The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by 1jola  

Joined: 23 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 24 Aug 2013
Threads: Total: 14 / Live: 1 / Archived: 13
Posts: Total: 1875 / Live: 401 / Archived: 1474
From: Warsaw
Speaks Polish?: yes

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18 Jun 2010
History / The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews [243]

The difference between Poles and Jews is that we don't like paszkwils and they do. :)

"The Yiddish word pashkvil was borrowed from the Polish paszkwil, which comes from the French pasquil or pasquille, which goes back to the French pasquin, which derives from the Italian pasquinata (whence English "pasquinade," a satire or lampoon)." [2] The word made its way "from Yiddish into the Hebrew of the Old Ashkenazi Yishuv in Jerusalem"[3] and was consequently adopted by Modern Hebrew.
18 Jun 2010
Off-Topic / I blame the Poles [36]

If it weren't for the Poles stopping the bolsheviks in 1920, we might have beautiful Soviet architecture around Europe instead of those ugly old French and Italian palaces and castles.

Arhg...I'm doing it again. Laptop off.
18 Jun 2010
Off-Topic / I blame the Poles [36]

I have come to realize that my threads are for this forum. This is not what readers and posters want here and the mods are not happy with me either.

This shall please most of you though as these kind of threads are the most popular here.

So, I stubbed my toe. How can we blame that on the Poles? I think it would be best to actually blame the unborn Poles or perhaps the dead ones. The ones who emmigrated to the Isles are also suspect.

Discuss freely, and let it all out.
16 Jun 2010
History / The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews [243]

Is Rafał Betlejewski a provocator?

The inscriptions on the walls of this announcement nationwide socio- artistic project that Raphael Betlejewski start for good January 27 , the International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Holocaust in Poland. He is an artist , but also a man of advertising. And he has a unique talent for inventing carrier passwords. He is the author of the famous action " And I, if I would go ? " in 2004 . - series of photographic portraits of billboards participants of the Warsaw Uprising and their memories. He hopes that " I miss you , Jew ! " will be reflected in a similar echo. - I would like this action to express my longing for Polish Jews who were , and now they do not. Mention specific people by name - says Rafał Betlejewski . I encourage you to have reported to him of Warsaw ( and not only) remembering the Jews who want to mention . Such , they know from the literature or in person. Who died during the war or left the Polish in 1968 .
13 Jun 2010
History / Polish and other Slavic nobility in our time [71]

A friend of mine is a count and from a distingushed noble family, but unfortunately he is doing time in Wrocław for heroin smuggling. Any more about that would ruin Crow's summer fun thread.
12 Jun 2010
History / Polish and other Slavic nobility in our time [71]

The Radziwiłł family

is still very active in this organization:
12 Jun 2010
Language / Polish slang phrases - most popular. [606]

Next week on saturday we have a big company bbq for all workers.
I want to design a t-shirt for this bbq with a funny Polish text on it.
Maybe something to do with work, a party or some common polish wordjoke.

Little late but maybe for next time.

"Floggings will continue until morale improves"

Can any of you foul-mouthed angels put that into Polish? The strange word "mobing" might be appropriate.
9 Jun 2010
History / Why Poles love Russia [105]

Don't people celebrate Ivana Kupala and Maslennica in Poland?

Absolutely, but you will not find that here on PF. This is a forum for foreigners to talk about Poland.
9 Jun 2010
History / Why Poles love Russia [105]

Therefore Russia must lead the reapproachement and must understand that trust will not be won overnight.

According to Russian courts our officers murdered in Katyń were common criminals. No amount of Putin's 'good will gestures' will change that. We are waiting.
7 Jun 2010
History / Poles and (Polish) Jews... Victims of war... and beyond [380]

TO JOLA:I have lived in poland by the way for quite some time, I can chose to be whom I want. and affraid of polish history topics, first of all i said nothing about polands rich history, and if you have a question just ask, dont ever assume anything, because people may suprise you ;) just some future advice

What is sometime? A few years?
And if you're ashamed of being Polish and affraid of Polish history topics, what are you doing on Polish Forums in the section tittled History of Poland?

Sounds pretty strange coming from somebody who lived a very big part of his life in the US talking about "us Poles".

When have you stopped being Dutch?

and if you have a question just ask, dont ever assume anything, because people may suprise you ;) just some future advice

I usually don't have children giving me silly advice, but I do give advice to children. Here is mine to you: a person can be ashamed of his deeds, cowardice, lack of morality, and even thoughts, but not of his physical appearance, or certainly not of his country of birth. Another words, your actions which are controlable by you. At the moment, you are a fake, an actor, and I'll spare you more pleasantries. A shamful position to be in, unfortunately for you.
7 Jun 2010
History / Poles and (Polish) Jews... Victims of war... and beyond [380]

Yes I am polish, both my parents, myself, and my entire family dating back i think is polish

Sweetheart, you think you are Polish or you know you are. Pick one.

This is my own personal opinion on the Majority of polish people, and when did i mention anything about polish people abroad, that is your own perception, i was talking about polish people in Poland.

I am 100% polish, i speak polish fluently, and I have lived half of my life in the states and the other half in other countries.

So, since you have not lived in Poland and then you have this miraculous power to know what Poles in Poland are like(believe me, you don't differ from 95% of foreign posters here) tell us more of your neurosis. Will you join us in discussion Polish history topics, or are you ashamed?

I forgot to say welome to PF, southern, the Other, or whoever you are.
3 Jun 2010
USA, Canada / The proper behavior an American should show when visiting Poland [158]

Warsaw isn't exactly a huge tourist destination...

Most American tourists are not into history, art, nor European culture in general. They might be disappointed that it is not Disneyland like.

Take you baseball caps off when indoors and churches in particular.

Don't grin at everyone because we think you are mildly retarded or a hooker, when you do so for no reason.

If you come around Christmas, don't ask people if they are in the Christmas spirit.

Don't expect the waitress to clean off your table and throw the check at you as soon as you wipe your mouth.

Don't tip my bartender, because he will expect that for me too.
3 Jun 2010
Genealogy / Old Polish Prayer Book-Chlib Duszi [14]

Were getting closer:

The terms of union permit the use of the language of the people, of which the Old Slavonic was the accepted church form among the Slavs.

Between the Uhro-Rusins and the Ukrainians there are numerous minor differences of custom, the most important of which is probably the variation in the use of the language; the Ukrainian using a reformed, phonetic spelling, while the UhroRusins cling to the earlier etymological forms.
3 Jun 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

Thanks for the tip from Jerusalem that what I'm looking for is 15 min. away from me in Warsaw. I was going to call ŻIH but I thought she requested they be shown in Israel. I found my book and I didn't remember correctly what she had written.

Just out of interest, here is my translation of what she wrote:

"Gela Seksztajn (Testament):

What can I say at present and what can I request?
Since I am standing at the edge of life and death, when I am more convinced that I will die than that I will live - I want to say goodbye to my friends and to my art works.

Ten years of effort - I collected, destroyed, and worked again. I was getting ready to display my paintings, and especially my "portraits of a Jewish child." Now, I am rescuing, within my means, whatever is possible and for whatever there is space. In addition, I am leaving in "Lord's hands" tens of my oil works, portraits of Jewish writers, scetches, and coal drawings.

I am not asking for hymns of praise; I only ask there will be a memory of me and my daughter, a talented girl, Magalit Lichtensztajn [...], who at the age of twenty months is showing a talent for painting... She is a Jewish girl, speaks nicely in Yiddish, and is beautifully developed psychologically and physicaly.

I offer my works to the Jewish Museum, which will be created in the future to rebuild pre-war Jewish cultural life and for the study of this horrible tragedy which befell the Jewish community in Poland during the war.

Alone, I am not capable to pass on the details of our demise and the great tragedy of our nation. I leave that to my friends - the Jewish writers.

I ask the person who finds my works to take into considerationn that I had to reduce their format and adapt to the present conditions.

Warsaw, 1 August 1942."

Source: Archiwum Ringelbluma. Dzień po dniu Zagłady. p.179 [I1456]

She wrote this a week after the deportations to Treblinka started and now I see that her artworks were found in the first cache of the archives found in 1946.

You know, if people here weren't busy discussing "why all Polish girls have two ears," we could actually learn something. Now, I get to see her art.
3 Jun 2010
History / Poles and (Polish) Jews... Victims of war... and beyond [380]

You seem to forget that at least 100,000 Poles joined the German armed forces.

How many times do you need explaining this? Every other month? Being a Polish citizen does not make you an ethnic Pole, which is what are suggesting. But if you want to be consitant and that, you are forced to acknowlegde that 6 million Poles died during the war, and if ethnic Germans with Polish passports were drafted into the German forces and you call them Poles, then Jews with Polish passports were Poles also. Find another hobby, this is getting old. What does Volksdeutsche mean to you? German folk or Polish folk?
3 Jun 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

Thank you. Another question: In Gela Sekstein's testament that was recovered as part of the Ringelblum Archives, she asked that her paintings of Jewish children and other portraits would be deposited at a future museum in Jerusalem. She was a talented painter and the wife of a historian Isreal Lichtenstein who as the member of Oneg Shabbat along with his two students hid the first part of the archive. She appologizes for the small format of the paintings, imagine, but sites the difficult situation in which she painted. As the archivists documented all events, including art and photographs, I wonder if these survived and are they known and displayed in Isreal?
3 Jun 2010
History / Heil Poland!.....? Poland is a pro-Nazi state? [121]

I hope ConstantineK is reading your message.

From what I heard or read, I guess that's how modern young "patriotism" groups teach young people to think about Russians. I don't know whether those organisations official or underground extreme right-wing packs.

Official youth organizations that are patriotic are the Scouts. If you chat with them, you will see that patriotism has nothing to do with prejudice. Germans, Russians, Ukrainians are not our enemies. In fact, at the moment we don't have any enemies, except some of our own politicians. My take on what you are experiencing is that some young people would be more friendly talking with a dumb Englishman than an intelligent Russian. Very superficial. Of course, if you start argueing that Russians freed us from the Germans, you can expect hostility.
2 Jun 2010
History / Heil Poland!.....? Poland is a pro-Nazi state? [121]

Some of you can't even talk to a person if they say they're from Russia, even if before the conversation was nice.

We are talking, aren't we? Read the Original Post and get back to me with your opinion then.


I've just been called kacap today because.. because I am Russian. And those were young people, Polish future.

That's regrettable. I won't call you names if you don't post flamming threads, deal?
2 Jun 2010
History / Heil Poland!.....? Poland is a pro-Nazi state? [121]

I'm hardly a young man but have you read this thread? Read the OP and tell me why is ConstantineK here? You might want to have a chat with him and not me.
2 Jun 2010
Study / 90% of Poles have university degree? [57]

So it's very safe to assume that this is not true.

It is not only not true but ridiculous to even think that in any country this would be true.