The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Mr Grunwald  

Joined: 16 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 33 mins ago
Threads: Total: 33 / Live: 19 / Archived: 14
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From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes (Tak)
Interests: history - politics - food - heraldry - pro publico bono

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Mr Grunwald   
7 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

After that, did Poland really expect anything from France?

Well they (Polish generals) thought Poland had more ties with France (the blue division WW1, Polish lancer during Napoleon times, France seen as nr 1) they had high expectations of France. Also Poland didn't have much positive to say about Czechoslovakia, why should they think others would have any better?

Their logic was logical, but wrong
Mr Grunwald   
7 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

"I believe" = i know sh*t but i feel compelled to have an opinion and sell it as if it was educated rather then shyte i made up from the top of my head, thats what your post really is.

I had a theory... that's it

"A company from the Polish army’s guard of honor is also invited, as its soldiers took part in the June 1945 Victory Parade."

” Units were selected for the parade from some of the countries that made the biggest contribution to the victory over Nazi Germany — the United States, the United Kingdom and France."


Navy wise? The only major engagement bar sub warfare happened in Norway

Lenge leve Kongen! :D

You're lucky, at least the French acted on their alliance when Poland was attacked.

That's because Britain declared war on Nazi Germany
Having pressure from two allies isn't quite funny (the national prestige was on board, oh No! Sacreblé! Zhe Islanders are attacking zhe Germans! We shall also "Do Dhat" :)

Germany was building up in a climate of secrecy,

Still if Nazi Germany had a two front war in 1939 they would get screwed, read some comments from high ranking German officers about it. Can't remember the links tho so long time ago :/

Almost all of the German troops were at the eastern front with Poland (although I probably guess the French thought they will attack us first, just like in WW1, or they shall get tired in Poland then they will get smashed by our Maginote defenses)
Mr Grunwald   
6 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

That map would've been a lot different in 1918.

Well the one I linked shows the location of nationalities in 1931
But to give you some form of an idea of what uprising Poles "thought" they would have is quite interesting

That is (I think) one of the main reason Poles in general saw themselves as "citizens of an Empire" as the borders of the country stretched itself a bit more then the main population was.
Mr Grunwald   
6 Apr 2010

Does anyone think this alliance with America will help Poland modernize its military?

I would say yes, rather then an alliance with Russia for instance. That is (I think) one of the MAIN reason of why the Polish government is pro-American in general
Mr Grunwald   
6 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

As there was a Imperial Kaizer which "controlled" most of then days Holy Roman Empire, there was no quarrels with them at a long term, also Ruthinian lands were attractive as nobody else made any claims to them. It was Russia who claimed them later on, as Poland-Lithuania having an "monopoly" on those territories was very suitable. It wasn't until Russia developed that many factors starting to look at Poland-Lithuania with a greedy mind. (Sweden, Ottomon Empire, Russia and Transylvania)

Ofc later on it all were old history as Poland-Lithuania were partitioned, although Poles started to go back to their "Imperial" claims in 1918 when making a great success towards Soviet Union. If you check maps of how they imagined Poland would be, you would be quiet shocked. As they looked upon it as smaller then nowadays Poland. After the success with Soviet Union in 1921 they could even draw the line. As they felt glorious and that nobody could stand a chance against them they expanded their idea of the new born Poland.

Something close to this picture was the idea of the reborn Poland if you look at the Polish population except for those in Ukraine and Belarussia and Lithuania, then you could grasp the idea of how Poland should look like for those who started the Uprising in 1918

Polish map
Mr Grunwald   
5 Apr 2010
Love / Polish men are complete doormats (especially after they get married) [125]

I am half Polish and half Norwegian but unlucky I am a full doormat :/
I always wish I was more masculine but I am really a big Sissie...

Although I remember saving the School from fire heroically by reacting reflexive and taking the napkin which was on fire carry it out and trample it down in the snow. All of the school was in ave from me doing the deed.

Still when it comes to women I am most often quite on the soft side and "Gentlemen" like opening doors etc. Teachers always looked so weird on me when I opened doors for em etc.

1 time I misinterpreted an older womens gest, I wanted her to go first on the bus but she didn't move so I thought she wanted me to go first, as the bus was already late I thought we shouldn't make too much of an argument over it and I stepped in. Two seconds later I heard a comment "Youth now a days" and to this DAY I feel ill over it and hope I may be forgiven by heavens and god and angels a like for that event.

I am a real doormat :/
Mr Grunwald   
5 Apr 2010
Travel / Your best memory after visiting Poland [41]

It was when I was very little, it dark and late and I was near "Grób nieznanego żołńierza"
There was a parade I remember while sitting on my fathers shoulders, the mix of darkness and soldiers parading made me remember it for all eternity.

Another one was when I was with 2 of my friends at a Pizza hut in Warsaw where we met a very nice waiter, we gave him a huge tip :)
Mr Grunwald   
5 Apr 2010
News / Should Poland made an energy bridge deal with Russia? [122]

In EU Germany is ruling and place of Poland in Germans plans is to be a bridge

and if sided with Russia... We would be political vassals?

I would say a stronger alliance with neutral or "not so important" countries in Europe would be a lot better. Although the communication would be difficoult
Mr Grunwald   
4 Apr 2010
History / Piłsudski, like Hitler and Stalin (according to some Lithuanians) [144]

Well if you had tried out we could maybe had done that. But you didn't want to join my world conquest game:

Or I can make a theory test! :o

To attack a helpless country which did nothing to deserve it would make us to the new "Poles" and you to the new "Germany"! ;)

Don't you remember that Germans were filled with Germany got attacked let's attack Poland?
Even then there were ppl who didn't want to join the army. Ive seen some revolts of civilians against recruitment centers in 1939 (on a video) I think it was youtube. It was long time ago so I can't remember the title unfortunately
Mr Grunwald   
4 Apr 2010
History / Piłsudski, like Hitler and Stalin (according to some Lithuanians) [144]

And yes, population and industrial base matter....Maybe Poles would get initially inside Germany abit

Taking over the capitol wouldn't be a bit
remember we are talking 1933/1934 here
400.000+ Polish soldiers vs max 100.000 German soldiers
If the Polish army was prepared heck maybe even 1 mill troops

That many troops can enter deeeeeep into Germany at that time no?

And yes, population and industrial base matter.

You sure that if Poland drove some propaganda: Freie Bavarian! Freie Bavarasche stadt!
Katolikken! Foreenen sie! (no idea what unite is in German)

Maybe some Germans would like to have some help from Poland thanks to the finincial crisis? hmm?

Although patriotism would appear I am sure but there were still tensions in Germany no?
Also 1 very important thing, how long would it take to arm themselfs? To 1 million troops? Also what would U.K and France do if they armed themselves while Polish troops were in Germany? They could maybe declared war? That would force the German high command to send troops towards France too?

I wouldn't like to be German staff in 1934 if Germany got attacked by Poland so to say.

Also going back to the coup de etat, didn't Stauffenberg do something while holy Germany was being invaded so to speak? ;)
Mr Grunwald   
4 Apr 2010
History / Piłsudski, like Hitler and Stalin (according to some Lithuanians) [144]

There would be no surrender! ;)

I could have foreseen a bloodbath!
The population argument doesn't hold any grounds! Just think of 1921...
But the industrial doesn't hold any grounds either. I hope you know that German factories were mostly based to make civilian stuff? Compared to Soviet union (ww2) Soviet made tons of military equipment compared to civilian stuff (that's why land-Leese was so helpful)

Although BB don't you consider a coup de atentat or something from the officers? Then they signing a peace treaty? Piłsudski would mostly only have wanted the removal of the Nazis? (and maybe a few meters of land?) although I remember him not beeing very keen on having border troubles with the Germans in 1918
Mr Grunwald   
3 Apr 2010
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

How would you react to this Crow?

Together we can do more - says the head of the Fidesz parliamentary caucus Tibor Navracsics

11 and 25 April the Hungarians go to the polls . As shown in all the polls , the right-wing Fidesz wins the election Viktor Orban . Grouping announces settlement with the era socialists , who ruled the country since 2002 . A few days ago the head of the Fidesz parliamentary caucus Tibor Navracsics declared that the new government will want to renew a special relationship with the Polish .

Is the Polish and Hungarian relations have recently been so bad that today need to be renewed ?

Mr Grunwald   
31 Mar 2010
Life / Has feminism and lesbianism progressed in Poland? [645]

country that's over 98% Catholic....

Last time I checked it was
98% Polish
90% Catholic
60% are practicing Catholics

Maybe you assumed all Poles are Catholics? xD
Mr Grunwald   
28 Mar 2010
History / Piłsudski, like Hitler and Stalin (according to some Lithuanians) [144]

Seanus: I know you didn't mean it that way, amigo, but that just came across as selfish. You want them to join the EU and NATO not for their own interests but for yours. Joining NATO would destabilise their country.

However, I know that Poles look largely for security but there are other ways of doing it.

It's the Polish political goal, as it serves Poland well. It's not a angel's meeting or something :)
+ it would most possibly only go as Ukrainians would see it as their political goal to do it too. Unless some chaos comes up and Poland forcefully puts Ukraine into NATO/EU, which I hope never happens.

Although having those countries between Poland&Russia staying Neutral is quite dangerous, that's why steps like having an very small force which co-operates will lead to pro-Polish sentiments. (hopefully)
Mr Grunwald   
25 Mar 2010
Law / My Great GrandMother was born in Poland sometime before 1915 - any chance for Polish citizenship? [37]

SRL: and have since found out that my Great GrandMother was born in Poland.

Born in second Republic of Poland or before WW1?

SRL: I was seeking some more information on becoming a citizen of poland so i can go back there soon.

Witamy spowrotem do Ojczyzny :)

SRL: As far as i am aware she was born in poland sometime before 1915.

Then she was born in Poland geographically speaking but there was no Polish state after that. Although logically thinking those who were in Poland in 1918 had ancestors from way back living in Poland before Poland was created so you SHOULD have a CHANCE of getting it, but it will be hard work :/

SRL: I would love to have a EU passport

Now your confusing me
Mr Grunwald   
25 Mar 2010
Language / Is the term 'Polak' derogatory?? [254]

Plumbers? ;)

That is rather offensive then defensive as it says something mean about an career and saying all Poles are plumbers, compared to all Poles are Poles in Polish

That's a kickass username there, Grunny! If I ever register at some German forum
I will have "der verflucht Bandit" as my moniker :-)

Good idea :)
Mr Grunwald   
25 Mar 2010
Language / Is the term 'Polak' derogatory?? [254]

LOL :-)

indeed lol, didn't notice it until now
*thinks of a German SS Officier that finds a hole in his lagerhouse, empty of supplies&equipment*

Suddenly it comes to my mind "Die forfluchgte Banditen!" was more common
Mr Grunwald   
25 Mar 2010
Language / Is the term 'Polak' derogatory?? [254]

In the mouth of an English speaker do you find the term 'Pollack' offensive?

I would say it was rather defensive as the concept of the word comes from the word "Polak" which means a Pole in Polish. If it would been more an offensive word it should been Powork, or Poig or Pollo Bull$hitto and etc.

Having a slang word for a Pole which origins from the original description of a Pole isn't really that offensive