The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by enkidu  

Joined: 23 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 12 Apr 2014
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From: UK, London
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29 Oct 2012
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]

no, its not. It's derived from old-slavic volxъ - a man of roman origin, borrowed from old-german "walxa" - romanus/roman

Ha! You see? Not a half an hour passed and there is some Polish who insist that there is nothing offensive in the word "Włochy".

Just old latin-german whatever perfectly non insulting word, right? Sure.

This language is full of racists insulting remarks that are fully understandable to any Polish native speaker. But outside they deny. They insist that words like "Włoch" "Żyd" "Murzyn" or "Hindus" are perfectly normal and neutral.
29 Oct 2012
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]

That is so insulting that I almost become muted myself. Obviously - the Polish language is the most racist, insulting, barbaric languages in the whole World!

Of course - Polish people would deny it. They would say lies like "Nah nah this is perfectly neutral word. There is no hint of insult in it. " They openly lie because they know that the Polish language is so difficult that no foreigner would ever learn it perfectly. But we know the truth! Liars.

Liars, racists, insulting bunch. Your own language betray you! Your Polish so-called language show clearly what a hateful nation you are.

Another example: Italy.
In most languages of the world Italy is Italy. But in Polish it is "Włochy". And the Italian man is "Włoch".

Now - if you look on the online Polish-English dictionary it would simply state that "Włochy" is just "Italy" in Polish.

But there is something more....
The word "Włochy" is related to word "włosy" (hairs). But when written like that "Włochy" doesnt mean nice clean curly hairs. It means soaked, dirty, greasy lump of disgusting hairs. Something you may find in the bottom of the bath-tub in some really dirty motel.

That what the Polish think of Italy and Italians!
29 Oct 2012
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]

So - we established above any doubts that ALL Polish words that describe one's nationality/ethnicity are insulting. :-)

There is another example. The "Slav" ( Słowianin ) is from "słowo" (word) and means "people of the word, people of common language".

But the Polish word for Germany is "Niemcy". "Niemiec" is closely related to the word "niemowa" or "niemy" (mute).

And that implies that the Germans are mute dumbs who can not speak in the human language. The people who bark like dogs but are unable to speak.

This is so deeply offensive that almost make me cry.
28 Oct 2012
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]

Well there is nothing wrong with the word "black" unless you are Spanish... :) Black in Spanish is "*****".

The world "black" does not describe colour? That's strange...
It is not nice to describe someone by the colour of their skin.

On the other hand - in the word "Murzyn" there is nothing about colour. No matter how much you analyse this word - there is nothing that refer to one's colour or race. It simply means "A guy with African heritage". Originally this word referred to the inhabitants of North Africa.
15 Aug 2011
History / Why Poland is not Russia [210]

How About this. or that,_Podlaskie_Voivodeship

Both of these wilages were in Imperial Russia Back in 1911.

BTW - The name consist always two words. Its "Wólka <something>"

Take a look here and good luck. :)
12 Apr 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

"How do Polish men feel about gender equality?"

Well... I don't really know how the all Polish men feel about that.
I can only say what I think, and most of my Polish friends.

First - The word "equality" is not precise enough. Theoretically it is, but in real life this word has got at least two meanings.

First definition:

Gender equality means that everyone shall be entitled to get the same chances in life, the same pay for the same work, that no door should be closed in your face no matter if you are man or woman.

I feel good about it.

And I think that Poland is pretty fair country in this sense. Every woman can go to university, pursue her carrier, do whatever she wants. The sky is the limit. It's all about individual ambition and dreams. Woman can be anything she wants - a doctor, lawyer, politician, teacher or entrepreneur. There is no legal, social, cultural or any other obstacles to do it.

Second definition

This is the definition from leftist feminists liberals propaganda.
According to this definition gender is a phenomena that DOESN'T EXIST. People are not only equal. They are EXACTLY the same. Totally interchangeable.
Every job that man can do - can be done by a woman.

Maybe this is truth. But even if a woman's can do a man's job - is that mean that she shall be forced to do so? I think not.

This is a political ideology that comes straight from the Wonderland, with no connection with reality whatsoever.

We are different. Equal but different.
Of course - woman can be a solider, coal miner, mechanic or builder. But is that really suit her best?
If you take any population under consideration - let's say only a male population you will find that people are different. Equal but different.

Some of them would be artistic souls. Painters, poets, musicians. Other would be natural builders, engineers, gardeners. Others would be natural leaders.
Everyone has got his unique talent.
And the community needs them all!

I think that the average woman would be an excellent nursery teacher but lame bricklayer.

The quota system that require that the certain percentage of women shall be politicians, engineers etc is not about the equality. It's about anti-male discrimination. There shall be no obstacles for a woman to enter a world of politics for instance (hey - take example of Margaret Thatcher). But most of women are not interested in politics.

Said that: I STRONGLY DEMAND that the 50% of beds on the maternity wards shall be reserved for men! :)

The communists did already tried that. It did not work, really.
6 Apr 2011
Love / Is rape so common in Poland? [95]

That's why I prefer to have sex with women.
I am on the safe side, right?
No sex with men. Not at all. I don't want to be an rapists.
14 Mar 2011
Language / Polish sayings [237]

Another version:
Jedna Pani drugiej Pani wsadziła do odbytnicy
nowoczesny sprzęt rolniczy. :)
12 Mar 2011
Love / Polish girls and traditions (esp. between mother in laws and daughter in laws) [45]

I have got nothing more to say.

Good luck! I wish you all the best.

Today we (me and my wife) went to the North Sea's shore and we drink a toast for the happiness and well-being of your new grandson. We don't know his name, so we decided to call him "Stasiu" - this is a old, traditional Polish name. We wished all the best for the Stasiu.

We drop a little bit of "Navy Rum" to the sea as a gift for the Gods.
I know that your family don't drink the alcohol, that is why we decided that's our duty to do it.

Wszystkiego najlepszego!
10 Mar 2011
Love / Polish girls and traditions (esp. between mother in laws and daughter in laws) [45]

there are less Poles in this forum, but anyone who wrote positive is a Pole :)

That's true. Frankly.

You know - Poles on this forum are usually described as racist an violent bunch.
I don't see it on this thread. :)

Of course - sooner or later there will be somebody, who would try to troll a little bit.
Probably he would say something about the brown under-humans that dishonour the European blood etc.

I want Neharika to know that these are not Poles. We don't think nor act that way.
In fact - the real Polish person is very rare specie here.

How many of us? Ten maybe? Of five hundreds of active posters.
10 Mar 2011
Food / Do you call it kiszka or kaszanka? [55]

Just for general knowledge: Jews think kishka is a Jewish food. (I had no idea that Poles eat it.)

That. This sounds delicious.

BTW - I know why the American Polonia call the "kaszanka" as "kiszka". But I think that nobody would like the answer.
10 Mar 2011
Love / Polish girls and traditions (esp. between mother in laws and daughter in laws) [45]

Neither are people singing on the streets, nor are people forcing their children for anything.

My father-in-law is an Indolog and he love to talk about his job. I am not sure how to translate this. He is an university lecturer specialised in Indian matters. His job is mostly to translate old Pali and Sanskrit texts into Polish. Yeah, I know - this is not about modern India either, but I did read quite a lot of books written by the modern Indian authors and have got some Indian friends. I think I can spot the difference between Bollywood fantasies, tourist attractions and the real life.

You said that people don't dance on the streets? My heart is broken. ;-)

Your patriotism is appalling. I suppose - this is another thing we have got in common..

Anyway - good luck!

I meant appealing, of course. :)
9 Mar 2011
Love / Polish girls and traditions (esp. between mother in laws and daughter in laws) [45]

Well I know India only from the Bollywood films and from the stories of my friend who lived there for some time.

What amazes me is how the Polish and Indian family life is similar. How much we have got in common.
Really, it's a mind-blowing sometimes. We have more in common with Indians than with the British.

Of course, I understand that Indian culture is quite different. But on the other hand...

There is a saying in Polish: "The man is a head of the family, but the woman is the neck that turning the head."

A can see exactly the same in Indian movies.
Or our respect to elderly. I don't want to say that the British don't respect their parents or grandparents. They just doing it in different way. In Poland the grandma is important part of the family.

Anyway - I think that if you both show each other respect and honesty - it can't go wrong.

One word about honesty. I don't know how much the Indian culture is influenced by the British, but I know that in England is perceived quite rude to tell somebody something "not flattering" strait into his face. For example (strictly theoretically) - you may be not "entirely happy" about the clothing of your daughter-in-law (like mini-skirts etc). You shall take her aside and tell her that. You shall tell her how do you feel about this and suggest changes. It shall be done in the respectful way. And you should accept her decision whatever it may be.

And you shall be not offended if your new daughter would do the same to you.
In Poland being direct and honest is a way of showing respect.
And being honest not always meant to be nice.

My suggestion - on your first meeting ask her to call you "mama". And hug her. Hug her a lot.
You are a great mother-in-law. Great indeed. :-)
12 Feb 2011
Life / Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish? [370]

If you discount those who dislike the crook & conman Don & Bron Show

You mean of course the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland an it's legally elected government?

then what about those who spoke of Kaczory, kaczyzm, kurduple, karły, kartofle, etc.?

You mean a former President of Poland and his brother - former Prime Minister?

Patriotism is all about love and respect for one's country.
You show no respect nor love. You are just a castaway.

You are a kundel, sir.
12 Feb 2011
Life / Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish? [370]

why don't the citizens of Tusklandia, the subjects of Tricky Don & Count Bron

No patriot would call his own country and countrymen these names.

Only kundel could do it.
12 Feb 2011
Life / Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish? [370]

On the next day after greatest medieval battle of Grunwald (that we won), half of the Polish Knights were nowhere to be found. The rest were drunk, celebrating, fighting each-other and discussing with Lithuanians who is the REAL man now. There was no hope to continue the campaign.

Most wars we entered, we lost... graciously
Any attempt to establish any kind of order on the Polish land is doomed to fail.
We lost our country for long 123 years. Not conquered. Our country was taken apart like a dead boar.
Almost all (except one - but most Poles don't want to remember this) our national uprisings failed dramatically.
Our national heroes are the masters of lost causes and lost battles. Take ie Kościuszko or Poniatowski or even Batory. It seems that what it takes to be Polish national hero is to die in an unnecessary and highly romantic way. The only hero who actually achieved something (Piłsudski) has died as a bitter old man cursing Poland and our love for chaos.

Sometimes I think that the only reason that the Poland exist is that no one want to do anything with us. Like a quarantine zone for madness, chaos and drama.

Said that - I am proud of being Polish. Why?
You wouldn't understand.
It's a Polish thing. ;-)
3 Feb 2011
Genealogy / Crest and the meaning of last name Sumski [33]

ok Thanks

No seriously - why do you think that there is any family crest associated with this surname?

The only crest I found is actually a Slovakian one. Taking under consideration that currently of 18 people with this surname, 10 lives in Krakow - it may be right clue. Are you sure, you are of Polish ancestry?

On the other hand - the "Szumski" surname is associated with at least three different coats of arms.
3 Feb 2011
Genealogy / Crest and the meaning of last name Sumski [33]

does anyone know where i could find the family crest for "Sumski" or what the meaning of the family crest is?

You can find (and buy) it on EBay.
29 Jan 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

You need to gain their respect.
Being a woman make this task a little bit challenging, but that's all.

Can you give some example of their actions?


Will they ever respect me as a manager, or should I stop hirering polish workers?

That would be discrimination, right?
29 Jan 2011
Travel / Visiting Poland - A bit worried about social attitudes and racist inclinations.. [80]

This seems to have escalated to a full blown argument about immigration and national pride.
Just remember that Poles, British, Sri Lankans, and many other nations fought like brothers in arms against tyranny during the WW2.

Yep. And many Poles have fought on the "dark side" as well.

Seriously - don't go to Poland. These ignorant people would call you an Indian and question your ethnicity all the time.
29 Jan 2011
Food / The most typical ingredient used in Polish cuisine [28]

Cabbage. With cabbage sauce. With this rotten-cabbage (Sauerkraut) salad as a side dish.
And of course a nice cup of the cabbage tea.
That's the "most typical ingredients".
14 Dec 2010
Life / The Polish Wedding - What is it Like in Poland? [338]

Well - a good Polish wedding without at least one good fight is a shame! :-)

On my wedding one guy has tried to run over the other one by a car (they just want to resolve the question which vodka is the best one). Because the driver was drunk - he just hit the tree.

The other guests concluded that there is too much noise, so they throw the fighters into the lake.

And then everyone resume to be merry and drunk.
Oh - memories...
14 Nov 2010
History / Are Poles happy with the current Polish borders? [134]

I would be happy with this: New Wold Order

- We don't like our neighbours. They don't like us. With the Ocean around it's not a real problem.
- The climate in Poland would be better.
- Poland would be "From the sea to the sea"
- The Tatra mountains clean cut of the rest would form a beautiful cliffs on the south border.
- The Germany and Russia would be separated by the Polish Sea. Any new war would be more difficult.
- The Czech Republic would finally gain a seaport.

14 Nov 2010
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [263]

Sadly - I did not found anything interesting on this website. And not a single mention of Hitler.