The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Bobko  

Joined: 13 Mar 2017 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 1 day ago
Threads: Total: 27 / Live: 23 / Archived: 4
Posts: Total: 2063 / Live: 1987 / Archived: 76
From: New York
Speaks Polish?: Y
Interests: reading, camping

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4 May 2023
Off-Topic / Serbia etc. thread 3 [365]

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4 May 2023

In terms of numbers and equipment I would put them above many West European armies.

It doesn't mean much, to be "above many West European armies" - even if that is true. France and Britain ran out of things to bomb Libya with, after only a month of operations. They then had to come to the US asking for munitions, after first proudly declaring the "No Fly Zone" over Libya a European operation.


West Europeans armies are known mostly for failing at containing small-scale insurgencies by poorly-armed farmers. From Libya, to Mali, to Congo, to Afghanistan.

If Poland wants to compare itself to someone it should rather do it with countries like South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Turkey. You know, actually strong militaries.

In any case, this discussion is moot because of what we have learned about Poland's financial position. PiS has made grand declarations about buying tons of weapons in an attempt to shore up its support among Russophobe voters (surprisingly large electoral bloc). In reality there is no money to pay for the commitments, without seriously hurting the budgets for healthcare, education, infrastructure, etc.

The plan to double Poland's army all the way to 300K is also dead on arrival. Poland has worse demographics than Russia, a country that is 4X its size. Russia struggles to keep its land component staffed at 300K with contract soldiers, even though average salaries in Russia are not very high and the army offers a comparatively good deal. How the hell will Poland manage to corral additional tens of thousands of people as volunteers, every year, to reach that figure? Even in America, all services are struggling to achieve their recruitment quotas.

Finally - let's remind ourselves - what's the most important thing for any military organization? That's right - experience. The United States has been at war nearly constantly during the last few decades. Russia also. Turkey has been flexing its muscles in Syria, and trying out various technologies from Libya to Azerbaijan. The Saudis, very bloodily, have been occupied with Yemen for the better part of a decade. What has Poland done? Sent 2,000 people to guard some buildings in Baghdad and Basra?

Poland's army is not a fighting army, and it has not the slightest clue of where to even begin integrating the long shopping list of supplies and how to use it. So if you think watching Russians make war is funny, then watching Poland will be like a visit to the circus.
3 May 2023
Food / How is this herring product typically served? [74]


By my standards even you do not qualify as a Pole. Just like I don't count Russians born in the states as Russians - just plastic Russians. When they approach me, and begin speaking in Russian - I always ask for them to switch to English because my ears cannot withstand the rape. They have not the slightest clue of what it means to be Russian, beyond a caricature version of toughness and machismo imposed on them by their brainless American friends.

Please stick to the topic
28 Apr 2023
Life / In need of good Polish jokes about Polish culture, people, etc [232]

Borders of Kurwa Union look almost exactly like borders of Intermarium

I was hopeful someone would underline this moment.

Kurwa Union could easily supplant the Visegrad Group as the new locus of regional integration.

Also, special for you Kania - a chart I found very useful:

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28 Apr 2023
Life / In need of good Polish jokes about Polish culture, people, etc [232]

Fool. Bobko is never in a bad mood.

Today's batch: The Witcher, Jesus and the Pirates of the Caribbean, and Polish language (again).

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27 Apr 2023
News / EU, Germany, Euros and Poland. [54]


Oh really? Tell me now, good sir, how Britain is not English. No flights of fancy please, no historical révérences, but from your heart. Please?

I think it's you that just shot himself in the foot, if one were to think 3-4 steps ahead in the discourse.
27 Apr 2023
News / EU, Germany, Euros and Poland. [54]


Yes because the English covered themselves so well with a few million Welsh, Irish, and Scots here and there. In roughly the same proportion that Russia is Russian, Britain is English.

Such a pedantic ass you are.
27 Apr 2023
Life / In need of good Polish jokes about Polish culture, people, etc [232]

I will. This is bullsh1t. Where I live women solve their own problems

Why do you even talk to me, if you said you would spit in my face if you met me?

Relationships - seems like a strange topic to discuss with a Nazi officer before he shoots you in the head. No?

In any case, your whole post is meaningless. I don't need photo/video evidence, but at least tell me an anecdote or expound on your own views.

You bore me.
27 Apr 2023
Life / In need of good Polish jokes about Polish culture, people, etc [232]

Another batch of Russian-aggregated Polish memes.

In this series: weird dreams of Poles about Stalin, problems in the labor market, and loaning money to friends.

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27 Apr 2023
Life / In need of good Polish jokes about Polish culture, people, etc [232]

Do you expect the roomie to cook you diner all the time, wash your dirty pants

So you are agreeing with me, that women do not respect a man that "lives his life for his love"?

On the other hand- Do you tell your your pal when they are wrong straight on?

Uhhmmmm.... Yes? I know this is not possible with your race, but between us men this is the preferred mode of communication. It can even result in a physical confrontation, but within 24-48 hrs there would be a return to the status quo. Not, one month of passive aggressive stares, and a concentration camp-style atmosphere in the apartment.

Do you expect them to be there when you need to go through some though ****?

Not really, I deal with my own sh!t, and try to do everything not to burden other people with it. Woman-folk, on the other hand, very much enjoy when somebody drops from a helicopter and solves all their outstanding problems. Do not even try to debate this with me.
27 Apr 2023
News / EU, Germany, Euros and Poland. [54]

I don't know why people call Poland the Christ Among Nations. Really, it should be Germany. Russia punished Ukraine for much less, than the type of insults hurled at Germany by Poland on the regular.

Your ten million percent economic growth is a direct derivative of massive German and French infusions of capital, technical know-how, legal experience, and their opening up of their labor markets for your citizens.

How you can turn around and ask them for reparations, or call them Nazis is truly stupendous from my Russian point of view. On the other hand, so far your plan seems to work, and the pussified Germans just swallow everything. So maybe you Poles understand Germans better than we do.
27 Apr 2023
Life / In need of good Polish jokes about Polish culture, people, etc [232]

with love

Too much love, and a woman will lose all respect for you. Women have a similar mentality to cops. Cops don't respect a perp that just pulls over and stops. Cops live for the chase.

My advice - be the best, coolest, most interesting Kashub you can be. The kind that men, and children enjoy being around. Then you may be surprised to discover women in your orbit as well.

Lenka is right about one aspect, in which women are like human beings. They want to feel/know that the person they are with is worth their affection.
27 Apr 2023
Life / In need of good Polish jokes about Polish culture, people, etc [232]

The same as any other human being.

Kashub - be careful - this is most dangerous misinformation. Woman's brain is tilted at 26 degree angle from normal axis, compared to man brain. Woman is not your friend.

Treat a woman as you would a Russian.
26 Apr 2023
Law / Lawyer - Inheritance [11]


Lenka is known to be very kind, and we generally do not address her in this fashion. Please be kind to use different language in the future.

P.S. - She wanted a more "concrete" definition of your problem.
26 Apr 2023
History / How Poland views Europe [44]

Poland is caring mother. Europe is child with Down's Syndrome.

Due to retardation, France and Germany cannot see where their best interests lie. In motherly fashion, from behind the scenes, Poland urges them to "engage" with Britain and America (rich, good influence).

Due to retardation, France and Germany try to trade with Russia, while watchful Poland already knows these are misguided attempts. It embarrasses France and Germany in front of their friends to teach them a lesson.

Alien, do you not know that Poles taught French to eat with forks, and they treated Jews as humans when you wanted nothing at all to do with them?
26 Apr 2023
Life / Do young Polish people believe in their religion and God? [155]

not enough = nihilism and decay

Where's the nihilism and decay in Communist China? A whole lot more of nihilism and decay to point out where I'm sitting now - in America - which happens to be the most religious OECD country.

False causality.

China shows that filial piety and general respect for elders is a lot more important than any religion.
26 Apr 2023
History / Can anyone from Poland tell me about Auschwitz and The Ghetto? [612]

Communism tried to eliminate individualism in every possible form

It's curious, isn't it - that Communism sprouted up not in the industrial West with its enormous working class, but in the agrarian and backwards East where almost nobody worked in factories.

Also curious, that such an ideology that smothers the individual appeared in a place where individuals have very high opinions of themselves.
25 Apr 2023
Life / Do young Polish people believe in their religion and God? [155]

Fall into the 'Cult' sect.

Most Christians I've met would not classify Mormons and JWs as Christians - so I don't think they qualify for "cult" or "sect". They are so different, that it's a different religion. Mormons especially - they have their own book even!
23 Apr 2023
History / How Poland views Europe [44]


Lyzko, are you trying to say that parents feel superior towards a child that is mentally retarded? Even from you, I did not expect such a radical proposition. Most unchristian.
23 Apr 2023
History / How Poland views Europe [44]

Ever since Nikolai Copernicus proved that Europe rotated around Poland, Polish attitudes towards Europe can be described as that of a loving parent towards a retarded child.
23 Apr 2023
History / Famous Polish Dwarves [5]

Hello, and welcome to the latest edition of Exploring Poland with Bobko. In this installment, we look at Poland's curious history with dwarves, or little people.

Any list of famous Polish dwarves would be incomplete without mentioning Józef Boruwłaski - and so, that's how we will begin.

Józef Boruwłaski was born in 1739 near Halicz, which is now located in Banderstadt. It is notable, that followers of Bandera do not cherish the memory of this famous Polish dwarf.

When he was young, a certain Countess took an interest in young Józef, and shortly afterwards he was already being presented to the Empress Maria Theresa - who gifted him a diamond ring. Things were not so rosy, however, when Jozef and the Countess decided to visit the former dictator of Poland, Stanislaw Leszczynski. He also had his own dwarf, Nicolas Ferry - AKA Bébé - who tried to throw poor Josef into a burning fireplace. Thankfully, the dictator intervened in time, and then also had 75 footlashings assigned to Bébé as punishment.

As an adult, Josef became famous for never drinking alcohol (unique among Poles of the time), and for being quite talented as a musician. He almost started drinking alcohol, however, after the new Polish dictator - Stanislaw II - first gave him a state pension, and then revoked it after becoming jealous of how much money little Jozef was making from playing instruments.

Please share your stories of famous Polish dwarves.

With Sincere Respect to All the Lord's Creations,


21 Apr 2023
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]


Yes, it is so Westward-leaning, that it thinks its best friend is a country across the ocean with which it doesn't trade, doesn't receive investment from, and where 95% of the population could not find Poland on the map.

Meanwhile, it treats the two countries that fed it and raised it from poverty with incredible contempt (I mean Germany and France).

Funny country Poland.
20 Apr 2023
Off-Topic / Curious Books of PF [50]


The smell alone will be worth it. Look at those tattered covers. I'm sure the pages are also those that you have to cut open with a letter opener if no one browsed that section. The quality of the picture prints (lithography?), even on that page you pasted is amazing.

Reading books can be a great sensory experience, not just intellectual.
19 Apr 2023
Off-Topic / Curious Books of PF [50]


Ok, I don't think I'll get outted for this, so I'll share what I do.

I started in my early twenties as an entrepreneur. I did well enough off of my first venture (after eating glass for the better part of a decade), and was planning to do nothing at all for quite some time. Unfortunately, I'm now back to work - and a type of work I never expected to do. If you told me 5 years ago, that this is what I would be doing, I would have spat in your face.

What I am, is basically an investment banker (it's slightly different, but for simplicity's sake this works). For those unfamiliar with the banking industry - we are useless parasites. Traders make money buying and selling stocks. Compliance people make sure it's all legal. Accountants ensure that everything is correctly recorded. IT people make sure our infrastructure works. But IBankers, have no specialty and we're not good at anything. We just connect money with opportunities, and collect a fat fee for this, and this still happens largely in restaurants and hotel lobbies.

When I meet with someone, I probably spend 20-30% of the time discussing the minutiae of whatever deal is being worked on. The rest of the time is spent talking about what people's kids do, what shows they've seen, what exhibits they want to visit, and what books they have read.

If they had a good enough time with Bobko, that they prefer to work with me instead of the ******* from across the street - GREAT SUCCESS! What books I have read, has a big impact on how much people will enjoy spending time with me. And so I have to constantly keep reading. That's not to say I don't enjoy it.
19 Apr 2023
Off-Topic / Curious Books of PF [50]

Name one that made you one dollar reacher.

I mean... come on... there's a ton of books that can make one richer.

Did you just wake up one day and start minting patents for currency counting machines? Did you not have to read some books on mechanical engineering?

In my life, I can point to hundreds of books that have made me money, but maybe this is specific to what I do.

In my line of work (present), I'm basically a glorified *****/courtesan. There are serious guys, in back offices; that actually know how to do all the actual work. Myself, I just flutter around like a butterfly, meeting random people, and exchanging sweet nothings. My main goal is for them to like me, and to believe in whatever idea our team is behind. For this, books help enormously. Because it turns out, that the guys on the other side are just like me, while their partners are busy doing the actual work in the background. So what do us idiots who have no useful skills do when we meet? Well, often it's talking about cultural things. Books among them.

Sometimes I bring my partners along that are "doers", but that don't read too many books, and they feel rather out of place.
18 Apr 2023
Life / What to do if the neighbors is too loud? [40]

My philosophy has always been, "Raise the rent, not noisy kids."

Thankfully for the economy, and demographics at large, not too many people subscribed to your opinion throughout the last century.

Unfortunately, it looks like today's millennials broadly share your views.
17 Apr 2023
Off-Topic / Curious Books of PF [50]

What year was that collection published and by whom?

Apologies for late reply:

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