The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Cargo pants  

Joined: 31 Mar 2019 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 16 Dec 2023
Threads: Total: 3 / Live: 2 / Archived: 1
Posts: Total: 1443 / Live: 1366 / Archived: 77
From: poland
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Cargo pants   
1 Aug 2020
Law / Joint property law in Poland [7]

lawyer that works on contingency in poland,inheritance

No such thing in Poland,some even laugh it away saying its an American thing.I think its illegal in Poland also but not sure.
Cargo pants   
21 Jul 2020
Real Estate / House owning in Poland - Questions - Which offices are involved? Rules. [26]

Here you can use them and they are in Poland also.They will receive your mail/Package and forward it to you for a

or even them I think as there site in Poland is in Polish but they do that in the
Cargo pants   
19 Jul 2020
Polonia / India - review this country (as a Pole) [21]

lol ask an Indian if he is a Pakistani and watch his he will be so offended,but ask an Pakistani if he is an Indian and he will admit he is smiling.In fact India and Pakistan are like Palestine and Israel with almost same food and culture but hate each other.I love to Play with Indians and tell them that I am a Pakistani and ask them if they serve Beef curry or at a Pakistani restaurant ask if they have Pork kebabs lol really fun watching there reactions as they cant decide what to tell a person who looks like them.

@Joker: but want to hear it from a real Indian instead of some "know it all" Eurp
lol go to any 7/11 or Dunkin Donuts and check it out yourself:)
Cargo pants   
30 Jun 2020
USA, Canada / Polish-American criminals [70]

Poland no more a safe heaven for American-based criminals.

It never was,I know 2 guys who did embezzled money in the States were extradited in early 2000s when Poland was not even in the EU.
Cargo pants   
24 Jun 2020
News / Tesco abandon Poland [66]

Zabka has been sold few times,last time I think its was sold 2/3 years back to Luxembourg based CVC capital.I wonder why 7/11 of Southland corp dont enter Polish market maybe because of low turnover.
Cargo pants   
24 Jun 2020
News / Tesco abandon Poland [66]

I just saw M&S food products sold at in Poland.I wonder how they are doing it.
Cargo pants   
24 Jun 2020
USA, Canada / Nearly 39 million have lost jobs in US since virus took hold [9]

They lost job but they have good state support.

Trump gave 1200$ to every person making less then 75kUSD per year and 500$ to every child,plus 600$ a week for every unemployed person apart from there unemployment dues for 6 months.
Cargo pants   
22 Jun 2020
Life / How is red hair viewed in Poland [37]

Red haired females are considered hotter than other colour

yuck Irish style I still like blondes.
Cargo pants   
22 Jun 2020
Work / English teachers in Poland - why are they so unhappy? [89]

they are so unhappy

Imagine trying to support a family with a teachers salary and showing on a forum that they are living a high life,even in Poland they save on every grolsch they can.Just calculate how they must live in Poland coming from UK.NO wonder they die so soon,being obese and living with a disease with no cure.

The only happiness they get is posting on a forum and dreaming the life style they could they even are not good in business the reason they tend to work as teachers and moonlight washing cars and shinning shoes.
Cargo pants   
21 Jun 2020
News / Tesco abandon Poland [66]

It depends on the branch

I agree there but still the way they stock up there products and the lights etc just puts me off.I still feel that even international chains here are still not capable to do business professionally.Look at conv stores like Zabka etc have no health and beauty products and operate basically selling alcohol and grocery.They are more like mini grocery stores rather then conv stores.Biedronka looks to me like a mini cash and carry,to find what you want one has to walk around the store and might find it at some odd place.I only like there quality of pistachios thats all,meat as you said I wont know as I dont buy it here.
Cargo pants   
20 Jun 2020
News / Tesco abandon Poland [66]

Tesco & Biedronka are the crappiest stores.So unorganized,and mostly cheap products.During lockdown I once went to buy mayonnaise to make tuna salad as they were the only one open,had crappy brand with no variety.Freaking crap tasted like some motor oil and killed my expensive tuna can.Auchan & Carrfour are the best, well lit,organized and brand names with variety.Guess people like to buy cheap food.
Cargo pants   
17 Jun 2020
Law / Import a car from US to Poland [23]

What issues would I have in trying to import the vehicle to Poland?

Not many issues at all if you have owned the car for 2 years or more.You can drive the car on American plates for 6 months then write a letter to Uzad celny and they will keep on extending it for 6 months for maybe 4/5 years.Then leave the schengen area(go to Ukraine) and come back and you can still follow the same until you can take it to uzad celny and after paying around 4/500 pln and registration fee etc you can register it with Polish plates and get the lights etc fixed by any mechanic for 4/500pln and you are all set.
Cargo pants   
25 May 2020
Real Estate / Termination of fixed term renting contracts-residential in Poland [26]

Private debts cannot be enforced

Once the person dont show up in court twice and court issues a contempt of court warrant then that is not about private debt.Years back a vietnamese cop friend of mine in Poland was sent to UK to work with UK police to arrest some Poles who were working there and bring them back
Cargo pants   
24 May 2020
Real Estate / Termination of fixed term renting contracts-residential in Poland [26]

what you can get after 2years of trials from a guy who is already in different country,and has no accounts in Poland

Not if its in a e court.Business is Business,I can agree with commercials who have no business but with residentials? Sorry,its the same way when I was in business and accepted checks,when some bounced I would file report and some will not show up,then the court would issue contempt of court order even for 2 bucks,bailable with 400$ even after 20 years,wherever and when the cops check you(mostly by traffic stops) and you were arrested bailed and come and settle the case with 400$ contempt of court fine plus 200$ restitution and check amount with 10% interest and bank fee.Even after 16 years out of business I still get checks mailed.

I think they are planning the same system for the EU now too.
Cargo pants   
23 May 2020
Real Estate / Termination of fixed term renting contracts-residential in Poland [26]

if he changes the locks or turns up with a couple of guys and throws your stuff

Very well said or even shuts of electricity.

You are leaving him with a problem of an empty flat and a credit to pa

Exactly,its not landlords fault that he lost his job.Should have rented a flat with month to month lease.

this is not the time for contracts and lawyers

I disagree,if he is a full time landlord then I suppose he will look to get his remaining money for the whole year,even though these times eviction is almost impossible.If it was me I will certainly go to court and get the judgement which will be with interest allowed by law(No matter if it gets paid or not one can find a way later for that)Never happened with me in Poland but in States I take a judgement usually 3 times the amount owed and sell the judgement for half or 1/3 the price to debt collectors.
Cargo pants   
8 May 2020
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

Did anyone else get in on it ?

Are you seriously expecting people with teachers salary in Poland can do that,they have problems buying fresh fruit for there family with failed business ventures(not one but multiple).
Cargo pants   
8 May 2020
Love / Dating a Polish guy. Do they cheat and have multiple women? [50]

Lol then don't believe, well i dont need to explain myself for you

You should not pay attention to a person with a weak heart, calls fellow poles a villager and women a slut.Maybe working hard in his senior years to pay his bills has made him grouchy.I know he once posted something about his boyfriend so maybe he hates women:)

I am sure you are a fine woman,just had bad luck with dating.
Cargo pants   
1 May 2020
Travel / Will corona kill my plans? Travel to Poland [18]

Can't you just transfer money?

I never thought of that,I will call them and ask,but for now I told wife to sign my signature and mail the checks

What does she have to send you?

Food usually:) like Dinty moore beef stew(I dont buy beef in Poland),Bacon,Jimmy dean sausage links,Splenda packets,Pasteurized processed cheddar cheese,Nyquil,Jamaican beef patties,twinkies etc and this time my running shoes as I forgot mine in Warsaw.LOL it reminds of the times when she use to send packages in 90s to her relatives here except now its not branded clothes.
Cargo pants   
1 May 2020
Travel / Will corona kill my plans? Travel to Poland [18]

I even plan to stay here longer until it clears in States.Wife sending me parcels of things I need,hopefully getting one today or Monday.

What I am upset is that 2nd quarter property taxes over there are due as usual 1st of May with 11 day extension without interest like the past and some towns websites dont accept payments from out of country.Freaking CRIMINALS.
Cargo pants   
1 May 2020
Travel / Will corona kill my plans? Travel to Poland [18]

I also read that but seems its not true.The ACW sent me this
LOT Polish Airlines has advised the Embassy that they will run one more charter flight from Warsaw to Chicago on Sunday, May 3,at 4:40PM. This flight is confirmed and may be your last option for a direct flight from Poland to the United States before commercial flights resume. Tickets for this flight will be booked directly with LOT. If you would like to purchase a ticket for this flight, please fill out this form for EACH traveler (including small children). This is a new form specifically for this flight. Please fill out the form, even if you have previously filled out a different form, and ensure that all information is entered correctly, especially your contact information. By providing this information to us, you consent to our providing it to LOT Airlines for the purpose of facilitating your return to the United States. The Embassy will confirm your eligibility and forward your information to LOT. LOT will contact you by phone or e-mail to book your ticket. You must diligently monitor both your incoming calls and e-mail messages in order to book a seat on this flight. The airline may call at any time, including early morning or late evening, in order to arrange booking. This is not a U.S. government operated or funded flight. Availability and cancellations are controlled by LOT. At this time, the United States government has no plans to charter an evacuation flight out of Poland.

Looking at Warsaw Airport website Arrivals/Departures,they are still operating.In fact they had a flight from Chicago and one going back this afternoon.