The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Mr Grunwald  

Joined: 16 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 8 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 33 / Live: 19 / Archived: 14
Posts: Total: 2133 / Live: 993 / Archived: 1140
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes (Tak)
Interests: history - politics - food - heraldry - pro publico bono

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Mr Grunwald   
9 Jun 2012
Language / -ski/-ska, -scy/ski, -wicz - Polish surnames help [185]

What is Polish szlachta?

Polish nobility, mind you not always aristocrats ;)

During Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów they were the protectors of the realm and later on the biggest party holders on earth.
If I am not mistaken if you served as a Winged Hussar (Husaria) you could become enobled.
Mr Grunwald   
12 Feb 2012
Life / Babcia or Busha - any social class difference? [359]

Don't think it's a social class difference, most likely those families who use it have some roots to former Eastern Poland or the times of the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth.

I remember my dad's grandmother on my grandmothers side be called Busia (and her husband Buś) while I called my grandmother Babcia.
Mr Grunwald   
6 Jan 2012
Life / Automobiles vs. Pedestrians in Poland [77]

Cars get fined, because cars can kill others, pedestrians pose no such threat to others. A person that poses no threat to others should (in my opinion) not be fined.

Red = stop
green = go
breaking that rule in any form of transport/travel mode should deserve a fine...
I utterly HATE it when pedestrians go on red light...
Mr Grunwald   
6 Dec 2011
History / What proportion of the Polish population collaborated with the Nazis? [125]

Very small proportion


The Nazis were very unpopular in Norway, have you not seen the heroes of Telemark?

The movie has nothing to do with THAT, it's also very... weird. But yeah, "Max Manus" would be better to understand Norwegian sentiments better, at least nowadays.

I don't think the Norwegian Premier Vidkun Quisling would have agreed with you.

What planet are you from?

He was in a small unpopular minority, anyway I want to know more about Polish collaborators not Norway.

He was in an minority among peasants and somebody's

generally yes however
a few of them ended up in SS Wiking

exactly, that's the whole thing really

were there any Nazi formed Polish Miltia units or Police like in Lithuania?

Oh you mean Poles that volunteered? Very very little chance, quite a big shot. Even taking arms from Germans was... negative. Not until the end of the war some far-right groups did take weapons from em. That's actually it. IF you think of organized collaboration
Mr Grunwald   
11 Nov 2011
History / History behind Poland and Turkey's Relationship [120]

That's a bit over the edge don't make the Serbian hospital's work for no use

it is no more idiotic than Poland and Serbia in alliance

pitty but, it's far less moronic I agree
Mr Grunwald   
11 Nov 2011
History / History behind Poland and Turkey's Relationship [120]

Its quite idiotic to me to see Poland and Turkey in alliance. Its morbid humiliation of Poland

wake up call, Polish insurgents found haven in Ottomon Empire and they allways asked where Poland's ambassador is!

That's for you my dear pro-Russian friend :)
Mr Grunwald   
13 Oct 2011
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

. Literature from the C16 or 17 refers to Poland as the easternmost bastion of Christianity.

the most eastern, "western" country I might guess you meant.
Mr Grunwald   
8 Oct 2011
History / Why is Vatican traditionally on German and not on Polish side? [65]

Because it's not until now that the vatican cared that much about the Catholics in Poland. Poles are more like protestants at the side of the vatican calling themselves Catholics at some point. The inquisition is famous but, for it really to happen or a minor part of it, a German king had to Rule Poland (saxon kings). Otherwise the Vatican itself didn't have too much influence on Poland (especially being partitioned. While in german provinces there were wars over being protestant or catholic and competition. Also by many (also the Vatican) Germany was allways more important then Poland.

It's not after Johannes Paul II that Poles started pilgrimages en-masse to Rome I think.
Mr Grunwald   
1 Oct 2011
History / Do you regard the Polish Communist Partizans as heroes? [36]

Were there no Poles amongst their ranks?

Nobody would have an nationality in those ranks as their doctrine was: There are no nationality's only 1 globe or something. Any Pole who would joined Soviet partisants cause of ideology stopped being a Pole. Unless he was a scammer of course and just wanted to survive. But yeah not that many Poles joined Soviet partisants, there were plenty of Polish partisants to join even as you mentioned "Armia Ludowa".

For me their a bunch of scum becaouse they sat on fire my family's property cause they had a better "status" and was seen as nobles... While local peasents greeted my family with open arms when they returned after the war, right before the fire by some stupid AL or Red armists (or even both at the same time)
Mr Grunwald   
22 Sep 2011
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

they are the 'same club'. ;)

and I see Poland in EU + NATO if that ain't a "club" then what is it? :)

why couldn't the Norwegians do that?

Cause their Swedes... Their in Scandinavia.... Northern Europe... Hello?! Same fricking neighbourhood
Mr Grunwald   
21 Sep 2011
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

why? that kind of division doesnt have anything to do wiht geography.

That's just stupid then Norwegians could call Sweden an eastern European country just because it's East from them? Come on!
Mr Grunwald   
21 Sep 2011
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Here is some info about Eastern Europe

If you cut Europe into 2 halfs then yes Poland is in eastern Europe. But if you cut it in 4/5 or even more then she isn't. If you want to look at things black and white pls call Poland eastern Europe. It would only show what a type of person you are.

If we think Eastern as eastern part of Europe then this is somehow the right picture:

  • 250pxEasternEurope.png
Mr Grunwald   
16 Sep 2011
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

For all practical issues Poland is politically Eastern Europe,

Your thinking about Poland having it's commie past and has been in the Warsaw pact? I would say politically in the 80's Poland (if you can call that commie state Poland lol) then yes Poland was eastern politically. But Poland ain't part of Russia or is Russia's vassal state nor does Poland object Western political alliances such as EU or NATO. It's in it. Time to refresh your mind Ironside :=)
Mr Grunwald   
16 Sep 2011
Love / Do Polish men make good husbands? [107]

Polish b/f just proposed


lovely man but it's a big comitment as we are both divorcees

Your choice! :)

and we are different races.

Lection nr 1: Co ma piernik do wiatraka?

It's good to learn it

Do polish men make good husbands????

Hmm being a good husband is more about ones ethics then culture I think, how one was raised and how to look at evil/good etc
Mr Grunwald   
16 Sep 2011
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

gee ....geographically it is central Europe, now more then ever, politically it is eastern Europe

politically it's western Europe! (NATO, EU ring any bell?)
Geographically it's Central Europe (before world war 2 I would say Central+Eastern Europe)
While culturally I would say central + eastern Europe

in military sense western with eastern history package

One can really get confused sometimes :)

How do you mean?

I also wonder how on EARTH can it be politically eastern?!

Geographicaly its Eastern europe............

You know Europe ends at the Ural mountains (It's very hard for me to say it but it's the truth, truth hurts) But Russia is in Europe and it's in Eastern Europe. Poland WAS in Eastern Europe but you know the story about Jałta I guess so I don't need to make an lecture right? Right

I don't know why someone would not like eastern taste.

Your talking from an tourist perception, the greatest distaste for a Pole hearing it's eastern isthat Russia is eastern and Poles (being one of the largest group of Slavs) DOES NOT want to be seen as Russians. It's an great mission if you ask me cause people who do not understand the difference between Slavs (God people still call all the countries that used to be Yugoslavia for "Oh it's ex-Yugoslavian right?")
Mr Grunwald   
14 Jul 2011
Po polsku / O co chodzi z tymi Żydami. [144]

Perfektnej Polskiej Rasie

Jak to przeczytałem to... chore po prostu chore
Mr Grunwald   
9 Jun 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles in the UK, you know were the door is [105]

you know were the door is

Going through that door is more land with angry villagers with their pitchforks and torches! All speaking non-understandable English dialect! After that (if we are lucky) there is a channel! Will there be provided a boat? Probably not... Ok then we need to steal one or swim across the channel and what do we meet then? Yepp the Frenchies... Thanks for that! After we run through all those crazy frog eaters there is GERMANY!!!! And only after THEN it's Poland so tell me wtf am I gonna do with that door? Can I use it as an raft?
Mr Grunwald   
17 May 2011
Life / New Polish generation prefers black culture? [145]

Not surprising, especially taking into consideration that "black music" was popular in Poland during the 30's. Although it's different it still applies
Mr Grunwald   
10 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

It's like puring two glasses with water, one will allways be less filled then the other. It would be allmost impossible to have it EXACTLY equal. I just say, you want money? Work harder, it's that simple
Mr Grunwald   
8 May 2011
History / Where did the power of Poland vanish to, since... let`s say, some 300 years ago? [180]

Why not Austria?

They just used the situation and pre-emptive striked. Without Prussia&Russia Taking lands from Poland. Austria wouldn't have a reason to enter in the first place. It was all so that Prussia&Russia wouldn't get too much. It was all grand picture plans about self defense.

what about Hungary? is there anything that was done by Hungarian elite that led to weakening of Poland?

Don't think they had any major power/influence until the creation of Austro-Hungarian Empire and that was AFTER the partitions...

I am starting to get Sok/I-S syndrome
Mr Grunwald   
3 May 2011
History / PRUSSIA - Former Vassal of Poland later occupant | Nowadays Germany? [33]

I would say Germany does a lot better then Russia(former Soviet Union) after ww2 when comparing them both with their relationship with Poland. 1 big plus was that Poles and Germans shared their "animosity" towards the SU as them occupying their lands.

(both Western Prussia,Silesia and DDR hehe)
Mr Grunwald   
1 May 2011
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

Are you saying that Germans were in the minority in Pomerania, Silesia and East Prussia in 1944/45? You're kidding, are you?

majority in the area, minority in Poland

Weren't decisions about post WW2 "population transfers" made by "Big Three" ?

read my sentence again

driving push

They were behind IT but all 3 agreed upon it
Mr Grunwald   
29 Apr 2011
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

My family is an living evidence of that not being true, Mr
Also many other family's with German roots were allowed to stay. Most of those that went were opportunists or never wanting to see hell again. Or pro-Germany Germans. Those that didn't want it stayed.

Although fear of SU was a great motivator

Also Poland or Polish politicians had nothing to say, they were the losing side or pawns of SU (if you call those "Polish" commies Poles...) Soviet Union was the driving push of relocating any minority to where they wanted (Stalin to be specific).