History /
Ghetto Uprising better known than Warsaw Uprising? [111]
This text is from
Archiwum Ringelbluma: Dzień po dniu Zagłady. ZIH (2008).
The entry is by Israel Lichtensztajn, a teacher, intellectual, and member of Oneg Szabat, an underground organization in the Warsaw Ghetto which under the Emanuel Ringelblum collected and hid records of Jewish people during the Shoah. Lichtensztajn hid the first of the three portions of this 30,000 piece archive. Two of the three were found after the war.
A little background: this was written on 31 July 1942, ten days after the start of deportations from the Warsaw Ghetto. The [...] are it the book text and are not mine. He uses the word Gmina for Judenrat. (for people not familiar what Gmina Żydowska is). He changes tenses, and I tried to follow, but consider in what situation he was writing. I'm not a professional translator, but have tried to render the best version I could.
If you want to agrue with him about his strong condemnation of the Jewish leadership, it is too late, but you can always take it out on me.
"Isreal Lichtensztajn,
Warszawa, 31 July 1942
[i]We have been betrayed!!!
The horrible process of exterminating Warsaw's Jews is already ten days in progress. Everyday, there are 5 to 10 thousand persons caught and sent from Warsaw. Old people and small children are shot. The rest are shipped away, and with certainty killed od gassed. For this action, Jewish policemen were engaged, who think they will save their lives this way. As it turns out, death will not walk passed thm either. The SS wants to destroy all of Warsaw's Jews.
100 words + URLLichtensztajn died fighting in the first days of the Ghetto Uprising.