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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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26 Dec 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

and unlike poland

Trust me dobri brate, Poland`s magnates obviously aren`t stupid. They have good instinct for survivor. Just look how Poland allow transport of Russia`s armament to Serbia. Hey man, Visegrad actually finance and sponsor that. You won`t read it in mass media that give you crap about Poland-Belarus-Russia conflict. In reality, its utterly obvious, Poland have strong deal with Russia that Serbs must survive and be able to kick when become really ugly. To me, its obvious why. Black sea goes to Russia, Adriatic goes to Poland and both Poland and Russia pledged to support Serbs against other, competitive elements, Bosnian Muslims (Turkish and Saudi player) and Croatia (German and papal player), because Poland can count only on what Serbs hold. Not to speak that Serbs opening to Poland even bigger chunk of warm seas when Greeks are kicked from what is now Northern Greece (Salonica and wide region that gravitate to it). Greeks are here in deal with Italians and Rome and they both committed bestial genocides on Serbs, read harmed Poland`s and Russia`s interests. In a post-Corona world is pay back time.

What I want to tell you, Serbs and Poles now coordinate as in time of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. But this time, we more accurately recognized danger and foe.
25 Dec 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

All happening as I spoke, as predicted by prominent intellectuals..

Poland MUST have sustainable deal with Russia over Poland`s access to warm seas. Black sea is vital Russian interest so comes the Adriatiac and even Aegean sea. How so? Via Serbian historical lands on Balkan (no matter who hold those lands now). Plus, Serbs are willing and ready (and Russia is historically content with Polish-Serbian deals) for their own interests that they share with Poles since time immemorial and also considering Serbian recent interests due to Vatican`s and Germanic pressure. Here too, Poland share interests with Serbs. So, interests and balance. That is what offer Serbs from Serbia to Poland. Interest is clear- be free from foreign meddling and control, warm seas, key transportation routes, etc. Balance? No, not only in relations with Russia and within Slavic world but also balance within Poland itself considering deeper Serbian interests with Lusatian and Kashub Serbs, their northern kin that were from Balkan Serbs forcefully separated due to Roman and Teutonic invasions.

Now, at this very moment Hungary blocking EU sanctions on Serb Republic within Bosnia, while Visegrad opened its air space to all Serbia`s import of armaments from Russia and from anybody.

Visegrad was maybe weak when EU started to destruct Yugoslavia and Serbs, playing on extreme Muslims and pro-German Croat ustashe. But now is different and about time I would say. There is final battle in front of us.

Fortunately, Poland and Visegrad are now able to hit hard and to shock Germany and entire western Europe.

Spot this >

Orban: Hungary Gives €100 Million Support to Bosnian Serbs


Do you know who is leader of Bosnian Serbs Milorad? Its a man financed by Polonia, by private companies of Corey Lewandowski. Man who also have Russian and USA support.
24 Dec 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Poland don`t give a swine sh** for EU. Good for Poland and rest of Visegrad to continue to support Serbia despite Vatican`t and Germanic schemes. So new contingent of heavy Russian armament arrived to Serbia via Poland. This time its KORNET, sophisticated anti-tank missiles.





People here love Poland very much.
8 Dec 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Forget that YES. Its just the matter of how Poland goes out of EU. Even children understand it now

An article

New rule of the European Union - do not use the word "Christmas" VIDEO

> b92/eng/news/world.php?yyyy=2021&mm=12&dd=06&nav_id=112461

Christmas or the European Union.

7 Dec 2021
History / Chances of Moscow becoming part of Poland again? [102]

Who knows. Once when EU is deep past, when Germany is no more, when western Europe is Arabized, when Britain became state within USA, when project of Greater Serbia is reality from Baltic to Balkan, maybe, just maybe, Moscow is part of Poland.
7 Dec 2021
Po polsku / O co chodzi z tymi Żydami. [127]

Ludzie, nie musicie pieprzyć Żydów. Bądźmy szczerzy, choć niewinni jak dziewica. Niemcy, Wielka Brytania, Francja, Watykan, Konstantynopol, Mekka i Medyna. Potrzebują ich. Przyklejony do kuta* jak szpikulec. dopóki nie zemdleją.
5 Dec 2021
Po polsku / Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady. [471]

Jeśli Polska leży pomiędzy Niemcami a Rosją to jest przecież krajem tranzytowym.

Więc co. Rosjanie są teraz w nastroju, by pozwolić grać Polsce i Serbii. Niech się martwią Niemcy. Serbia powinna wejść do Wyszehradu, więc co się stanie.

Bądź trochę jaśniejszy, dobry bracie. Jakie autostrady? Gdzie?
4 Dec 2021
News / Will America send troops to fight a Russian invasion of Baltics and/or Poland? [281]

That would be moronic. Poland would lost more than gained.

Before Maiden existed POLUKRBAT and Ukraine and Serbia were on the verge to enter Visegrad. Then happened Maiden and Poland won`t get anything. In USA, Germanic and Vatican`s attempt to control, Poland is shunned aside. As always.
4 Dec 2021
Off-Topic / Let us have Slavic Christian Church [30]

One of things post-Covid world will correct is historical scientific truth because general human progress suffer because of lies about past.
3 Dec 2021
News / Will America send troops to fight a Russian invasion of Baltics and/or Poland? [281]

In fact only Britian and USA deem to support them.

If moronic. I can imagine Russians nuke some aircraft carrier or battleship. It would be warning and it would come nice to Russia to demonstrate its determination.

with every agressive move of Putin the support for the West and especially Nato grew

Until the first rumors of serious Russian movement.

Poland mistaken if failed to try deal with Russia over the western-most parts of Ukraine. These regions would merge with Poland if idiotic NATO allowed and if Poland offered deal to Russia.
3 Dec 2021
Off-Topic / Let us have Slavic Christian Church [30]

I know what you mean. Some even say original name was Joshua.

But, if Netanyahu is right of Sarmatian (Slavic) and Jewish contacts at that time, its quite possible that child of Sarmatian nobles from Balkan was given into Jewish family (or father to child was a Sarmatian nobleman, if you understand me), for some reason (maybe to save him from Romans). That may be the reason why many foreign Kings came when Joshua was born (or introduced).

Then, when Joshua died, His cult spread faster exactly because of his origin (at that time most of Europe was still Sarmatian or aware of its Sarmatian origin).

Had to be important nobleman. No doubt dinarid then. Robust dominant male.

Sarmatians > Samaritans

You dont know that, nobody does....

Sure. One of many theories
2 Dec 2021
Off-Topic / Let us have Slavic Christian Church [30]

Jesus was Sarmatian and White. Its the another question why Gypsies from Greece and Italy rule us all. With all respect on Gypsies.
2 Dec 2021
Po polsku / Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady. [471]

Nie rozumiesz geopolitykę. Oto moja odpowiedź w komiksie > hipotetyczna rozmowa >


Ogólny Rajmund Andrzejczak > Proszę pana, muszę panu powiedzieć, że źle śpię i jestem niespokojny. Budzę się spocony w nocy.

Drezydent Duda > Ty? Co to jest?


Ogólny Rajmund Andrzejczak > Serbowie, panu. Wszyscy wiedzą, że Serbowie są szaleni, a ty im kazałeś sprowadzać broń z Rosji przez Polskę, a teraz mają S-400 i mogą uderzyć w samolot nad Rzymem. Polska będzie winna.

Drezydent Duda > Polska przegapiła cywilne samoloty transportowe. Co wiemy, co przekazują Serbowie. Poza tym nie daj się sprowokować Watykanowi, a wszystko będzie dobrze. Muszą być trochę ostrożni, nie tylko inni. Tylko Niemcom zawsze wolno robić wszystko.


Ogólny Rajmund Andrzejczak > Ah. Nie mów tak, proszę, pane. Teraz czuję się jeszcze gorzej. Tutaj mam motyle w brzuchu. Jestem dobrze wychowany, by być większym papieżem niż papieżem. Poza tym to niebezpieczne.

Prezydent Duda > Niebezpieczny?


Ogólny Rajmund Andrzejczak > Opus Dei zabije nas jak króliki.

Prezydent Duda > Nie będzie. Nie będzie. Nie tylko Serbowie mogą uderzyć w samolot nad Rzymem, ale sam Rzym. Uśmiechnij się, człowieku, na litość boską.
29 Nov 2021
News / Will America send troops to fight a Russian invasion of Baltics and/or Poland? [281]

I actually can`t believe how is western Europe stupid. Is it possible they don`t see that USA play double game. On Pacific and in Europe. If she lose parts of Pacific due to China expansion, States would at least have ruined western Europe on its mercy.

Morons blindly follow States and would lose reasonable ties with China and Russia. They would be real losers and become colony of USA.
29 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Something is afoot.

you sound like my grandmother. Something was always afoot and one day she really died. Not that she wasn`t wise and intelligent woman. She was. For example, she believed in cooperation of Slavs. What to tell you, hope flow in family in abundance.
29 Nov 2021
News / Will America send troops to fight a Russian invasion of Baltics and/or Poland? [281]

Comparing Russia and States aren`t realistic when we know that there is much wooden village fences in Russia that are older then state of USA.

Then also Russia have nukes in silos, on submarines, strategic bombers, space, trains on rail network for that purpose. USA have its all, too, probably. But Russia is wast and border with China (among others, but have continental land from one side), while USA have vulnerable shores. Rest of NATO? Britain and France? At the moment when their submarines engage, Britain and France won`t exist as organized states.

Then add the China to the game. You think China would wait eventual defeat of Russia and try to reason with States? Please. So China would enter war.

How would that all finish? Let me tell you. After nukes are exchanged, China would sacrifice few million troops to cleanse what remained on the west of Europe. Such a deal Russia and China have.

All in all, France and Germany would mourn for the days when Russians raped their woman. Just wait when they try Chinese. All awashed with nuclear dust. Very romantic.
28 Nov 2021
News / Will America send troops to fight a Russian invasion of Baltics and/or Poland? [281]

why doesnt america just put boots on the ground in ukraine like they did in poland?

For same reason why would USA move out from Poland. After all, its let`s say 10.000 km from States and on border with Russia. Not to speak of Serbian and Visegrad group plans. No, States aren`t stupid and suicidal.

And now the bloody Serbs are starting to kick off again too in Bosnia.

Told you. Polonia financing Bosnian Serbs. Via private companies of Polish diaspora.

You underestimated Poland. You should consult historical records on how Mizkiewich spoke on Serbs. You think Poland isn`t aware how stand expendable in the eyes of western Europe, Vatican included. No, Poles aren`t naive. They now have exit for all kind of situations. World changed.
28 Nov 2021
Off-Topic / Let us have Slavic Christian Church [30]

Exactly, that's why YOU need to set the example and follow the life of Christ.

Listen. If I live long enough when I am really old, I think to roam into the woods and deleted (literally, even foundations of houses are removed by ustashe after they exterminated populace) villages, towns and graves of my ancestors of back in past Serb Krajina in today`s Croatia (Lika region) no matter it still is Croatia or if its liberated in the meantime and merged with Serbia.

If local Vatican`s fanatics (if it is still Croatia) kill me it wouldn`t matter. I would join to my ancestors satisfied, in any case.

Is that top picture really you, St. Crow ?

No, I`m not that blond, neither I am dark as Jesus on that picture above the man. If you love Jesus you would certainly love St. me.
28 Nov 2021
Off-Topic / Let us have Slavic Christian Church [30]

God forbid, to put cross on myself. I only said where would I invest, among other things, if I am rich as they are. I am I, they are they.
28 Nov 2021
Off-Topic / Let us have Slavic Christian Church [30]

People, I assure you, if I am rich like Gates or Soros, I would invest in it. I assure you. I would be certainly killed by the numerous opposition but, well, I would be one day venerated as martyr and saint.
28 Nov 2021
Off-Topic / Let us have Slavic Christian Church [30]

Let us.

It is proved that neither Constantinople, neither Rome or Protestant London aren`t true Christian centers, neither they promote real Christianity. It is them who exposed us Slavs to false ways that manipulated even Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Plus we Slavs have preserved even specifics from pre-Christian time and we deserve to have our own path of Christianity.

So, let us have Slavic Christian Church where there is no papacy, Pope, Patriarch of Constantinople, Protestantism, etc. Only sum of Slavic Christian Churches with unique local specifics as in time of our oldest ancestors.

Let us be spiritually independent. Let us live in content with nature and natural laws. Slavic Christian Church.
28 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Poland,Lithuania & Germany should release all there violent criminals in prison,if they sign an agreement to go to Belarus,..... drive them to the border free.

I am sure Germany would be so pleased and would take all expenses for transport to border on itself. Who gives a sh** what happen later.