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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 6 hrs ago
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Posts: Total: 11663 / Live: 3918 / Archived: 7745
From: Berlin, Germany
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
12 Aug 2023
History / Did Poles living in Germany support Hitler's rise to power before World War II? [123]

As Hitler considered the Poles along with other Slavs "Untermenschen" or subhuman,

I always wondered how his partaking in the funeral of polish Pilsudski fit into that world view.....

...In the picture, you can see Adolf Hilter during the service for Piłsudski and a symbolic coffin with a Polish flag and eagle. This was the only time that Fuhrer attended a holy mass as a leader of the Third Reich and probably one of the last times when he was in a church.....

One could guess there was more at play at that time....maybe he hoped for polish allies?

...After he attacked Poland, he would say that things wouldn't turn out like that if old Pilsudski was still alive. He was also very excited when Pilsudski congratulated him on winning the elections in 1933....
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Aug 2023
Travel / Being Transgender and visiting Wroclaw [467]

"Former" men win swimming and running competitions for women. Is that fair?

No, it's definitiv not....categories for women in sports had been founded for many good reasons, these men (still fully muscular, biological men) are making sure no real woman will ever win anything there something more misogynistic???'s mind boggling that so many self declared progressive and tolerant people support that!
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Aug 2023
Travel / Being Transgender and visiting Wroclaw [467]

I never understand why they are so different....some of them really look like women, you couldn't tell the difference, and pretty too...all nicely made up and everything.

But then there are some people who look more like a caricature of a female....with penis and beard showing off and only a wig and a gross a girl I would feel insulted....seriously.....

What's happening there???
Bratwurst Boy   
10 Aug 2023
Life / Poetry and Poets of Poland [58]

The need for security is in women's DNA

That's what I meant to's evolutionary!
Bratwurst Boy   
10 Aug 2023
Life / Poetry and Poets of Poland [58]

Women hook up for the guys' savings, house, and life insurance.

...old instincts, Novi....very old instincts!
Bratwurst Boy   
9 Aug 2023
News / Russian criticism of Poland - Soviet war memorial removal [325]

go, but those of ordinary soldiers should be left alone.

I guess if it had been more like the monument in Berlin-Treptow it would had been left standing...a man with a child in his arm amidst a cemetery....not a superhuman showing off communist's an acceptable difference also for conquered!
Bratwurst Boy   
4 Aug 2023
Off-Topic / What's your connection with Poland? Penpals. [553]

Oh, that's easy!

Imagine an important football tournament.....Germany : Poland....which team to you cheer for? (See? Easy answer!:)
Bratwurst Boy   
4 Aug 2023
News / Will PiS be happy if AfD wins elections in Germany? [378]

I wish the US had one...

I have to agree here! I always wondered why the USians are okay with only two parties which always change their ruling only between them...especially as modern populaces are much more diverse with many more opinions and ideals....

A big plus for the german system with it's many parties....even when ruling might sometimes gets more problematic with so many compromises needed !

I wonder why the US as big victor and occupant of West-Germany installed that more-party system in Germany but not at home.....
Bratwurst Boy   
4 Aug 2023
News / Will PiS be happy if AfD wins elections in Germany? [378]

...which means that the rightist threat was needed and that it worked!

Yes! And that's where the AfD actually gets most of its current support in the German populace....the wish a strong oppositional AfD will force the other parties to act decisively with the immigration problem at last....still...most don't want the AfD actually ruling....just doing their job in the opposition!

ordinary citizens have long lost faith with the the ideals upon which post-War Europe was based,

Lyzko....the post-war european asylum laws were never meant for this current "Völkerwanderung" from all over the don't need to be an undemocratic fascist to know that this can't go on like it has for decades!

The world has changed!!! The post-war Europe doesn't exist anymore...we have to adapt or laws!
Bratwurst Boy   
4 Aug 2023
News / Will PiS be happy if AfD wins elections in Germany? [378]

The only thing that matters is if AfD is for or against foreign garbage pouring into Europe

I guess the usual parties, here rather CDU and FDP, are coming to grips with that fact....they don't want to end up like other european countries where the rightists have taken over.

Denmark shows the way....still a rather leftist gov plus a new anti-immigrant policy and voila....the rightist threat was gone!

Denmark Is Leading Europe's Anti-Immigration Policies

....but its still 2 years till the new Bundestags elections, I guess till then the topic of immigration will still find strong supporters with the current leftist parties like the Greens and the SPD, as long as they are in power! To be pro-immigration is a long standing mainstay of their programs....
Bratwurst Boy   
4 Aug 2023
News / Will PiS be happy if AfD wins elections in Germany? [378]

Is AfD somewhat with that vibe?

Guaranteed! But not the majority...

The radicals in the AfD are at the limits to what is constitutional allowed in Germany....when there would be a danger to destroy what was build after WWII they would be forbidden by the constitutional court, the last safeguard of our democracy.

This court acted before with the other Neo-Nazi-revolutionary party, the NPD....there is no reason it wouldn't act again if there would be a real danger.

But there is good reason to think the AfD will get less radical the more members/voters and the more influence she wouldn't be the first party which starts out as radical and got quite tame with rising success and responsibilities.

The far majority of the Germans is quite conservative and not radical/revolutionary, neither left nor right...the party has to account for that when they want to go further places!
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Aug 2023
History / Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first [288]

This is why we should work together to correct this distressing aberration.

Na ja....then russian course of action was the worst way to go about it. Every people with warm blood running through its veins closes the ranks, no matter how deep the trenches between the fractions might be, when attacked a people usually forgets about all divisions and need for reforms and concentrates on unification and defense.

If Russia wanted to help cementing Selensky as ruler they only had to invade...not to mention cementing future ukrainian western orientiation (EU...NATO...)
Bratwurst Boy   
30 Jul 2023
News / Will PiS be happy if AfD wins elections in Germany? [378]

The german AfD has recently decided to become a member of the ID..."Identity and Democracy" organization for european rightist parties...

Already members are Italy, France, Austria, Flanders, Czech Republic, Estonia, Netherlands, Denmark and now Germany...

Will PiS join too?
Bratwurst Boy   
30 Jul 2023
News / Will PiS be happy if AfD wins elections in Germany? [378]

The AfD has become the second party of Germany because it is the _only_ party that comes close to approaching everyday Germans' position on migration.

...not only in Germany! The rightist parties are rising/taking over in most of Europe because of the ongoing immigration malaise mainly!
Bratwurst Boy   
30 Jul 2023
News / Will PiS be happy if AfD wins elections in Germany? [378]

.....can't believe it!

AfD is generally pro-Russia/anti-US/anti-NATO/anti-EU.....I mean if PiS now don't fear already a german-russian anti-polish conspiracy now would be the time!

On the other hand, why should only Poland be allowed an ultra-nationalist government? They will miss the actual german gov....
Bratwurst Boy   
25 Jul 2023
History / Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first [288]

We solved how to contain a large Muslim population, without compromising on our values


Russia has about 10% muslims (yes, I googled that!)...most of them live in the Caucasus...they have their own countries and societies....

If you would integrate them in the european part of your big cities like Moscow etc....THEN you could compare with the West and see if you are successful!

...It also allowed Russia to claim a sense of belonging in the Muslim world, a position Putin has always been keen to emphasise....

You won't hear that from a western country ever....hopefully! Begs the question who integrated whom....
Bratwurst Boy   
24 Jul 2023
History / Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first [288]

and Poles, as a more mature and older nation than Ukrainians should apologise as first. Iron said so wisely, just let it go...for awhile at least!

Maybe that apology is something for later generations, when that wound has been closed by time and history abit more....

Frankly I wonder about these bishops and their apology too....I wonder if there is something more to that story....
Bratwurst Boy   
24 Jul 2023
History / Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first [288]

As far as I understand the definitions it would depend on the intent

Yeah...that's what I was told about it too.

Is the murder made during wiping out a whole people because of their race or is it happening during a war, a civil war or another violent controversy! Even murdering civilians isn't automatically a genocide, "only" a war crime.

Today in Germany we remember the "Operation Gomorrah", eight days and nights of allied air raids which killed about 37.000 civilians and destroyed Hamburg....still, no genocide!
Bratwurst Boy   
24 Jul 2023
History / Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first [288]

...somehow that PF apology-war made it into Twitter:)

"The lack of a Ukrainian apology remains one of the biggest obstacles to a Polish-Ukrainian alliance... But this is rather ironic, considering that Poland has a robust tradition of refusing to admit guilt for its own historical wrongs."

What a timing during a war!
Bratwurst Boy   
23 Jul 2023
News / Despicable Ukrainian lies [144]

the malleability of the West to suddenly accept Ukraine as a country worthy of EU and NATO membership.'s the bad conscience, I tellya.

Without the West's meddling Ukraine wouldn't be invaded today....Crimea would never have become a topic....their left-over nukes on their territory from soviet times being a sure deterrent to any neighbour.

As I read the West convinced then-Ukraine with promises and safety-guarantees...that's where we are now! A decision all regret by now, Ukraine the most!

Świętokrzyska Brigade

I read up about them....they don't look to me as pro-Nazi traitors but much rather anti-communist. A mean mix-up typical for that alot of countries the Nazis invaded.