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Do Poles in Poland really feel betrayed because there won't be any US Shield? [288]
It is true that many Poles, especially in the past two, three decades overstayed their visa. Because they got the visa first to enter the country, and did not go back in time - it ended on the record. Most people from other countries don't do that.
I can see the reason for The USA to restrict visas. I have no problem with that.
I had two visitors from Poland this year, they got their visa with no problem and they went back in time. Theirs - was a true tourist visa.
On the other hand..heck, Mexicans stay here illegally, but they never got a visa to enter the country to begin with, did they? lol.
Many, if not most people in Poland were opposed to the shield, so it should not be a big deal. The media is making it bigger than it is. Frankly, Poland is in the EU..why should she be afraid of Russian invasion? What kind of Union would allow for their member to be attacked? It's like looking at your family member being attacked by some deranged person and doing nothing. Is that how the EU works?
So, if a missile would hit one of the states here, let's Pennsylvania, the rest will do nothing?
I really don't get the EU bsh*t..