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Posts by Mr Grunwald  

Joined: 16 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 20 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 33 / Live: 19 / Archived: 14
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From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes (Tak)
Interests: history - politics - food - heraldry - pro publico bono

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Mr Grunwald   
10 Jul 2018
News / Political life of Poland [135]

Could we please stay on topic? If you want to chickchat about immigration then please let us reflect over which political parties are for/against immigration in Poland and to what degree. Or you can you all just talk about nonsense?
Mr Grunwald   
8 Jul 2018
News / Political life of Poland [135]

Don't have any connections to solidarity what so ever? Sosialistic think is quite relevant with connections to labour unions. PO has openly said to be social-democrats copycatting scandinavia. PiS is open for governmental programmes, it seems both of them see the Polish state as the solution to all the ills and problems in Poland, be it a nation-state or multi-kult-state.

I think building up the economy and creating more jobs, not only low wage jobs should be an priority. (Not governmental jobs).

Lowering taxes should be a priority in Poland in my opinion and boosting small businesses with less regulations and a better attitude towards them.
Mr Grunwald   
6 Jul 2018
News / Political life of Poland [135]

Could we please keep ourselves together and maintain a focus on what political parties want/are doing in Poland.

Is Brussel the new capitol of Poland? Which differancas are the most important nowadays? What crises to avert? What solution does the parties suggest?
Mr Grunwald   
6 Jul 2018
News / Political life of Poland [135]

Dirk diggler
If you didn't understand it as satire of the EU as an organization, you got some real problems
Mr Grunwald   
6 Jul 2018
News / Political life of Poland [135]

Thank you for asking. I was wondering more about peoples opinion as I don't live in Poland currently and need an update on the politics.

PSL (I don't know honestly, farmers Party?)
PO (social-democrats disguised as a Liberal party ex-solidarity)
Nowoczesna (PO v.2.0)
Kukiz15 (populist party concentrated around Kukiz?)
PiS (Social-conservatives with a patriotic angle ex-solidarity)
SLD (socialists/Social-democrats/former communists?)
Partia Wolnosc (national-libertarian, capitalist, national-classical liberal? I would have voted for them most likely as their the only capitalist option in Polish politics I can take seriously to some degree)

Antifa (marxist hooligans)
ONR (fascist wannabies)

There you have my opinion
Mr Grunwald   
4 Jul 2018
News / Political life of Poland [135]

Which political parties/groups are present in Poland? What is your opinion of them? Where do they stand economically? In which areas do they want the state to have full/partial control

Political entities that spring up to mind are:

ND? Or any Endecja related right wing groups?
Mr Grunwald   
23 Jun 2018
History / Future of Kaliningrad Oblast - is it possible to annex by Poland or will it become an independent country? [137]

No, it doesn't "must" anything. Entire Prussia and Pomerania was germanized. If the locals don't see any reason to retain that influence I see no reason to stop them. It's not like there are German settlers there waiting to get slaughtered.

Speaking of architectural influence, Kaliningrad would had to be part of EU for it to be preserved. Doesn't seem like the Russian federation has any motives except for it to be a military outpost with bases
Mr Grunwald   
9 Apr 2018
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [945]

Russia needs help not war...
If we got any enemies it's those who abuse us and try to destabilize us...
We shouldn't rely too much on Germany as nobody knows their intentions. After all Poles did call them mute people
I would advocate for Poland to protect Poles from any form of Germanization no matter if it's in Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, "U.K", France (From Germanic Franks) or to some extent U.S.A cause it's ain't very Catholic. But out of all the Germanic countries Poland has allways had the most problems with Germany, France, "U.K" and Sweden. So relations with those other Germanic countries is much better to prefer and be careful of those that have harmed us in the past already as they might want to do it again. Diplomatic relations and culture building between friendly states should be an priority while arming the Republic. The most important part is of course to boost the economy by as much private ownership as one can possibly make and allow oneself to have. Otherwise it will run out of money (any plans what so ever).

Until Poland regains her strength, it has to rely on U.S.A and if The Russian Federation continues with threats and has nuclear missiles in "Kaliningrad" then Poland will never feel safe from Russia and will distrust her with everything "she" has. No matter if it's a stick or a carrot
Mr Grunwald   
4 Apr 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1539]

@Dirk diggler

I know of 3 of such "pogroms"
1. was during or right before Polish soviet war when too large groups were not allowed to assemble in public. (Paranoia about communists talking publicly so no large group assemblies were allowed to meet, as there were plenty of Polish Jews in communist parties instead of PPS or ND... Poles were naturally suspicious when a large group of Orthodox Jews assembled and talked without following the law either because of the lack of knowing Polish or not paying attention. Not knowing Polish well enough created suspicion about ones loyalty towards Poland ) Which was a misunderstanding but it worsened relations with the international community ever since cause of American Jews and others who spread it fearing pogroms... Poland isn't Russia... But never mind that

2. Can't remember name but you sure know what I am talking about. Barn German bullets, either German soldiers or local partisans (last time I checked there were very few farmers with machine pistols and that many bullets. So one would have to check a lot more. Also the locals there remember how Jews welcomed Soviet soldiers and were happy that now their "equal" with Poles even tho a Jew saying it lost his shop cause of the red army...

3. Kielce was orchestrated by "Polish" communists if I am not mistaken. One only has to dig a little bit about the workers and their "leaders" agenda. Local militia at that time was also communist.

One should not forget that Poles felt a lot of distaste for any minority in Poland aiding the enemies in 1939 without fighting for an independent Poland

The motto of the Polish revolution was after all
Freedom - Equality - Independence
On a state level - national level
Even tho Poles are very individualistic and consider themselves individuals first and foremost. When needed they band together in crises (either plane crash, injustice, solidarity, war etc) When other "non-Polish" citizens didn't do the same it invoked fury and invokes fury to this day. Anyone wishing to harm Poland makes a grave error, as Polish children, mothers, fathers, sons and daughters fought for an independent Poland since the partitions. It was lead by Kośćiuszko which failed cause he didn't learn how to fight like Napoleon. He copycatted French defensive tactics instead of following Napoleons example like Polish lancers did. But he refused to acknowledge Napoleon which I respect him for it. After all he crowned himself and wasn't crowned by the Pope, he saw himself as above all. Even God

Nobody is above God. One can have his love, his spirit. But never be above our dear Lord. If anyone loves our lord the most and pray for Poland's salvation it's Polish catholics. Check out Żegota if you don't know about it allready, a Polish anti-semite wanted to save Jews simply because it was Christian thing to do. Others were scared for their lives during the occupation. Who can blame them? Everybody should know the terrors and horrors suffered at the hands of the SS&NKVD and later UB.

One only needs to see Katyń to imagine it, or Battle for Warsaw. Unless one knows their family history well enough. Cause I know mine, and I know what to be ashamed of and what to be proud of. Forgive but never forget
Mr Grunwald   
23 Mar 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1539]

I would suggest to scrap the law. If Israel and Americans can't respect Polish law (which was kind of provocative) then they can get their little "reward". Still ain't getting a dime from Poland. Poland puts Poland's citizens first and foremost. If they left Poland after WW2 that was THEIR choice
Mr Grunwald   
13 Mar 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1539]

Ahh I see
Well it makes sense, Polish airmen were hell bent on revenge for sure. After all their quite famous for participating in the battle of britain.

Dragon is a fire-breathing snake with wings... If that is not a good symbol for hell, I don´t know what is.
If anyone should had a dragon symbol it´s those who bombed Belgrade.
No offense to any American reading this but, it was´t much love in bombing Belgrade.

Bracia Serbowie. Ile to wam krzywdy zrobili
Mr Grunwald   
12 Mar 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1539]

If you would stop being patronizing towards Poland with symbols of dragons (symbol of lust, greed and malevolence) I would be grateful. I hope you know the true symbols of Poland.

I hope Israel and Poland could stop bickering with each other like a divorced couple. Why on earth are they so dramatic about Poland? It seems many people in Israel have no clue about Poland what so ever. Neither in the past, present or where it is going. It´s all doom and gloom for them. I wish they could really see what drives Poland
Mr Grunwald   
25 Apr 2015
Language / Is the term 'Polak' derogatory?? [254]

Polak shouldn't be a derogatory term! After all it comes from the word Polanin the one who works in the field, if Americans respect anything it's those who work hard with the field(or more work hard for their living). Don't be so negative towards the fielders! :)

After all much of america was build on going west and settling down (settlers nation).
Mr Grunwald   
28 Dec 2013
Life / Babcia or Busha - any social class difference? [359]

You guess wrong

I don't guess I know my family called my fathers grandparents for Busia... I was only pointing out the most likely scenario of why they did that. Unless you call my family aliens coming from outer space or Ukrainian idk then their Polish.

Also I was thinking about territories that was part of former Poland. Like east of nowadays Poland up to Kiev

Yes. And that generation have a habit of dying on you. And when they're gone, they don't come back.

What? What are you even talking about?
Mr Grunwald   
26 Dec 2013
Life / Babcia or Busha - any social class difference? [359]

Why? My father allways called his Grandmother for Busia. Just as everybody else in the family

How was she born in Poland in 1906?

Republic of Poland (the state) =//= Poland the geograhpical area in an literal sense. Although since it has the state of Poland has been fairly unmoved for a time people would easily understand where in the general area it's being spoken about. Of course you seem to pretend your stupid to heat up an senseless argument or well... No words for that sorry.

It seems that it's a word used mostly in the US that seems odd in Poland - perhaps like some of the words that mostly went out of English English centuries ago but are still used over there. Like cordwood, gotten or

Not really I would say... Depends on the family, most likely if the family had lived under the Russian yoke then they were most likely to continue it I guess.
Mr Grunwald   
31 Oct 2013
History / Ghetto Uprising better known than Warsaw Uprising? [111]

Honestly, I think people in the West confuse the two and think it was the same thing (1 event)

Well in many countries they don't even know their own history that much...
Mr Grunwald   
18 Jun 2012
History / Why Poland is not Russia [244]

Although, it may just be me but for reasons some Poles dislike Germany while hating on Russia.
It makes no sense to me.

History of Poland didn't start in 1939, what Russians did (Soviets?) at those times opened a lot of wounds from the past and they flourished (the hatred). That hatred was pummeled down to the earth for a long time, an resurgence of it (small one) we could all see before the Match Russia-Poland. Let's hope it ends at that.

Makes sense if your family has roots somewhere else then Warsaw.