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Posts by smurf  

Joined: 8 Sep 2009 / Male ♂
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From: Your Ma's room
Speaks Polish?: kurwa

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11 Dec 2012
Life / Moving to Poland Part-Time (probably Katowice) [56]

There's a popular saying in roughly translates as "why would you bring wood to a forest?"

I'm sure both of you together will sort out the washing machine....and I think there might be a laundrette in the shopping centre too :)

Anyway, best of luck making your decision.....and wait until winter's over to move, it was -14C here a few days ago
11 Dec 2012
Life / Moving to Poland Part-Time (probably Katowice) [56]

Now THAT'S Exotic!

not really man, I had a car with French plates for months and nobody bat an eyelid....actually people drove more safely around my car because they thought I was French :P

You see German, Czech, Austrian, Slovakian, Italian cars here all the time. We're in the exact centre of Europe after all.

Seriously though, learn to use a washing machine.
I can't believe you've never ever washed clothes before? That's really strange....altho, you might fit right in. Plenty of Polish men still have an attitude that it's 'women's work' get yourself a dumb blonde Polish chick and she might do it all for you, save 200euro and you'll get some sex Polish sex too. Polish girls have a good reputation.
10 Dec 2012
Life / Moving to Poland Part-Time (probably Katowice) [56]

Why don't you just sell it and buy a new one here?......well, by new one I mean one imported from Germany :P

100€- hiring someone to do the laundry and house cleaning

You would waste 400zl on that when you can do it yourself???
Dude, if you pay me 400zl a month I'll feckin do that (^_^).....but I'm not touching your underwear :P

re: car, my diesel is usually between 100-150zl per week, and a year's full insurance is 1400zl
and you'll never spend 800zl on food in a month for one person, unless your addicted to lobster that has been reared on cocaine and truffles :P

I've just saved you 200euros man, that';s an extra 800zl in your pocket
10 Dec 2012
Life / Moving to Poland Part-Time (probably Katowice) [56]

1- I have asked from 1400-1500euros (net) per month. Is this a good salary in Poland?

It's OK for Kato, but depends on what you do. Ask for more, they obviously want are you an employee or a contractor?

2- What is the cost of a house/appartment rental in the city center per month?

Depends on the size and if you live alone etc...budget for 1000zl if you're gonna live alone...but that would be a pretty cool apartment. On a budget you could get somewhere for 600-700zl

3- How is Katowice? takes a bit of getting used to, It ain't Paris. It's industrial but there's a decent music/arts scene too. You get a lot fo foreign Med students around Ligota and of course there's the usual TEFL teachers, but not so nearly as many as in the bigger Polish cities like Warsaw, Krakow, Wrocław.

4- Do polish companies usually pay a 13th and 14th month in the year?

AFAIK, no....but I'm on a contractor contract..not an normal employee one...but I reckon it's 12 months of pay.

5- Are there good looking shopping malls in Katowice?

Yea, there are loads. Katowice is one city among a conglomeration of 13 other cities/towns. Total urban population is around 2.5million, ,so yea, there's loads of shopping centres around.

6- Just out of curiosity how much do Doctors, Veterinarians, Dentists, Teachers earn in Poland?

No idea on this.....although if you're an English language teacher you'd prob be on anything from 2500-4500 per month, depending on your qualifications and how many hours of torture you're willing to do

If I can give you 2 pieces of advice before coming here...
1) Driving license. Katowice...indeed Poland is huge, you'll need a car. Public transport runs on time for the most part (except trains), but the service is crap and the trams and buses can be extremely cold (if they aren't new) and about 50% of trams/buses are the old one

2) Take up a Polish course. It's not like Krakow/Warsaw etc....where many people (under 30) can speak some English. Katowice doesn't have a history of tourism so many...indeed...most people do not speak English. OK, your colleagues will prob speak English, but I can gaurantee you that the people you'll need to meet, post office, bank, tax office, local shop, Tesco etc will not speak a word of it.

Hope that's helpful, if you've any questions send me a private mail :)
3 Dec 2012
Law / Importing my American boyfriend to Poland: residency, marriage, work, etc. [16]

Can I do that if he only has a temporary residency

yea, they give all foreigners a 'temporary' thing, I've got one and when I renew it it's for 10 years, I really shouldn't even need one coz I'm from an EU country, but y'know Poland kinda just makes up its own rules.

I'm curious Smurf, where do you live? I said most people 35+ don't have a word and just coz people can speak English doesn't mean they a) will b) want to.

All my Polski mates speak English but going to the tax office/bank/etc is a nightmare for me. I get by, but I'd with your mates, they are prob all well educated, uni educated people who can speak at least one extra lingo, ya gotta remember, the vast majority of people don't go to uni and they'll have stopped learning English the second they leave high school.....and that if they hadn't already dropped English while in high-school.

My single piece of advice is not to more here until he speaks some of the lingo....I really regret it.but having said all that I love living here..........except for the politics and the church, but I engage in neither :)
3 Dec 2012
News / Poland's PiS = suspicion & fear? [70]

Nope, he wasn't in jail for so much as a single day

Really? Huh, I had just presumed that him being in Solidanosz (or however the fuq you spell it) he'd have served time.

He had an influential Dad? Didn't know that.

even if the only reason they are voting is to prevent those crazy bigots from taking power

Voting for the less of two evils isn't the best form of democracy, then again is there a best form? I hope he never gets into any sort of power. I really hope that PO don't make any monumental eff ups and let that runt in...or if they do then yer man Palikot can defeat chairman jaro.
3 Dec 2012
Law / Importing my American boyfriend to Poland: residency, marriage, work, etc. [16]

If he's a graphic designer, get him set up an a self-employed worker here and he can submit work to sites like shutterstock. He'll still be paid in dollars but they'l;l be worth more living here.

Other than that I've no idea about a yank moving to Poland,
Learn Polish tho, get him some classes, or skype lessons or something. I'm only coming to terms with it now and I'm here over 3 years. First 2 were a disaster w/o the lingo. Most people do not speak English...especially those over 35 and those that do actually speak some are usually too nervous to engage with you. Oh and if he's black, don't come, people are really fookin racist here. But if you're Polish you probably knew that already.
3 Dec 2012
News / Goodbye Rzeczpospolita, Goodbye Uwazam Rze! Killed by Tusk. [25]

If a troll doesn't think he's trolling does that mean he's not trolling?

Print media is dying a slow, painful death, readerships are down everywhere that the Internet is available. If you want to invest in print media, check out a little place called Africa, still loads of money to be made in the game. Europe however, no, everybody is getting their news online.

Most newspapers will go to subscription digital services soon enough. Many jobs will be lost, because the same level of staff won't be needed to operate digital only content.

Rzecz won't disappear, I would only be afraid that it would become like the british daily times, and move away from it's traditional conservatism to being a neo-con rag. I've nothing against Rzecz, its articles are well written and it's good to read a few different papers with different viewpoints to get a total picture of the news, rather than just the opinions of one side.

But if I was you I'd get a nice shiny samsung tablet and enjoy reading them from there. Subscriptions will be cheaper too......although this being Poland I'm sure they'll all try to rip off the consumer as much as possible.
3 Dec 2012
News / Poland's PiS = suspicion & fear? [70]

Good point Harry, this march he's organizing soon. I don't really get it. It's not a Pis march, it's to commemorate martial law? Does he miss martial law, what did he have to do with martial law, wasn't he in jail at the time? Surely he doesn't support it. Unless he had such a good time dropping soap in the prison showers :P

Naw in all seriousness though, what's that march really for. It's not a protest, or if it is, what's it protesting? Is he really protesting that he can't even win an election? Surely he does actually know the definition of democracy?
3 Dec 2012
News / Poland's PiS = suspicion & fear? [70]

I really wish he had been on that blasted airplane too. Poland would be a whole lot better off if he was dead too.
28 Nov 2012
Life / Good account of Poland's Andrzejki? [23]

Maybe you want to learn an answer of this question in Polish language?

Maybe I'd go to the Polish language section if I wanted to do that. :P
15 Nov 2012
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Only a man would know so much about pregnancy. *rollseyes

Personally I think that sometimes things like that happen,

That's quite symphatic, maybe you should call her husband and family. They'd love to hear from you.

saying that if they would kill the baby than she would be still alive is really selfish and egoistic...

You are wrong, you didn't read the article. You are lying.


And stop putting that at the end of your posts.

Cheers (.....see, it's soooo condescending)
15 Nov 2012
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

How f@ckin dare you! Who do you think you are? The cheek of you.

Listen here buddy a woman died because some clown who didn't know his job let her die.
Legally speaking, she was entitled to have a termination. This has nothing, nothing whatsoever to do with committing a 'sin'. Read the links. The fetus was dying, it could not have been saved. Do you understand that? Do you?

The life of the mother could have been saved, yet it was not.

to say is that because they were Catholics hence their faith doesn't allow them to kill or give right to kill another human being?

That has nothing to do with saving the life of the woman. Did you even bother to read the story? No, I bet not, just thought you'd wade in and give an opinion befoer even reading up on the particulars. The feutus was fooking dying. You didn't read the story, that's obvious.

And even if it was the case then the Doctor must remove himself from the equation and another doctor should take over proceedings.
15 Nov 2012
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

The thing in Ireland is absolute nonsense.
I'll try and make this short.

20 years ago (X-case) the judiciary ruled that abortion is allowed when the birth threatens the life of the mother.
2 more case have come up and have used this as a ruling, therefore a precedence has been set. It has not been written into law, but Ireland being a common law country means that once a precedence is set it can be used in similar cases

The lady who died last week was legally entitled to have a termination. The idiotic people who treated her denied her this right. Somehow they claimed that as "a Catholic country" abortion was not allowed. They were wrong, termination is allowed in such cases. I sincerely hope that the people responsible are brought to trial under murder charges, if not then at the very least manslaughter charges.

I hope the b@stards are sent to the gallows. I'd go Judge Dredd on the f$ckers and send them to the dogs.

Irish law allows abortions if it threatens the mother's life, this was not even an abortion as she already had the miscarriage.

She was having a miscarriage, the fetus was dying. She hadn't already had one. (did you read the links?)
They deemed, wrongfully, that so long as there was a heartbeat they couldn't give her a termination. When it did finally die, after 3 days of being in constant pain, the woman became infected with septicemia and died a few days later.

The baby could not in any way have be saved, the woman could've been.
14 Nov 2012
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

have no problem defending war or military action

I have never defended war or military action, I'd never ever wear that blood soaked poppy.
Neutrality all the way baby :)
14 Nov 2012
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Neither of these points are anything to do with awareness.

And how prey tell, do you think they came up with 24 weeks?

To argue that it’s not really a baby or it’s not alive or other such things are nonsense with no grounding in science.

No, it's not. You're quite wrong I'm afraid. I would love to spend my free time googling research figure, but alas I'm far too busy and I'm sure since you have time to post here then, like me, you have time to be wasting so you can do it yourself.

I'm showing that a fetus is not a living, conscious entity, therefore terminating its life is not murder. Something pro-lifers have trouble with. If you kill an animal it's not murder, if you kill a fish or a group of cells it's not murder.
14 Nov 2012
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

I think you're really mixing up your terminology there


And an unborn child / foetus is alive, in the most basic, biological sense of the word

Indeed it is, just like a spore or bacteria, like I've already posted.

Conception is the moment life starts if life starts at a later point I would love to hear when.

Herein lies the main argument. Life indeed does start at conception, that's hardly even up for argument. But the question is when does this life-form become aware? For me it is after 24 weeks, for most doctors it is the same, that's why abortions are carried out up to then.

I am simply pointing out to smurf that an unborn child is indeed alive

I forgot to put 'alive' in inverted commas. It is a life-form, a living life-form, but it's not a conscious life-form. Terminating it cannot therefore be seen as murder. It's really that simple.

Back to this Irish case, more info is coming out and it seems that doctors in the hospital in Galway wouldn't allow termination because, even though she was mis-carrying, they could hear a heartbeat and legally if they hear a heartbeat then they cannot terminate. This is fookin ridiculous. the fetus was going to be a miscarriage yet they wouldn't save the life of the mother.

Ashamed of my country today, very much so.
14 Nov 2012
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

So is a baby not alive when it is born then

Err...they make logical conscious decisions after they are born, that's obvious *rolls eyes Maybe not of your level, maybe you should look up what logical means. Baby sees something, baby thinks "what's that" baby reaches out hand to touch it. That's conscious logical decision making tight there. At 24 weeks, unborns cannot do this, so it's not 'alive' in the sense that pro-lifers believe it to be


haha, opps, spelling mistake, shoulda wrote "much"
14 Nov 2012
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

you can't exclude the possibility that the unborn baby is actually alive at the time of abortion

Yes, you can.
A fetus isn't 'alive' at the time of termination. For something to be alive, it must have the ability to make couscous logical decisions. A fetus at 24 weeks cannot do this, ergo it's not actually 'alive' It's living, but mush in the same way that a spore or a bacteria is living.

Anyway, this happened in my country yesterday.

I'm disgusted that she was treated this way. How dare these people, who are supposed to be caring for her, let this poor woman die.
13 Nov 2012
Life / Would getting a Polish eagle tattoo be frowned upon?? [39]

If I was gettin a Polish tattoo, it'd probably be the one on the right, the eagle is fine, but everyone has it, the army logo is a bit more badass

Tatoo Poland

there's some pretty cool military insignia out there if you search for it, or get something that identifies more with the place she's from rather than just all of Poland. Get a stork, or a bison, Poles love storks and bisons (I think they are like national animals)
6 Nov 2012
News / Let's protest censorship in Poland's mainstream media! [90]

No he didn't, therefore he was fired

Gmyz knew the risks he was taking when he wrote his lies. Journalists write BS all the time, but when they are caught they either need to be able to take it on the chin or else they need to have credible sources to prove that they were writing info based on solid info.

Gmyz did not.

Anyway, he'll skulk off the radar for a while, come back in a year or two and write a book about the whole event and doubtlessly all the sheeple will buy his nonsense book and make him a rich man.