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POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]
gee ....geographically it is central Europe, now more then ever, politically it is eastern Europe
politically it's western Europe! (NATO, EU ring any bell?)
Geographically it's Central Europe (before world war 2 I would say Central+Eastern Europe)
While culturally I would say central + eastern Europe
in military sense western with eastern history package
One can really get confused sometimes :)
How do you mean?
I also wonder how on EARTH can it be politically eastern?!
Geographicaly its Eastern europe............
You know Europe ends at the Ural mountains (It's very hard for me to say it but it's the truth, truth hurts) But Russia is in Europe and it's in Eastern Europe. Poland WAS in Eastern Europe but you know the story about Jałta I guess so I don't need to make an lecture right? Right
I don't know why someone would not like eastern taste.
Your talking from an tourist perception, the greatest distaste for a Pole hearing it's eastern isthat Russia is eastern and Poles (being one of the largest group of Slavs) DOES NOT want to be seen as Russians. It's an great mission if you ask me cause people who do not understand the difference between Slavs (God people still call all the countries that used to be Yugoslavia for "Oh it's ex-Yugoslavian right?")