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Posts by jonni  

Joined: 27 Nov 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 9 Mar 2011
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From: Warszawa
Speaks Polish?: tak

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27 Jan 2010

The Polish spelling is Firak. It would be pronounced differently here if there was a letter C. There was an (SLD) politician called Witold Firak, who I think is from Silesia. It should be easy enough to find contact details and ask him about family roots, though he seems to be a bit of a character. I think I met him a couple of times, a few years ago.
27 Jan 2010

Provident Polska is the Polish subsidiary of a British company called Provident Financial. They have a very poor reputation and have been the subject of documentary films on British TV and questions in parliament, especially about making loans to people who should not (and often legally do not) have access to credit. Part of my old work back in the UK was connected to people on the District Mental Handicap Register who had been illegally given loans by Provident agents even though they were not allowed to sign contracts and did not understand the concept of a loan.

Their business model is quite clever. They do not lend money to borrowers, they lend it to agents, and carry out marketing and legal services on the agents' behalf. The borrower's contract is with the agent - whether the agent is ethical or not.

One particular criticism is that if people pay late, the interest can skyrocket and the borrower can end up paying many times the value of the original loan.

My advice would be to pay the Provident loan as quickly as possible to avoid compound being added; pay it in small stages, but pay it quickly and then worry about the fine. A registered letter to the court (or drop it off and get a stamped acknowledgement from reception) asking for installments (perhaps followed by a letter asking for suspension of installments) is important.

One bit of light in a dark story is that the process of legal debt collection in PL is very slow - a court order can take a long time, and since your b/f has Bipolar, this may help in any court case.
27 Jan 2010

The fine is an easy matter. He should write to the issuing court and ask for 'raty'. Thousands of people do this, and the payments are sometimes suspended in cases of hardship - especially if there is a health issue involved.

About the loan, where is it from, a bank, a company like Skok, an agent of Provident Polska/GE Money Bank, or an independent moneylender? This is very relevant.
27 Jan 2010
History / Can anyone from Poland tell me about Auschwitz and The Ghetto? [582]

Let's smuggle people in to be shot, LOL ;) ;)

There was a British soldier, still alive but over 90, who managed to smuggle him hiself in several times by bribing guards - he was able to bring in supplies which saved people's lives.

This is his story
22 Jan 2010
Food / Do Polish people really love cabbage ?? [78]

Do Polish people love cabbage?

Well it's a big part of the diet. Not only here - every old apartent building from Alsace to Irkhutsk has a hallway smelling of boiled cabbage.

But red cabbage, when I cook it here, always goes down really well.
20 Jan 2010
News / Green electricity in Poland [41]

The pipeline is a side issue, even though it creates paranoia. A lot of this is to do with the coal industry.
20 Jan 2010
News / Green electricity in Poland [41]

People are certainly worried when they hear about large-scale white-outs in the future.
20 Jan 2010
News / Green electricity in Poland [41]

I don't think the source of power could stop that (unless people had turbines on their land, which only hillfarmers can do on any scale).

It's more to do with reducing dependence on fossil fuels. This explains both the initiative (Poland has signed up to international targets) and the sluggishness so far (the importance of the coal industry).
20 Jan 2010
News / Green electricity in Poland [41]

because it has been cut off?

By whom?

I think the various issues about fossil fuels have a lot to do with it.
20 Jan 2010
News / Green electricity in Poland [41]

tidal power where possible.

Poland has much less of a chance of tidal power than the UK, also the UK's geography is better suited to wind power.
20 Jan 2010
News / Green electricity in Poland [41]

Watch this space. I don't want to repeat gossip, but apparently there are some interesting ideas being tossed around by the governent.

More wind/geothermal power would be good though.
20 Jan 2010
News / Green electricity in Poland [41]

This can only be good news:

Poland is expected to increase its total wind power capacity 26-fold by 2020, according to the European Wind Energy Association's (EWEA) latest figures.This jump will catapult Poland into the category of the foremost wind energy producers in the EU by 2020, after Germany, Spain, the UK, France and Italy.

Although Poland's current total installed capacity of 472 MW is significantly smaller than many other European countries, Poland is already leading the EU's newer member states in the production of wind power electricity.
20 Jan 2010
History / Yalta Conference and Poland [78]

He was a Field Marshall. He must have known the true state of Poland's armed forces and materiel. I wonder if that was before or after Hitler's 'Polish sabre-rattling' speech.
20 Jan 2010
History / Yalta Conference and Poland [78]

Bratwurst Boy

I wonder why? On the whole he was a very sensible man, respected to this day.

There must be more to this.
20 Jan 2010
History / Yalta Conference and Poland [78]

the man who didn't run Polish diplomacy or government

Marshal Rydz-Smigly.

When did he say it?
20 Jan 2010
History / Yalta Conference and Poland [78]

This quote floates around the neonazi sites

Personally I don't read such sites, but what interests me is whether or not he really said that, and if so, when and to whom did he say it, and what he meant in context.
20 Jan 2010
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

We say thank you for the company they have kept us

Some people in PL, though not many these days, do that - also saying thankyou when leaving office block lifts.
19 Jan 2010
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

źle wychowana

Badly brought up.


Maybe she's just rude, or on the other hand maybe she and her kids have never been taken to a restaurant or eaten outside the home and are outside their cofort zone?
19 Jan 2010
Food / Schmaltz.. is it still used in Poland [21]

bits of boczek and onion


Very good to line the stomach before drinking, though a lot of people here won't touch it due to weightwatching.
19 Jan 2010
Food / Schmaltz.. is it still used in Poland [21]

I am sure they still make it in the Homeland.

They make it here but remember there are two types. Smalec domowy, for spreading on bread etc and ordinary smalec which is just for frying things in.

One is nice to eat with bread, the other would not be.
19 Jan 2010
Law / Old Polish money banknotes - what's their value today? [415]

There were quite a lot issued, a lot of black market trading in PL at the time was in Reichsmarks or bartering and people after the war tended to hang on to those zloty notes as collector's items, so unfortunately they are more of curiosity value. They may be worth more in the future.

Be careful of calling them Polish banknotes. Just as Auschwitz was not a Polish camp but a German camp in Poland, they are not Polish banknotes but German banknotes in Poland.

There are some for sale on Ebay at the moment - interesting to check out.

If they have an overprint by the Armia Krajowa like this:


or this:


Then they are worth much more.