The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by GefreiterKania  

Joined: 26 Dec 2020 / Male ♂
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17 Sep 2021
News / Polish PM Tusk- dictator or not? What Poles think? [413]

Maybe it won't be quite as bad as that.

The bright side is - people will never vote any PiS or PiS-like party into power again. Also, the position of RCC in our society will start resembling their position in any other western European country. They will pay dearly for their unholy pact with PiS.
17 Sep 2021
News / Polish PM Tusk- dictator or not? What Poles think? [413]

are desperately trying to wave away reality with their silly propaganda

It is rather sad to see where they ended up. I once thought of them as an ordoliberal government (with a slightly nationalistic slant) but they have lost the plot completely since then. Oh, well... it's only two more years. Here's hoping.
17 Sep 2021
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

they have no right to stop founds

Why not? It's their money.

It's one thing to be openly anti-EU and speak of "EU occupation of Poland" and another to ask to be flooded with EU money on top of that. :)
17 Sep 2021
News / Poland highest inflation in 20 years [319]

almost 40 per cent of adult Polish population

More like 20 per cent of adult population (only about 50-60 percent usually turns up for the elections). There might possibly be around 3-4% of wyborcy among them, but the rest are typical wyznawcy, you can't reason with them, you can't argue - they just believe that PiS are godsent saviours of Poland (and bishops like Jędraszewski are only reinforcing the belief :)).


I mentioned it some time ago in a discussion with Iron - there are simply no sensible parties to vote for in Poland. One is always force to vote for so-called "lesser evil".
17 Sep 2021
Travel / Any Anglican churches in Poland? [35]

all C of E Bishops since 1930 have Old Catholic consécration too

Brilliant. After all, Anglicans and Old Catholics are two Catholic churches (but not Roman!).

That's the blueprint of ecumenism that all Christian churches should follow.

they are reduced

Truth is not measured in number of adherents, otherwise we would all have to be Confucianists of Hindu. :) True Christians are supposed to be "the salt of the Earth"; and how much salt can you have in a dish? 90%? 50%? That would be hardly edible, wouldn't it? :)

*or Hindu
17 Sep 2021
News / Poland highest inflation in 20 years [319]

they focus on people, slogans, silly issues, and parties

That's true. All the voters should concentrate on one thing mainly - economy. All the rest (judicial system, LGBT free zones, ownership of TV stations, Constitution etc. etc.) can be discussed only when the economy is in perfect working order. All the parties in Poland are great at promoting secondary issues and avoiding the real problems.
17 Sep 2021
Travel / Any Anglican churches in Poland? [35]

there were issues a few years ago due to their objection to female priests and bishops

I think you meant PNCC (Polish National Catholic Church) in the USA, who left the Utrecht Union over the matter. KP in Poland, however, is a UU member, hence in full communion with C of E.
16 Sep 2021
Life / What do Poles think about Austrians? [12]

That was only because of the Warsaw Pact

They took part in partitions of Poland because of the Warsaw Pact? That's a very interesting theory! :)
16 Sep 2021
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

the EU is more upset that Poland isn't going along with the anal agenda

Bollox. The EU is simply asking their member states to respect their own Constitutions. Apparently it's too much to ask of PiS (or president Duda, who swore to defend the Constitution).
16 Sep 2021
News / Poland highest inflation in 20 years [319]

PiS created a new religion

Yes, and Roman-Catholic church in Poland decided to join it. How sad an end for once a genuinely Christian church.
16 Sep 2021
Travel / Any Anglican churches in Poland? [35]

I'm not sure if there are any Anglican churches in Poland, but Old Catholic churches who are members of Utrecht Union (among them Kościół Polskokatolicki) are in full communion with the Church of England.

So, any anglican in Poland may attend Mass and partake in Holy Communion in polskokatolickie parishes. Here's a list: - Warsaw Diocese - Cracow-Czestochowa Diocese - Wrocław Diocese

We welcome our Anglican brothers with open arms :) If you are in Gdańsk - that's the parish church you want to visit:
16 Sep 2021
News / Poland highest inflation in 20 years [319]

PiS voters

The problem with PiS is that they don't have voters (wyborcy), they have believers (wyznawcy). That's why their numbers aren't decreasing even after the most embarassing antics of the government.
6 Sep 2021
News / Poland hopes to attract hard-working, trouble-free immigarnts - Ukrainian, Belarusians and Vietnamese [129]

When did the number swell to the thousands?

Spokesman for the Border Guard (Straż Graniczna) informed about 3.5 thousand attempts at illegal border crossing. I assume he didn't mean deer or wild boar. Of course, the same people might have attempted to cross the border several times, there is no exact data.

we can't neglect those who are closest to us neither

6 Sep 2021
News / Poland hopes to attract hard-working, trouble-free immigarnts - Ukrainian, Belarusians and Vietnamese [129]

no one in the EU wants a replay of 2015 (let alone a replay of 2015 that's three times the size)

Flights from Iraq to Belarus have been supressed, the border fence is being constructed and border guards forces reinforced - there is no risk at all of a 2015-like situation. It's only a question of letting in 2-3 thousand people stuck at the border instead of watching them die of cold and hunger. Or we can show the world that we are exactly the same bastards as Lukashenka.

Why would I care about some children more than their own parents? Those people do not care about their children, they can always make more

Because the culture and values system of parents is not their children's fault?

How much less would such person care about women or children of some strangers?

Adolf Eichmann was a true family man, he had four children about whom he always spoke with love and affection, even during his trial in Israel he said he loves children. When they asked him how can he say that he loves children when he murdered millions of them, he said "yes, but those were Jewish children".

I see similar approach in some posters here - "of course, children have to be taken care of, loved and cherished BUT those are Muslim children, their parents don't care about them, they can always make more etc. etc."

One has to be a compassionate Christian

Not really. Compassion is not an exclusively Christian thing but it's a trait present in all those who aren't completely devoid of human feelings and common decency. But you are right that it is quite impossible to be a Christian and not feel compassion towards the poor, ill and homeless.
5 Sep 2021
News / Poland hopes to attract hard-working, trouble-free immigarnts - Ukrainian, Belarusians and Vietnamese [129]

The only viable option is probably to let those at the border in but not before the border is secured in PRL style.

There are children as young as 3 years old, requiring proper nutrition and medical attention; before the 180-kilometer fence is finished some of them can die. There is no question about securing the borders and not allowing uncontrolled flow of immigrants (hence the EU deal with Iraq, suppressing flights to Belarus), but people who are already there should be let in and dealt with in civilised manner. Keeping them trapped at the border, cold, hungry and in appalling sanitary conditions is barbarous and inhumane. We are better than that.

As for cultural differences... Poland is historically probably the most multicultural country in Europe - apart from home nations (Poles, Ukrainians, Belarussians, Lithuanians) we had large Dutch, Scottish, Jewish, German and Russian settled communities and smaller ones from all over Europe - all of them, including even muslim Tatars, were with time not only by and large assimilated but also polonised. The attractiveness of Polishness is such that we don't have to worry about what happened in western Europe or Scandinavia.
5 Sep 2021
News / Poland hopes to attract hard-working, trouble-free immigarnts - Ukrainian, Belarusians and Vietnamese [129]

Why would I feel sorry for them?

Hm... perhaps because they want to run away to a better, safer life, just like countless Poles did (including yourself, I believe).

Polish emigrants seem to have rather short memories, so perhaps a short refresher would be in order:

- in the 1980s over one million Poles left Poland permanently, most of them illegally - they were not political refugees, they were economic migrants. They went through Austria (visas weren't required there), Italy ("tourist" trips to see Vatican, the Pope etc.), Germany (using fake documents to obtain residency) or even Greece (crossing the Bulgarian border, where they went "on holiday");

- there was this Traiskirchen camp in Austria - with conditions for Poles not much better than the camps for immigrants today; how easy it is to forget!

- in the city parks of Rome Poles were sleeping, cooking, doing their laundry - all before the eyes of amazed Italians; how short are the memories of some!

Over one million people - that's a scale unheard of before in Europe - left Poland in 1980s. Nobody shot them, nobody used "tear gas or skunk spray". Europe was patient, Europe was generous and understanding. Poles got help not only from foreign governments but also from various organisations and ordinary common people. Today majority of Poles think that they don't owe anything to anybody...

Now, as for the people (yes, people) stuck on the Belarussian border:

- Lukashenka is a dictator and a hardcore son of a b*tch - he put those people there in a vain attempt to destabilise the EU, and he doesn't care two hoots if they die because of hunger, cold or lack of medical care. The question is: are we the same as Lukashenka?

- the EU forced Iraq into suppression of flights to Belarus, so the scaremongers who say that there will be "millions" flooding us if we let in the couple of thousands stuck on the border are just that - scaremongers;

- are we, as a country, strong enough to help a couple of thousand of poor, frightened people or do we prefer to play the silly little games with Lukashenka (which, by the way, is exactly what he wants)?

This "crisis" can end very quickly: let those people in, put them somewhere in more or less humane conditions, provide health care, especially for women and children - process every single case individually and then decide the right course of action. Treat them fairly (at least in the same way our people flooding Europe in 1980s were treated) and show the world that we are better than Lukashenka. Show the world that apart from guns and dicks we also have brains and hearts.

Just an idea.
4 Aug 2021
News / Heavy fighting. Legia Warszawa brutally attacked in Croatia by pro-German fanatics saluted by local mob ! [49]

Legia is hated in Croatia ever since they played Hajduk Split in European cups (sometime in 1994, I think), and Legia supporters were shouting "Serbia, Serbia!" during the game. They were attacked by both Croat hooligans and Croat police after that. Legia was always very pro-Serbian; you often see "Kosovo is Serbia" banners or t-shirts on their stadium.
30 Jul 2021
News / New American Ambassador to Poland? [26]

New American Ambassador to Poland... not needed.

They can send him to Moscow instead, to help with licking Russian butts as Biden just did with NS2.
17 Jul 2021
News / Poland to get the newest version of M1A2 Abrams tank [90]

They are still behaving as if Germany is going to invade militarily again *rollseyes*

...or as if they are reading comments about Poland on the German internet! :D


A lot of their forces are currently bound in Ukraine. Judging by Putin's recent statements they will attempt to solve the "Ukrainian problem" first. Also, they can't weaken Caucasus and Chinese border too much, so that should give us about 4-5 years of relative peace. It might seem like a lot of time, but it isn't. Hence the government spending money like crazy, strenghtening the territorial defence etc.


If NATO fails to meet their obligations (quite possible with Biden in power and the West full of Putinverstehers) then we'll be alone again as usual.

That's why we have to:

a) make invading Poland unprofitable - it's simple economics, question of money: if winning war against Poland will cost more than benefits the invader would get, they won't invade; *hence the military equipment purchases*

b) make Poland indigestible - if for some reason they invade anyway and, most likely, defeat the professional army, then we need to have underground structures, people ready for partisan warfare, suicide bombers etc. etc. *hence the emphasis on patriotic education at schools and territorial defence build-up*

All in all, for an objective observer, it looks like PiS is preparing for war. Or maybe it's just the case of si vis pacem para bellum usw.
17 Jul 2021
News / Poland to get the newest version of M1A2 Abrams tank [90]

they would start to fret again too...

PiS is buying F-35s, Turkish battle drones, and the newest Abrams tanks with Germany peaceful as a kitten. I am afraid to think what they would buy (and for how much) with a powerful Bundeswehr and AfD in power! They would get 250 tanks MONTHLY :D
16 Jul 2021
Off-Topic / What's your connection with Poland? Penpals. [553]

I'm a 3rd generation polish american man and interested in learing more about poland from polish people

Hello, Dean. Nice to have you here with us. Welcome to PF! :)
16 Jul 2021
News / Poland to get the newest version of M1A2 Abrams tank [90]

Tusk is the more "Germanised" option (...) While PiS is the non-German option.

Hm... that is probably accurate when it comes to political sympathies, but in military matters sympathies should be put aside and pure logic used instead.

PiS will surely lose the 2023 elections; Poland 2050 and KO will form a coalition and all polls show that it will be enough to form the new government, so the PiS-era comes to an end. We live in interesting times, that's for sure.

When I got refused two days ago to join the army.

What? You would make a great soldier, Grunni. Keep trying!
16 Jul 2021
News / Poland to get the newest version of M1A2 Abrams tank [90]

Maybe I don't move in the right circles but I don't know of anybody who "wants anything back"!

You're a nice, educated guy - you move in different circles.

The EU army is definitely discussed as we speak!

It would be extremely difficult to create a working EU army. Only in Polish army we have German, Russian (and now American) tanks - different spare parts, ammunition, software - everything. To create a unified EU army would require a herculean work and, most of all, the concord of all the countries, which seems highly unlikely.

If PiS really wanted to buy tanks, it would make much more sense to get more Leopards (and even more to get gazillions of anti-tank weapons instead) which are already used by our army and beloved by our panzer troops.

Austria-Hungarian army

Gefreiter Kania's army - the best fighting force ever! ;)
16 Jul 2021
News / Achievements of the Tusk's Polish government [532]

I think the word "independent" is the key here. As long as the law of a given country has superiority over the EU law, and a country is not singled out/discriminated for not following some silly leftist agenda, then I suppose we can still talk about a Union of independent countries.
15 Jul 2021
News / Poland to get the newest version of M1A2 Abrams tank [90]

AfD? Perhaps. I especially liked the comments that Poles are "once criminals, always criminals" (who murdered innocent German civilians in WW2).

Unreal :)

We are spoiled with BB and Tacitus here, but there are throngs of completely different Germans out there.
15 Jul 2021
News / Poland to get the newest version of M1A2 Abrams tank [90]

Just click on the "kommentare" button and it should open :)

If it doesn't... well, in a nutshell: "dumb Polacks are using our handout money to buy American schrott, they should be kicked out of NATO and EU and we want our Breslau, Danzig and, you wouldn't believe, Posen and Kalisch back". :D

It's a blessing that Kaczyński doesn't know any foreign languages :D

are tanks what Poland really needs anyway

Nope, as was said here in previous posts.