Genealogy /
The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]
Most Poles whom I've met in general have oval-shaped faces, albeit eye color isn't always uniform. Normally, I can pretty much point out Poles I see on the streets of Forest Hills, and usually nail it each time (even before they say anything)-:)
Russian faces tend to be less sculptured and finely chiseled. Then too, there's considerable Germanic in the Polish make-up, therefore, "pure" Slavic they're definitely not. Sure, one can draw certain parallels between, say, the face of the late Pope John Paul and Jarek Kaczyński etc..., yet looking at Władimir Putin, I'd NEVER take him for a Pole if I'd never seen him prior!
I DO though often confuse Poles for certain Ukrainians.
Poles, furthermore, unlike Czechs, Croats or other Western and Southern Slavs, can sometimes have almost an Asiatic cast to their features, i.e. the high cheekbones etc. Moreover, there has been detected even a distant Celtic admixture, also defining a homogeneity to the Polish physiognymy:-)