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Customs - First Holy Communion in Poland [42]
Apr 29, 09, 18:44 - Thread attached on merging:
First Holy Communion in PolandFirst Holy Communion. It is a BIG thing in Poland.
Some parishes require that children attending their First Holy Communion wear an "Alba", which a decorative stylish cloth, making everyone look equal.
This has become a norm over the last few years because the richer Polish families display their children in the most elegant, expensive newest fashion in order to express how rich they are, competing against other less to do families with "Look what I got".
The girls are dressed in very expensive almost bride-like creations, look like models, some wear make-up and fabulous hairdos, hair gets permed and highlighted, their ears get pierced, the boys wear expensive wool suits. Even the parents dress extravagantly, some wearing fur coats.
Communion gifts are equally expensive, such as computers, bicycles, watches, gold rings and other toys. Spreading hatred and jelousy among the poorer parents and making them feel "ashamed".
The mentality behind this is to show how much money one has and for everyone to see, not what the occassion stands for.
And because of that, it got to the point that the "Alba"s are becoming more popular, leaving less stress on the families and enjoying the occasion.