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Posts by smurf  

Joined: 8 Sep 2009 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 5 Jan 2017
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From: Your Ma's room
Speaks Polish?: kurwa

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4 Jul 2016
News / Russian criticism of Poland - Soviet war memorial removal [332]

You'd expect so, the one outside Budapest is a bit different though, it's more kinda of representing the artistic value of the statues, but of course there are the usual suspects of Russia propaganda and also the so-called heroes of Hungarian communism.

Pretty small though, you'd get around the whole thing in less than 30 mins, but it's interesting.

This one was my favourites, it's huge.

Some Communist
4 Jul 2016
News / Russian criticism of Poland - Soviet war memorial removal [332]

It remains to be seen whether the Polish saying "Wilk syty i owca cała" will coem true.

Not a Polish saying.
I'm not a Christian and even I know it was Jesus that said it first

The phrase originates in a sermon by Jesus recorded in the Christian New Testament

Jesus living nearly 2000 years ago, while Poland is a very young country, only being 1000 years old.

Anyway, your "news" (a week old) seems to leave out the fact that these memorials will be housed in a new open air museum. An idea stolen/borrowed from the Hungarians who have this:

And Prague which has this:

Embrace your past baby, it's the only way you can learn from it.
I mean, look at PiS, they learned loads from the Reds, so much that they're repeating their style of ruling
28 Jun 2016
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Jan Peczkis

That's not your name

People in Chicago are having an internet petition on whether Poland, a country they don't live in, can be part of the EU?

Jesus wept
3 Jun 2016
News / Mieszkania Plus programme - PiS fulfills yet another campaign promise [50]

Remove any requirement for a family and 2 kids under 21 to pay any tax under a sensible threshold, say 25,000 zl a year, as Blair did (with adjustment for different GDP) - and there you have it.

that's a better idea, still though back at home we'd a similar 500+ thing, that money was put into a savings account until I was 18 and it was mine.

I'm sure loads of people are doing the same here, which is a good thing

And with this 500 + you still have the inequality, and the percentage who are drunks, who will steal from their children. Just terrible.

I agree, but it's better than nothing y'know. All other EU countries have a child benefit program, so it was about time PL did the same.

It's not the best system, but it's the first one for Poland, hopefully when this shower of clowns are long gone it'll imrpove over the coming years
3 Jun 2016
News / Mieszkania Plus programme - PiS fulfills yet another campaign promise [50]

So in fact not fullfilled


Y'know though, if it works then fair play to them.
Maybe something good will come of this incompetent government.
The 500+ is a great thing, if you have 2 kids, it's a bit stupid thougth that the likes of a family with 2 parent Doctors with 2 kids get the 500, but a single mother struggling in some sh!thole hovel in Bytom gets nothing, but hopefully that'll change over the coming years.
3 Jun 2016
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

Nobody cares

That's pretty sad even from you Yank

I didn't write 'nobody cares' in this thread, you've picked that from elsewhere.
Absolutely pathetic
2 Jun 2016
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

Nobody cares about democracy or some constitution

And that right there ladies and gents is the reason Poland is heading towards a Catholic-fascist totalitarianism state

21 May 2016
Law / Old Polish money banknotes - what's their value today? [415]

They're not worth much I'm afraid

This one is from 1987:

This one from 1988 is worth even less:
18 May 2016
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

That is their choice, their decision.

That's a bullsh!t answer
By your logic Poles are happy to allow Poles to leave Poland for pastures new but if someone dares to want to move to Poland that should not be allowed.

You can't have it both ways
the only solution, if we employ your logic is to never allow anyone to leave Poland.
So you'd have never left Poland, you'd still be living in your spa tonw that you were born in, in the 70s or 80s or whenever it is you're pretending it is :D
16 May 2016
History / Current Polish-Russian relations.. What do the Poles think? [60]

however Slavs were once a gentically homogenic entity originated somewhere in the north Ukraine possibly in the swamps of the Pripyat' river

Swamp people?
Like the Crannogmen in Game of Thrones?

Doesn't really make sense though, how can they be

gentically homogenic

yet originate in Ukraine, surely they came from somewhere, it's not like they jst dropped out of the sky

I know Wikipedia isn't really to be trusted but there's plenty here on who the Slavs came from
13 May 2016
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

but first somebody will need to confirm he's OK with his real name being posted here

They wouldn't need to give you permission though.
If they're written and been published on the internet then you're free to link it, permission not needed.

Stick to the topic please
12 May 2016
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

Some choice picks:

These are all bad things, if proven to be true.
PO were not the way forward for Poland, indeed, they did a lot to keep it behind. Look at other countries that joined the EU when Poland did, many of them are in far better positions now.

However, while PO are not the answer to a better Poland, PiS are far, far worse. They're pretty much a cult in all but name.

And that's why people voted PO for so long, they were the lesser of two evils, in the latest election people were sick of PO and voted for these current clowns. Most regret their vote and it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

Be a mighty country if we could just get rid of all the politicians. Sack them all and start again.
22 Apr 2016
News / Balcerowicz - PO trojan horse in Ukrainian government [11]

Poland of her industruial assets

They were doing so wonderfully well at the time, yea, he was stupid to sell off state-sponsored crap that was hemorrhaging money daily.
What an idiot
20 Apr 2016
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

Well said, it's pretty well what most of Warsaw thinks...

So, all that nonsense about Walesa being a spy is done and dusted?
18 Apr 2016
Life / Communion money in Poland [27]

And you are a loser who's having the hard time living in Poland :-)

says you, maybe you're just channelling your life onto others?

Oh yea sure, there was so much crying of yours that I didn't notice the question, 500zl should do it.

Was that so hard mate? Nice that you fianlly, fainlly contributed something of worth to the forum. High 5!
Let love into your heart, be a good Christian, we can all get along buddy. I can see a day when you'll learn to love and dismiss hate, use the Force Luke, don't let the Dark Side tempt you

If the nob doesn't appreciate it, it's not your problem.

Ha, that's a good one, nice way to troll the wee f!cker too, he'll have to like it coz of some receiving god something something reason :D :D

That just reeks of "only being invited so that the brat can get loads of cash".

I like it, if I give a proper present that's **** we'll never be asked to their crappy events again, good thinking.

On my communion day I didn't get any mone

Naw, I did, I got hundreds of pounds, Celtic Tiger was kicking off ;D it was awesome. Bought a Flying V guitar and some transformer toys.

But the problem nowadays is that kids pretty much have all that stuff already.

Yea, no points in watches anymore, time is displayed on your phone/tablet. I've worn a watch once n the last 5 years and that was me wedding day

Richard Dawkin's book.

Hahahah, wonderful ideas, thanks Atch :D :D :D
18 Apr 2016
Life / Communion money in Poland [27]

Did a bit of googling and the going rate in Ireland now is up to 50 euros for a nephew/niece but 30 euros seems average

Jaysus, no wonder all my Irish nephews love to see me coming to their stuff, I'm getting fleeced ;)

Oh, I do think it's crazy, we're gonna pay 400zl to a kid we don't like and have to spend hours at a crap party with no booze where we'll be out numbered by old people by 3 to 1. But take the good with the bad y'know, hopefully the following weekend we'll win the lotto and be on the first plane to somewhere exotic, like Inishmore or Valentia :D
18 Apr 2016
Life / Communion money in Poland [27]

hard to understand for someone being from alcoholic drinkers family.

It sucks that your alcoholic mother and father mistreated you. It explains why you're such a nasty loser though.

I'd tell them that it isn't a tradition in your culture

NAw, won't work, sure all Poles know us Irish are from the same sh!tty cloth as them

an essential and unchangeable element of the communion is alcohol.

Lol, give it another go there Wulkan #eggonyourface

A book or some book tokens would be a nice present.

It's a nice idea, but I read somewhere that in the EU Poles read less than anyone else. Maybe the little prick might learn something if he read instead of constantly playing angry birds on his tablet
18 Apr 2016
Life / Communion money in Poland [27]

Being forced against my will to attend a communion this weekend.
The little bollix is the wife's nephew.

How much money do we have to give the little prat? I'm thinking 400zl is enough, but the wife says it's probably more coz she's related.

If you can't already tell, I don't like him. Also, the parents are knobheads that are having a no alcohol party. WTF kind of losers do you have to be to have no alcohol at a party????

At least I'll be able to watch the Premier League on my long as the 3G coverage is OK.
13 Apr 2016
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

I would presume you've all seen one of the most awkward handshakes in Polish history?

----Hello boss, I'm boning your niece, we're still cool though yea?
5 Apr 2016
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Maybe you should be aborted in the late stage of your embryonic life as you are now to comprehend what you are talking about?:D

You're such a charming human being.
I dearly hope and pray to your god that you are hit by a large bus today :)
God bless you

Maybe you should be aborted in the late stage of your embryonic life as you are now to comprehend what you are talking about

Imagine that your mother was raped
Imagine that your sister is raped
Imagine that your female cousins are raped
Imagine your grandmothers were raped
Imagine your aunties were raped.

Then come back to me and tell me how you feel about abortion.
5 Apr 2016
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Polish women are trolling Beata Szydlo awesomely on her Facebook & Twitter with the #TrudnyOkres (heavy period) :D :D :D

PiS never learnt the valuable lesson: Never, ever, f!ck with Polish women
5 Apr 2016
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

PiS logic

I think the only way for Arkadiusz Czartoryski (MP) to understand the issue fully he should volunteer to be raped (I'm aware that it's not actually rape if you volunteer) or maybe he should volunteer one of his female relatives to be raped, they must also become pregnant though, so it might take more than once. I'm pretty sure that would wipe that creepy smirk off his pig-ugly face.,Polish-MP-What-difference-is-there-if-a-child-is-conceived-through-rape