view of communism
23 Mar 2023
Study / Various education and school issues in Poland. Opinions, stories, controversies. [932]

My first thoughts as well, one has to distinguish orderly behaviour from OCD tho.

It's when an orderly person is met an un orderly situation that one can notice OCD happening (not being able to cope with it and performing the worst possible behaviour even to return back to the excactly same order).

Germany might be one of the most OCD nations on earth, it is still functioning tho and is branded as German culture.

Some people have high needs of order, others have high needs of mobility (chaos) others have not much of both needs, but needs traditions and behaviour that builds up resistance to the lack of both depending on situation etc
21 Mar 2023
Life / Boys acting and dressing feminine, girls acting and dressing masculine - transgender teens in Poland [272]

It useally done as a **** test towards people who claim to be empathetic (especially towards Christians, while disregarding fundamental and essential parts of Christianity) as to score a "moral victory" with the claim of: "See? You guys don't really love people! Otherwise you would care for: "insert group you want"! Hypocrites!"

Now it's used with same type of gimmick towards other groups
21 Mar 2023
Study / Various education and school issues in Poland. Opinions, stories, controversies. [932]

Due to material wealth it can be, I remember being tasked by my school in 1990's to pick a book and read it, make a review and present it to class in elementary school. School had a library so it was possible to do for every pupil.

So a school movie "library" would help out, or a movie channel subscription or something I guess.
21 Mar 2023
Study / Various education and school issues in Poland. Opinions, stories, controversies. [932]

How about assigning a homework to do: "watch an English speaking movie once a month, make personal review that can be used if wanted to during a presentation of the movie for the class (strictly verbally as to practise English and for it not to last for too long)"

It would spark interest in the English language (as it would be linked with entertainment) for the pupil, and a reason to practice not only English verbally but, also public speaking and giving room to be brave
16 Mar 2023
News / R. Trzaskowski, current mayor of Warsaw, future President of Poland [278]

If it is so simple, why does the Polish government not do the same thing?

Because politicians tend to cater to the opinion of their voter base to win elections, PiS (current Polish government) is more interested in repeating the thoughts and fears of the poorest segments of Polish society as not to appear alienating to them, that is something the left was able to succeed with in the past in most of Western Europe. Nowadays they try to appear as the intellectually capable advisors they think they are (which is rubbish).

PiS government policies (backed by the EU) is giving out handouts, as to appear to be the source of support and the mirage of being taken care of. (Welfare state type of mentality)

Instead of creating incentives on their own, which would benefit the country, but fears of enriching the opposition halts the possibility of such ideas.

Problem is that most peasants see limitations instead of opportunities and are still used to this day to expect support from the government, which the government happily provides in fear of protests and a general uprising. Which again is transferred to all the population in the vicinity, which again is vital why also the church and local elites has a stronghold in rural and decentralised areas to decrease unrest and help out without the need of the government to be involved, but due to removal of the aristocracy (as a vital part of the system) and the opposition fighting the influence of the Clergy, the peasants mentality has to be catered to instead of challenged due to increasing amount of clergy with a peasants background and intellectuals trying to be better then they are by fighting the mentality of peasants without any success
15 Mar 2023
News / R. Trzaskowski, current mayor of Warsaw, future President of Poland [278]

Fairly simple, Russian parliament would enact a law which would allow power grid building companies 50 years of tax free businesses (everything related to gas distribution). Not only would state gas company not pay a single Ruble for the expansion and build up of the entire energy infrastructure, but thousands upon thousands of Russians would learn to organise, make money and create jobs at the same time. While having the state bank give out loans to all power grid building start ups (control would have to be enacted and followed up) without interests.

Not only would the entire thing go mostly on it's own without need of planning much, but also millions upon millions of customers of energy would increase, which is rather important at the moment if unable to sell it abroad.
14 Mar 2023
History / Karol Wojtyla, the man who become a pope (video) [58]

He is the type of man who sees aggression as evil, (which is masculine and okey as long as it is controlled). Due to his view of controlling anyone (himself included I guess?) also as evil, he tries to fight anything masculine and promotes feminism and matriarchy. So what's so surprising about it
11 Mar 2023
Language / "Poles" or "Polish people" - which is better to use? [200]

Well that''s a very simple explenation, United States of America trumphs disunited states in America.

Similar to E.U vs Norway or E.U vs Russia, for every year that goes EU member states will mostly be called the Europeans due to being united vs disunited
11 Mar 2023
Language / "Poles" or "Polish people" - which is better to use? [200]

American is basically short of a human being who has the land named after Ameriga Vespucci as their home. I think it's a very broad term on purpose to include as many as possible
5 Mar 2023
News / R. Trzaskowski, current mayor of Warsaw, future President of Poland [278]

Wether somebody has a choice of murdering by a scalpel or a rope is equally apprehensable, murder is murder.

If over half of the population goes insane there is little room for talk or civility. One does not argue with demons, and murder was, is and will allways be demonic
5 Mar 2023
News / R. Trzaskowski, current mayor of Warsaw, future President of Poland [278]

I am not obsessed with others, but part of being an upright citizen is to take care of one's own country, no matter what you tell me I wouldn't sit idle if I saw my fellow countrymen killing each other on the streets. Especially even so if kids were involved or event as fu***d up as infants.

What you are propagating is killing of something that is even less defenceless then infants, yet you attack me for "allegedly" defending pedoes, while you yourself advocate for murdering more innocent lives then victims of pedophiles! Don't you understand why I simply cannot take you seriously?

@jon that's like saying to me I should respect the private ownership of a murders car after driving over my entire family. It just does not make any sense to me
4 Mar 2023
News / R. Trzaskowski, current mayor of Warsaw, future President of Poland [278]

Well if Tusk wins any office on that premise I would have to start working on building or joining an underground movement. Won't accept people making laws about murder licenses, he might have demanded five finger hand salutes in membership. Didn't switch from one looniebin for another to turn the same

I tolerate much, but I draw the line with abortion
1 Mar 2023
History / Poland and Britain started WW2 [307]

To be honest, Mussolini can take the blame a lil bit with his conquest of Ethopia. Leading up to other dictators trying to get the best of him
25 Feb 2023
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Cause he is of the opinion that a person is supposed to forsake their roots, language, culture and absorb themselves in to host countries nationality, culture etc. basically pretend to be somebody else then a person is. I have seen this "tactic" and mentality among many Poles in Norway who teach their kids broken Norwegian while being Polish at home and no spoken Polish at home. The kids learn broken language caused by their parents making them not only not learn their original language but, also teaching them a broken language. It is a tragedy and horrible.