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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
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22 Nov 2020
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

It's an old one, but here it is: Behind every man, there is a woman saying that it won't work.

Name one invention by a woman who worked on her own from scratch. We had one recently and are now awaiting her trial for fraud.

And, please, don't make me throw up with another story about Madame Curie. Start with what is in hospitals.

Back to "oppression". Who are the oppressors? Name one.
22 Nov 2020
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

It seems you are going against your own words now. Didn`t you tell me before to avoid meaningless slogans

Technically, you are right, so let me get out of this hole ...

The term "oppression" was first used here by Iron in 282. In your comment in 283, you did not object and, therefore, tacitly accepted it as applicable. So, I took it as if it's your own by adoption. My bad.

The best example of the victory of feminism in the USA is the election of Mr President Joe Biden

One day, future historians will conclude that great nations are built by men and destroyed by women and their unrelenting and non-negotiable demands to make safetism at all costs priority 1, with nothing close behind. Or by men who would act like women. Like today.
22 Nov 2020
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

Certainly they know that telling them to bear deformed fetuses isn`t morally good

I am in total agreement here on two conditions: (1) we need to first agree on who and how decides what "deformed" means, and (2) that a woman would be sterilized after the procedure.

That wasn`t too clever of you. Think it over.

I thought it over and decided that I am clever enough. Follow this...There only two genders, not 73.

Women who want to fight their oppressors would be dumb to fight other women, presumably just as oppressed. That leaves men. So, being as brilliant as I am, I looked around, did some googling, and came up with: grandpas, dad, brothers, sons, and that evil bastard husband, now at work.

It would be hard to justify fighting men and exclude your own, wouldn't it, under the rule that all men are inherently evil - according to the movement. Plus, nepotism is evil, too.
22 Nov 2020
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

Every. Single. Time. They are excellent practice for our minds.

So is chanting and meditating. Just don't do it here where some poor suckers like me tend to take you seriously.

enough of telling women what is morally good or bad

Tell them not to listen and define by themselves the concept of what is morally good and what is bad. See how a brilliant mind - mine - can work miracles?

Do you know what empathy is?

Yes, but it never made me ID myself as "black", disabled, or a dinner-ready chicken.

But I have no idea why you included those brothers - doesn`t make sense.

Happy to help. I meant all men women often love and, according to you, should see as enemies - a classic feminazi attitude.
Just as with the whites. All evil, by definition.
22 Nov 2020
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

I see you love riddles.
So, I will bite...Dosc of what? Please, I beg you, no cute one-liners or meaningless words like "oppression".
And who is "we"? Are you an oppressed woman?
And fight whom? Their husbands and brothers?
22 Nov 2020
Life / To Poles: some food for thought [31]

You are overlooking the fact that there are other ways to "earn" money - like theft, extortion, prostitution, gambling, drugs, bribery...This list is very long.

Pork will never be a deterrent when there is enough of them. This is why it's so critical to keep the numbers below the critical mass. Just as with nuclear bombs.

Once they reach that point, they are self-sustaining. Like the Amish here.
22 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

Besides I am sure you are not interested in what I think.

I am. That's why I have extended an invitation to the posters here to articulate what exactly they would like to see in this respect by proposing their own abortion laws that would be acceptable to a compelling majority of Poles. Lenka was the only one who actually did it.

I would also expect you and everyone else to condemn any form of late-term abortions without a medical necessity. I would even accept "fetus" deformities as a valid reason and, of course, a mother's physical health. What I never want to hear is the bs how she feels about staying pregnant in week 20. Tough s**t. Tool late to have a change of mind because the bum left.
22 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

Chinese says woman are too cruel for war.

They are correct when you wonder what kind of person would not shudder at the thought of almost-there abortions - a procedure that includes breaking into the child's brain, cutting him onto smaller pieces, and sucking said pieces out with a vacuum cleaner. This is why the kill-them-before-they-can-cry mob never wants to see THAT medical procedure. To their credit, this form of barbarism that would make Mengele blush was banned by MEN.
21 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

You just seem to be lost and do not know how that stuff works.

He knows. He just pretends he doesn't to keep the show going.

full right to abortion.

There we go. Tell us what that "full right to abortion" is. Now, it's time to reveal the endpoint.
21 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

caring fathers encourage their wives/partners to have more kids. Simple.

You can encourage all you want but if she says no, there will be no little pawian.
As Dirk wrote so well on the subject, women want careers, not babies. That task white women delegated to the foreign hordes.

That is why we need to introduce the universal global rule of women

I wish you would stop responding to me like I am a retard.
21 Nov 2020
Life / To Poles: some food for thought [31]

Why are we so racist

That's an accusation based on facts, not an opinion. "I prefer blondes" is an opinion.
Such an accusation ends careers and can get one in a pile of trouble where discrimination based on race is illegal.
But, predictably, you turned your polite tail instead of making him feel sorry he was born.

To his credit, Ironside's reaction was just right.

We lost too many inteligentsia members due to emigration, wars, risings, expulsions, deportations.

That's not how a patriot responds to some a-hole. It's an apology, dressed up as an explanation and a tacit confirmation that the OP was right. Grow a pair.
21 Nov 2020
Life / To Poles: some food for thought [31]

The OP forgot the kitchen sink.
I know it's an old thread but, seriously, is this the best response you, Polish patriots, are capable of? I would demand that he justifies each and every accusation - one at a time and with supporting evidence - and rip that crap apart in seconds.

No nation has to justify its internal rules and how the individuals living there feel. It is what it is, and if you (editorial) don't like it, don't come or go to the nearest lake.

If that nation breaks international laws, go to the relevant court or the UN. Otherwise, fo.
Life is actually very simple.
21 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

turn yourself into woman

Men should have a say in deciding what the abortion laws are because men suffer the consequences and have to carry the burden of producing wealth and defending the country. An aborted "fetus" will never produce anything or join the army.

A rare abortion is not a drama. Many abortions - in the US we aborted 50 million "fetuses" - create unsustainable demographic distortions. You do it in Poland and you will not recognize your own country very soon.
21 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

and thus we finally arrive at my favourite kind of abortionist logic leaps,

That argument - who is going to care for an imperfect human being - can be applied to any person at any stage of his or her stage in life. Your point about the death panels is spot on. Too much effort? Out with him.
21 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

No rights are unconditional. Not a single one.
My condition is more than reasonable and goes under "informed consent". You want abortions? OK. This is how it looks.
If you are for meat, you should see a slaughterhouse. Then, have your steak.
21 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

I appreciate your response. It makes sense assuming that that's it. I think those are the rules in France.
Does Poland have this? Quoting:

The general rule is that if a parent drops an unharmed newborn off at a designated Safe Haven location and hands the child over to someone, that parent will be free to go.
21 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

What would you allow as far as abortions? I am honestly curious. If you choose to respond, please make it the final version, not just the first step. And be as specific as you can. I really don't want to read another "it's my body" thesis. Just imagine you are the Queen of Poland and you can write any laws you want.

No, I am not playing pawian 2.0.
21 Nov 2020
Polonia / Behaviour of Polish migrant workers in the Netherlands [43]

A blanket generalization remains just that, be it by Dutch about Poles

The Dutch girl not only didn't generalize but was very specific. Quoting:

Over 90% of the Poles that come to the store are the most rude, disrespectful, and annoying customers you will ever meet.

In fact, she was very open-minded before these idiots would ruin it for her:

Before that, I had no bad thoughts about Polish people,...

The broader subject is how the Dutch managed to exist before the waves of foreign bums landed in that beautiful country to pick stuff. How does Japan manage not to starve from the lack of cheap labor?

Yeah, I know, it's a global market.

Yes I generally agree that Polish laborers abroad do not have the best behavior at all.

Another soft-pedaling classic. "Do not have the best behavior"? WTF! How about: Many Polish laborers are crude a-holes. Too rough?
21 Nov 2020
Polonia / Behaviour of Polish migrant workers in the Netherlands [43]

Naturally it would be as equally unfair to judge ALL Poles

The not-all argument is false from the getgo. Just like when an abusive bum says that he never claimed to be a model parent. No sh*t.

Or like claiming that not all blacks are thugs. Or that not all Russians drink themselves to death.
The problem is that enough of them do to allow the rest of us take notice that there is a problem.
20 Nov 2020
Polonia / Behaviour of Polish migrant workers in the Netherlands [43]

Labourers behave that way here too.

I would suggest that it is being away from the hometown that makes guys - even those with degrees and titles - act like morons. I used to see a lot of that here on business trips. Too many of them think that they are God's gift to humanity and totally irresistible.
20 Nov 2020
Polonia / Behaviour of Polish migrant workers in the Netherlands [43]

Those you meet are more likely uneducated chavs from some village.

Education and chamstwo are not mutually exclusive. It is possible not to have a degree and still be civil, especially toward a young woman. My bet is that if she was 250 pounds of raw muscle packing a Glock, her Polish customers would be supremely cordial. Which goes to show that behavior can be controlled if one is properly motivated by the fear of consequences.