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Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1539]
@Dirk diggler
I know of 3 of such "pogroms"
1. was during or right before Polish soviet war when too large groups were not allowed to assemble in public. (Paranoia about communists talking publicly so no large group assemblies were allowed to meet, as there were plenty of Polish Jews in communist parties instead of PPS or ND... Poles were naturally suspicious when a large group of Orthodox Jews assembled and talked without following the law either because of the lack of knowing Polish or not paying attention. Not knowing Polish well enough created suspicion about ones loyalty towards Poland ) Which was a misunderstanding but it worsened relations with the international community ever since cause of American Jews and others who spread it fearing pogroms... Poland isn't Russia... But never mind that
2. Can't remember name but you sure know what I am talking about. Barn German bullets, either German soldiers or local partisans (last time I checked there were very few farmers with machine pistols and that many bullets. So one would have to check a lot more. Also the locals there remember how Jews welcomed Soviet soldiers and were happy that now their "equal" with Poles even tho a Jew saying it lost his shop cause of the red army...
3. Kielce was orchestrated by "Polish" communists if I am not mistaken. One only has to dig a little bit about the workers and their "leaders" agenda. Local militia at that time was also communist.
One should not forget that Poles felt a lot of distaste for any minority in Poland aiding the enemies in 1939 without fighting for an independent Poland
The motto of the Polish revolution was after all
Freedom - Equality - Independence
On a state level - national level
Even tho Poles are very individualistic and consider themselves individuals first and foremost. When needed they band together in crises (either plane crash, injustice, solidarity, war etc) When other "non-Polish" citizens didn't do the same it invoked fury and invokes fury to this day. Anyone wishing to harm Poland makes a grave error, as Polish children, mothers, fathers, sons and daughters fought for an independent Poland since the partitions. It was lead by Kośćiuszko which failed cause he didn't learn how to fight like Napoleon. He copycatted French defensive tactics instead of following Napoleons example like Polish lancers did. But he refused to acknowledge Napoleon which I respect him for it. After all he crowned himself and wasn't crowned by the Pope, he saw himself as above all. Even God
Nobody is above God. One can have his love, his spirit. But never be above our dear Lord. If anyone loves our lord the most and pray for Poland's salvation it's Polish catholics. Check out Żegota if you don't know about it allready, a Polish anti-semite wanted to save Jews simply because it was Christian thing to do. Others were scared for their lives during the occupation. Who can blame them? Everybody should know the terrors and horrors suffered at the hands of the SS&NKVD and later UB.
One only needs to see Katyń to imagine it, or Battle for Warsaw. Unless one knows their family history well enough. Cause I know mine, and I know what to be ashamed of and what to be proud of. Forgive but never forget