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Posts by Kashub1410  

Joined: 24 Jun 2022 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 8 Jul 2023
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Posts: 580

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2 Sep 2022
News / R. Trzaskowski, current mayor of Warsaw, future President of Poland [278]

He seems to go with standard American diplomacy, haven't noticed anything unique from him yet. (Meeting with opposition, refugees, minorities bla bla bla)

Very routine like, haven't seen him being any aggressive or overly critical of the government
2 Sep 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

@Bratwurst Boy
How would you feel about it, if Poland demanded greater support for the Catholic Church in Germany and trained militant far right groups in Poland to be sent to demonstrations in Germany, buying up/influencing right wing media in Germany and call upon EU to create funds for Catholic Churches in Germany and talk constantly about the degraded state of affairs in Germany and that EU should step in to bill it to kingdom come until laws are passed that put's all blasphemers behind bars?

Sounds like fun? Sure doesn't
2 Sep 2022
Life / What do Poles really think about cats? [381]

I just gave advice about how to treat cats, what you can expect from a man begins from one's self. Regardless of how a man treats animals, there are many things a man won't find acceptable.

Some men wait with breaking off for those reasons in hope to get laid (male hormones work that way). While others can't be bothered immediately after the slightest disrespect, others try to combat it (it's what women are aiming for with it).

Then there are the types who accept it willingly, invite it laughingly just to feel included.

If a women wants to test a man, she can always ask him: "How would you bury your ex?"

It will show his emotions/experience and attitude towards women he doesn't want meet again.
2 Sep 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

You really expect them to give it? Your delusional, until PiS starts waving rainbow flags and stomping Polish national flag and putting up EU flags everywhere those EURO's are locked and stowed away, and bills will only increase and be sent to Warsaw.

Brussels will only accept submission to hell for those EURO's.
1 Sep 2022
Love / Are Polish mothers-in-law monsters? [91]

@johnny reb
It's fairly well explained on the internet, if I am not mistaken. Jesus said to be like shephards for the sheep?
1 Sep 2022
Love / Are Polish mothers-in-law monsters? [91]

It's very simple, ask the local priest about it. Then tell her: but the local priest said: "insert quoted content", then she will say her thing, and then you say: do you know the bible better then a priest? Why can't we go ask him if you are correct

Most likely there will be some bewildered confusion, some cup of tea or "better not ask him too much about it"
31 Aug 2022
History / Gorbachev and Poland [64]

Communists can critisize him for making the Soviet Union fall (halleluja).

But, one of his most important contribution with regard to Russia was lack of outside military intervention (compared to 1917-1921 times).

Russia was able to not only maintain diplomatic relations and increase it's trade and goods exchange internationally, but also it's international image improved. (Very much so among former eastern block countries) for releasing them in a peaceful manner (even tho it seems Russia was forced to do so caused by circumstances).

Many of the most sceptical countries due to long history of conflict with Russia wanted to secure itself as soon as possible before Russia would start to flex muscles again, fearing the worst. (Czech rep, slovakia, Poland, Hungary and baltic states)

Other countries focused on diplomatic relations with Russia (Ukraine, Belarus and Finland) as prime examples.

Today Russia proved Belarus/Ukraine and Finland wrong by butchering Gorbachevs policies and tactic.

Putin wants to appear to be a statesman of the proportion of Stalin, yet he can't even touch Gorbachovs shoe laces to be honest.

When watching old videos of Putin speaking to American politicians in early 1990's he looked like a little Pupil trying to lecture teachers on how to teach. Which was rather comical and sad at best
31 Aug 2022
Life / What do Poles really think about cats? [381]

With regard to cats? I don't know, most black cats I met have been rather aloof and distant and generally weird. The oldest one in the family went completaly nuts in his old age.

Not sure the fur colour has any detrimental value, with regard to it's behaviour.

When a cat (or any creature really) is taken too early from it's mother it becomes very needy. Experienced it with a cat that it happened to, easily became jaleous of other cats and very clingy to humans
29 Aug 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

That is fu**ed up regarding ##227

Doesn't change the fact that murder is murder, and supporting policies that murder makes one co-responsible for it, but also diluting the Churches mission and morality.

By publicly stating that one is part of the church and supporting murder is divisive, misinforming and works against Jesus Christs teachings.

One thing is to be a sinner (we all are), promoting it? Or thinking that passing laws that make it legal? Take care of your soul I write
28 Aug 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

And not spoiled/arrogant or just seems uninterested or dead. Playing hard to get is also a turn off
27 Aug 2022
UK, Ireland / Polish immigrants in the UK - victims or criminals?! [243]

That's correct, brain cells and connection with those who keep strong memories of unleashing negative/positive behaviour keeps most people in check from repeating certain pattern of behaviour.

Alcohol not only dozes senses but, also wakes up the more emotional side of a person and cuts ties to memory. Which is why many drink to forget or feel better
27 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

I can agree with his statement regarding antisemitism (there was a lot of conflict regarding Jews in Poland), problem is. The second anybody uses that word. One would automatically think in the categories of German, French or Russian type of antisemitism which simply is not true. The degree was severely different, state funded actions minimal (compared to mentioned states) and Poland's policy overall minuscule at best and heavily restricted due to foreign invasions and occupations.

Besides, Polish far right groups were more concerned about Soviets (regardless of nationality) and German state. usually when acts against Jews were found in Poland (which Pawian pointed out) it's in context with Soviet collaboration. (Which was treason and any Polish citizen risked punishment for it).

Difference is that Nazi Germans looked upon Jews purely biologically/racially and had an aim to exterminate Jews.

While Polish far right were more preoccupied with keeping Polish society in check as much as possible and keep on the struggle, weeding out anyone who would be against continued fighting (especially those collaborating with Nazi-Germany or Soviet Union as it would mean the death of Poland as we know it, which was unacceptable).

Polish peasants on the other hand were their own political entity, even had own partisan group and political organisation.

I advice you to remember that, Polish underground movement wasn't very coherent and most cared about saving their own skin regardless of nationality or feeling a strong bond towards one's own nationality.

Due to differences, the boundaries were different and lies were told within all groups at that time too

Generally speaking just: **** off
26 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

I rather read from you if you have read it, I am not that obsessed with topic regarding European Jews. More riled up about unreasonable slander and continued attacks from the left to downplay and demonize Narodowców, by also calling them nationalists! Lumping us with that swoloch in Western Europe! Yuukh!