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Security issues in Poland

Paulina 16 | 4323
14 Jan 2022 #1
Huge data leak from the Polish military - about what the Polish army owns - from underwear to tanks:

Also, hackers are using people's phone numbers and e-mail addresses to make fake bomb threats and death threats:

It looks like the people targeted are mainly opposition politicians and journalists and specialists dealing with cyber security.

In 2020 the biggest Polish Police internet forum was also hacked:,6628708149130881a
mafketis 37 | 10789
14 Jan 2022 #2
Countdown before this is blamed on Donald Tusk....

10, 9, 8....
OP Paulina 16 | 4323
14 Jan 2022 #3
@maf lol

And check this out - a mass attack on Ukrainian government sites last night allegedely by Polish hackers (Ukrainians suspect Russians):
mafketis 37 | 10789
14 Jan 2022 #4
allegedely by Polish hackers

Is it just me or does the Polish text does not read as if it had been written by a native speaker... starting with Ukrainiec! (instead of Ukraińcu! though even that is..)

how would a Polish writer begin that? I have an idea they might address the country more Ukraino!
Novichok 5 | 7804
14 Jan 2022 #5
Hackers are to nation's security what sharks to keeping oceans clean. They are good people who expose the holes in the system. They should be hired as soon as they are caught. Once you have enough, the next batch should be shot.
Miloslaw 19 | 4949
14 Jan 2022 #6
a mass attack on Ukrainian government sites last night allegedely by Polish hackers (Ukrainians suspect Russians)

Russians or Bielorussians.
Not Poles.
OP Paulina 16 | 4323
15 Jan 2022 #7
Is it just me or does the Polish text does not read as if it had been written by a native speaker...

I've read that text only now and you're right - it doesn't look like written by a Polish native speaker - that "Ukrainiec!" alone betrayed them lol And, yes, it doesn't really make sense to address only one Ukrainian in such a message.

And what is "wspólna sieć" ("common web")? Did they mean the internet?

Russians or Bielorussians.

Who knows, maybe those were Belarusians - I would think Russians have better translators lol
It's rather funny actually ;D
Miloslaw 19 | 4949
15 Jan 2022 #8
It's rather funny actually

Not sure that it.will be very funny soon..... I didn't think it would happen...But I now think the Russians are actually be supid enough to
OP Paulina 16 | 4323
16 Jan 2022 #9
@Miloslaw, well, yes, the situation in general isn't funny at all...
Miloslaw 19 | 4949
17 Jan 2022 #10

Invasion immiiinent....
Korvinus 1 | 516
19 Jan 2022 #11
I would think Russians have better translators


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