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Options for Poland and Europe if Russian border reaches delta where Danube river meets the Black Sea?

Crow  154 | 9463
31 Aug 2022   #1


If Russian border reaches delta where Danube river meets the Black Sea, there would be major shift in the Geo-strategic architecture of Europe with even global effects. Very interesting situation for examination.



Course of the Danube river in Europe, marked in red
pawian  224 | 27129
31 Aug 2022   #2
If Russian border reaches delta

Only in madman`s sick dream.
OP Crow  154 | 9463
31 Aug 2022   #3
There is war if you didn`t know. Borders sometimes changes after wars. This is about one possible option.

A good option when we are at it. Russia on Danube would practically mean that Russia has access to the Central and South-Eastern Europe. No domination of hostile non-Slavs on Slavs would be possible. Nothing won`t be same. Region will return to pre-Roman conquests in strategic sense. Essentially, Europe would again become Slavialand.
Miloslaw  20 | 5103
31 Aug 2022   #4
If Russian border reaches delta where Danube river meets the Black Sea

Give it up Crow.
Serbs chose the wrong side to support and will pay dearly for that idiotic mistake.
Russia cannot win this war.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
1 Sep 2022   #5
Unless they do an "Italian option" by Russians blessing strikes a deal with U.S.A to support Ukraine officially for Kosovo sovereignty.
cms neuf  1 | 1829
1 Sep 2022   #6
I have tried bringing stuff into Europe through Constanta and though it was difficult it was steadily getting better. Corruption and delays were being addressed but the onward road transport was really slow and expensive.

The Danube is never going to take off as a trade waterway as long as it passes through two Russian client states - Serbia and Hungary. We are sick of tinpot countries holding trade to ransom
mafketis  38 | 11099
1 Sep 2022   #7
No domination of hostile non-Slavs on Slavs would be possible

No it would be domination of hostile russians on non-russians (including serbs if you were bright enough to realize that....)

Look at history - russia has never been good for neighboring slavs. Ever.

Home / News / Options for Poland and Europe if Russian border reaches delta where Danube river meets the Black Sea?

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