The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Joined: 8 Sep 2009 / Male ♂
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From: Your Ma's room
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16 May 2015
Classifieds / Wedding reception in Katowice, Poland [14]

why you living in Katowice if you seem to dislike it so much

Money! The answer to all of life's questions.

you're right though, there are loads of lovely building and finally the city council have gotten their fingers outta their asses and are making people clean them and make the city look nice.

Katowice is improving, no doubt. Just not fast enough for my liking ;)

I'd seriously take a look at places in Szczyrk though, you can organise some cheap minibuses for transport and there's plenty of hotels down there that cater for weddings. Plus becasue there's so much competition you'll save a fortune.

Mates of mine had their shindig down there and got all their vodka, wine, cakes included in the price. And compared to mine that saved them roughly 5000zl. They were given a couple of free rooms too for themselves, parents, etc.

Anyway, just letting you know that option exists.

Good luck organising everything, lord knows I'd a helluva time....especially the church paperwork. If I was to do it again I'd have it in an office and avoid all that church paperwork and marriage courses.
15 May 2015
Classifieds / Wedding reception in Katowice, Poland [14]

Smurf will be along soon to advise. In the meantime, don't do it :)

I've living in Kato for neigh on 7 years now and I've never once been to a wedding here: the reason, everyone gets married outside Kato coz it's a dump.

Go to Szczyrk or somewhere else that's prettier, and cheaper, than smelly, grey Katowice.
There was no way in Hell I was going to hold my wedding here, I'd have been ashamed to show the my Irish/UK family where I was living. Sorry, that'll offend native Kato people, but that's just how I feel.

My wedding band played loads of rock music, wasn't a single disco polo song. Plenty of drinking games and they were great craic, they split the songs 50-50 Polish and English language.

Here's their website:

If you wanna really give the Irish and Polish guests something a bit different, why not try and cool 'karczma' - style restaurant?
1 May 2015
USA, Canada / 18 and moving back from USA to Poland?? [19]

Stay and finish your education.

However don't be afraid to come here for a summer holiday

She can't since she's an illegal in America and once she leaves she won't be allowed back in.

I think you'd be crazy to leave America tbh. Not being able to travel back there to see your loved ones in the future would be absolutely heartbreaking.

Good luck making your decision, but at the very least finish your education.
And be aware that wages in Poland are miserable compared to America and your purchasing power will probably be about 25-30% of what you'd expect from a job in America.

re: jobs, so long as you speak good Polish you'll be able to find a job. The employment rate is pretty good now (the official numbers aren't great, but many, many people work off the books, I reckon the actual unemployment rate in Poland is more like 4%, officially it's 7.8% [Feb 2015]). The problem though is that the jobs market is very competitive and there's almost always someone willing to do the same job as you for lower money.

Poland's a great country with a lot going for it, but being completely honest I would not move here for work. Why do you think so many educated and/or manual workers leave Poland? The answer is money.

Why are hardly any of them returning?
The same answer. Money

Why work in Poland for pittance when you can have the same job in the UK, Ireland, Norway, Spain, France etc. etc. for 3 or 4 or 5 times the wage?
23 Mar 2015
Work / I'm retired teacher, age 69 - I want to teach English in Poland voluntarily, in return for Polish language [18]

registering a busines

If you end up working for a school you'll need to do this, it's pretty easy but you'll need a Polish speaker to help.

If, however, you only do private work then you could just chance it and work for cash in hand. Not that I would condone that kind of activity at all at all. Oh no, never.

Get some decent travel insurance from home before you come too.
19 Mar 2015
Work / I'm retired teacher, age 69 - I want to teach English in Poland voluntarily, in return for Polish language [18]

I don't see you finding a job as being a problem. You say you're qualified and you've plenty of experience and you're willing to work for free.

Mate, you're a language school's feckin wet dream!

Problem though is that in your age bracket you're not going to meet many people who can speak English. Under 30s, yea, most have a few words at least these days, but anyone brought up during Communism won't have a word of English. I'm here 5 years and in that time I've met one man in his 70s that spoke English, just doesn't happen, they were taught German & Russian in their school days, English wasn't permitted.

Work-wise I think you'll do fine, but Jesus don't work for free. The other native-English speakers at your school won't be too impressed with you because you'll be either taking their work or you'll be forcing their price down and that's not cool, Christ knows, langauge schools treat their staff like crap anyway and the pay isn't great.

And y'know whatever city you end up in it's usually a pretty small community of emigrants (some of them even call themselves expats coz they're somewhat uncomfortable with the team 'emigrant') and there's no point in threading on toes because you'll eventually need them to help you out with something over your stay.
18 Mar 2015
Life / What do Polish people talk about? [56]

Polish like to talk about

butterflies, rainbows, candy and Norwegian death metal, these are topics that all Poles are fluent in.

even avoid

cheese, sheep and jazz music, these 3 subjects are like kryptonite for Poles.

18 Mar 2015
Real Estate / How much is rent in Katowice? [15]

Cost of living, Katowice:

I wouldn't recommend Francuska though, one of the busiest streets in Kato, lots of traffic and pollution from the cars, buses etc.
You'd be better off looking around Os. Paderewskiego or around there if you still want to live close to it.

Hope it's not IBM ;)
10 Mar 2015
Off-Topic / Eurovision - Today I will be ashamed to be Polish [481]

last year's bearded lady was fun and it does seem popular in places

aye, fierce popular here.

For years I hated it, but now it's an excuse to laugh along while Graham Norton makes fun of it and usually it involves some drinking game

I am betting they will get top 3 if not top prize

Yea, I think it'll do pretty well. Really cool bunch of guys it seems. Fair play to them.
10 Mar 2015
Off-Topic / Eurovision - Today I will be ashamed to be Polish [481]

In fairness, nobody takes the Eurovision seriously anymore.
Best thing to do with the Eurovision is get drunk and play Eurovision drinking games:



The bookies have made Italy favourites, their song is also crap, followed by Estonia and Finland

I want Finland to win coz they guys in their band seem like awesome chaps.
4 really nice guys who are all disabled playing punk music.

Here's a really short documentary about them, they seem like really funny lads
31 Dec 2014
Life / Polish traditions and customs? I'm writing a crime novel that takes place in Poland. [10]

Not all men by far

Usually they do.

many women choose to shake hands also

When meeting for the first time. Friends and relations usually kiss.

Not true

It is true.

I am a Polish woman and have lived in PL most of my life, and have never kissed or been kissed by my female friends as a typical greeting

Then you are a strange breed.
All of my Polish female friends kiss me when I meet them. In business my hand is shaken yes, but in informal meeting it's a kiss.

You forgot to mention hand kissing

I didn't mention it because it doesn't exist anymore.

ut the handshake is not significant in any way, it's like saying "hi"

THat's exactly why it is significant. In most countries saying 'hi' is enough in Poland it is customary to both say 'hi' and shake hands. Or at the very least give a żółwik (fistbump)

I wouldn't put it down as "tradition" but it seems that Polish people, when waiting for the elevator, like to wait right infront of the doors of the elevator, appearing all surprised when the door opens and someone is trying to get out. Of course, making space for the person trying to get out appears to be too much to ask.

Some goes for trams, busses, trains or anything else that has doors and moves.

Hahahahaha! Very funny :)
30 Dec 2014
Life / Polish traditions and customs? I'm writing a crime novel that takes place in Poland. [10]

Polish men shake hands every single time they meet each other.
Hugs are rare but happen between close friends.
Sometimes men kiss each other as a greeting, like once on each cheek, but sometimes 3 times.
However, this is rare now and more confined to rural areas.

Women kiss each other on the cheek each time they meet. Depending on what part of the country you live in it can be once, twice or three times.
30 Oct 2014
History / History behind Poland and Turkey's Relationship [118]

George Friedman!

He's cuckoo bananas. Plus he's also the CEO of an 'intelligence corporation'. So it's in his best interest to stir up paranoia.

But let's have a look at the kind of scum that Friedman works for:

On Sunday night, WikiLeaks announced the initial release of what it's calling the Global Intelligence Files, a collection of 5.5 million emails from the private intelligence firm Stratfor. The group claims those emails, to be released over the coming weeks, show Stratfor's involvement in operations like monitoring activists seeking redress for the Bhopal chemical disaster on behalf of Dow Chemical, payments to the former head of the controversial Pakistani secret service, and even the use of the company's information for insider trading.

Also, they operate illegally on the financial markets partnering with absolute scumlords Goldman Sachs:

Some emails reveal that Stratfor had been partnering with Shea Morenz, a former Goldman Sachs director, along with other informants, in order to profit from what could be considered insider trading. Stratfor planned to use the intelligence it gathered in order to profit from trading in several worldwide markets

But have a look for yourselves:

The guy and his 'intelligence corporation' are filth.
God/Allah/Buddah/Thor/Flying Spagetti Monster etc. bless the wonderful people at Anonymous for takings them down once already and the good people at Wikileaks for releasing their emails
21 Oct 2014
Language / Polish pet names [35]

naw, haha, joking aside someone who has a close relationship with her, friend, family etc :)
21 Oct 2014
Language / Polish pet names [35]

Every single situation ever
29 Sep 2014
Work / Are there any jobs for Americans in Poland? [46]

You'll definitely find a job as a waitress or childcare

No you won't, if you don't speak Polish you have zero chances of getting a job in these areas.
Try Capgemini, you're languages will get you a call center job, the pay is OK and you'll be working with a lot of other foreigners so you'll make lots of friends quickly. Learn the lingo in the meantime and then try to get a better job.
1 Jul 2014
News / PO support drops by 4 pps after tape scandal according to WBJ [18]


tomato, tomato, potato, potato :P

That's why his reactions have been (for him) relatively muted. He knows they've got **** on him too.

Yea, I can't wait to hear the batsh!t crazy stuff he comes out with. Bet PiS's rating will take a dive then too.
1 Jul 2014
News / PO support drops by 4 pps after tape scandal according to WBJ [18]

I really thought it would have fallen by a lot more.
Seems to be that most people see this for what it is......... a small storm in a very small teacup.

I'm waiting for them to release what they recorded from Kaczinsky's dinner meetings.

Also, this survey was carried out on behalf of Rzeczpospolita , not exactly an objective source. Most of it's readers being of a PiS persuasion, illustrated by their support staying the same. Which also means that the Rzeczpospolita readers who have left PO's side have actually gone to SLD. Let's not mention Nowa Prawica JKM, they don't count and will be wiped out at the next election.
18 Jun 2014
Work / Language Teachers - do you feel respected in Poland? [86]

I did this kid a favor by allowing him to reschedule to a busy day, and I'm glad somebody on this forum understands that.

And then you totally disrespected his time by making him stand outside your door.
Lad, he's paying you, not the other way around.

BTW, my errands were related to a REQUIRED visit to the residency office to sort out my karta pobytu

That's your problem and it has nothing to do with your client.

but the late shower was a result of the 25-minute delay I had to endure while the woman running the new fingerprint technology tried to figure out the computer interface

Again, your problem, not your client's.
Why couldn't you just be normal and have a shower after your scheduled lesson?
Do you stink so badly? Maybe you've never heard of an English shower? It also goes by the name of 'Lynx can' or 'Axe' in Poland, I think.

To "teach him a lesson"? To show him exactly how unimportant he was to you? That's all well and good, but then don't expect your student to humbly suck it up and stay for the lesson.

How very arrogant and distasteful. Unbelievably unprofessional, especially since the client went out of his way to fit BLS's schedule.

But you can see the arrogance, even in light of the reasonable posters telling him he's in the wrong, he's far too blinkered to see it let alone admit it.

Teachers like you give the real, hard-working ones a bad name.
11 Jun 2014
Life / Moving to Poland Part-Time (probably Katowice) [56]


If they offer you less than 5000zl after tax, tell them to get bent.

You'd survive on approx 3000zl, but that's it, you won't have a great lifestyle on that, you'll survive.

As Monitor says, plenty of other threads on moving to Kato.
30 May 2014
Travel / Favorite places/Cities for Poles to travel to in Poland or around the world. [9]

Bydgoszcz or Barcelona........yea Bydgoszcz wins hands down.
Toruń or Turino.......yea, Polish one is the winner, absolutely.
Krakow is alright, but it's no Prague.
Katowice! Wow.

Gdansk and Poznan are both nice, Gdansk is a ghost town at night though. Isn't Torun only famous coz of some nutty religious guy?

What a joke.
24 Apr 2014
History / Polish Easter Tradition is also pagan! [47]

but looks like they didn't bless them just exchanged them or used for spells.

Blessing/exchanging/using in spells, all pretty similar to be fair :)
23 Apr 2014
History / Polish Easter Tradition is also pagan! [47]


They go back much further than that.

There have been 60,000 year old decorated eggs that have been discovered in Africa, and as early as 3000 B.C., red dyed Persian eggs were given as gifts to honor the first day of spring. Christianity at some point adopted the practice of dying eggs red, retelling the story of Christ's crucifixion and resurrection. The red dye was to represent Christ's blood shed on the cross, and the egg, cracked open-or "hatched," on Easter Sunday was meant to symbolize Jesus emerging from the tomb, having been given new life.