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Posts by Mr Grunwald  

Joined: 16 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 33 / Live: 19 / Archived: 14
Posts: Total: 2133 / Live: 993 / Archived: 1140
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes (Tak)
Interests: history - politics - food - heraldry - pro publico bono

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Mr Grunwald   
26 Aug 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

I think The Republic of Poland should show AS much solidarity with the population in Belarus, while the Polish citizens take it further then what the state can act. Time to show that «Za naszą i waszą wolność" isn't only said when Poland is in trouble!
Mr Grunwald   
23 Aug 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Thanks @Crow
Let us not derrail the topic at hand tho, I honestly hope for Belarus to be independent. However, who could provide that for Belarussia? It's people alone? The opposition leader? I have a hard time picturing a women being able to keep Putin at bay
Mr Grunwald   
9 Aug 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Poland could start military excercises near Belarussian border, start with a media campaign about possibility of war refugees from Belarus (like start preparing your homes for brothers and sisters from Belarus) ask EU for additional funds to start preperations for war refugees from Belarus
Mr Grunwald   
9 Aug 2020
Love / What Do Polish Women Think Of French Men? [26]

Is there anything appealing about the French these days? I mean... Germans seem more to be more attractive... and that says something
Mr Grunwald   
9 Aug 2020
Genealogy / Polish-Ukranian roots and genes [72]

Democracy works well with an educated population that has knowledge and are politically conscious... The less it is, the easier it is to have it AS a Republic where representatives (experts/elite) do iinstead of the population and in extreme cases of neglect/low education dictatorship/kingdom
Mr Grunwald   
7 Aug 2020
Genealogy / Polish-Ukranian roots and genes [72]

Something is wrong in Ukraine! It's not being managed at all or it's mismanaged! Why else would people emigrate from there? Roads need to be repaired/build. Cities developed, schools given priority, labour at the farms etc
Mr Grunwald   
7 Aug 2020
Genealogy / Polish-Ukranian roots and genes [72]

Criminal could mean many things back then, one only had to back the wrong political group, then had to flee. Ukraine was the only option for that back then, land of absolute freedom from any state prosecution.

Like... There are loads of Ukrainians going in to Poland now, not Turkey. And those who go to Poland for EU possibilities, seem to settle in Poland regardless. Stable freedom is allways wished for if able to maintain it and being able to adapt to it.

Even tho there are factions in Poland, it's more of a democratic nature then the one in Ukraine with Oligarchs. Oligarchs gotta step up their game!
Mr Grunwald   
5 Aug 2020
History / Cursed soldiers controvercy - not all Poles respect them [320]

Considering that communism propaganda (Poles bad pany etc) isn't it strange that Jaruzelski became a general then in a "people's" army?
Almost as if he was fighting for the people and not power hungry communists :)

That is true @pawian
My family is a good example, from Lithuanian side of the family. They worked under Russian Tsarist regime in the administration (Just like the judges family in Pan Tadeusz) but, joined uprisings when called (On Poland's side of course)
Mr Grunwald   
2 Aug 2020
History / What do Poles owe to Jews? [593]

With mercury, one should avoid tuna. Salmon and mackerel is not hat bad about it. But Yeah, I am aware
Mr Grunwald   
1 Aug 2020
History / What do Poles owe to Jews? [593]

who on earth eats it voluntarily? Too much bones and rather unhealthy. As mentioned earlier it's a bottom feeder, who knows what that fish has eaten! I prefer salmon, sardines and mackerel any day over carp
Mr Grunwald   
1 Aug 2020
History / Roman Dmowski-Patriot, Nationalist, Anti-Semite? [252]

It's only natural to Create distance between those that hurt you (either they hurt you physically or emotionally) one way is to laugh it off. Do I need to tell you these things? Haven't you studied psychology?
Mr Grunwald   
1 Aug 2020
History / Roman Dmowski-Patriot, Nationalist, Anti-Semite? [252]

Better not to assume anything. Especially on the internet in a heated debate where emotions can easily run high. I try to be a cold as possible dealing with sensitive topics.

As long as it's not on a university level or told by a professor, I always remain fairly skeptical and treat anything on the internet as rumors until proven otherwise

That's how I think
Mr Grunwald   
1 Aug 2020
History / Cursed soldiers controvercy - not all Poles respect them [320]

Nobody is beyond help
Just cause he is trying to be perceived as the worst possible scumbag (why on earth is my question) doesn't mean he can't improve himself or better himself. For societies sake and his own
Mr Grunwald   
1 Aug 2020
Po polsku / Wandalizacja Chrystusa - co robić? [35]

Gdyby to było skuteczne, to Polska by nie powstała w 1918 roku ani by robiła powstań...
Myślę że to by tylko pogrążyło by eskalację konfliktu i by polarizowało całą debatę polityczną
Potrzebna jest inna metoda
Mr Grunwald   
1 Aug 2020
History / Roman Dmowski-Patriot, Nationalist, Anti-Semite? [252]

There is a difference between state run and enforced "segregation" and private (is that picture from a private event?)
Having people do it privately shows their true colors, and then you can act accordingly (by distancing from those people or not buying their goods as you do not wish to support them)
Mr Grunwald   
1 Aug 2020
History / 'Defamation': The Anti-Semism Industry & Poland [188]

Yes I have seen it, it was more of a security matter. Problem is they brush all Christians as opressers and persecuters of Hebrews... History of Poland needs to be taught! Just cause Poland is mostly catholic nowadays, doesn't automatically mean it's the most antisemitic... One just has to be in contact with Rabbi's in western Europe and compare it with Rabbi's in Poland to spot the difference
Mr Grunwald   
1 Aug 2020
History / Cursed soldiers controvercy - not all Poles respect them [320]

@Dirk diggler
You are fully aware that any decent person would cut any ties/willingness to co-operate with you by posting stuff like that? No matter what you write, that act of repulsiveness bringing up memories of what German-Nazi's thought, did and wanted to do. Rallies any sane Pole or really, human being against you
Mr Grunwald   
31 Jul 2020
History / What do Poles owe to Jews? [593]

Can you be so kind and take your bull dung somewhere else? Poland&Poles and those interested in Poland are not interested in any Race-oriented garbage nonsense. Talk to Russians, maybe they haven't given up pan-slavic ideas yet.
Mr Grunwald   
31 Jul 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [345]

Religion is for love&faith (which is why Poland is mostly catholic) and a safe haven from political persecution (love)

The hatred part is more governed by the state, but It's more about violence, Not hatred.

And when nature hates Poland, then Poland has floods ;)

Thankfully Poland doesn't have much of natural disasters.

Nature is considered as gift from God, in which mankind is tasked with preserving. So in a way it is sacred, but never more sacred then the one brought us all this gift
Mr Grunwald   
31 Jul 2020
Po polsku / Wandalizacja Chrystusa - co robić? [35]

Młody obywatel (myśle że nie uważa się za pana) Bosak mnie zaciekawił tematem ostatnich dni w Polsce. Prowokacje, szykany I sytuacji na zachodzie, nadal oglądam jego wywiad tu jest link: ( (jakbym zrobił czegoś źle to jestem otwarty na porady)

Co myślicie panowie bracia? Ma racje? Sytuacja się eskaluje w U.S.A i wygląda na to że skrajna lewica papuguje lewice w Ameryce
Mr Grunwald   
31 Jul 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [345]

Sacred tree? Dęb?
You a pagan or something? Trees are meant to give us fruits, not religion...

Also, hate leads one a downward spiral. Only those who can't handle love, harden their hearts as to not be "manipulated" or influenced by feelings. Either one owns or others.

But without feelings, you won't be able to communicate with your body. Which only ruins you, drop by drop until you have such a hole in yourself that only unquestionable love can heal it
Mr Grunwald   
31 Jul 2020
History / Cursed soldiers controvercy - not all Poles respect them [320]

There are many ways to kick a person, and if any of us misbehave. There will be a ban hammer (or at least a temperary Block from visiting this site.

Do not belittle the one you argue with, you only lose respect of anyone reading this. This is advice if you didn't understand me.

Post-war Poland was a mess, grasańci that robbed people (under the guise of those having power in the area, be it the resistance or the communist formations) and sometimes workers forced by their boss (money was hard to come by then) to attack Jews that were gathered, which then later was called a pogrom (which is right but, made by an illegitimate soviet-Stalin backed government)