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Posts by Mr Grunwald  

Joined: 16 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 7 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 33 / Live: 19 / Archived: 14
Posts: Total: 2133 / Live: 993 / Archived: 1140
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes (Tak)
Interests: history - politics - food - heraldry - pro publico bono

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Mr Grunwald   
31 Jul 2020
History / What do Poles owe to Jews? [593]

"What do Poles owe to Jews?" As a history enthusiast I am grateful for a certain Jewish trader (guess what he traded) that wrote down about Poles during the early stages of Poland
Mr Grunwald   
31 Jul 2020
History / Roman Dmowski-Patriot, Nationalist, Anti-Semite? [252]

What I read about Dmowski's stance towards minorities is that Poles could have any religion they pleased (protestant, orthodox, Islam) as long as they didn't have Jewish ancestry. Cause then they would have to be Catholics to be considered Polish. Not sure why he meant that, perhaps cause there were large ghetto communities that excluded themselves from the life of the general public (also own towns&villages)

Or fear of them turning to communism if not being religious (if a Jew was to be religious as in Hebrew, they tend to stick together like glue. Just as many other religiously connected people)
Mr Grunwald   
30 Jul 2020
History / What do Poles owe to Jews? [593]

Last time I checked, it was Prussian dominated(Protestant) Elites pushing for communism in Russia. How on earth did vatican have anything to do with it?
Mr Grunwald   
25 Jul 2020
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1199]

One has to be responsible for ones self and closest family first and foremost, how can one care for others if one himself is unable to care for himself?

The Republic of Poland is first and foremost a nation state, with responsibilities towards the nation of Poland and it's citizens (who ideally strive to be good working Poles)

I thought it was rather the role of the Catholic Church to care for all humanity and spread the message. I certainly am not advocating for a theocracy in Poland
Mr Grunwald   
25 Jul 2020
History / How different would WW2 turned out if Poland accepted Hitler's offer [219]

I am not questioning Stalins&influence and power He had during the negotiations in Teheran&Jalta

Anyone can see that from reading about basic information about the Soviet Union during ww2.

I am saying he was clever and intelligent but, used it mainly for his own gain and power without thinking of the consequences of the future of any nations under his rule, be it Georgian, Polish, Russian or Ukrainian.

His legacy and drawing of borders in 1939, 1943 and 1945 paved way for how central&eastern Europe and balkans look today. Are you satisfied it's results? I am most certainly not
Mr Grunwald   
24 Jul 2020
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1199]

Germany is in an ideal situation right now, can focus with minimal effort on military as it has allies around herself and focus maximally on economy...

Just compare it with international sitation for Germany pre-ww1, pre-ww2 and now...
Mr Grunwald   
24 Jul 2020
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1199]

Don't give Putin any "funny" ideas
First and foremost, there would be no sanctions without "flagless" soldiers being in eastern Ukraine.

Germany Sees all EU states east of it as a prestige project V.S. France having south-western states as her prestige project as they both lobbied for different members to join the E.U

I am not sure if Germany ever had ambitions of including Russia in to NATO or EU, but I guess it was a rather harsh wake up call cause of Ukraine-conflict, despite "warmongering" Poland's warnings
Mr Grunwald   
24 Jul 2020
History / How different would WW2 turned out if Poland accepted Hitler's offer [219]

Stalin didn't add those territories to Poland cause of Poland side during ww2...
It was to create a rift and solid ground for division between Poland and Germany, so that Poland would stay in his sphere of influence in fear of losing said territories to the west.

But I would agree that Stalin would had wanted Poland inside the Soviet Union if Poland was part of the axis, just like when Poland was viewed as being on the side of the "capitalists" in 1939, grabbing all possible territories from it before Germany took all

That's all what the 3xTak campaign was all about
Mr Grunwald   
23 Jul 2020
Food / KETO DIET - is it known in Poland? [30]

Bad luck @dolnoslask

You can just Google symptoms+KETO and you can useally find answers in English as it's quite popular in America now from what I understand
Mr Grunwald   
23 Jul 2020
Life / Is Polish church involved in politics too much? [137]

It wasn't only for political reasons that the kingdom of Poland opposed the teutonic order in the year 1410. Religious as well.

As far as I know cases of inquisition in Poland were to a minimum amount (I would say zero, as I haven't heard of such cases in Poland in the past) some few witch burnings either at the hands of uneducated masses or a sick saxonian king.

As a whole Catholic Church we had a lot to ask for forgiveness for. We as Poles need to take responsibility for the actions of our ancestors, not that of foreigners.

I have contemplated the situation with my grandfather and it is indeed sad that the quality of priests have sunk in Poland.
Mr Grunwald   
22 Jul 2020
Life / Is Polish church involved in politics too much? [137]

What about what they bind on earth etc? Or is that only for the first disciples?
If he was wrong about euthanasia it's a grave mistake indeed
Mr Grunwald   
22 Jul 2020
Life / Is Polish church involved in politics too much? [137]

What you got against the vatican? I thought Jesus Christ was for all humanity, not just slavs

Or do you think you know more about religion then scholars?
Mr Grunwald   
22 Jul 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [345]

You seem pretty obsessed with people that has semitic heritage, if I didn't know any better I would be under the impression that you need it to explain some tough situation you are going through instead of dealing with it.
Mr Grunwald   
20 Jul 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [345]

1. You seem to not have a clue how the British monarchy works, if you did... You wouldn't care much of their connections.

2. Every state tries to increase it's importance and influence, thinking that Germany is alone in this and the largest threat is pure folly

3. What does the genocide have to do with the topic at hand?
Mr Grunwald   
19 Jul 2020
Language / Polish opinions on foreign languages? [54]

BB Is a polished German, just like every German who has ever been "Polished" ;)
English is such humorous language
Mr Grunwald   
7 Jul 2020
Food / KETO DIET - is it known in Poland? [30]

First phase of the KETO lifestyle is bad breath, it gets gone after a while (like? 6 months? Ish?) so I have no problems with bad breath anymore. One just has to stick to it