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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

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Bratwurst Boy   
24 Jun 2021
News / Poland Sports News [1076]


The clubs make the player, the calling into the national team is after all only the cherry at the top. A player wouldn't be chosen without having made a name for himself already, and where does he do that? In his club of course.

Of course, if the national team has some money it can invest in the whole training environment, in specialists, clothing, busses, hotels and all that, it won't hurt! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
24 Jun 2021
News / Poland Sports News [1076]

So, it's more about the national teams that have more players who play in the best leagues?

It's only logical, isn't it?

A talent is forged in the fire, against the very best.....

....just the worst case there will be barely any german fans in Wembley! All guests need to be in quarantine first (till up to 10 days!!!) + a negative QCR test...

And the travel back won't be any easier...till up to 14 days quarantine before they can enter Germany again (even with negative QCR test, also for already vaccinated people)

Crazy! 😒
Bratwurst Boy   
24 Jun 2021
News / Poland Sports News [1076]

I wouldn't discount the Swedes!
Bratwurst Boy   
24 Jun 2021
News / Poland Sports News [1076]

financial investments give national teams that much better an edge

I think so yes!

More money can buy better players, that brings clubs high into the national and international competitions = so also the homegrown players can gain invaluable experiences at the highest levels, play with and against all the famous hot shots and bring all that knowledge back to the national team!

Lewandowski for example has won it all on the club level with Bayern München...
Bratwurst Boy   
24 Jun 2021
News / Poland Sports News [1076]

financial investments can make up some for the sunlight deficit

True dat! :)

kpisz czy o drogÄ™ pytasz?

....definitely asking!!!
Bratwurst Boy   
24 Jun 2021
News / Poland Sports News [1076]

culture of pessimism?


They didn't lose the last World War! ;)

of hours of sunlight a year and quality of soccer teams

...hmmm....I would guess western Poland should have the same kind of sun hours like eastern Germany at least....
Bratwurst Boy   
24 Jun 2021
News / Poland Sports News [1076]

Germany is flat, but they're like a mild rash that won't go away.

We have seen three Germany's so far.....against France, against Portugal, against Hungary, it has always been like a totally different team.

I have no idea which team comes out to play in Wembley!

I'm beginning to understand Polish pessimism more and more with each passing tournament.

I truly don't!

Poland has all the same mental and physical qualities Germany has...with first class players (Lewandowski).....they even lend some to us (Klose, Podolski, heh:).....but they somehow never make it big....WHY????
Bratwurst Boy   
23 Jun 2021
News / Poland Sports News [1076]

I'm sad for every other group they would had gone on....but they had to be drawn into the "group of death"!
Bratwurst Boy   
22 Jun 2021
News / Poland Sports News [1076]

I cast my very own rune spell, believe you me!!! Not to mention the sacrifice ritual I plan on my balcony, mind you!

But still I wish the Hungarians could make it with us to the next round....
Bratwurst Boy   
19 Jun 2021
News / Poland Sports News [1076]

They still have Lewandowski! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
19 Jun 2021
News / Poland Sports News [1076]

That, indeed, was a glorious team, which made Germans even more unbearable



Our next group game is against I'm split....the Hungarians would so deserve it to go on....
Bratwurst Boy   
19 Jun 2021
News / Poland Sports News [1076]

No joke please, Anti!

If the Portugese hadn't done two own goals first who knows if we would had stand a chance....

Maybe it would had been better the german team would had crashed out of the tournament today....the Mannschaft looks like a dead zombie dragged into the next stage just to fall out then (happened like that in 2018, the latest biggest disgrace!)

*goes re-watching the games from the 2014 World Championship in Brazil*
Bratwurst Boy   
19 Jun 2021
News / Poland Sports News [1076]

Absolutely, another favorite!

England too....till yesterday, as they also only managed a draw against another David, the Scots!

Seems to be a quite open affair this EC....
Bratwurst Boy   
19 Jun 2021
News / Poland Sports News [1076]

a tie is considered a win

For the Hungarians it's a huge David vs Goliath....after all they got a point out of the actual World Champions and the favorites for this European Championship. I'm sure the Frenchies had thought this three points being safe bad! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
19 Jun 2021
News / Poland Sports News [1076]

*hangs head in shame and hides crying* 😭

Bratwurst Boy   
15 Jun 2021
News / Should Poland leave the EU institution? [147]

It's called the United Nations

What is Poland getting from the United Nations? Military security? Financial help? Economical Support?

If Poland asks the UN for support against Russia....don't you think Russia will veto everything?

The UN would be like another of these far away "friends" Poland liked to put his hopes to (GB, France)....tell me again how that panned out in Polands past!

Look you and Takticus want to forget all about the concept of germany

Oh please.....I'm a proud German, I'm still an Ossi by heart, not a no-border globalist....if I dream of the past it's about mighty Prussia....I like the successful Hanse too.

There is a middle way for nationalists....those fighting all other nations and those who want the best for their own nation. Germany's way right now led to it's most successful century ever, and alot of that success has to do with the EU.

Now compare Polands often enough catastrophic past with the modern Poland during the recent decades inside the EU.....and there can only be one conclusion!

It's a matter of rationalism and seeing the world as it is, not as you want it to be! If you truly love Poland, you want the best and most successful Poland it can be. Going it alone is a sure way to lose....again!
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Jun 2021
News / Should Poland leave the EU institution? [147]

Agreed, in a Europe ruled by nationalists Poland, without an influential EU, Poland will stand alone....again....tell me again, how that did work out for the Poles in the past.

And risking all that what Poland has right now....military security, financial help, economical support, a seat and a voice like everybody else at the european table....only because of some refugees? Or some rights for gays? Or some guaranteed independence for your judges?

Really? Is that worth it???
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Jun 2021
News / Should Poland leave the EU institution? [147]

Yes the future Le Penn/Salvini/Kaczynski/Orban/Kurz grouping/axis in the EU will be a pleasure to watch

Thing is....has always been.....nationalists don't work well together.....they will be quickly busy with sniping, insulting, attacking, backstabbing each other....getting out every historical argument they can find.....a pleasure to watch?

Salvini will hate Le Pen....Orban licks Putins boots, no matter what that would mean to Kaczynski...etc...etc...

There is no nationalist "internationale"....banding together for a common cause.....never has been, never will be. Their own short sighted advantage will be always more important to them. That's why leftists are always stronger, sad but true!
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Jun 2021
News / Should Poland leave the EU institution? [147]

Oh I dunnooo....even LePen isn't talking anymore about a Frexit....she wants to get elected sometime, heh:)

"...She is opposed to the EU membership for Turkey, in favour of a "privileged partnership",[22] and also opposes the accession of Ukraine to the European Union, while supporting association status.[23] She is currently campaigning for a referendum on France leaving the EU.[20] Despite have previously sought France leaving the body, she no longer supports a full exit, preferring instead a restructuring.[79]...."

I even agree with her about Turkey.....but I think Ukraine could need every help it can get.....and some reforms, why not? *shrugs*
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Jun 2021
News / Should Poland leave the EU institution? [147]

That is true and that will be.the undoing of The EU.


The UK haven't been an integral part of the EU....they were no founder....they only wanted in as they have seen how successful the EU had become....they have always demanded special treatments and privileges (and gotten!)...

I would rather bet you that we see Scotland and maybe Wales asking for membership in the EU before the EU gets abolished, heh:)

*ducks and runs*
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Jun 2021
News / Should Poland leave the EU institution? [147]

More and more people are watching Netflix, HBO et al.

....that is true too!

If you count Twitter, FB, Instagram, Youtube etc. too then we are really owned by these USians!!!
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Jun 2021
News / Should Poland leave the EU institution? [147]

If you want to be nitpicking the whole media market of East Germany has been bought out by West Germany!
Does that count as "foreign owned"?

But if I'm honest most Ossis prefered West-Fernsehen and West-Radio in GDR times too...

(Besides the staff of the "Neues Deutschland" there hadn't been many complaints either)

But yeah...that's it....West-Germany had more than 70 years time to build their own media market...see?

All in West-Germany!

Friede Springer, Axel Springer Verlag, Berlin;
Bauer Family, Bauer Media, Hamburg;
Alexander, Marc and Oliver Samwer, Rocket Internet, Berlin;
Ralph Dommermuth, United Internet, Montabaur;
Hubert Burda Family, Hubert Burda Media, Munich;
Jahr Gruner Family, Hamburg;
Liz Mohn Family, Bertelsmann, Gutersloh;
Johannes Mohn Family, Bertelsmann, Gutersloh;
Stefan von Holtzbrinck and Monika Schoeller, Georg von Holtzbrinck-Gruppe, Stuttgart;
Dieter Schaub, Media Union, Ludwigshafen.

Bratwurst Boy   
13 Jun 2021
News / Should Poland leave the EU institution? [147]

Ever heard of the german RTL?

It is founded by and belonges to the RTL group, their HQ is in had been founded by Marcel and Francois Anen...with no German in sight.

They own today 68 TV stations and 31 Radio stations in France, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and other european countries....

Does that count?

But I don't think that is the same....many Germans bemoan the quality of the program but not the ownership...even as RTL has now a second HQ in Cologne and even a german CEO! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Jun 2021
News / Should Poland leave the EU institution? [147]

Which TV station do you have in mind?

I just read that TVN is owned by USians...(Fakty, TVN24...) and is seen as anti-PiS....
I know of "Passauer Neue Presse" which owns "Polska Press" and publishes about 20 regional papers with about 6 mio readers....
"Fakt" is the polish "Bild" or the english "Sun" and is owned by a german-swiss group....(who is often very anti-german:)....
German Springer owns "Newsweek Polska" who is also seen as anti-PiS....
Online portal is owned to 75% by Springer, the rest belongs to some USian is seen as much more popular than polish owned

But that's about it....the big weekly's like "Wprost" are in polish hand, so are the other big TV stations (TVP1, TVP2 and PolSat)

You should one thing always keep in mind Iron, Poland is a market economy like Germany and only those can survive who sell enough. In the media case only those who find enough readers and viewers.

So it is logically that even if a TV station or a newspaper is foreign owned, they have to be successful in the polish market, gain polish subscriber and polish advertiser. So they have to tailor their product to polish expectations, wants and needs. So I'm not so sure why it is so important for you who owns what.

It doesn't really play a big role...and the majority of the publications and stations in Poland are still and always will be polish!
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Jun 2021
News / Poland Sports News [1076]

Sounds like "Fußball" and is totally correct! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Jun 2021
News / Should Poland leave the EU institution? [147]

Well....if you want to go far back....EVERYTHING!

At least in the US zone of occupation and with the money of the Marshall fund....they installed the law making...and supervised practically article could be published without their find a job every German had to show a "Persil Schein", some proof that they hadn't been active Nazis....they rebuild West-Germany after their sense...these foundations are still strong and working!

Most Germans are still grateful for it....I can imagine that many Poles aren't angry about the EU help either?

Or the surveys and polls would look differently....but make no mistake...some Germans too wish to be "free" of USian influence....sadly the same people wish a closer relationship with Putin's Russia!
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Jun 2021
News / Should Poland leave the EU institution? [147]

The UK's success out of the EU will motivate the more powerful countries like Germany, France and NL to think more about leaving.

I would rather believe that the founder nations of the EU (Germany, France and NL) will always band together to form a Union, the arguments to build a strong alliance are as convincing now as they had been back then!

...and nobody likes the UK that much! ;)