The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Strzelec35  

Joined: 24 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
Last Post: 23 May 2022
Threads: 19
Posts: 831
From: warsaw
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: sksk

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4 Apr 2021
Love / Am I The Only One Who Doesn't Find Polish Women Attractive? [93]

One thing I dont get is how they here in Poland and even on this forum claim they dont fuk around or are into sport fuking or one night stands friends with benefits etc. but if they hare sex so much why on badoo or even synpatia they show their tits so much or try to sell their sex appeal so much if they dont like to fuk? I mean on all of their profiles they always say przygod nie szukam or basically i dont fuk around but then half their pics are them showing off their tits.

its also ridiculous how close minded they are to strangers approaching them or hitting on them or cold approaches how unfriendly they are compared to German or western females who give you signals even at a bar while they just always ignore me here. Its kind of depressing how hard it is or impossible to get laid here during a pandemic and it would do the body and the soul good too.

Its almost impossible to get some here especially when you need it most right now during the pandemic.

either way im not even interested in any of these weirdo emotional ta trum fems here and dont even want to or wish to fuk em anymore.
4 Apr 2021
Work / Where is the immigration industry [23]

Not everyone is here by choice in fact i would say most arent. most are here because they dont see a way out or have obligations like a family here or came here for a girlfriend (its never the other way around only men go to new countries it seems to satisfy their significant other). in my case i was deported back after prison from California and am actually Polish. I was around 8 years old when i was emigrated out of here as a kid and that wasn't by choice other as my family took me.

Overall I am satisfied as long as I dont have to deal with the people in Poland or post offices or try running any business or scraped all of my ideas away and just live basically the us life by being on USA YouTube following USA news etc. but being in Poland and not dealing with the suppression or being suppressed anymore. i just wish it was a better country or more evolved than it turned out to be. its almost like being deported from prison or going from a prison to a prison in the free world. but still better than what i had to deal with in the USA or liberal California where you're not allowed to fight back against the system or small town bullies (good ole boys in bars) treated like a pollack anytime cops show up even if they attack you first. and just systematic suppression always being and feeling like an immigrant in USA and always being reminded how supposedly (Russians won not them) Americans saved you as a kid every second by those retards.

expecting simple answers or help and not weird comments or snide remarks because they actually have to work or do their jobs and get up off their lazy Polish asses shouldn't be something too much to ask bro or some difficult thing to expect from basic service anywhere whether it is a store like zabka or a govt office like post office. In USA, for instance one of my hustles was to buy games knowing they are gonna go up in price for being limited edition or collector items or even wait all night on console launches like i did twice when they got shipments in for the original wii then sell them on ebay for nice profit. you cant even do that here as the postal service s so backwards they probably wont even send a console or help you with finding right packaging for such a large item and unless you know where to go where to get such packaging or where to ship items from (i have no friends or family here) you cant do it or anything or even function here or make money.
4 Apr 2021
Law / How long can an object stand on my property before it is considered «Mine» ? [25]

" It wouldn't take much effort to push it over or drag it down the street, off your property, right? Light it on fire and say some kids did it."

lighting a portopotty on fire? Do you know what sort of smell that would cause? plus isnt it a fire hazard and an arson crime? in California they'd also charge you with arson destruction of property etc and pile the charges on youone by one just ask johnny how it works over there especially if you're Polish and not a citizen how you'd get treated.
4 Apr 2021
Work / Where is the immigration industry [23]

making phone calls and actually dealing with them in person are two completely diff things especially if they think your Polish and arent some bigshot wannabe superstar foreign English speaking investor or tourist or something which they obviously pegged you as. you'll realize I was right sooner than later - and sure you may have just got lucky after all about one out of three of these people sr somewhat helpful or normal but no more than one out of three at any govt building or office.

"Despite my rant up above, I have a slight foreign accent when in Polish. "

you said it right there so why do they care at even just a local post office if you ask them a question and you dont have perfect polszczyzne for them? who cares.

"They're not very chatty, but I would be too if I worked as a Civil Servant. "

see above. this has nothing to do with their perfect polszczyzna does it expectation or even care?

the thing is they'll help you or be helpful or answer questions if they think you're not Polish or only speak English to them. But do you really want to have to lie all the time or live a fake life just to be in such a country? the thing is I have a Polish name so they know after looking at my id that im Polish and even if they do help me this could be awkward. I mean how do you answer them why you were pretending to not know Polish or only speak English just to recive basic assistance? i mean i guess its a spot of being stuck between a rock and a hard spot is the embarrassment worth getting help over?
4 Apr 2021
Work / Where is the immigration industry [23]

" How long have you been in Poland? I find it's usually easier to blame "this damn country!"

assumed the blame for what? wtf r u even talking about their backwardness compared to civilized or western countries? the fact is the whole world knows im right and thats why they're known to be hardheaded and backward people just ask the British or Americans what they think. and why would i want to be like them and think my crappy no name country is so important? when no one cares about it bro or them or their native Polish language skills. or their little attitude problems that stems from inferiority complex. ask yourself this, where do people who are annoying and have to put others down or have an attitude problem come from where does such behavior come from and why dont you see it in civilized countries outside maybe Mexicans or poor people in USA? if they didnt have an inferiority complex why do they constantly feel to compare themselves to Russia or make excuses for themselves?

and just because you didnt have a problem or they dont make comments or snubs at you for asking any question doesn't mean others or the majority haven't with them or dont agree with me outside retards like you who are in the minority in probably your own country about them and are probably a right wing loon or some other reason you want to be in such a country.

are you a religious zealot bro? are you? are you? what is the real reason you love them so much and want to be here?

have you even lived here or been in this shethole more than a month for you to say their bureaucracy or govt buildings are beautiful and treat you so wonderful? how often did you deal with them and for how long? fact is ive been here now three yrs so i think im much more qualified than your religious or right-wing zealot ass is about them and the subject. even on this very forum there were multiple complaints about how unhelpful their embassy for instance is or how they dont even issue passports so i think im the one who is right and not you religious zealot. Also ask yourselves why dont people from other countries especially other races want to come here if its so wonderful like you claim and they treat people so good? and why do multiple people on this site who somehow live here but are foreign like that mafe whatever his name is even say this isnt a newbie friendly or helpful country?
4 Apr 2021
Work / Where is the immigration industry [23]

they wont help you or answer any question and if you dont speak perfect linguistic Polish (they themselves either dont or barely at all speak English) they will put you down or laugh at you and if you dont know the specific polish way to even address an envelope or an address same thing. good luck trying to send out game consoles or items or starting some online business here. and post office is just one example as any pis or the current right wing govt or maybe all Polish run enterprises or industries from health like public hospitals etc its the same.
3 Apr 2021
Work / Where is the immigration industry [23]

"but not in Poland."

this is exactly what I was arguing with these retards on here of polish descent like dirk or lenka a while ago and they think they're right lol pollacks always think they're right even when rest of world laughs at them and their backward country with its communist education system still in place. they actually argued on this very forum these language or noun lists with present perfect etc is the way to learn and not actually through repetition and actual talking like to a native speaker on this very forum. they think the pollack education system is also forward thinking lol.

you should come here and try to use basic post office service to send a package and see how they treat you, how long you wait in line, and their little smirk remarks at you just for sending a basic item not to mention how its ripe with theft or the Polish govt run postal service and sometimes you get a note in your mailbox because they are almost always too lazy to leave anything st your door you have so and so much time to pick up your package and sometimes it took so long to get to you its like two or three more days or its send back out. very hard headed backwards people.
3 Apr 2021
USA, Canada / 18 and moving back from USA to Poland?? [19]


Im glad I dont live in the USA anymore

look at this **** another one or company bites the dust on twitter and expresses some big support or political statement n twotter about transexuals and gays it is so behind. Is it just the gaming industry or are all usa companies like this now? And do you guys see this trend coming to polwnd too where they openly talk about gays trannies or politics on their twitter feeds?

oh and its hilarious how their reply to people like Christian or non liberal left gamers is oh this is our company twitter and we all stabd behind the statement go to our destine or some game twitter wnd buy our **** please:

is this the majority of gamers or something now or all Americans or how does this **** make people buy their games or make them money alienwting Christians or those against gays and trannies? Oh and its literally every us game company now same with the black lives matter crap but again is it just USA or is this worldwide outside of Poland and guys like iron guys?
31 Mar 2021
Life / Another reason Polish people and Poland pisses me off [52]

I just dont feel comfortable around these people or the culture but at the same time I usually esp without alcohol feel comfortable in my own skin.

Any of u are like this that when sober you are so self aware you question your walk or just your awareness?

Or you feel your hair or legs at times just interacting or being around humans? Imagine how difficult it must be to sit down next to a female on a bench.
31 Mar 2021
Life / Another reason Polish people and Poland pisses me off [52]

I have the same problem. I noticed when I read particularly gaming or niche tech media articles they are hard to follow in Polish due to having so many (like the pixel magazine) idioms or jargon on top of superfluous words or phrases and references to old polish tv shows and such I dont know about. Also they mix the subject verb object sentence structure I use like theyll say went he to the store instead of he went to the store but this is just a simple example/
31 Mar 2021
News / Famous Polish writer prosecuted for free speech [71]

" We are discussing only if you can end up in prison for saying things. "

thats what they did to me in the usa. literally they didnt even read me miranda rights and out me in prison for fighting back after this pathology guy with over 10 kids named raphael luciano charged at me and ended up getting choked out. basically for confronting him. so how is confronting someone not freedom of speech?
30 Mar 2021
Life / Barking Dogs in Poland [62]

how eo these people in poland train them to just bark all day and night at any sound do they best them and commit animal cruelty or something? what a greta land lol.
30 Mar 2021
Life / Barking Dogs in Poland [62]

In Poland barking dogs are the norm especially in smaller towns plus they dont even chain or put leeshes on their dogs there and they threaten walking by people all the time. Lol nice country huh?
30 Mar 2021
Language / Differences in Polish and English idioms [69]

maybe. But isnt that word more sexual? Lets say you want to tell some guy "I dont want to talk to you right now because there is no sense getting heated or lose energy right now"
30 Mar 2021
News / Raising Poland's legal drinking age to 21 [95]

"in the U.K. a 16 year old can have wine, beer, or cider in a restaurant providing an adult buys it)"

so a 40 yr old polanski could have a 16 yr old girlfriend like he did with antasha kinski (wait he was 50 right) and buy her drinks but she cant go with friends and get them only her lover?
29 Mar 2021
Life / Another reason Polish people and Poland pisses me off [52]

Well now that some countries you cant even travel to with greater restrictions in place and curfews in places like Germany as well as mandatory vaccinations I still haven't had and wont for a while as Poland only vaccinates old people its sort of difficult to leave. I guess someone here said you can get a shot at the airport?
29 Mar 2021
Life / Anything like netflix in Poland? [27]

Even in the pandemic now you think the few video stores still active in Poland or even Warsaw are open?
29 Mar 2021
Life / Anything like netflix in Poland? [27]

BLUE RAYS still look way better on my hdtv at least than any streaming videos like movies or shows. Especially the older restored movies. They still have the film grain and just look sharper and I dont see any difference on my tv between 4k and 1080p. Also the content on streaming services is very limited unless you rent or buy movies. But Id rather have a blue ray again it looks better.
29 Mar 2021
Life / Anything like netflix in Poland? [27]

since video stores dont exist anymore and Poland never had a redboz I dont believe there is or really was ever a way to rent blue rays in this country and you're confined to using streaming services which dont offer a large selection of new movies. You cant watch joker anywhere for instance. What a backward third world country.
29 Mar 2021
Life / Anything like netflix in Poland? [27]


I just realized that netflix never had a dvd or blue ray service in Poland

I can see why it was confined to the us or other countries with such a garbage govt run postal service in wuch a backward third world country.

In usa you can just drop a dvd or blue ray right where you live as they have sent out boxes there I havent seen any of these anywhere I lived in Poland. Thats not even touching on efficiency and speed of delivery. But anything govt run or pis run is garbage in Poland.
29 Mar 2021
Life / Another reason Polish people and Poland pisses me off [52]

Oh yea and this guy just as common ive notice din Poland they give you a credit card reader so you cant see it or cover the price with their hand. Thats a sign for me to usually check it. Fun place or country huh? Its only these women or females who argue with them though. Because it is a female trait so it comes naturally for fems. They remind me of the Israelite or when I went to Israel how upfront they were there with tips and even asked or demanded for them to be above 15 % but they wouldn't pull games like this on ppl they were just rude.