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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Berlin, Germany
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Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
14 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Asked how they assess the government's actions on the border with Belarus in response to the ongoing crisis there, 39% of Poles say they view them positively and 36% negatively, finds a new poll

The same pollster found that 70% of the public think that the opposition should cooperate with the government in its response to the border crisis
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

The german SPIEGEL writes that Poland, together with Latvia and Lithuania, thinks about asking for Article 4, to request a NATO special meeting.
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

A genuine question about what you think the next development at the border will be.

Hmm.....directly at the border.....difficult!

I just read that Iraq offered to send airplanes to bring willing Iraqis back home....that would be a start.....that is if Lukashenko lets them leave!

Another media reported that Putin advised Merkel and Lukashenko to speak directly together, he himself is seemingly only interested in the further Gas flow....

I'm abit scared to think what Lukashenko might demand from Merkel....and that Merkel might give it to have absolutely not much of an idea....

Knaus' idea to build camps in Ukraine wasn't that bad (if we could convince the Ukrainians that is...they want probably money for "keeping" them)...but at least they would be out of the cold then, with food and medical support....
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

What do you think the next development will be?

I told you....there is no majority in any european country to take them all in....2015 was an informative event about "pull factors". This wouldn't be happening right now if Merkel would had made the right call back then too.

A mass immigration by non-europeans with another culture/religion isn't democratically feasible...and as far as I see it (since we have no power over their home countries), the only workable solution is to build very quickly very high and stable walls. I don't see any other by the majority accepted solution....

To support my impression an interesting poll from June this year in the leftist TAZ of all media:

(google translation)

Opinion poll on migration policy: majority against accepting refugees

Many Germans do not believe in a more humane policy towards those seeking protection. They rate integration efforts as having failed.!5779674/

....When asked whether the refugees who have come to Germany in the last 10 years are well integrated into society, the picture is even clearer. There is not a majority in any of the groups that have been broken down to answer this question in the affirmative. Overall, only 12.5 percent of those questioned believe that the integration was successful. Almost 30 percent answered "partly partly", around 57 percent against it "rather no" or "no, definitely not".

Broken down according to employment status, voting behavior, income and place of residence, there is almost everywhere a consensus not to allow any further refugees into the country.....
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Today in Germany's biggest tabloid BILD:

Kommentar Danke, Polen!

(google translate)

It is one of the last lessons for Chancellor Angela Merkel: Poland is closing its many hundreds of kilometers long border!

What, according to Merkel, was supposedly not possible with us in 2015, our neighbors are successfully implementing in a short period of time.

Poland is thus impressively resisting a perfidious game with refugees. And shows the despots in Minsk and Moscow the red card.

That's right!

The EU states must not allow themselves to be blackmailed by Putin and Lukashenko. You must also prevent refugees from entering the country uncontrolled.

Poland does just that.

The government in Warsaw is also showing that it has learned its lessons from the 2015 refugee crisis. And thus helps the entire EU - including Germany.

The Polish government therefore deserves recognition for its course. Not malice and criticism.

Thank you Poland!

Bratwurst Boy   
13 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

but as a religious and demographic force taking over...


The expression of that within Islam comes form people who happen to have (for now) the oil revenue....

True...can't wait to end our dependence on THAT! (For the environment too, heh:)

Compared to your home country Germany ?

Right now Germany reminds me about the interwar years, after the treaty of Versailles.....but it didn't take the Nazis long to rebuild, the expertise and the experience was still all there.

Turkey ,Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia or India in a war ? they have to pray three times a day also during battle? :)
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

then you will have exactly what happens with islam in Europe now

Nah....if we Europeans would had stood true to our real own spirits and beliefs and not forget about all of our true roots for some far away traditions (christianity) we wouldn't today not need to be so fearful of some other far away traditions (islam)! :)

Would you change that?

I would not want to live in a muslimic society....and if they have the same rights then they only need the numbers to make our countries islamic!

And I never heard from you an idea to stop them from becoming so many....the only other way to stop that development is to discriminate against islam!
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]


I know Europe being walled in is not such a nice idea, I agree with you....but till these countries get themselves out of the mud and can offer their people a perspective we don't have so many possibilities. Just taking them all in will overwhelm our societies....especially those "multikulti" ones where they with their stoneage religion would have the same rights as everybody else.

I for one and with me most other Europeans don't want to wake up in a muslimized society one day....where the muezzin screams over the streets and people have to get used to headscarfes etc.

If such a wall as the Greeks just build it saves us from be it!
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

What isn't a normal human reaction is some of the hatred...

Maybe more of a "resentment"?

After all neither polish nor german immigrants were so coddled during the centuries....nowhere!
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Does Germany take fingerprints and dna samples of those applying for asylum

Photos and fingerprints (from 14 year olds)....DNA only during a criminal procedure...
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

....the need to feel "good" is strong!

But I wonder if Ukraine could be bribed to take them all in....would that feasible???

And would the illegals follow? They must know that then Germany is a no-go.....
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Gerald Knaus just called (the advisor of Merkel...the one with the grande idea to pay Erdogan those billions).....he now says Poland should disturb Lukashenko's trafficker modell and take the immigrants in first BUT then distribute them across safe non-EU countries (Ukraine???).

The democratic countries should build an "anti-blackmail-pact" against Putin and Lukashenko.

I wonder what the Ukraine thinks of that idea.....
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

....for all those self-declared "Menschenfreunde" people like me with more of a rational brain still on their shoulders we often were called "Menschenhasser" or "Rassisten"....or "Islamophobes" and what not.

Also very popular: We (especially Ossis) need more exposure to such illegals so that we come to understand and like them better (no joke)....

I really understand that but this should have nothing to do with how Poland maintains the integrity of its borders.

No, it shouldn't....but our "Menschenfreunde" feel themselves so much superior to everybody else...
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]'s not such a clear cut black-white case, and 2015 was such a disaster we still haven't fully recovered from....the changes in the german political landscape are profound and there to stay. There is no appetite for more of that!

Understandable...but longterm the biggest change will be the break of the taboo about fortified EU outer borders, the "Festung Europa"....mark my words!
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Few things are more enjoyable than watching brainless leftists squirm.

It won't be only brainless leftists becoming nuclear waste if pushes came to shove and someone presses the red in Berlin too! You are gonna miss me, so there! :(
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]


DARK EAGLE HAS LANDED US to arm nuclear unit in Germany with 4,000mph 'Dark Eagle' hypersonic missiles to 'blitz Moscow in 21 MINS'

Might have something to do with that?

U.S. Warns Europe That Russia May Be Planning Ukraine Invasion

....The U.S. is raising the alarm with European Union allies that Russia may be weighing a potential invasion of Ukraine as tensions flare between Moscow and the bloc over migrants and energy supplies.

With Washington closely monitoring a buildup of Russian forces near the Ukrainian border, U.S. officials have briefed EU counterparts on their concerns over a possible military operation, according to multiple people familiar with the matter....

Still.....going nuclear now? Over Illegals???
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

It happens to be Plolish border, which is not G*rman serfdom as yet.

And here I thought Poland would be also glad to keep the Illegals away from the polish border....what exactly is your problem now?

I find it more humiliating that Merkel is begging Putin for help....that's much worse! As if Lukashenko does anything without Putin's approval....
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Blame Trump for the detoriating relationship between the US and the EU....that was never wanted by Germany!

That was a stupid thing to do to put the US trust to Russia and China....
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Now after all the bad mouthing against the United States by the E.U. wasn't as if Trump had much love for the Europeans in the first place....put the blame where it belongs!

The first thing he did once in office was showing the Europeans the finger and brownnosing the Chinese....what do you expect?