The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Mr Grunwald  

Joined: 16 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 12 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 33 / Live: 19 / Archived: 14
Posts: Total: 2133 / Live: 993 / Archived: 1140
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes (Tak)
Interests: history - politics - food - heraldry - pro publico bono

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Mr Grunwald   
7 Jul 2020
Food / KETO DIET - is it known in Poland? [30]

Johnny reb, I am just researching it privately as much as I can. I never knew about ketones and how they work, I was positively surpised how my body works in that area. Was never good in biology, now I am just working up lost years in school
Mr Grunwald   
7 Jul 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [345]

Vlad1234- Cause one can't simply ignore another state with nuclear capabilities nor ignore other states banding together against one self and those one is allied with. One shouldn't accept abuse of power, but one needs to balance out the risks aswell.
Mr Grunwald   
7 Jul 2020
Food / KETO DIET - is it known in Poland? [30]

what I found out was saltwater (preferably quality salwater/himalayan salt) makes you retain water as you are on KETO and my migraines have stopped thanks to KETO. Also the listed symptoms is of when you are in the transfer phase. I have never felt better, and Ove been on KETO/low carb like a year now. I have only felt bad when I tries playing soccer Once.

I still got like 26% body fat, and my aim is 10-12% body fat so I will keep on going! :)
Also I stopped eating/drinking refined sugers for a whole year before I started with KETO. I think it helped me a lot
Mr Grunwald   
7 Jul 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Cejrowski mentioned editing Polish identity cards so that titles could be added (comparing it to Germany with doctors and nobles), which Bosak argued convincingly against, but while putting forward the argument he used a tone of disgust or wounded beast. Not sure if it's dismay of liberally minded nobles or elites in general he felt that towards.
Mr Grunwald   
7 Jul 2020
History / Pomerania -a Polish land since the creation of Poland and the German invaders. [60]

No, their simply siding with their fellow citizens that live in nowadays Pomerania.

I have a great interest in the history of Pomerania, anyone care to share it with the forum? I vaguely know about slavic tribes living independently in the area but, don't know the full story of how the Gryf family got hold of it. How did it come under the control of the Hohezollerns and the degree scandinavian influences in Pomerania as it borders the Baltic sea
Mr Grunwald   
7 Jul 2020
Food / KETO DIET - is it known in Poland? [30]

I started my KETO journey last year for weight loss/self improvement. Anyone with experience in it? Does anyone in Poland do it?
Mr Grunwald   
7 Jul 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [345]

I don't know about Kremlin, but I was mostly thinking about burrying the hatchet and not Russians per say. There are a lot of grievences towards how things were done by communist authorities (family losses, property losses, jobs lost (meaningful jobs that were switched with meaningless too))

Russians only need to see how their history has been the last 100 years, being pulled in power struggles in Europe by other European states, most noteably Germany of course, but also U.K and France.

So Kremlin, fearing another setup by NATO (Poland is still in it after all) would be sceptical of any trends strengthening a NATO member (Poland in this case) unless the Kremlin would feel safer and secure about Poland as a state being able to counter-balance German influences within NATO/EU. But as the situation is now, Poland-Russia relations aren't good enough for that to happen yet. The elites in Poland aren't being taken serriously by the Kremlin (why would they? They got bigger fish to fry afterall) and Polish elites especially old solidarity connections are so sceptical towards anything about Soviet Union/Russia related that they are bordering on paranoia and splitting up Polish society cause of it
Mr Grunwald   
7 Jul 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [345]

1. It's not up to the Russian Federation to cut up states in Europe, wether they border that Federation or not. Especially as it tries to uphold the legacy and continuation of the Soviet Union. It made a compromise with the populations in former eastern bloc states. Failing to uphold those compromises will only lead it down a bad spiral with it's relations with any state in Europe, not to mention the population in lands potentially seized by the Russian Federation.

2. Poland has no benefit except for raw taxes by invading/annexing Ukraine/Belarus, as the destabilization of Poland as a state would decrease it's too high a price to pay for any reasons to regain Brest/Lviv

3. Also it would be a far bigger smack in the face to the ex-commies&Stalin&power hungry people if the populations of Belarus/Ukraine/Lithuania voulentarily joined Poland in one form or another. Currently people are being captivated and lured in by being able to increase their economical situation by working in Poland, which works well both ways so far. For it work better, one has to adress any issues that can increase tensions or fuel extremists movements in both countries tho. While in case of Belarus, cultural exchange is more important and share experiences Poland has in the years 1980-2005
Mr Grunwald   
20 May 2019
Genealogy / What are common Polish character traits? [425]

Not to mention, love for freedom. There are many things most Poles take for granted, which is a dream in other countries. It's focus on the common good and national rhetoric is appealing to many Poles as Poles are pretty individualistic in daily life.
Mr Grunwald   
18 May 2019
Genealogy / What are common Polish character traits? [425]

Sometimes I worry that I am not Polish enough and that the Norwegian society has affected me, too much. On the other hand I constantly feel more connected with Poland.

I also like to talk with most Poles, as one can be frank about things. That conflict is natural, even tho I try to be diplomatic.

The very thought itself that you can easily disagree with someone and doesn't have to succumb to the will of the majority is great
Mr Grunwald   
13 May 2019
News / Poland GDP growth surprises on upside [32]

Don't worry pawian I am pretty safe from state-anything propaganda. I just found it merely funny and thought it would catch more interest then simply talking about money.

Well I was just translating the text...

I agree, but seeing as things are going in Poland I do think the economy is improving. It's a pity that the government isn't more pro-free market but, at least they are doing something. Even tho it's state related...

Poland has a goal in mind, which I very much like while other countries seem to neglect their responsibilities to her citizens
Mr Grunwald   
11 May 2019
News / Poland GDP growth surprises on upside [32]

Polish growth continues

Here is an article in Polish from TVP:

The Polish economy will develop even faster than anticipated by the European Commission. The latest forecasts published in Brussels show that GDP growth in Poland will amount to 4.2 percent. This gives Poland the second place in the European Union

Polish economy is growing! What do you have to say about it? I think it's only natural for Poland
Mr Grunwald   
4 May 2019
History / Heritage of partitions still present in Poland [107]

The voting patterns are most likely connected more with the relative distance to Germany or having Germany as a conversational topic more often. A person in Poznań will be more (overall) interested/concerned about EU/Germany then a person in podlasie. Having also more information cause of interest.

So I think the geographical distance has the most to say. Otherwise parties associated with ND would be more relevant in mid/western Poland cause of partitions and ww2.

With the communists blocking debate and fighting political opponents, it created a new political reality one has to keep in touch with. No matter the repression, occupation or war. People know that a German in today's Germany is very different in a democratical setting then in third reich
Mr Grunwald   
3 May 2019
History / Polish attitudes towards ex-Soviet republics joining NATO [116]

I would say only radical nationalists oppose the idea of Ukrainian co-operation. Especially when the debate is about immigration, then Ukrainians are a good option.

Poland as a nation will survive any large contact with Ruthinian populations. Intermixing isn't really a barrier and Poles tend to be sympathetic to their eastern conflict I think. Every Pole knows probably in what situation Poland would be without NATO/EU
Mr Grunwald   
23 Apr 2019
News / Polish diplomat Zbigniew Brzezinski has died [53]

Do you think he had any influence in getting Poland in to NATO? U.K nor France certainly don't have much interest in it except for Poland not being under Russia.
Mr Grunwald   
26 Mar 2019
History / Unforgettable quotes about Poland and Poles from Polish and world`s history and culture [99]

My contribution to this wonderful thread:
G. K. Chesterton 1922 about Poland:
I judged the Poles by their enemies. And I found it was an almost unfailing - truth that their enemies were the enemies magnanimity and manhood. If a man loved slavery, he loved usury, if he loved terrorism and all the trampled more of materialistic politics, I have always found that he added to these affections the passion of a hatred of Poland. She could be judged in the light of that hatred, and the judgement has proved to be right."
Mr Grunwald   
19 Mar 2019
Study / Various education and school issues in Poland. Opinions, stories, controversies. [1002]

It is sad to hear that teacher earn so little in Poland. Generally speaking teachers aren't that well paid. I hope to move to Poland one day and work as a teacher, but the low salaries might mean I will have to save up more before moving.

How do you view private vs state schools?
Mr Grunwald   
3 Mar 2019
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

Happy to humour you (sarcasm off)
First and foremost for an economy to grow you need stability which PiS can give (also compared to Ukraine which started better off then Poland in 1989 economically I don't think it's only about rebuilding from scratch. One has to want to rebuild too.
Mr Grunwald   
2 Mar 2019
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

I do not take a German stance (what ever that means) I am merely pointing out the flaws of PiS government.
I rather have PiS in government then PO only cause they want what's best for Poland. The anti-democratic nature of those on the left of PiS scare me a lot. Not to mention corruption.

Still, Germany isn't a power that needs to be contended with to such degree like the Russian Federation. For now Poland needs to rebuild as much as possible and grow economically, Poland's "Ace of spades" is it's growing economy vs all odds.

It's a card nobody can simply ignore or shrug off. Germany is currently riding that horse as much as possible. And I think Poland should use the opportunity to get anything it can out of good relations with any German government.

Just like in the past, growth trade and peaceful relations should be the aim of every Polish government for it's western border. One should just not be naive about it
Mr Grunwald   
2 Mar 2019
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

I was thinking of the older generation in general, with lower demographics the politicians will have to listen to the oldest generation as times go by as they are the biggest electorate. PiS will have to be a bit anti-German or keeping up such a narrative to have people from the right voting for them.

Which is sad as most of Polish-German history is based on trade and peace (mind you as in HRE, German states. Not thinking particularly about Teutonic Order or Prussia/Prussian Germany).

Germany today, without having external threats from her neighbors can turn pasifisct and trade oriented. Which is why good relations with Germany is a good idea for Poland.
Mr Grunwald   
2 Mar 2019
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

Nowadays relationship between Germany and Poland has a lot of baggage from ww2. But also some positive side from times of solidarity and post-communism NATO/EU Co-operation.

I think the possibility of Good relations is quite high. Seeing as the German (Prussian) nobility is gone (meaning have no political power) and German militarism is not a part of German politics nowadays I can see a Good future. If you study the Polish-German border it was far more stable then borders of eastern Poland before the partitions. Say what you want about stereotypes, people like to trade and earn money.
Mr Grunwald   
11 Nov 2018
History / Occupation of Eastern Poland in 1939 [98]

USSR had the option of supplying weapons to the Polish armed forces. German forces were really strained on ammonution. Leaving eastern Poland secure would create a long period of fights with the Germans, prolonging any attack on USSR. Just as it had proxy wars in the Cold War, it could had happened in 1939. The conflict of 1920 made that pretty impossible tho.
Mr Grunwald   
22 Jul 2018
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]


To talk in racial categories or think that there are different humans based on skin colour and wanting to base your politics/policies on it is indeed rascist. No tantrums will change that.

Nowadays it's very emotional and used in any discussion to silence opponents. No matter what they think it Really means
Mr Grunwald   
15 Jul 2018
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]

The word «Murzyn» is derived from "Moors" who were famous black skinned muslims.

I guess an Afro-American could get pretty upset being called a black skinned Jihadist
Mr Grunwald   
14 Jul 2018
News / Political life of Poland [135]

Well Thank you

Which political parties in Poland is for increasing military spending vs against it?