The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by pawian  

Joined: 30 May 2008 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 7 mins ago
Threads: Total: 226 / Live: 154 / Archived: 72
Posts: Total: 27571 / Live: 21488 / Archived: 6083
From: Poe land
Speaks Polish?: Yes, but I prefer English
Interests: Everything funny

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19 Jan 2025
Po polsku / Dyrdymałki o Niczem 2 [302]

A więc wypierdalaj spać, Plastikowy Polaczku. :):):)
19 Jan 2025
Po polsku / Dyrdymałki o Niczem 2 [302]

Mów w języku w jakim Cię matka urodziła, skurwysynu!

PS. Nie przejmuj się, to był tylko cytat z mojej ulubionej ksiażki. :):):)
19 Jan 2025
Po polsku / Dyrdymałki o Niczem 2 [302]

a było za późno by poprawić

Myśl logicznie, chłoptasiu. Wstawienie cz w bold w dwóch wyrazach trwa o wiele dłużej niż poprawienie cz na trz.
Dodatkowo, udowadniasz nam że nie znasz polskiej kultury jajcarstwa. Pacz poniżej.
Ale nie poddawaj się chłopczyku!!!! Pacz i Walcz jak Polak/Polka!!! hahaha buhahaha

  • aa
19 Jan 2025
Po polsku / Dyrdymałki o Niczem 2 [302]

Dlaczego ty mi zawsze dajesz zadanie do wykonania?

Bo Cię kurwa chcę wreszcie wychować i wyedukować na porządnego Polaka!!! Tak jak to już zrobiłem z tysiącami moich uczniów!!! Ha!!!!! ):):

wylecz się sam

buhahaha Popacz chłopczyku jeszcze raz na tamten wpis i zrozum o co chodzi. ):):)

złościć zaczyna

Chłopczyku Cię wkurza??? AmaSSing! :):):)
19 Jan 2025
Po polsku / Dyrdymałki o Niczem 2 [302]

I co to znaczy to słowo?

To prawda, ono istnieje od niedawna.

Ale da się znależć w sieci.

Popacz, chłopczyku, to ty:
Podziękuj mi teraz że tak Cię doceniam jako kiciusia. Ha!!!

  • a
19 Jan 2025
Life / What do Polish people talk about? [56]

it is like comparing apples and oranges.

No, it is like comparing your peanut balls to male elephant ones. Or your tiny dick to male horse`s aka stallion`s. Ha!!
Forgive me those animals in comparisons, I can`t help it coz I am a product of animal world myself.
19 Jan 2025
Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods? [1450]

I actually wasn't sure about it to start with

You need to acquire more self or general confidence. Drop this fekking stereotype British reserve and phlegm. Be like a Polish winged hussar! Charge at full speed and never look back at the victims of your charge! hahaha buhahaha
19 Jan 2025
Life / What do Polish people talk about? [56]

You're just trying

What is your problem?? I only take your example. :):):)

is just a Polish attempt at humour.

Actually, it is not humour, but facts. I heard such a conversation between a British teacher and Polish teachers when they were all a little under the influence during an organised outing. :):):)

Have you tried Lincolnshire sausages?

No and I am not going to. :):):)
19 Jan 2025
Po polsku / Dyrdymałki o Niczem 2 [302]

To ty udajesz człowieka

Znajdź i pokaż nam choć jeden mój wpis gdzie udaję człowieka. Ha!!!
19 Jan 2025
UK, Ireland / What do Polish people miss about Ireland when they come back to Poland? [26]

there has been no entry for 5 years.

This means that Poles/Polesses haven`t come back from Ireland yet.
Good they feel so good there. Ireland is still a good country to live, not like Britain after Brexit.
And they elect decent governments which reject Nazi Izrael and their genocide in Palestine. I am envious about it and wish we were as decent as them.
19 Jan 2025
Life / What do Polish people talk about? [56]


Yes, jon, if you mention it, let me remind you that Polish sausage is much better than your pseudo sausage product.
Besides, it was Polish pilots who saved your asses in 1940!!! hahaha buhahaha
19 Jan 2025
Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 3 [615]

but no idea what for.

Yes, those riddles can be so crazy sometimes. Sorry.
PS. I admire you for still striving and not giving up. You are so Polish. I wish most of my compatriots were like that. :):)

PS. Check another thread where I am going to post all pics for this riddle.
19 Jan 2025
UK, Ireland / What English food would you serve a Pole? [172]

That's a Scottish breakfast

Scots allowed the English to dominate them so it is also English one. Ignore those minor regional differences. :):):)
19 Jan 2025
Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods? [1450]

Different filling? Different type of cabbage used?

No, filling is standard - rice mixed with minced meat and spices
As for cabbage, yes, it is different type indeed. Namely ZERO cabbage. hahahaha buhahaha

I unwrapped those parcels off cabbage covering coz I have hated it all my life and only ate the filling. :):):) Look closer at that photo. :):

I love pierogi with meat.

Did you have it heavily sprinkled with skwarki aka fried lard chunks, and dipped in thick lard fat???

  • a
19 Jan 2025
UK, Ireland / What English food would you serve a Pole? [172]

Just vile and a heart attack on a plate. Needs a defibrillator to hand.

No, English breakfast is still my fave nutrition style. At least in my imagination and dreams.
Coz I haven`t had a real one for decades since I watched that drastic breakfast scene in the cult Trainspotting film:

19 Jan 2025
Travel / Hiking around Zakopane/ Tatra mountains [33]

if you have ever climbed Rysy, and if so, did you find it particularly hard?

No, never coz it requires pro equipment and training which I had lacked due various reasons :):)

The highest I got was Kasprowy Wierch (using the cable car to get on top hahahaha) . There I ran into Halny gale which I described in post 19.
18 Jan 2025
Po polsku / Dyrdymałki o Niczem 2 [302]

A co jest złego

Nic, pod warunkiem że nie udaje bążura. :):):)
18 Jan 2025
Po polsku / Dyrdymałki o Niczem 2 [302]

fajne słowo.

Iron udaje Bążura ale tak naprawdę to cieć z Wołomina.
18 Jan 2025
Food / Which foods are generally disliked/unpopular in Poland? Which non-Polish foods are slowly gaining popularity? [180]

German raw sausage called Metka in Polish is quite unpopular here. The last time I tried it was a few decaes ago, in communist times. Later I have never seen it.
While Germans are obsessed about it.
For the brave who want to try something new, there is a possibility of preparing metka in the comfort of your own home. The process requires the use of fatty pork, such as bacon or jowl, which is then seasoned with salt, sugar, marjoram, pepper, garlic and onion.

After seasoning and mixing, the meat is minced and stuffed into pig intestines. The refrigerated metka can be served in a variety of ways, from sandwiches to salads to a standalone snack.

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