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Posts by Spike31  

Joined: 16 Nov 2012 / Male ♂
Last Post: 13 Feb 2022
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19 Mar 2019
Life / What do decent Poles think about true rightists ? [148]

A current system isn't selective enough.

Some European countries like the UK have a point system. I know that UK rates immigrants from Australia according to their educational level, qualifications and skills and allows in mostly well educated young people.

So it is basically very similar to an IQ test. Poland should take an example and apply a similar system ASAP.
19 Mar 2019
News / Polish Airline LOT has the biggest fleet of 737-8MAX in continental Europe..grounded [18]

Let's make it clear: LOT took a risk when making a choice between Airbus and Boeing but it's not transferring that risk on passengers!

The fleet is grounded and awaits to be inspected and fixed before it takes off.

There's a similar case with a new attack helicopter fleet that was about to be purchased from France by Polish army.

A few years ago a large contract for French Caracal helicopter for Polish army was signed by the former government of Poland. The new government has cancelled that contract and was heavily criticised for that by a liberal press.

No more than a year after the contract termination, over 50% of French army caracal helicopters were grounded due to "unfit to fly".
17 Mar 2019
Life / Polish women fight for their rights - manifa and other events [216]

my three grosze would be that women in Poland don't have very bad, and often better than lots of other countries

And you would be right.

"Poland is leading the way with the number of women who hold managerial jobs in the EU, second only to Latvia."
17 Mar 2019
History / What do Poles owe to Germans? [408]

Lesson one: start thinking outside of the box.

This thread itself is one worthless attempt :-)
17 Mar 2019
History / What do Poles owe to Germans? [408]

Not by you, you still have to learn a lot to exploit sth against me. :)

If I wanted to use it against you would I share it so openly on forum? I would rather encourage you to improve and to start producing quality content :-)

Quality over quantity.
17 Mar 2019
History / What do Poles owe to Germans? [408]

doubt that my East German overlords would waste their school kids time to send humanitarian aid in a roundabout way to support the Solidarity uprising

And you would be right. When Solidarity carnival started in Poland, DDR [East Germany] was the first to ask USSR military intervention in our country.


You take criticism, or even just different opinions, very badly. And you don't dispute with facts but rather quickly jump to ad hominem arguments.

Those weaknesses will be exploited by your opponents.
17 Mar 2019
Life / What do decent Poles think about true rightists ? [148]

You can come up with an intelligent idea once you use your brain :-). What you've just wrote would deeply upset democrats though.

Yet, like Janusz Korwin-Mikke famously said: democracy is a system in which two hobos have twice as much voting power than a professor of university
17 Mar 2019
Life / Polish women fight for their rights - manifa and other events [216]

Stop meddling in with your plastic toy Trabant car when Monstertrucks are debating.

That's very humble of you. But maybe you should let other forum members compliment your intellectual abilities (or lack or thereof)?

So what's you opinion on Article 33 of Polish Constitution which makes this thread completely irrelevant?

"1.Men and women shall have equal rights in family, political, social and economic
life in the Republic of Poland.

2. Men and women shall have equal rights, in particular, regarding education,
employment and promotion, and shall have the right to equal compensation for
work of similar value, to social security, to hold offices, and to receive public
honours and decorations."

17 Mar 2019
Life / What do decent Poles think about true rightists ? [148]

I think Poland should introduce an IQ tests for all new immigrants and reject applicants with the results, let's say 5%-10% percent below the average IQ for Poland.

And since progressive and liberal politicians claim that all human races are equally smart and intelligent - I have no doubt that those fine statesmen wouldn't just blatantly lie to us - that would be just a mere formality.

Why would we just put this theory into practice? That would only add to its credibility
17 Mar 2019
History / Cursed soldiers controvercy - not all Poles respect them [266]

The truth is, that it is a variation of a big lie idea developed by A. Hitler in his book Mein Kampf. The book itself is very boring yet necessary to understand XX century European politics.
17 Mar 2019
History / What do Poles owe to Germans? [408]

Now try to contribute sth according to the topic, but not tomatoes or other veg.

Why are you such a potato-fob? Why do you think that potatoes have less rights to play a vital part in reconciliation of our countries than, let's say, chopped and cooked cabbage?
16 Mar 2019
History / What do Poles owe to Germans? [408]

How about sausages?

"Since the 14th century, Poland excelled in the production of sausages, thanks in part to the royal hunting excursions across virgin forests with game delivered as gifts to friendly noble families and religious hierarchy across the country.

With regard to varieties, early Italian, French and German influences played a role."

Yes, I can give you that but only when it comes to some types of speciality sausages.
16 Mar 2019
History / Cursed soldiers controvercy - not all Poles respect them [266]

You are just another propagandist who exploits Lenin`s motto: repeat the lie thousand of times and it will become the truth .

That's not Lenin's motto.

Maybe you should do your own historical research before you start criticising the others :-)
16 Mar 2019
News / POKO and LGBT lobby is trying to sexualize children in Poland. Now they aim for adoption [120]

Good. I made you read the document, at least a part of it.

However don't let your obsession divert this topic from it proper course.

Diversion is his second name :-)

Yeah who would want kids to be able to say 'I don't like what you do. Stop '.

Sure, depraving elements are mixed with other elements which are more neutral. But those depriving elements alone are enough to condemn the manual as a whole regardless of the rest of the document.
16 Mar 2019
News / POKO and LGBT lobby is trying to sexualize children in Poland. Now they aim for adoption [120]

who lack the intellectual capability

@delphiandomine, I take such a statement coming from you as a complement :-)

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing

I completely agree. That's why I'm spending part of my spare time spreading the knowledge about traditionalist, conservatist and capitalist point of view. You can also benefit from it.

actually reading more than a few sentences

Then let's dig in, shall we?

We had theory lessons, so now it's time for "practical skills"

Matrix for children age 0-4, second column: Skills

[children should]
express own needs, wishes
and boundaries, for example
in the context of "playing


WHO: standards for sexuality education for Europe

A framework for policy makers,
educational and health authorities
and specialists
16 Mar 2019
News / POKO and LGBT lobby is trying to sexualize children in Poland. Now they aim for adoption [120]

I can see that we're deriving from the essence of this thread.

So I will ask directly: what is you opinion on WHO [World Health Organization] Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe which is introduced to schools and pre-schools by LGBT lobby.

Here's a sample from it:

for children: 0-4 years old:

[at this stage children should learn about] enjoyment and pleasure when
touching one's own body,
early childhood masturbation

Do you support it or are you against it? As simple as that.

16 Mar 2019
History / What do Poles owe to Germans? [408]

Yeah....well....that doesn't count

I made an effort to bridge the gap between our countries with a potato and I failed. But you can't say that I didn't try...
16 Mar 2019
News / POKO and LGBT lobby is trying to sexualize children in Poland. Now they aim for adoption [120]

PiS should hurry up and add other things to the constitution

PiS is one thing, and Konfederacja - which is a true radical nationalist-capitalist movement - is another. I hope they'll grow as much as PiS does on this LGBT fuel.

PiS, when standing next to Konfederacja, looks more like a centrist party.

The EU haven't seen anything like that yet. Well, maybe except Janusz Korwin-Mikke, whose presence and speeches at the EU parliament caused shock to eurocrats. I just wonder what they're going to say when they will see Grzegorz Braun in action :-)

It would be great if Konfederacja played the same role to PiS as Jobbik does to Fidesz in Hungary.
15 Mar 2019
History / What do Poles owe to Germans? [408]

No ,I am desperately trying to make you come to reason.

if you have any.

See, that second part was unnecessary. It weakens your argument (which was already based on desperation). If I was emotional person this would put me in a defensive mode and it would make me less responsive to the rest of your post. But we are all humans, you just couldn't resist :-)

Why did you ignore the reviving post in which I precisely formulated again what the thread`s purpose is?

The title of the thread should be self explanatory and shouldn't need any additional posts to clarify it. But I'm sure that by now you know that already.

So since you clarified it, my answer to your thread would be: potatoes :-)

Polish cuisine wouldn't be the same without potatoes. So yes, that would be the most important - if any - thing that we owe to Germans :-)
15 Mar 2019
History / What do Poles owe to Germans? [408]

reason in the same simplistic way?

Are you trying to hurt my feelings? :-)

Criticise me constructively not with argumentum ad hominem. And maybe teach me something in the process.

Leave behind something more than just emotionally charged comment.

Where does it lead? Next you're going to say that my mum is fat? ;-)

As a german i can tell you we give a ****.

I know, you just keep coming back to PolishForums to demonstrate how you don't care about Poles and Poland. I understand you completely.
15 Mar 2019
History / What do Poles owe to Germans? [408]

What do Poles owe to Germans?

I don't know where to start :-)

Let's start with the obvious:

> We owe them financial compensation for all those German soldiers who died during invasion of Poland in 1939

> And we owe them for the destruction of Warsaw. At least we should compensate the cost of explosives used to planned demolition of the city

> And for those who broke their leg, or God forbid, a neck falling from a watchtower at Auschwitz concentration camp

> For those who got killed by freedom fighters (I mean no freedom fighters but Polnische Banditen of course!) during Warsaw Uprising in 1944

There's so many things we owe them. How are we ever going to repay them?
15 Mar 2019
Life / Why does Poland need racial diversity? Opinions [67]

Just because a given country is racially diverse, it doesn't mean everyone lives happily together.

True. Usually the racial, religious and cultural tensions are quite strong. Have you heard about any such tensions in Japan, which is 99% Japanese?

Multiculturalism wasn't invented to make us all happy but to destroy the traditional order in ethnic countries.

xenophobic remarks from people of different ethnic or racial backgrounds

Even from the same/similar racial backgrounds. I've heard in London racial remarks from Nigerians directed toward Somalians