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Posts by InPolska  

Joined: 19 Jun 2015 / Female ♀
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Last Post: 9 May 2016
Threads: Total: 9 / Live: 2 / Archived: 7
Posts: Total: 1796 / Live: 467 / Archived: 1329
From: Warszawa

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4 Dec 2015
News / Throwing away the constitution in Poland? [626]

The coal industry shall not last very long (too dangerous for the environment and health) and it would make the best sense to prepare for the future, including of course to train miners for other occupations. I have not had any time these past days to get interested in what is going on but according to what I got from COP21 conference, they are talking a lot about that. In such circumstances to let miners believe that they'll be able to work in the mines for many years is not responsible. When Polish miners get unemployed, we'll see their reactions ;)
4 Dec 2015
News / Throwing away the constitution in Poland? [626]

@Pol3: I have no time to follow what is going on but according to what I heard from the COP21 or whatever currently held in Paris, the coal industry is going to be severely cut down, which would mean a lot of unemployemnt among miners and it would make more sense to prepare them rather than buttering them up.
4 Dec 2015
News / Throwing away the constitution in Poland? [626]

These past few days, I asked some clients of mine to explain to me about what it is going on in Poland (I have no time now to follow) and I was shocked. It seems that a lot of people in Poland are already not only fed up but also very scared with PiS although the government is roughly 1 month old. A lof of people see the "orbanization" or the "putinization" of Poland and should it happen, it's very scary. My personal life won't change but I expect a lof of Poles to leave Poland, including (but not only) top professionals/intellectuals and foreign investors shall bring their money elsewhere. It seems that the current Polish government is only motivated by revenge and hate. I don't think they"ll last very long.

PS: Do spare me with PO! 1. I don't support PO and 2. 2 wrongs don't make 1 right
30 Nov 2015
Genealogy / What are common Polish character traits? [417]

Absolutely, Jon! I even know someone who left Warsaw last year and who has cut most of his contacts in Warsaw... Does it make sense? A few weeks before leaving town, he was telling me about someone he considered like a brother and after the guy left Warsaw, I found out (from people knowing him and me) that he had ceased his relationship with the guy he considered like his brother. Logical????

Yes, we are in the very best terms and then one day, impossible to get hold of them as they don't answer our calls, our messages and should we by chance meet them on the street (it has happened to me), they are so .... "delightful to see us again, they were thinking about us but they were so buuuuuuuuuuuusy that they could not answer". Hel...., how long does it take to answer a message?

As said, I have never had anything like that among other nationalities. Being insulted by trolls and other "mal-bai...s" won't change reality that MANY Poles are rude and not respectful of others.

Anyway, I don't function like that and I'm proud of it. Fortunately I was raised in better ways that the PF insulting racist mob. Once I like someone, I am loyal for ever.... ;).
30 Nov 2015
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

Here, in PF, some guys take it personally ;). Yes, I have seen quite a few (even trashy looking) western guys needless to say loosers in their home countries (western girls/women are more choosy so they don't want them) having "great success" with SOME Polish girls/women. As I wrote, I don't say ALL westerners but unfortunately many of them correspond to what I'm saying. It is like those oldish or problem guys in the west who have to choose Russian or Ukrainian girls/women from catalogues.

Of course, PF members fitting my comments don't like my messages but ... trudno! ;)
27 Nov 2015
Genealogy / What are common Polish character traits? [417]

@Paulina: I won't comfort your paranoia (another trait among so MANY Poles) but let me ask you not to invent people's life. As to the 2 (Polish) persons who have simply disappeared overnight whereas we were in the very best terms, they both (on separate occasions) left Warsaw and have cut relationships with several people (not only me ;) and I do NOT know where the others are.... As I said, I know several foreigners who had similar experiences and here in PF Roger5 said he happens to him on a regular basis so what does it have to do with me???? Yes, I have spent 1/3 of my life abroad (total of 7 countries (not to clean toilets) and I have never seen this). Also, as per my personal culture, it's very rude not to answer messages. Don't give me your paranoid sh@@@t about my socalled "polonophobia' (such a word?) since my husband was Polish and his (Polish) family has contributed so much to Poland (if you knew my name and who they were/are, you would agree with me ;)) so keep your "lessons" to others. Never mind! As I said, I live in Poland (I agree, not my choice and should I have not have my (Polish) husband burried here and should I have been let's say 20 years younger, for sure, I would not be here.... ). You know NOTHING about people's lives but you dare judging them (= your stupidity). Foreigners who live here have thousands of personal experiences with Poland and with Poles (normal) but if we foreigners dare criticizing one Pole and something Polish, we are attacked by the mob! I know, Poles often are so complexed and paranoid (my husband was different...) that they need to be reassured and to hear/read that Poland is the best country in the world, Poles are the nicest, best looking, most intelligent itd itd ... on the whole planet. Sorry, but outside of Poland and of Polonia, nobody knows about Poland and people abroad don't give a sh]]]t.

Nevermind, I won't read any of your messages as I have no desire to cope with a hysterical "mal-ba....e." ;) do no need to talk to me. Case closed!

27 Nov 2015
Life / Moving to Poland and not drinking vodka [26]

Unfortunately in so many Polish circles, a man not drinking (a lot) is not considered like a "real man". Unfortunately too, alcoholism is not seen as a disease by still too many Poles.

To OP: if you don't drink, congratulations and please don't change your habits! :)
26 Nov 2015
Feedback / Is it Polish forum or foreign forum? [159]

@Dougpol: I would not vote for PO but trust me, I know what work means ;). I don't know many people who have worked as much as I have (for over 30 years) ;) and of course I know what it is to get up at ... 5 to go to work;). Believe me, there are a lot of us, maybe not in PF but in real life ;)

PS: I was in Kato yesterday and finally everything settled down! :)
26 Nov 2015
Feedback / Is it Polish forum or foreign forum? [159]

@Pol: come on! We foreigners do live in Poland and therefore have lots of PERSONAL experiences with Poland and with Poles (no need to rely on BS found in Youtube, Wikipédia like a lot of PF people do). Since nothing and nobody is perfect, it is NORMAL that we have bad experiences in Poland and with SOME Poles. Would you like PF to become like those fora found in countries like North Korea in which we would claim EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY and the very best on the planet and it is like living in Wonderland? We are all in Poland for personal reasons.

When you talk about Polish political bashing, do you mean that all political parties BUT PiS should be bashed? Of course Britons here criticize PiS but don't you and others (who don't even live in Poland) criticize PO and others? Personally I like neither PO (in favor the rich guy only) nor PiS (too dependent from Church) so I am not interested in "politique politicienne".... It seems to me that so far the Polish government is doing alright and I hope this shall continue....

Fora are to discuss and it's normal that people react in different ways however I reject insults and xenophobia, racism, antisemitism, homophobia... since very low and not relevant. It would be most boring if everybody agreed with everybody. We all have different backgrounds, different experiences and therefore don't see things the same way. I agree though with you that bashing s..cks since no constructive and based upon nothing concrete.

Have a nice day!
25 Nov 2015
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

Based upon my experience in Poland, it seems that the uglier foreign guys are the more fascinated they are with Polish and the like women. Ugly guys from the West have generally no chance in their home countries to find decent local women so they come to Poland and other Eastern countries where a lot of chicks go for just ANYbody as long as the guys are from the West.

I have seen in Poland so many ugly western guys being (married or not) with Polish women and there is NO way they could have found someone decent at home. Western women are much more demanding and a lot of western guys have no choice than to go East to find someone and hence their worship of Polish and the like women because no one at home wants them.. I'm not saying this goes for 100% of the men in couple with Polish women but it concerns however a lof of those western guys. Their only "quality" is being from the west and this attracts a lot of Polish girls/women (especially of course in Polska B). Western women don't usually want to settle with little and that's what such guys have no success in their home countries.... Once Polish girls/women stop being so fascinated by the West, they'll drop these loosers and will go for decent Polish men instead... It's just a matter of time ;)
24 Nov 2015
Genealogy / What are common Polish character traits? [417]

@Ktos: Would you be able to explain to me what I'm talking (ref. post no. 216 of Nov. 22)? I would greatly appreciate because I do not understand such trait, which is common among many Poles. As said, I have never encountered any other nationality behaving this way so I don't know what to think besides that it is not coherent. Thanks:)
24 Nov 2015
Work / How does a person join the Poland's army? [39]

@Privateer: normal that they teach French since the French FOREIGN legion is mainly made up of foreigners ;) (among them a lot of Eastern Europeans and Germans for instance). I used to know an American who was at the time about to join. NOTHING to do with national armies.

Anyway, Foreign Legion (based in Corsica) has a great reputation in France.
22 Nov 2015
Genealogy / What are common Polish character traits? [417]

@Dolno: it happens to you "once in a while"!!! ! I know several foreigners in Warsaw who have had same experience. I have never seen such a behavior with any other nationality so I may wonder and I don't understand.

We get as close as could be with people, we share everything, we are in the BEST terms (absolutely NO conflict or whatever) and then they play dead when we try to contact them and we no longer hear from them. It happened to me 5 times, including 2 times this year and I was deeply shoked and even humiliated (I am most loyal). I do NOT understand how they "function".

If someone can explain the reason why some (a lot of?) Poles behave in such an incoherent manner, I will greatly appreciate...

Some foreigners that I know say it's because they are rude... I don't know.
22 Nov 2015
Genealogy / What are common Polish character traits? [417]

One trait that amazes me among so many Poles is that they are not ... loyal. Several times, some Poles with whom I was in the best terms have simply disappeared with no reason and just played dead when I tried to contact them (now of course I no longer do because I'm not stupid). It has happened too to several of my NON Polish friends or acquaintances. I have NEVER encountered such a behavior with any other nationality and I do not understand because it does not make any sense. Any explaination?

As to hospitality, just name ONE nationality that is NOT hospitable. In 3rd World people are most hospitable and more hospitable than westerners although they are very poor and as to westerners, based upon my personal experience, Americans come first (they open their homes, offer their help...)..... Based upon my hanging around with at least over 50 different nationalities, I don't see Poles more hospitable than others, first of all, Poles very rarely invite people in their homes (this amazes me). You guys, do travel and meet people!
22 Nov 2015
Genealogy / What are common Polish character traits? [417]

lol! Do you know ANY people who would claim to be stupid, dishonest, etc ett????? Since I am not Polish, I can be more objective than Poles ;) and of course there are intelligent and stupid people, honest and dishonest, hardworking and lazy people, etc etc... among Poles like among other ANY population.

However, I can easily say that Poles are very sad (especially men) and cold (I have South European genes so I can compare) ;). They also drink alot.
22 Nov 2015
News / Food producers from Poland should stop suffering from obliged sanctions against Russia [75]

Maybe that's why apples have no taste! I only buy Granny Smith apples (the only kind of apples I like but I'm sure they are not that "clean") and for Polish apples, I only like ONE kind (that I buy at small neighborhood shop) but my favorite is by far the Granny Smith kind. Most of the Granny Smith apples they sell in Poland come from Austria (around 5zl/kilo) or even further (these days I buy some at Piotr & Paweł coming from ... New Zeeland at ... 8.99zl/Kilo. It may seem crazy to spend so much on apples but sorry, tasteless Polish apples, no thanks! ;). I buy Polish apples for cooking (together with cinnamon or vanilla).

Chemicals and pesticides may be "nothing" if we think about soil most likely contaminated by Chernobyl in this part of Europe ... ;);) and then "we" wonder about the number of cancers (thyroid cancers are very "popular" in Poland and further East). Probably not the best idea to eat agricultural products grown in such conditions. I rather stick to my (tastier and healthier) New Zeeland apples .....
16 Nov 2015
Life / What do Polish people think of the Asia and Middle East? [86]

@UFO: hang around! I promise you that you'll get your dose of racism, xenophobia, antisemitism, antismuslim, homophobia, bashing against X, Y or Z country... for at least a few years ;). Although there are a few decent people in here, believe me, the density of extremists is most suprising ;). The good thing is that it does not reflect real life.... :)

Please stick to the topic
15 Nov 2015
News / The Left wing (not-so Slow) death in Poland [120]

@Gregy: you know, in politics (among other things) nothing is stable and one day, you are up and one day, you are down and vice versa. Trust me, all the left parties shall come back (very quickly). The motto of Paris "Fluctuat nec mergitur" applies here too...
12 Nov 2015
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]

The girl is beautiful! Mixed people are usually gorgeous.
11 Nov 2015
UK, Ireland / My bad experiences with Polish neighbours in UK (not meant to offend) [173]

Pol: I personally know "medium" pl. "media" but as most often it is written "medias", I may sometimes write it too. Well, I don't know re English media, but back at home, "ghetto" to imply ANY (whatsoever) group of people sticking to themselves and avoiding others is widely used (including by me).
11 Nov 2015
UK, Ireland / My bad experiences with Polish neighbours in UK (not meant to offend) [173]

The word "ghetto" has since been used to imply closed and often impoverished areas (like black neighborhoods in the US). Now, if we say that a population lives in a ghetto, it means that they keep themselves to themselves and don't mingle with other social groups.
11 Nov 2015
UK, Ireland / My bad experiences with Polish neighbours in UK (not meant to offend) [173]

@Pol: as to the "French Quarter" in New Orleans, I doubt there are any French "migrants". You well know that today's Louisiana (called after French Kings) and a lot of today's southern eastern states were French colonies and thus a few officials were based in what is now "New Orleans". Nothing to do with Polish or other migrants.