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How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]
"How do Polish men feel about gender equality?"
Well... I don't really know how the all Polish men feel about that.
I can only say what I think, and most of my Polish friends.
First - The word "equality" is not precise enough. Theoretically it is, but in real life this word has got at least two meanings.
First definition:Gender equality means that everyone shall be entitled to get the same chances in life, the same pay for the same work, that no door should be closed in your face no matter if you are man or woman.
I feel good about it.
And I think that Poland is pretty fair country in this sense. Every woman can go to university, pursue her carrier, do whatever she wants. The sky is the limit. It's all about individual ambition and dreams. Woman can be anything she wants - a doctor, lawyer, politician, teacher or entrepreneur. There is no legal, social, cultural or any other obstacles to do it.
Second definitionThis is the definition from leftist feminists liberals propaganda.
According to this definition gender is a phenomena that DOESN'T EXIST. People are not only equal. They are EXACTLY the same. Totally interchangeable.
Every job that man can do - can be done by a woman.
Maybe this is truth. But even if a woman's can do a man's job - is that mean that she shall be forced to do so? I think not.
This is a political ideology that comes straight from the Wonderland, with no connection with reality whatsoever.
We are different. Equal but different.
Of course - woman can be a solider, coal miner, mechanic or builder. But is that really suit her best?
If you take any population under consideration - let's say only a male population you will find that people are different. Equal but different.
Some of them would be artistic souls. Painters, poets, musicians. Other would be natural builders, engineers, gardeners. Others would be natural leaders.
Everyone has got his unique talent.
And the community needs them all!
I think that the average woman would be an excellent nursery teacher but lame bricklayer.
The quota system that require that the certain percentage of women shall be politicians, engineers etc is not about the equality. It's about anti-male discrimination. There shall be no obstacles for a woman to enter a world of politics for instance (hey - take example of Margaret Thatcher). But most of women are not interested in politics.
Said that: I STRONGLY DEMAND that the 50% of beds on the maternity wards shall be reserved for men! :)
The communists did already tried that. It did not work, really.